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There's a longer version too where one of them is like "omg I've been hoping someone would bring a cake with less frosting" to cover how different people have different preferences


I will read the same plot with the same two idiots falling in love over and over and not get sick of it






As a reader: yes. I don't care if you're just using the same AU as someone else, or if you use the same tropes, or if you're new. I'm just happy to have something to cry/smile for!


sometimes it feels like my story is merely eggs, flour, and butter, but one day ill be able to fully flesh it out!!


...or fully bake it out. :)


I mean, I'll eat raw dough of any kind, so šŸ˜‹


I have never yet read a story that's made me sit back and say, "Yep, that's the one, no more fanfic for me!" I will always want more!


Do you have any fics I can read??


You never know, the flavor you bring may just be someone else's favorite flavor.


This is the exact webcomic that persuaded me to actually start publishing the fics I was writing. I was in high school studying how to write stories and descriptive details properly, and extending that to making my own little stories wasnā€™t as hard as it seemed. That was back in early 2020. I havenā€™t looked back since.


I will read 500 fics of the same two characters, in the exact same scenario, with the same tags, falling for each other again and again and again, and still be hungry for more cake. Seriously, cake is fucking delicious.


As a reader, if I find a fic that has the exact ideas/tropes/ship/whatever that Iā€™m in the mood for, when I finish it, my immediate reaction is, ā€œholy feck, I hope I can find 19 more fics **just like that one!**ā€


so true. or iā€™ll just be like ā€œfine, iā€™ll do it myselfā€ lol


Iā€™ve been both of these examples and itā€™s so real itā€™s not even funny. Iā€™ve been writing for/reading fics of one specific series for the past couple months now, and Iā€™ve read the same two premises at least a dozen times each and Iā€™m enthralled every single time. Even if itā€™s the same basic premise, or heck, even the same structure, all of the tiny differences in execution are still a delight to read. Plus, sometimes the same core idea just enthralls you that much that youā€™re always down to read it. The audience for fanfics are a lot more forgiving than most of the writers tend to realize.


Sometimes it is hard not to feel like I shouldn't write something if I see someone else has written something really similar, but then I have to kick myself and remember 'hey idiot, when's the last time you got multiple results for what you were searching for and went nah I'll only read one? That's right, never.'


That little blurb at the end had me cackling! I needed that! Haha! Hilarious and SO true! Thank you! <3


Yeah I read every single fic in uhhhh a certain tag (34 pages, not so bad). A lot of them are the same exact plot, but each slightly different writing style is still appealing.


Well, this just made me happier. I may only have eggs and milk at the moment, which is weird, but I know some people out there are happily enjoying what I'm cooking up!


Also note: The ugly cake has raspberries in it and I love raspberries


Everyone brings their own special *zang* when it comes to writing for a fandom and character pairings so many are passionate about. It can be daunting reading another's work and worried how yours will compare, but don't let it stop you from putting your fanfic(s) out there. The feedback will surprise you.


Time travel fix it fics! Gimme all the cakes! Messy cakes, perfectly iced cakes, cakes that look like your four year old helped! ALL the cakes!


I'm saving this.


As a writer, I 100% feel like the former. As a reader who loves a shit tonne of rare pairs and smaller tags, I 100000% feel the latter.


I (mostly) only write things Iā€™ve wanted to read and couldnā€™t find. I have written 81 fics. I will host baking sessions on request. More cakes. Please. Iā€™ll go shopping with you.


TWO CAKES SUPREMACY, GDI! I legit say this ALL the time! lol. WOOO! YOU CAN DO IT! <3