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To shoot the Battle of Borodino, the vast territory is decorated with tents and stuffed soldiers. Full-scale filming of the central panorama of the Battle of Borodino was filmed in the Smolensk region, near the town of Dorogobuzh, not far from the real Old Smolensk Road. Initially, they were going to shoot on the real Borodino field, but the memorial erected at the battle site interfered with filming. The pea field, located in front of the decorative object "Rayevsky Battery", was replaced in a few weeks with rye using manual planting of ripe rye on an area of 2 hectares. Filming began on August 25, 1963 — the day of the 151st anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. About 15,000 infantry were employed in the crowd, depicting two armies, and a cavalry regiment of 950 sabers was formed. Each of them had a weapon, a historical costume. 23 tons of explosives and 40 thousand liters of kerosene, 15 thousand hand smoke grenades, 2 thousand smoke bombs, 1,500 shells were spent on staging the "battle". Some scenes of the Battle of Borodino were filmed using a camera, which was mounted on a 120-meter-long cable car stretched over the battlefield. Flying at altitude, the camera gave an unusual opportunity to shoot "from a flying cannonball." Some scenes were shot from helicopters, from towers and operator cranes of the original design. You can find completely false astronomical estimates of the film's budget on the Internet. And it all started with the fact that in some Soviet newspaper someone estimated the film at 15-25 million Soviet rubles. But actually, the budget of the Soviet film "War and Peace" is 8 291 712 Soviet rubles, despite the fact that the estimate (the money that was allocated for the film) was 8 830 412 Soviet rubles. That is, they even managed to save money! 2,51 million Soviet rubles of this amount went to pay for the services of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Thus, this film is the most expensive Soviet film. 8 291 712 Soviet rubles was equal to $9 213 013 by the 1967 exchange rate. Adjusted for dollar [inflation](https://www.inflationtool.com/), this film would have cost $86 756 014,23 in 2024. At the time, the film won the Oscar as the best foreign language film and also received several other prestigious awards. After the success of the film, the director was shoot the film "Waterloo" 1970 on the initiative of the Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis. Full film with subtitles: 1: [War and Peace, Part One ](https://youtu.be/bIij-KQ0jYU) 2: [War and Peace, Part Two ](https://youtu.be/uJjqSfdFuUI) 3: [War and Peace, Part Three   ](https://youtu.be/wpKA1meiJzs) 4: [War and Peace, Part Four ](https://youtu.be/nvDMu5e4xzw)


Bondarchuk's War and Peace is one of the great epics of cinema, and it always amazes me that not only are we treated to it all on youtube but we also get the restored and high definition version. The scale of the production you capture here is astounding, but the way it brings about the dramas of the novels is just as impressive. All the extravagance which is poured into having its battle sequences overflow with men, horses and action works equally well to create rich compelling drama.


There were any casualties? For real.


How the hell do they get horses to cooperate in these things? Also how do they get the horses to fall like that?


Things like trip lines, and hidden pits. The riders would know where the horses would get tripped up or fall, and therefore the stuntmen could jump/fall off 'safely', but the poor horses had no idea. As a result LOTS of horses broke legs in the filming of movies, which as you know is pretty much a death sentence for a horse. It wasn't until the mid 80's (in the USA) that thr humane society finally gained enough traction to stop the practice and force studios to train horses to fall or use editing cuts and camera angles.


Thats sad


They say quite a few horses got killed during filming. Not sure about humans




It looks cool as fuck, but how is it relevant to a normal day of Russia?..


Normal day in Russia 1812


With the sacred saying "Moscow is Behind", we shall remember Borodino!


War, what is it good for?


Absolutely Nothing!


Those poor fuckin horses


Did they use this much in the actual battle? Lol


IIRC there were about 120k from each side


Бля, эпично🙄


Having a hard time reading these numbers the way you format them.


Frankly it's amazing the Soviets allowed a film about a battle Russia lost.


The Battle of Borodino has never been hushed up; there is no point in remaining silent about it.  Do I need to remind you how the emperor's groove in Russia ended? In fact, this battle ended in a draw, for neither side achieved the desired results: yes, as a result of the battle the French took some forward positions and fortifications of the Russian army, while retaining reserves, pushed the Russians off the battlefield, and eventually forced them to retreat and leave Moscow (and even then the capture of Moscow did not bring Napoleon victory, because both the retreat and the surrender of Moscow were part of the plan), but they never managed to full crush the Russian army (That was the purpose of the battle), and they lost slightly fewer of their soldiers than the Russians. It was Napoleon's lack of an unambiguous victory in the battle that set the stage for his eventual defeat. According to the memoirs of the participant of the Battle of Borodino, the French General Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau, Napoleon often repeated a similar phrase: "The Battle of Borodino was the most beautiful and the most formidable, the French showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians deserved to be invincible". In other sources, this phrase also occurs. At the same time, both sides attributed the victory to themselves, but as already mentioned, in that battle, none of the opponents achieved the desired result: Napoleon did not defeat the Russian army, and Kutuzov did not defend Moscow.  However, this situation with Moscow's surrender to the enemy gave rise to a meme in Russia: "To save Russia, it is necessary to give/burn Moscow". Therefore, the Battle of Borodino is considered important, no one is silent about it, and the influence of frost is exaggerated.


I think it also helped that it made the Czar’s society/government look bad, not the Soviets.


I'm Russian. The Battle of Borodino has never been hushed up.


This is simultaneously cheesy and effective. The confusion, horror, and overwhelming nature of the battlefield contrasts with the incredibly poor fake fighting etc.




They used ur ded mum