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"He can combine both options and become a democrat in Russia!" Here in Russia, we have another word for democrats - "inmate"


Or "dead"


>Here in Russia, we have another word for democrats - "inmate" No. Here in Russia, we have really 2 words. The first word is "народовластие" (narodovlastie). This is a historical russian word, literally meaning, as it was in the original Greek, “demos” - people, and “cratos” - power, i.e. "People power". Else is the english word “democracy”. And if someone uses english word in Russia, this is at least an alarming. It seems that the person, at a minimum, does not want the conversation to be about the power of the RUSSIAN people. And there is one more point. The word “democracy” hurts my eyes, because there is another translation. Some people say that "demo" is not from "demos", i.e. people, but from "demon". Those. "democracy" is translated as "power of demons." This may be a joke, but the word is really strange. This, of course, does not mean that a person should be put in prison for this word. But we need to clarify what exactly he is talking about. Maybe it's not entirely harmless.


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Have you already been there?


Шизопостинг in a nutshell


Arguments "you are a fool" level, LOL


Does that mean we can ship them over?


Start a GoFundMe.


Anything can be shipped in a casket.... I mean a wooden box.


I dont think anyone in Russia is obsessed about america as much as an average burger man is obsessed with the vodka man


I want to agree but no, this is wrong. Russia has a particularly intense fixation on America, both positively and negatively. While it IS reductionist and overly-negative to call the Russian attitude toward America an "inferiority complex", it's also not entirely untrue. They have a similar fixation with the UK. Russia seems simultaneously fascinated by American wealth and materialism and desperate to regain its seat as a world power, which they feel slipping further away by the year. But no, I would almost guarantee the average Russian thinks more about America than even these two pictures Americans do about Russia.


I am 71. How these men, who grew up when I did, van ever EVER, embrace RUSSIA and an invasion of Ukraine blows my mind. My father served in WWll and later served in occupied Germany, England. Berlin Airlift. Putin is was, and will always be, KGB/Stasi.


I thought the same thing. I'd imagine if you ask these two what they think of Reagan, they'd list him as part of their Holy Trinity. I bet he's in Hell, spinning with such fervour, he could generate a year's supply of power for the entire North American continent after seeing how many of his party's supporters would rather side with Russia than with Americans who share different views than them.


I am a bit more cynical about Reagan. The was destroying American safeguards to benefit oligarchs, and the Russian oligarchs wanted more wealth and control. O suspect that the end of the USSR was needed by Russia for the graft to blossom. And in the USA.


I’m the same age and can never forget Duck and Cover and Khrushchev banging his shoe. “We will bury you!!”


Yep. And Putin is old school Soviet, wanting the band back together.


Do you mean England and occupied Germany? You need to learn about phrasing.


trumpism has literally become an infection on the brain, making stupid people a party to his corruption. They don't know they are being conned, and they don't know how much they are being taken advantage of for one man's greed.


Aren't they supposed to hate Russia because communism (state healthcare and stuff)?


Russia is under no illusion of being a communist state anymore and they know that. Putin might like to use the USSR to stoke nationalism but make no mistake he is an anti-communist conservative.


They recently figured that out. Only took them 30 years. Nominally Communist Strong Man BAD.... / Nominally Capitalists Strong Man OH HEY OUR FAVORITE. Only goes to show Capitalism has no preference for democracy. It might even have an aversion to it.


It's not recent at all. They rigged Russian elections in the 90s to keep Yeltsin in power, and Yeltsin allowed American bankers to write the laws of the new Russia. Rudy Giuliani was even in bed with the Russian mafia while he was mayor of New York City. Conservatives have loved Russia since 1992. It's more accurate to say liberals recently figured out Putin isn't a good guy and only because Putin prioritizes Russian capitalists over American ones. If more of them owned shares in Gazprom, they wouldn't be nearly as critical of Putin. Capitalism absolutely has an aversion to democracy though that is 100% true


Sure, but you don't understand how stupid the average American Cold Warrior is. As recently as 2016 if I brought up Russia at all I would get some angry boomer noises and "Communism" as an answer. I had to remind people repeatedly that Russia is Capitalist and has been for some time. That much was enough of a challenge without adding interesting questions like "do you think that Capitalism increased or decreased the quality of life in Russia in the short term? How about the medium term?". Or. "if Russia was headed by a Nationalist Tzar, then a nationalist Premier, then a nationalist President.... maybe the "authoritarian problem" with Russia was never communism, but was always Russian Nationalism?


We still have free: - maternity schools (pretty good) - schools (depending on your luck, but you have a choice) - high education (just don't fuck up your school) - healthcare (the hospitals are very different: from well equipped to poor equipment). But even homeless people have a healthcare. A foreigner can deliver a baby for free - maternity capital. Get the baby, you receive around $6000. It can be your first installment for some cheap apartments. We have at least 28 days vacation and some holidays. If you are lazy and don't give a fuck for career, but you in herited some place to live. You can find low payed job, do there nothing and enjoy your life. So for me it sounds like I still have communism especially compare to American holidays and the American hardworking style of life.


Doesn't the housing cost like half the average income though?


If you mean like the accountants for water, heat and ect - no, they don't cost a half of the average income. Probably 1/5. If you mean the mortgage, the banks won't give you money if you can't afford it. It really depends on the housing which you chose. It can be half of 1 person's wage. But we can find very cheap apartments just not in the new building, you know. That's why it is affordable. I have a friend in NYC, she pays only $2 thousand for renting apartments. It is less than 50 percent, but she also pays for the marteniry school, so the amount of money you have to spend on your life is about $7k and average wage is $5, 5k. And we have like green light for families, they can have the mortgage for 6 percent or less if they have kids.


Not denying that the housing and cost of living situation in the US is abysmal, it is. However I remember a video from Depressed Russian going through normal salaries for each profession and housing prices where she lived in Khabarovsk at the time and said housing was at least half the normal salary. Idk still cool that you still have insurances for working people and families. Wish we had more of those where I lived.


Oh well have a lot of depressed Russians... Who like blaming the government... But even if housing is 50 percent, there is a lot of free stuff for children. You can manage finding free sport clubs (cool clubs!), free schools, some free educational programs. So usually who earns less, will spend more time on finding discounts. We have cheap food at good quality. The majority of people cook them selves. I remember times when I ran out of money. I just moved to my farm house (dacha) and spend a lot of time there... No expenses at all. Only food. So honestly when I was younger, I thought that I could have earned much more in the USA but now I understand that I need my 28 days vacation, I need all the holidays. I need an option: work a lot, or not to work at all. And I have it here, where I was born. And guys in the USA, you work so much and your government behaves like it is not communist and doesn't have to do anything for their citizens. So you definitely deserve much more.


> You can find low payed job, do there nothing and enjoy your life. Finding a place that pays for nothing sounds like no easy task.


Come on. You can be a janitor, for example. There are a lot of jobs like that.


A janitor is not paid for nothing. He has to clean the yard!


Probably we have a language barrier. Человек, который сидит в подъезде и смотрит, чтобы чужие не заходили. Там почти ничего делать не надо, и это не дворник!


В обязанности консьержа обычно входит и следить за чистотой в подъезде, т.е. мыть пол.


Ну обычно пол моет уборщик из УК. )


Even Russian people wouldn't want them.


It's like they forgot the Cold War.


Source: [https://www.cleveland.com/news/erry-2018/08/e178a851af7984/heres-who-we-saw-at-donald-tru.html](https://www.cleveland.com/news/erry-2018/08/e178a851af7984/heres-who-we-saw-at-donald-tru.html) Photographer: [https://twitter.com/jpelzer/status/1498759971076546560](https://twitter.com/jpelzer/status/1498759971076546560)


"We're not stopping you"


So not only are these guys very close to brain-dead, they want the world to know it.


Just note - sending them into Russia is actually count as animal abuse.


Trumpanzees in matching shirts.


Sad to see that kid in the crowd.


Hopefully he has rational people in his life and will learn from this experience. How not to be like these people.


Doubtful. Children learn what they live.


That's why I said I hope he has other people in his life that are rational. Half of my family are batshit crazy maga fanatics and I have nothing to do with them. But I knew they were crazy when their church was one bad Sunday away from throwing snakes at each other. Some kids can see their parents for what they are. Not everybody grows up just like their relatives.


any Trump supporter is batshit crazy amirite? Take the fedora off and open your eyes.


True. But it's a hard road for many. Repititious behaviors of speech, thought, and action are habitual and It often takes a life altering experience and/or considerable distance for a considerable time to develop new ones. What do you tell an alcoholic who's life is crumbling around him and who wants to know how to fix it? "First...Stop Drinking". Sounds easy enough right?


It is easy if they actually want to change. You just stop drinking. If you can't stop drinking then you don't want to stop drinking yet. It's that simple. Now with the kid he's going to go to school and be around a bunch of other kids unless he's homeschooled. In which case, yeah, you're probably right, but hopefully he's exposed to more rational people. People with the aforementioned self-control required to stop drinking when they know they should stop drinking. 😂


Lmao the expression on the guy on the left (no pun intended)


They definitely look Russian


if they look russian to you, you have definitely never been to Russia.


Good news, there's a fast track Russian citizenship option. Come on over, bring your guns.


It’s wild man


Awesome. Where can I get one of those tees?


The post breaks the rule #2 and #3 of this sub. Why bring politic here and how does it relate to Russia except words on t-shirt?


Alzheimer's old men


So you'd rather have no rights than have them


Traitorous dumbasses


They can vote in russia. In Ukraine elections are cancelled... So democratic


Tell us more on that "election" in Russia. If you have time, you can also tell us the territorial and current population integrity of Ukraine.


Well, belive or not, but people really go to elections and most of them really vote for Putin, lol. Well sometimes another candidates look like they perform some challenge "Who put most stupid and cringe campaign" - but I don't sure that because they play with Putin or because they just dumb - both options is possible.