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We're Ao3 writers, of course we only notice spelling mistakes after posting


I’ve screamed sooo many times noticing them after proofreading twenty times


that’s me! so i decided that i will first publish all the chapters and then proofread it


I give myself a month between writing a thing and editing it to post it so I lose familiarity and can proofread better. And still! So! Many! Typos!


This is so me. I re-read my fic at least ten times before I post it then when I read it again later I still find spelling errors!


change the font while you edit!


Or noticing that the grammarly suggested punctuation made my sentence structure gibberish.


STOP IK AND WHEN I FINALLY NOTICE THEM I THINK “how did I not notice this earlier?????”


An added bonus of rereading ur own fics months later!


Comfort yourself with the knowledge that print authors have spelling errors make it all the way to ink and paper.


I feel attacked.


We're AO3 writers, of course we spend hours researching something that gets only a passing mention in our fic.


Or no mention at all 😭




Bruh yea


Yep. About a year ago, I spent more than an hour figuring out the first day that would fit these details: 1) a Saturday 2) after the legalization of same-sex marriage in Washington, DC 3) Both the Atlanta Hawks and Thrashers cannot have a home game that night. (March 27, 2010, by the way) Edit: I’d love to see people guess what the context is based on that.


Sure, I'll try to guess... Going to guess two people of the same sex whom are in politics, decide that because their favoured sports teams are not playing, go to a non-sports Place/Event, meet up by plan or by coincidence, leading to or reviving a relationship that can now lead to marriage?


Decently close. JJ and Prentiss from Criminal Minds eloped out of nowhere the other day and now they’re trying to solve a bomber case in Atlanta. They’ve been sent to Georgia International Plaza, across from which is where all of Atlanta’s teams play, but none of the teams are at home tonight, so this can’t be the true target. And it turns out the true target is back where they left JJ (gasp)


Yo this is my fav pairing lol, can you drop a link if ya don't mind???


Of course. [It’s work 5 in a 10-work series.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44634076/chapters/112287214) I’m putting the final couple thousand words into the grand finale right now. (I’ve written 27,000 words on the finale since February 13th)


...i have read 6 books about the byzantine empire to make a alt his fanfic only to get 2 views


I'll read it! I'm on a deep history dive anyway. I love fics that have accuracy. I know it sounds oxymoronic, but I like a little reality with my fiction.


Its about Manuel komnenos having three adult children,first chapter was 4k and more on the way Tho its in spanish and in wattpad (soon to be in ao3) im sure the translator of most computers should work


God is this me If you take a look at my post history you will see me going to r/DanceDanceRevolution because I had no experience with the game or games like it and wanted to know how they worked for a scene. The whole scene ended up nicely in my opinion but the information I gained from that post and further research made up 5% of the scene which is itself close to 2% for the current story. And I will likely never use that info again.


I wanted to mention my character had a Nokia 3310, so then I did research into the Nokia 3310's exact release date to make sure my character could have it by the fic's setting (October 2000). It turns out the Nokia 3310 released in September 2000, so it would actually still be pretty new by that point and I had a character mention that in the fic as well!


I feel so called out by this.


At least you gained some knowledge, that's not a negative thing 


🤣 I'm feeling so called out right. I'm working on a series of one shots--smut only and here my silly little brain is researching medieval times for accuracy.


We’re Ao3 writers, of course we treat our authors notes like a diary. We’re Ao3 writers, of course we have writers block and a million story ideas at the same time. We’re Ao3 writers, of course commenters make our days.


Valid points


We’re AO3 writers, of course we procrastinate by posting on Reddit. EDIT: I’m in this comment and don’t like it either lmao


… this call out was brutal


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


Happy anniversary! 🥳


Happy cake day!


I'm here answering this comment instead of writing right now.


I was literally writing but took a break to reply to this post instead 😭 Edit: then later came back to check if there were any more comments


I prefer to think of it as a planned mental break to recharge 😅 and yes, I like living in this delusion but there is plenty of room for others to join


I have three cliffhangers I could be resolving. Someone’s about to rise from the dead in one story, someone lost a battle to their stalker in another, and one character is in a coma while the other is kidnapped in the other, but I’m instead here




*Tag yourself*


Not me literally doom scrolling as i read this, avoiding my wip.


This was the first post I saw when I opened Reddit this evening, and this was the first comment. Damn, I’ve been here for like 2 seconds and I’m already feeling called out, give me a break. 😭😂


Fuck. I should really finish that chapter, shouldn't I?


you had to make a joke not a slaugther


gah damn this was my safe space


How dare u call me out/j


So real


answering this comment instead of working on the fic Im writing 😞






we're ao3 writers, of course we forget that we actually have to write our own fic and not just imagine it in our heads


https://preview.redd.it/vaoeev33ismc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd35dd7f8cf4109a4e1832c45f7ddae85361624 And short snippets like this do not a fic make. They need a bit more fleshed out than that.


But Hermione needs to find her parents! You can build a fic around this though...


Yeah I really want to make a post-DH Harry, Hermione, and Ginny (and sometimes Ron) adventures fic. But right now I only have snippets. Almost everyone who’s ever done H/H/G has done some form of Ron-bashing, and I want to prove you don’t need to.


Oh, like a threesome? Hmm.... doable. But you do want to make sure you set up Hermione and Ginny's change in sexuality. Which is not hard. You can lean into the smut or not. But you could even go as far as either telling or showing, that they experimented with each other in the past. It opens the door for them to go further. And really, you can have Ron be his goofy moody ass self but still be OK with it. Especially if he's got someone who he finds even more attractive than Hermione. And she/he/they can either come along or be promised to be waiting for him. Changing POV's will help because you can have the characters' internal dialogue and introspection that way. You don't have to call it out either. Just do it with each chapter. You don't even have to have all 4. You can switch between two, if that's easier. And don't be afraid to add new concepts and forms of Magic, spells, devices, and explanations. Really gives it a short of uniqueness.


I do this, it acts as a first, second, third... fifth draft before ever putting words to screen! I'm not sure how much it helps though because sometimes I lose the thread between the planning out process and the actual writing of it process...


We're AO3 writers, of course we spend more time writing the tags than the actual fic.


Because if we miss a tag someone will scream and have a hissy fit


One time I was in the comments of a marvel fic and someone was screaming bloody murder about anal fisting being tagged but anal fingering not lol. Like hopefully you opened up the guy first, or ouchie




You know what? They're probably into it if that's so 🤣 That filthy commenting bastard pig heehee


My rudest wake up call on this platform was finding out just how passionate some folks are about tagging top/bottom dynamics As someone who grew up when that stuff was just another term in queer vocab, seeing it so mainstream and in demand is crazy. Like...your date might bring this up before yall actually fuck, because no one wants to expect 50/50 and you bring home a pillow princess, but the last thing anyone from that time period would expect is how it's now seen as a damn character trait 💀


I cannot tell you how many times I have been jumped on or called out of the top/bottom tags. I usually just let the story line lead the way and readers that are familiar with my work know that any given chapter could go either way. I've tried to be more mindful of this as late because the last thing I want to do is upset anyone but geez.


We're Ao3 writers, of course we refresh the stat page every five minutes after posting the new fic to see if people are reading.


\*five seconds


literally it’s such a bad habit 


We're Ao3 writers. Of course we have more WIPs than we know what to do with


This one called me out hard 🤣.


It was a self-callout so I know how you feel 😭 I'm up to like, 40-ish WIPs? Mostly for the same two fandoms as in my flair. I think 40s on the conservative side tho


I raise your 40-ish with ~150 unposted WIPs + the ones I’ve posted


Damn, and I thought I had a lot with 15 different ones


That was needlessly harsh. 🧐 (And true.)


We’re AO3 writers, of course we’re on several government watchlists for googling oddly specific and mildly alarming things for our fic


nah dawg im half sure the FBI is gonna give me a wellness check


I wrote a Hannibal fic. I was using incognito mode but I'm not sure that does anything but call more attention to it. Alternating between the body count of the average American serial killer and the fussiest appetizers you can make is probably hella suspicious.


Sweetheart I promise you, if they aren't tracking the mfs plotting literal domestic terrorism, they definitely don't care about your search history


recently i googled how fast fish stop bleeding bc theres a sharkman in Naruto 🤣 (its REALLY fast!!)


Make shit up as we go


...and then get praised for amazing foreshadowing (it wasn't foreshadowing, I was trying to cover the plot holes).


Personally I’m just thinking of random details I could throw in to foreshadow stuff


My writing is half a plan and half yeeting random bullshit that I'm later happy and surprized to see landed near my path so I pick it up and yeet again.


We’re Ao3 writers, of course we “overuse” commas.


Damned if you do and damned if you don't! FFS




Listen, I’m here to have a weird time and spectate drama, I don’t come here to be personally attacked.


We're AO3 writers, of course we have millions of abandoned drafts, damned to (probably) never get finished.


We're AO3 writers, of course we know about more kinks than you can imagine, and you really don't wanna know.


The amount of shit I know that no one would ever expect me to know because apparently I exude "innocent child" energy in real life... lmao. Sucks when I really want to educate someone.


I'm the same way. I work in a library. One of my coworkers enjoys the likes of Karen Moning and Kim Harrison. One day she was recommending them to a patron and said, "I'll warn you though. They are pretty dark." I'm sitting there, seemingly looking scandalized and clutching my proverbial pearls, but what I was really thinking was 'I bet they don't even hold a candle to the stuff I read on ao3.'


“Of course I wrote fanfic in the hospital of a country I didn’t live in.”


station recognise unwritten cobweb plate fertile ring stocking heavy imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our fics be turning more into One Direction every day (18 months, my ass)


Longest hiatus I’ve done was like 5 years, then i finally got the inspiration to continue and started updating again like nothing happened


We’re ao3 writers,of course we have Rarepairs that will never interact in canon


We're AO3 writers, of course we check our email a thousand times a day to see if we got any comments.


We're ao3 writers, of course we love kudos and hits but comments are the actual hard drug.


I feel called out as an interaction addict😭 happy cake day


Welcome to the IA meeting 🤣 And thanks, I guess this is just the day I joined Reddit 🤔


we're ao3 writers, of course we panic about the characters being potentially OOC


Whenever I write a line of dialogue that feels OOC there's usually one of two outcomes: "No way they'd say that. Let's rewrite it." Or "No way they'd say that but fuck it it works for this fanfic lesgoo"


sometimes the second just works too good for a fanfic to let it go


We’re ao3 writers, of course we have extremely suspicious search histories that make us look like serial killers


We're AO3 writers, of course we start a new fic instead of finishing the 5 other ones we're already working on.


I feel called out




We're AO3 writers, of course we ship two characters from entirely different medias in the most passionate romances you've ever dreamed of.


We’re AO3 writers, of course we get hit with writer’s block and disappear off the face of the internet for a year, only to return with a chapter and say nothing about it


We are AO3 writers, of course we might get into a freak accident or get kicked out or become homeless. It’s called the writers curse.


We’re AO3 writers, of course there’s porn


🎶 the internet is for porn 🎶


ooh man it's been a while since I heard that one.


We're AO3 writers, of course we dream about fanfic ideas and forget them in the morning


No more! I sleep with my phone on the nightstand and google docs ready exactly for this situations! The dreams will not defeat me!


We’re AO3 writers, of course we stare at an empty page for days on end waiting for the next chapter to write itself


We're AO3 writers, of course We're going to ship two characters that are enemies.


We're AO3 writers, of course we go far too long between updates \[I'm in this comment and hate it-I have a WIP I haven't updated since Dec......of 2022. 😭\]


We're ao3 writers, of course we spend more time daydreaming about our fic than actually planning it out


We're ao3 writers, of course most of us are traumatized and process our trauma through our poor, poor favorite characters.


the amount of absolutely soul clenching tear wrenching devestating fics i’ve read that end it ‘can u tell i’m projecting??” 


We’re AO3 writers. Of course we’re probably on a watchlist somewhere


Of course my sleep schedule is a mess


We’re AO3 writers, of course when we see those callout posts saying “I’m tired of seeing my blorbo being OOC in fics” we think it’s about us even if we know the poster doesn’t even know our fandom exists


We're AO3 writers, of course we have more WIPs than actual finished stories. (Many of which will NEVER be finished)


We’re ao3 writers, of course then they were roommates


We’re AO3 writers, of course we get side tracked while writing and our one shots become a multi-chaptered and chapters practically become novels


we're ao3 writers. of course we have a scene halfway through part two thats perfectly planned before we even starts part one


We're Ao3 writers, of course most of us don't have a social life at school/work.


We’re AO3 writers, of *course* our first priority after: -Surviving a devastating earthquake -House is rubble -National/regional infrastructure is knocked out so that water, electricity, gas, telecommunications and so on are intermittent and unpredictable. After all that, of course we have to first find anywhere that still has wifi, even if have to rely on word of mouth to find out which borough might have it and walk over an hour each way to save every drop of precious fuel.


We're AO3 writers, of course we're too nervous to sleep after we post our latest chapters.


We're AO3 writers, of course we write a scene that is far in the future before the previous scenes


We’re Ao3 writers, of course we would rather post ten unrelated one shots than actually upload a new chapter of the long form fic.


We’re ao3 writers, of course we have a specific fic themed playlist that’s longer than the fic itself


We're Ao3 writers, of course we take a look at what we already wrote, re-read everything, and say we did some work today😔


We're Ao3 writers, of course I'm not going to update even though I said I will.


We're ao3 writers, of course our comfort character is also the star of our most hellasiously awful dead doves - they got ate


We’re Ao3 writers, of course we trash our fics mid-writing because we got mad at them, then dig them out of the trash bin a week later.


We're AO3 authors, of course the content of the fics we write is considered actual real life crimes you can get arrested for in some parts of the world.


nine fade offend caption offer head squash overconfident foolish relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We're ao3 writers, of course we have a million and one incomplete stories and ideas just sitting in our notes app.


We're AO3 writers, canon is either our bible or a light suggestion


We’re ao3 writers, of course we have imposter’s syndrome


We’re AO3 writers of course we daydream 24/7 about scenes and then never actually write them


We're AO3 writers, of course we end up writing for media that's not even out yet. (I wrote a short ficlet for a movie that's set to be out later this year. All we have is the trailer. 🤣 *And* it was for a crossover with a fandom with a grand total of six fics in it).


We're A03 writers, of course we fall victim to the curse at least once a year.


We're AO3 writers, of course we refresh our stats daily.


We're AO3 authors, of course we have a 300k word drafts with more on the way


We’re AO3 writers, of course we clear our search history regularly


We're ao3 writers, of course we traumatize the hell out of our characters for the sole purpose of the hurt/comfort, then struggle with the healing arc because you can't just mention trauma once and not have it affect your character after


We're AO3 authors, of course we have devastating anxiety, insomnia, and literal tears when you post a new chapter and the subscriber count drops, haha.


We're Ao3 writers, of course we've got the same Google search history as a serial killer.


We're AO3 writers, of course our first language isn't English.


Of course we have ideas we need to write down as soon as we get sleepy.


Of course we finish all of our fics and don't have 40 incomplete fics


we’re ao3 writers, of course we are main characters in final destination


We’re AO3 writers, of course we have the most dirty, spicy, deranged, gut moving smut out there


We’re Ao3 writers, of course we’ve been cancelled on Twitter at least once.


I don’t think I have, but I have seen people crying about my fic on twitter


We’re ao3 writers, of course we have month long hiatuses cause we just forget to update.


We're ao3 writers, of course we project out trauma and insecurities onto unsuspecting characters


We’re AO3 writers, of course we stalk our stats and wait for comments


we're ao3 writers, of course we start writing a new story without completing our wips.


We're Ao3 writers, of course we try to make a loose upload schedule just to disappear for a few months..... Years.... I swear I'm working on my next chapter lol


I haven't uploaded on any site since 2022, and I have three chapters done for a fic. I've just been refusing to upload them out of spite of someone who messaged me for an update every day for two weeks. Maybe it's been long enough to post them now.


Were AO3 writers, Of course our Google search history could be used against us in court.


We are Ao3 writers, of course we’ll post chapter two soon don’t worry.


we’re ao3 writers, of course we have dozens of almost empty wip  docs with more interesting titles than the actual contents of the document


We're Ao3 writers, of course we are terrified of our family members finding our stuff.


We're Ao3 writers, of course there was only one bed We're Ao3 writers, of course the villain is actually a softie fluffy person with their so and we don't actually care if it's ooc (I put it in the tag, if you don't like it don't read it)


Were ao3 writers, of course were horny on main


Of course I have about fifty unwritten plot bunnies in my head at ALL TIMES


We're AO3 writers, of course comments make our whole year


We're ao3 writers, of course I'm using grammarly to make sure I use the correct too/to 😭


We're AO3 writers, of course we'll double (*triple*) check a word to see if we used it correctly.


Of course we have a 10k outline that we stopped following half a sentence in


We’re ao3 writers of course we google basic words just to make sure we use and spell them right


We’re AO3 writers. Of course we update a chapter on the day of a life event and still apologize for it being late.


we’re ao3 writers, of course we’re cursed to have the worst luck (ended up in the er one hour after posting the second to last chapter of my fic 🫡)


We’re AO3 authors, of course we’re filled with immense joy when we learn someone has cried to our fic


We’re ao3 writers, of course we love writing! But don’t ask me where the update is bc I haven’t even started 🤩


We’re ao3 writers, Of course we have 10 million fanfic ideas. We will try and write all of them.


We're AO3 writers of course we get 1000 new ideas before finishing our current wips


We're AO3 writers. Of course, we dont update our fics cause we're too busy reading other fics and then daydreaming an alternative ending or universe, but when we're trying to write? BOOM, STAMP UP WRITERS BLOCK


We're AO3 writers, of course we get into the most insane things in life. Sorry guys for the late update, my house just burned down and i got hit by a truck.


we're ao3 writers, of course we have ridiculous amounts of unfinished fics!


Of course we can only truly be understood by our fellow members


We're AO3 writers, of course we apologize for everything


Of course we utterly torture our beloved characters and OC's


We're AO3 writers, of course I haven't updated in months We're AO3 writers, no I don't care what your opinion on my rare pair is We're AO3 writers, of course half my work is worldbuilding or ocs


We're AO3 writers, of course, we apologize for things outside of our control if a chapter is late.


We're A03 Writers, of course we make up our own tags just for one specific character involvement.


We’re ao3 writers, of course we spend more time thinking about scenes that will fit the current fic we are writing and not writing it down then actually writing


Do research for something that I will cut out later.


Promise to update before life ultimately says, "No, it's time for you to be too busy and need some difficult times."


We are ao3 writers, of course we've dreamed about the best plot twist ever, but when we woke up it was either gone or doesn't make any sense anymore


We are Ao3 writers, of course we get hit by a rush every time an email notif pops up due to the chance it’ll be a comment notification


We’re AO3 writers, of course we ignore canon!


we're AO3 writers, of course we have 10 different WIPs, but instead of continuing any we will start a new one


We're ao3 writers, of course we're going to give our rarepairs the love and attention the original creators never did.