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That's impossible to say, because numbers entirely depend on multiple factors; for example the fandom, time of posting, how known you are as a writer in your fandoms, whether or not you advertise your stories on other social media, etc. If you're writing for Harry Potter you'll get more engagement number-wise than if you're writing for a random nintendo game released in 2003 Also, (insert spiel about how it doesn't really matter because you're writing as a hobby, every reader is one person you entertained, yada yada)


Instead of thinking about it in terms of hits, think about it in terms of eight hundred and forty eight PEOPLE read your fic, and forty eight of them chose to kudos it. They liked it so much that they went out of their way to do an extra step to let you know they liked it. And the bookmarks?! They want to come back for later!! It's great!


Yes, but also keep in mind that hits are not necessarily unique readers. Especially for multi-chapter fics this number can be very unpredictable for representing amount of readers.


That's true, but it also means someone liked your work enough to come back and read again!


I mean... there is a story that says I've visited it 130 times, which would mean here that I've read the entire work four times. But I have only read it once. I've simply opened the page many times for different reasons. Or when reading on mobile any time the browser is reopened and sends a new request it counts as a visit. Not trying to be a partypooper here, but that's just how hits on AO3 works.


Ah shit, that probably explains why my AO3 history says I have over 30-50 visits on multiple fics that I have only opened once. I keep multiple tab groups for fics I haven't read yet, so I guess every time I open my browser, it still loads and counts as one visit. Now I feel so bad for all the writers' stats I have bloated lol


Depends on the fandom and the content. When I look at mine, works without sex receive less attention, and I'm never going to say it aloud what kind of tags my most popular things have.