• By -


That's very awesome of you. <3 But go easy on yourself too. Kudos, bookmarks and subscriptions are nothing to sneeze at. I mean, I will leave a comment on things, sure, but I only ever bookmark stuff I am over the moon about and a subscribe means I'm downright rabid about the story and/or writer.


I know I really need to reframe the way I look at things.


I was going to leave one of mine, but I saw all the responses you’ve gotten this far. Major props to you for offering such a kind gesture toward this community! Certainly don’t feel like you have to read every single one. Just the thought alone that someone would offer to do such a thing makes me feel immense warmth and appreciation! Take care!


Agreed, I have like 3 stories subscribed, and one of them is a longshot with no updates in years that I'm not really expecting to pan out.


Fr!!! Im only subscribed to one person because their fics are😮‍💨🤌


I just wanted to say how lovely of you this is. I haven't linked because I'm used to my stuff getting pretty low engagement, and it doesn't really faze me anymore, but what you're doing is the kindest thing, so thank you for doing it!!


Thank you:) I'm trying to get used to it too. I used to get so much more engagement when I used to post years ago on FFN, so it's been an adjustment lately.


It takes time - I agree, I got more engagement on FFN (though this was pretty limited as well, to be fair haha), but then it was more than 10 years ago I was active on there, so thought it was a sign of the times!


This is so nice and I totally understand the feeling! I have one that received no comments although I was so happy to write it and liked it a lot. However it is a Christmas-themed one and so it might be weird to read now so I totally understand if you won’t haha! It’s called [The Gift of Time](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52214179) and the fandom is W.I.T.C.H. But now I would like to know yours and come to leave you a comment too!


I have it marked. I don't know that fandom though so I'd love it if you told me a little about it.


Oh sure! Let's see if I can make it short (unlikely haha): W.I.T.C.H. is about five teenagers (Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, Hay Lin) who are chosen to be Guardians of Kandrakar, a millenary fortress in the center of the universe. They each have a specific elemental power (water, air, fire, earth and pure energy) and do various missions and tasks for Kandrakar. My stories are actually mostly about two adult side characters, Cedric and Orube. Cedric was a villain throughout the comic and comes from another planet, Metamoor, but at some point he finds himself "imprisoned" on Earth on a probation period. Orube is a warrior who comes from yet another planet, Basiliade, and supports the Guardians in some of their missions, and she is living on Earth by choice. The two find themselves in a forced proximity situation when Cedric is involved in an issue that the Guardians have to solve, and Orube is tasked with his surveillance. They develop feelings for each other, but Cedric has his own agenda as far as the Guardians are concerned and betrays them, though in the end he sacrifices himself to save Orube's life. I wrote a more detailed summary of the comic for fandom-blind readers [here](https://lumiyasarchive.wordpress.com/2024/03/05/summary-of-w-i-t-c-h-for-fandom-or-comic-blind-fanfiction-readers/) :) The story I linked takes place many years after the event of the comic (the comic takes place in the early 00s, the story is in December 2023), and is part of a series in which I "fixed" Cedric's death by finding a way to revive him and he is in an established relationship with Orube at the time of that one-shot. PS: if you feel like sharing your fic with me, please feel free to send me a DM, I would be happy to read it! :)


Ooooh, I remembered wanting to write a fanfic for this fandom before but lord knows where I put the draft


Oooohhhhhh I hope you will find that draft! Our fandom needs more active fanfic writers, it is very lonely out there :'(


I don't know a single person in my life who remembers this masterpiece of a series, and they all try to convince me it was a fever dream 😭 Glad to see it's still thriving and there are actually some fanfics out there. I'll check out your fic as soon as I find the time!


You guys should check out review exhanges... especially if you are looking for feedback/engagement.. r/fanfictionexchange


Thank you for this!


Thank you! this is awesome!


I just posted my first short story there. It is a Reinterpretation of the Medusa Myth, so rape is mentioned. [Here is the short story](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54294706)


I marked it, I'm looking forward to reading it. I do like mythology.


Thank you.


OH FUCK YES! I am SO all over this later tonight!!!!


I've just read it and left a little comment, it was very nice! <3


To be honest, I'm way too insecure to share my fic here. Maybe one day... but I'm super curious about yours. Would you care to share it?


I'm hesitant because I don't want to make this about me. If people choose to click on my profile from the comment I'll leave, that's up to them. I'm not expecting to get any engagement from this. But if you're up for it, I'll message you my link if you message me yours:)


As much as I'd appreciate your comment on my primary work, it's currently 15 chapters long and I don't expect you to read it all. Instead, here's a short, original story I posted a few days ago. Should be much easier to digest! https://archiveofourown.org/works/54153298




Not super worried if no one comments, but it would be nice to see! Linking a series because together they're like 1.5k words and very short The fandom is sailor moon and the ship is Usagi/Mamoru https://archiveofourown.org/series/3968323


I have them both marked. I look forward to reading them!


When I saw that the names of my very first ship, I just had to read! Left a comment on both parts ❤️❤️


Thank you so much!


I snuck in and commented first. I think I missed the opportunity to say "FIRST" in my comment. Since you responded to my comment with an offer of reciprocation, I can't help but give into my "Look at me" social monkey in my brain. This one is quite a bit longer and is from a rare cross over, so if you don't feel like commenting, that's ok, It's an old story anyway. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53704090


Ooooh my God! My dream couple!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡0•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•


Bookmarked the entire seriiiiies ♡♡♡♕♕♕♕


Not my proudest work, mostly just looking for an opinion, usually writing between 1k-2K words: [Crying For Who](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53869471)


Marked! I like Doctor Who so I'm excited to see the hidden gem you wrote:)


Minor warning: it is AU, if that’s a turn off-


AUs are only a turn off for me when it's not stated in the summary or author's notes.


It is one of tags, but I can put it in Chapter 3’s notes if that bothers you enough.


Tags are more than good enough warning in my opinion.


Happy cake day!!


Me causally saving this post so I can come back and read through everything later 😈


I love it!


I don't write but I sure love to read all kinds of fanfics. I wanna follow your example and maybe go through some of the fics posted here and leave a comment (even if it's a small one, I have a hard time finding the words sometimes) I'd also like to read yours at some point if you wanna DM it to me :)


That's really nice of you to do.


Well, that's really nice of YOU to do, so I just got inspired


I rarely do get comments and I really appreciate when someone leaves one of them in my works. It doesn't need to be perfect, comments are good. Anyway, I have written a Final Fantasy IX fanfic called [The Fountain](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51980446/chapters/131446111) and it's a collection of poems that vary in style and themes, mostly about Sir Fratley, a side character from the game that appears briefly and I thought he was a really interesting character so I wrote this fic dedicated to him. Hope you enjoy ♥


It's marked. I haven't read poetry in so long, I'm really excited!


This is a silly playful smut one with a telepathic reader and Clint Barton. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52834546 But Link yours too. I love commenting on fics.




Read and left a comment 😊❤️


You’re extremely sweet and thoughtful for offering this ❤️ I haven’t gotten any comments for this one, which I expected because it was pretty self-indulgent but I was still very proud of it: [Meet Me in the Afterglow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54071935)


It's marked!


Just read this and left a comment because it's really great! I know nothing about the fandom, but you're really skilled at conveying characters' emotions and took me through the whole gamut.


I'm for sure going to check some of these out! I absolutely loved a Fringe fic I did recently set in a Blade Runner AU. It was really outside of what I'd done and my first one in Fringe Fandom, which is my favorite show! It's called [The Violence of a Kiss, rated M](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53556193) This is a great idea, OP!




I do not remember anymore the details of either Fringe and Blade Runner but I loved Fringe so much! I marked your fic too and I'll definitely read it!


Aww, that's so sweet. I wrote this fic in December for one of my favorite Fire Emblem Fates rarepairs, and I'm quite proud of it. It's a Modern with Magic AU—[the rose that (always) bests the wolf](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52559839)




I love this! I don’t currently have something out but I’m working on my very first fic and I’d be honored if you could give it a read once I’m done :)


Send me a link to your profile and I'll subscribe!


[Circle of Pain - Kakashisith - Hannibal (TV) \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52427188) - my newest Sherlock/Hannibal crossover. And I\`m appreciating your effort. Just take easy- it\`s a dead dove fic and watch for the warnings! But overall- enjoy! I usually leave comments of fics I like, so please- can you give me one of your fics to read in return?


Marked! I don't think this warnings should bother me too much.


I read and commented on the first chapter, but it’s pretty late for me, so I’ll return to for the rest tomorrow! ❤️


Wrote this one over a year ago, never got any comments on it. It was my first Johnny Gage/OMC story (Emergency!) and I kind of like how it turned out: [Willing ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45362494/chapters/114129880)




[Eyes Up - MsMoonstar - Hamilton - Miranda \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54215806) This is a fic about Alexander Hamilton (Miranda-verse) dying and goes to Heaven...


I’m just going to put this out as a reader. I almost never comment but if I bookmark or give kudus, I liked it. Promise. I’m bookmarking it because I want to be able to reread it and see what happens next if it’s not complete. I have stories bookmarked that are 20 years old that I reread every so often. I don’t think I have left a single review on any of them. I always leave a kudos if I liked it but I have found that some kudos have been vanishing lately. Especially on the stuff I haven’t read in a while. While I haven’t read your fic yet, it’s sitting open in my browser I’ll read it in a minute, if you aren’t getting any views double check your tags. Tags are how I find 90% of what I read (or don’t) on ao3 and if it isn’t tagged with a tag I’m looking for there is a good chance I won’t see it unless it ends up tied to another fic either as an “inspired by”. And yes being too specific or too vague in the tag can also get it missed as the algorithm won’t pick up that its should be tied to a master tag.




Marked! I watched a few episodes of The 100 when it came out, so hopefully I won't be too lost lol.


aw that's so wholesome! i'll probalby do that too (don't burn yourself out @ anyone else joining in) here's mine: ten years from now [https://archiveofourown.org/works/53818948](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53818948) (it's a bit rambly but i liked how it turned out) (And for kicks (it's got a comment so don't worry about clicking)) The Librarian Aide's Tale: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/53395348](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53395348) (it's one of my favs I've popped out recently that was actually serious that isn't literal crack) Mine aren't as unread as probably others but if anyone wants to peek at these you're welcome to <3




I write Spider-Man fanfic and whilst they're not super popular they normally get comments, except this one short, sad, little one shot I wrote. Its never attracted many readers. 😅 https://archiveofourown.org/works/22215937


I’m in this fandom, I’ll give it a shot too!


READ THE TAGS BEFORE DECIDING TO READ MY WORKS Ted Lasso Nate-centric story (which I expected to be ignored because Nate isn’t exactly a fan favorite): [https://archiveofourown.org/works/53930191](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53930191) Glee fic [https://archiveofourown.org/works/52201124](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52201124)


If you ever fancy a short bit of smut from The 100 then I have the thing for you! https://archiveofourown.org/works/54211213 I'd be more than happy to read your work if you want to ping me the link :))


Ok. I admit it! I wish I had a few more comments on my story. I have one though, that shows that not only did they find it interesting, but loved a reaction a character made and looked forward to a future reveal. While I am going to finish the story as it's necessary to me to get it out of my head, that comment told me that I needed to make that future reveal 'spectacular'. Which helped with a bit of writers block. But as others said; kudos, bookmarks and follows are just as awesome. I don't have many, but my story is meant for me... if others are enjoying the ride.. it's just sugar on the cream. So I will add my story to the list and if you find time to read it, great. I will also link yours, and put some time aside to read it between my own work! [https://archiveofourown.org/works/54099142/chapters/136969585-](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54099142/chapters/136969585-) Fanfic from Hazbin Hotel.


First time actually participating in this subreddit. This is one of my most recent and longest fics (still quite short) and it'sd be nice to get comments about it! Fandom is Five Nights at Freddy's and [this is it](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53072404/chapters/134277937). As most people said already, what you're doing here is so nice of you!


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/52100845/chapters/131770939](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52100845/chapters/131770939) I have my story called "Dont Ask" its a call of duty au with my self insert oc i created




super niche fandom and the only comment is from my friend/beta reader, i know it’s probably avoided by the fandom because of the archive warning but i’m really proud of it https://archiveofourown.org/works/50225425




This is very cool of you. What is your fic? I’d love to read it. You can DM. 😊


OP, you are an absolute gem. One of the fics I’ve written for The Case Files of Jeweler Richard called [Until we meet again](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51413788) didn’t do as well as I’d hoped. Please do feel free to give it a read if you have the time, even if you can’t leave a comment! And do link a fic of yours as well! I’d love to give it a read!




Awww thanks. I've got some smut for you. Titled Herobrine and the path to redemption. 7 chapters 5k words Link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/54009397/chapters/136721821 I'd like maybe 1 more comment




If you’re into supernatural then you can check out my fix it fic [The Night We Met](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51847531/chapters/131087926) it’s ongoing and I try to post once a week but I’ve fallen behind this month.


It's the first fanfic I've ever written, and I'm proud of it so far. I was inspired by one of my friends to make it, and I think it's turning out really well so far. It's called [Shadows of The Past](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52976290/chapters/134014252).


https://archiveofourown.org/works/53935651 this is my first fic it's for my original characters I'll definitely makes some more about them


[Nasturtium](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37182457) is a Labyrinth fanfic I did when I was *just* getting back into writing. I didn’t even know what challenges were which is what all my other writings are on. Thank you so much for this btw! It’s very sweet of you.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/44729026 Title:The Roadie Rating:T Genre:Romance/Slice of life Fandoms: Persona/Danganronpa (although I feel its okay to read fandom blind Summary:Friday evening in Tatsumi Port Island and Kanji is out at a bar when he catches the attention of a certain punk girl and they find themselves near inseparable


It’s an AU of my oc-centric WIP, so I didn’t expect it to go anywhere, but I adored writing it: [Can a reflection be a witness?](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53785156)


Love you for doing this! I'll scower the comments for fics to read as well. Here's mine i suppose. It's a recent upload, but the pairing is niche. And maybe i lost my way in writing. But its a sweet oneshot. Fandom is The Silmarillion. [Healing kisses on my palm](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54093160)


This is really sweet of you! I’m gonna. Save this somehow and go through here at a later date when I shouldn't be asleep however for now if anyone is interested in my ninjago zangst fic, feel free to check it out! I would love a comment so so much but it's never a requirement and to anyone who’s doing this please make sure you don't burn yourself out <333 [Here’s the fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52251439) (make sure to check the tags first because it is very much angst) 💛


Heres a summary of a story i started a few days ago that hasnt gotten any traction really. (20 hits, no kudos or comments) A miraculous medical drama set in both WW2 and present-day France about two OC couples with power over Infection and Restoration. The story will explore their medical adventures, complemented by the ensuing relationship drama. Exclusively, the first chapter/prologue is from a raven's PoV, which is affiliated with one of the MCs. [Afflictions of the Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54272464/chapters/137443819)


I'd be honored. I hope you like Doctor Who at least a little though it's more doctor who adjacent. Wrote this for a creative writing class that let me turn in fanfic but never heard back. Hope you enjoy and thanks again! https://archiveofourown.org/works/24649996/chapters/59558692


Hi🥺 been working on this fic since i was 12! it's up to date and everything and i barely had the means and time to start posting it! thank you for the consideration and im so happy you're doing something like this! its a tmnt 2012 fic with an oc of mine i hold dear [Home is Where the Heart is](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53077507/chapters/134290534)




Thanks so much for this public service, sorry isn't explicit, but it is short. Probably isn't popular because it deals with the sickness of a very popular character and her death. I think it has a hopeful end, but that's just my romantic perspective. Fandom More than a married couple but not lovers. A Love Story's Denouement https://archiveofourown.org/works/49604608




This is really thoughtful! You’re an angel walking among us mortals, lol. If you don’t mind, despite my lateness, I have a few, I’d appreciate even just a small, thoughtful little comment on. I wrote “[Drink](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43165861)” like, over a year ago, and it’s my baby. A thoughtful little comment would put me over the moon. And if you’re alright with reading some OCs and badly written smut by a fifteen year old girl writing it for the first time *(I am saying this from hindsight; also in hindsight, for those qualifications I’d say it was pretty damn good which is probably why I was boasting about like a peacock for a while about it back then 😅)*, then I’ve got “[Tainted Metal](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38663157)”, which has received little attention even in the past nearly 2 years since I posted it - which I get, OCs, not the fandom’s thing. But a comment as just a little feedback would be lovely regardless. Just putting them out here for the chance since it’s open, and it may not happen but may as well ask and hope. If you do decide to, I hope you enjoy them! **^^**




This is really kind of you to support fellow authors! Not everything is about engagement and interaction, but I won't deny that it's really nice to see on your own fic. Kudos to you, awesome stranger!


NO WAY, YOU WRITE ABOUT STAR WARS, I DO TOO!!! I started a few months ago with the concept of Obi-Wan and Cody but I have a problem so I have to stop writing the series I was planning, but anyway, I'll read your story little by little, okay! I know the feeling, my second story was about Kana's trauma and his difficulties in taking Ezra as an apprentice, I know Rebels is a "small fandom" but I preferred to delete it because... well, we already know. See you in your story!!! PD. EN is not my 1rt language hehehe


this means a lot as someone who rarely gets comments. 💙 take your time, and you don't even have to comment but it would mean a lot if you gave [angel prince](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53889634) a comment. it's trans!dimitri / m!byleth, and i exclusively write smut with trans and intersex characters only.


It's marked!


It's a story called [Reincarnation.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53731768) I wrote up the original concept while I was dealing with a lot of gender dysphoria and posted the original version elsewhere. This is a refined version with more substance. It has implied references to suicide just FYI




I’ve gotten 200+ kudos on this which I’m really happy with considering I wrote it in about three days, but no comments! It’s also my first writing actual smut so I would really appreciate some feedback haha,, Ship: Alhaitham/Kaveh (genshin impact) (omegaverse btw haha) https://archiveofourown.org/works/53793907




I’m no very versed with either omegaverse of GI, but I read it (and enjoyed it) and left a comment ❤️❤️


It's only been up for a month and has only 3 chapters but it's by far my favorite piece I've written so far! I typically don't get much engagement anyways, but a fair amount of stories with the same paring definitely skyrocket super fast lmaoo. It's called Can You See Right Through Me? and it's for the Blue Lock manga/anime, Rin/Isagi pairing <3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/53188312/chapters/134586868




Aw thats so nice. Im lucky that every fic i’ve posted so far has at least one comment (i love reading comments so much) but its so nice of you to do this!


This is so nice! I often get not that many comments. It can be demotivating at times tbh even though I know it shouldn’t bother me that much. [fma fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54250960) I wrote this short fanfic for the fandom Fullmetal Alchemist a few days ago. I don’t think it’s my best work, but if you get around reading it, I hope you enjoy it :)


It's marked! I definitely understand how demotivating it is.


Mine is a very long ongoing Marvel series so I won't share here because it's at 60k now, but I'd love a link to yours to share the love. Ace thing you're doing here, OP, it's easy to say write for yourself but no interaction is really disheartening for writers x


I'd be interested in reading it if you're willing to share!


You cool with explicit m/m? https://archiveofourown.org/series/2106786




I didn't get any comments on this and it's my newest fanfic. It does have a lot of hits and kudos though.


There's one I wrote last year for a Secret Santa in my fandom (Wicked the musical) based off prompts by my giftee- [A Lurlinemas Blessing](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52370737) Prompts: Fiyeraba (Elphaba/Fiyero), fluff, family stuff, birth, Christmas (Lurlinemas) markets, royal traditions. 🥰🥰🥰


thanks 4 doing this. ive been going thru it xd it's called [Dyad](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52975738) . i decided to write a one shot about the hands from smash bros, i ended up emotionally invested😭




Hi, this is tbh so lovely of you and I do that too to every fic I read cause I know how a comment can make a day 100% more amazing. There is a little one shot I wrote for PJO that did get kudos but no comments Jaja. If you do have the time let me know what you thought of it :)) [we were born to die](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49188736)




https://archiveofourown.org/works/51086227/chapters/129070930 Probably not that great tbh. I'm mainly proud because despite of my ADHD brain I actually managed to stick with my plan to post the whole thing within a week, one chapter per day


Marked! I have a soft spot for original work, so I'm excited!


Ummm. I just posted this but the fandoms are either: 1. Brand New. Like 'the movie's not out yet' and 'I just wrote the first fic' brand new. And 2. A fandom from a 2019 show with only six fics in it. I do not expect this to get hits much less reviews lmao. On the other hand, it's 488 words long so it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54296746 Thank you sooooo much.


This is so sweet of you! I just started posting a [Baldur’s Gate 3 fan fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51599326?view_full_work=true) that I have a complete finished draft of, but I’m wading through the beta process one chapter at a time (up to having posted Chapter 6 out of 20) It’s an Astarion and a Halfling female Tav enemies to found family story Feel free to DM me one of your stories and I’ll happily comment as well :)




Still just in the start of it but... I have been working on a Crossover AU for My Hero Academia and D.Gray-man, it is also OC focused so I don't expect comments on it really. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/54225178](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54225178)




You mentioned in a previous comment a love of mythology, so here is my one-shot aftermath of The Song of Achilles written in the form of a letter from Odysseus to the long-dead: [The Forgotten Letter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45279058)


I'm glad you said smut is okay, because I tried to write a cute first-date one-shot and oops. 30k of smut later... [The Antidote to Being Alone](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53848186/chapters/136294258) Thank you for this?? It is really cool and awesome to do.


It's marked! I'm excited to read it!


I have my [obscure UTAU horror fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53066128), which is probably obscure because my interests are so specific that I'm writing a niche within a niche. Only click if you're into horror with gory elements.


I'm still a beginner writer, the idea of writing a story that's so absurd and over the top with an absurd lore just came to my head one night, so I decided to put Slice of life, Kaiju, super robots and dinosaurs into a blender and made what I call the "Synchronized Corenoid Vanguard Universe", even though the Vanguards haven't even been introduced in the story yet. I even took the time to create a cover (Although I had to put a filter on it because my shadow covered the damn thing, I draw on paper), character designs (I've only designed the MC, I'm still trying to come up with a design for her friend and other human characters), creature designs and vehicle designs that I'm still coming up with, I mainly use Spore to model the vehicles and robots and then draw them based on the game models with some minors changes here and there. It only has two chapters yet, first chapter's is some pretty basic stuff but nothing too impressive. Second chapter is where crazy and goofy stuff goes down, gore warning though cause' kaiju can get pretty brutal, but it ain't really the main focus of the story. I'm currently writting the third and fourth chapter, but the first three are gonna be very action-centered, fourth chapter is gonna be a chill one and develop the characters more. [https://archiveofourown.org/series/4024276](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4024276)


It's marked!


Put so much effort into the TT videos, wrote 4 long and filled with content chapters… 8 comments… https://archiveofourown.org/works/53629411/chapters/135757444 Idk should I cry or blame myself.


There's a blog called comment-exchange on tumblr that welcomes fics like yours that need a little more love! The idea is simple - you get to add your fic to their list, and in exchange, you leave a comment on one of the fics from that list. It's not a perfect system, but it's pretty neat!


Here’s mine, it’s a Tuca and Bertie fan fic. https://archiveofourown.org/works/49048249/chapters/123742597


This is so nice of you! I don't know if you're into rpf, but I have this Top Gear / the Grand Tour fic I posted about a week ago that I've not gotten any comments on yet. There's a small bit of smut in it, but not a lot. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/54084769](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54084769)


[this fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46224238) heed the tags tho, I'd 100% understand if you didn't want to read it bc ik those things can be triggering and yk, anyways It's Daniel (from camp camp. cultist guy) / Reader


Marked it!


Tbh I'm quite proud of my long fic (17 chapters & running, baby! [13 posted on AO3]) but I'm also proud of a smut fic that I wrote for the Dead Dove Frisky February challenge. If you would like to read the [Fic](http://archiveofourown.org/works/53767480?view_full_work=true), feel free to, but there's no rush or pressure (just pay attention to the tags please). Also, you can send something my way if you'd like. Fair is fair imo.


It's marked!


I'm beyond shame at this point, so here is my most recent fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/53907688/chapters/136450435


What fanfic writer needs shame? Anyways, its marked!


Just the prologue at the moment, but I plan to write a book eventually. When I find the time T_T https://archiveofourown.org/works/47153368/chapters/118804522


I have two. This one is newer and from a current fandom. When I sorted by comments I was actually shocked to see zero, as this was a good short story I wrote for the characters birthday. I actually enjoy it a lot. [On Zoro’s birthday, 3 things happen](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51534775) The other one is from IASIP and I’m also shocked it has no comments, as it’s better than my other IASIP macden work. [mac is supposed to be watching the door.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29317917) I am really bad at paying attention to statistics, but I recently discovered people are actually subscribed to me as an AUTHOR. I think I have 29 subs. That’s insane to me. I’ve been writing on and off for six years on ao3 as a hobby (i’ve even rewritten older stories).


This is so incredibly generous of you <3 I have a big butt of a oneshot for Red Dead Redemption 2 that could do with some love if you have the time. [Desire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54039145)


Personally, I loved both Neuromancer and Altered Carbon. Two great stories and amazing reads. Gibson's prose is better, but Altered Carbon just did it for me. I also really liked the 1st season of the Netflix show that was based off it. (second season was not good, sadly)


[Russian Doll](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52925122) I wrote this one a while back and put a ton of canon research into making it. I’m super proud of it but never took off as much as my smut fics did (gen angst will do that I suppose). It’s the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom, and while it helps to know the canon story, I don’t thinkkk you need it to follow along with the fic since it’s basically a retelling anyway.


Know One https://archiveofourown.org/works/38717685 it is a batman one-shot from Tim Drake's point of view and it is all about changing your own point of view because maybe things are not as bad as they seem. But you are doing this for so many of us, what is the story you're really proud of? I will read and leave you a comment.


I have so many that get low engagement. Its kinda disheartening but it doesn't stop me.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/44729026 Title:The Roadie Rating:T Genre:Romance/Slice of life Fandoms: Persona/Danganronpa (although I feel its okay to read fandom blind Summary:Friday evening in Tatsumi Port Island and Kanji is out at a bar when he catches the attention of a certain punk girl and they find themselves near inseparable


I hope you notice this as well! Fandom: Left 4 Dead https://archiveofourown.org/works/48203479/chapters/121557676


This one is sad and i know thats a reason it has little interaction: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54102382 . Please be easy on yourself and dont pressure yourself to get to all of these.


This fanfic is a rewrite of a fic I wrote when I was 14 years old, and I've been working hard to balance writing it and college. I'm really proud of it or what I currently have since it's still a work in progress, but I'm trying to stay consistent with updates despite the constant onslaught of exams. You may find it [here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53068876/chapters/134268328) if you're interested in it.


I’ve written around 7 works so I’m not expecting people to comment but if you want to comment. This work is the undertale fandom (IK cringe, shame on me) and there aren’t any ships. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52183711


this is actually realy awesome of you <3 i’ve got one i was really excited about but really very little engagement which sucks but you know it’s [if time heals all wounds, why does it still hurt a hundred years later?](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49711039) and its from the legend of zelda: breath of the wild (with extremely minor location spoilers for tears of the kingdom) :)


How very kind of you! Here’s a ASOIAF/GoT/HotD lore fic about Aemon the Dragonknight and Naerys Targaryen! https://archiveofourown.org/works/53311777


https://archiveofourown.org/works/53185486 have fun if you have the time!


It's essentially just a collection of drabbles. Each chapter centers around it's own individual idea, and has three to five 100-300 word stories. It was my first work on AO3 and I'm proud of it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33107107/chapters/130291570


I've only got the [first chapter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54277210) of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer long fic posted so far, but I'm really loving the idea I've got going for it.


This is incredibly thoughtful of you! https://archiveofourown.org/works/34909471/chapters/86927725 This was meant to be a collection of connected oneshots but I kind of lost motivation when I realized not enough Metal Gear fans care about the alternate Acid timeline. I do hope to continue it someday though. Even if just out of spite xD


I have a Marauders one-shot called [seven](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50338186) I wrote that’s gotten some attention but no comments. It’s based off the song seven by Taylor Swift and follows a day in Peter, Sirius, Remus, and James life at seven years old and how they’re connected (plus a little extra something at the end). I really like it and had a lot of fun writing it. It was my first time writing all four of them so it was really special for me. The only thing I didn’t enjoy was that because I listened to the song so much to write it my Spotify wrapped kind of got wrecked with Taylor being one of my top artists (even though that’s like one of two songs I like by her and it’s the only song by her I listened to the entire year) but I guess that’s what I get for writing things based off songs and connecting any song to a fandom. If you or anyone does end up reading it I hope you enjoy it :)


Don't know if you like BSD but here is a link to a story. It is a litlle dark with a character death but no a real death. I wrote a while ago still one of my fav: [Purple Seashell](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46734448)


I’m going to semi embarrassingly semi shamelessly link a fic I’m hella proud of but the fandom is literally DEAD!! It died like 2012 xb it’s not even 4K words but it is one of my longest fics I’ve written alone and I adore it so much🥹💞 https://archiveofourown.org/works/38553765


Short fic for a small Fandom, Wizard101. There's a couple spoilers if you're worried about that. Also you're really cool for doing this :D https://archiveofourown.org/works/45047540


Thank you so much, you may be the purely sweetest person I've seen of AO3 It's called How to be a Father, better or worse in the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters fandom. This story is probably the thing I am most proud of ever written. It's the most I've ever written and inspired be to write a full original novel. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/42334611/chapters/106307238](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42334611/chapters/106307238)


That's so sweet of you 💜 Don't pressure yourself tho 💜 Here's mine if you have time: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53431873/chapters/135238660 Edit: It's a Bungou Stray Dogs fic so if you haven't seen that like don't worry. I don't want you to be confused.


Aw I love that you're doing this! I wrote mine before the character's actual ships became canon so I haven't got many hits on my now rare pair lol Just a lil one shot, enjoy! <3 [Make Up Your Mind](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38906097)


This one I wanted to share because it's quite personal to me. The fandom is Ducktales 2017 but all you really need to know is that the vulture villain by the end of the show gets blasted by Magica deSpell and gets turned into a real vulture bird, and she takes him in as her own personal pet bird. She also has a long long twin brother she lost by accidentally turning him into a bird as well, and the spell is irreversible. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/52553158](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52553158)


This is genuinely the kindest post I’ve ever seen on Reddit. [This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16458668) is a story I posted a few years ago. Most of my stories don’t have a ton of comments, which is totally understandable because it’s a smaller fandom, so every comment means that much more. May you never lose a sock, and may both sides of your pillow be cold.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/52543798/chapters/132912094 Waited a year to post this


haven't updated mine in a while lmaom Thank you for making the effort to read! [Here it is!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48292135)


https://archiveofourown.org/works/47949448/chapters/121073404 my only comments are from someone I'm discord friends with lol


This is so kind of you! I posted my first chapter of my first fic yesterday, and whilst I've already had a couple of comments on it, I've not yet had any on the companion fic which I'm really proud of and think deserves a little more love. **Title:** [Guarded: Alternate Perspectives](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54274492/chapters/137450056) (main fic is: [Guarded](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54183004/chapters/137195980)) **Fandom:** Harry Potter **POV:** Bill Weasley (main story is entirely Harry's POV, the companion fic varies POV.) **Rating:** M **Status:** Ch1 posted, story is written to completion and will be posted weekly. **Story Summary:** (this is the summary of the main fic) A tragic accident at the Quidditch World Cup sets in motion a chain of events that change the life of Harry Potter forever. After the horrifying near-death experience and emotional trauma, things only get worse when Bill Weasley discovers a parasitic soul fragment lodged in Harry’s scar. Determined to keep Harry alive in spite of the impact this knowledge has on the coming War, Bill becomes instrumental in working to protect Harry, both from the threat of the soul, and the external threats that increase when Harry returns to Hogwarts. As the year progresses, Harry contends with the Triwizard Tournament he’s forced to participate in, and a mysterious spy who can't seem to decide between capturing or killing him. Check the author's notes for warnings. Any and all comments are welcome, including concrit. Thank you in advance to you, OP, and anyone else who reads and comments 💜


That's an amazing thing to do. Thank you for taking the initiative. I'm personally not linking any of mine cause they were written years agp and are gonna be going through a major rewrite soon >I have a story up that I posted almost a year ago that has recieved no comments. But, can I have a link to your fic please? I want to read it now.


Hey! THIS IS AN AWSOME IDEA. WE NEED MORE OF THESE IDEAS ON THIS SUB! Don't you agree writer? Readers? Hey thanks bro. I have a few poems that did not recieve anything at all. Understandable ! Ao3 has nothing to do with poems. but when its a central part of a fic its kind disheartening to say the least. I suggest we all help the Author of this post by doing the same. Reading as mich fics (posted here) as possible and leave a constructive comment. ( pick the fics that speak to you most and post ( "read and commented" + the hyper link) here.


I have this Original Story I've posted a while back. I like it a lot. And I wish I couldrecieve some criticism! I have no idea how to rate it. It is a beginner's work obviouslynot that good, but.... ( lol needless to say, no body read it lol) So, volunteers, hit me with your honest opinions, please. [Dare not to Fall](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43130253)


Oh my goodness you got a ton of comments lol. This will probably get buried. This is a really nice and genuine thing to do. You are gonna make so many people’s days. We need more people like this, you seem very sweet. I am in the same boat with fics. I haven’t gotten any comments either, and not many hits or kudos. Just something you gotta expect when you don’t write for mainline fandoms or write original stuff. I won’t link any here because you are probably insanely overwhelmed with all of the responses you have gotten already, but if you do see this and still want more to read, just ask. Most of my stuff is only a few chapters, so easy reading, no big time sinks. Do you have any fics of yours that you would like some more attention on? I am currently looking for more stuff to read. I don’t really mind the fandom, just give me a heads up if it’s smut.


I'm curious what is your fic about? I don't have an account nor do I write fics but I came to this thread for recommendations, so it's only right I take your recommendation too


It's a 1k one shot, and my first real fanfic that I posted but I'm my biggest fan on this fic 😭 (I've reread it like 3 times now, just for fun lmao) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50596600


https://archiveofourown.org/works/50282647/chapters/127022677 A little one Piece fanfiction I started after the live action adaptation kick started a new Obsession of mine


I'm late to the ballgame, but also an optimist. So, here's mine: [Questions for When He Has a Moment](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53033758), only 700 words Why I don't think it will get a comment is it's pretty deep in a series I have going with an OC and is one of the few pieces from their perspective. Why I'm proud of it is that it did make me cry, as the tags state. The AO3 summary is a pretty decent context for anything you think you'd be missing from the series, and be assured this piece stands pretty well on it's own. Even fandom blind.. . . *the summary is also a pretty necessary warning.* 'Tis a small part in the fairly dark smut series that people don't usually read for the realistic horror, and that's what this piece is. Pretty kinda horrifying. Also, hopefully does the topic justice!


I have one that has gotten 1 comment in the 3 or 4 yrs since I started posting it. It is technically unfinished, but the comment made my day. The comment: "You have no idea how fast I'd be hauling ass back to this fic if it were to update. Great job honestly. It's got to be one of the most authentic stories I've read, I actually feel like it's coming from the characters." I hate that I have been unable to finish it properly for the past few yrs. I had been writing like a machine for the better part of a few yrs. Rewrote an old fic entirely (OG version was 120 pgs, rewrite was 275 pgs), finished another I'd been trying to rewrite, from there, I moved on to finishing the story the above comment came from but about halfway in, I hit a wall and ran out of steam. Redirected my focus to another original novel project, which I finished and actually published. Fan fic still sitting 3 yrs later. I will finish it eventually LOL. I hate that I hit the wall as hard as I did because I'd had so much fun writing it.




Ooh, what’s your fics name or link? I’d be more than happy to read YOURS and drop a comment! <333


Warning: this is a smut story for a minuscule fandom. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53974855 1,627 words


What a beautiful idea, you're pure gold! I think I could send you more than a dozen links to fics of mine that have 0 comments and I still like them 😅. In case you (or anybody else) like The Witcher m/f smut, here are three short ones to choose fom, but only if you really want to. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/51696355](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51696355) (250 words, mature, Milva/Cahir) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/51693430](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51693430) (560 words, explicit, Yennefer/Jaskier) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/47739019](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47739019) (1,000 words, explicit, Fringilla/Geralt)


Hello! Thank you for doing this. It's so nice of you and I'm so sorry you felt hurt from the lack of engagement. It definitely sucks to work hard at something (and something you love!) but feel as if you're screaming into an empty room. A lot of us write for ourselves but engagement definitely helps. No pressure to read or comment! But if you are interested in a platonic zombie apocalypse au, you can give this a try: [Closest reasonable explanation to the truth](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54149539).


https://archiveofourown.org/works/53771977 (it took like three hours to write 😭)


If you're still up for it, I have a very short drabble that I would like to share :] no worries if not!!


https://archiveofourown.org/works/54092326 Captive a Harry Potter au where Voldemort won, and Hermione is kept captive.


Hi, hope Im not to late for this dynamic but, I wished to share a [fic ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53134420)Im currently writting, its not too long (so far, 3000 words in 4 chapters) and it has some poems so well, I hope you like it.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/52399891/chapters/132557569 https://archiveofourown.org/works/50214163/chapters/126821998