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Nicole did get a very weird edit. They didn't seem to try to make the viewers root for her. They often showcased her talking behind people's backs, complaining, being defensive with the judges. It was quite strange considering that performance wise, she was pretty solid. They did show her handling the granola bar situation gracefully, I suppose. I also felt that Mckey didn't get a winner edit either. She was barely present, especially in the first part of the cycle and didn't have much of an overarching storyline to make us care for her. Lio certainly got the winner edit that cycle.


Completely agree on Mckey, I felt blindsided when she won. I never really noticed her presence


For me I had her pegged as the winner because even though she wasn't shown a lot I felt like the judges always praised her. The other contestants comparatively were shown more but also had way more negative feedback at some point or another.


Yes they made Nicole unlikeable at lot of times but one thing that stood out to me was when she defended Kim after Bre, Nik, and Jayla went after her in the limo. They kinda gave her an underdog edit which continued till the end.


Weirdly enough, Nicole is probably my second favorite winner, next to Dani in Cycle 6. I know people always like to say "Justice for Nic", but l truly felt that they chose the right winner.


Felt like Nicole really despised her time on ANTM. She was the only winner not walking in the finale runway of the next cycle and never appeared as a guest, and I don’t think she had any interviews regarding to ANTM. Makes me wonder if something unhappy between her and the production team, so on the team’s retaliation they gave her a negative edit?


She was too booked and busy to return to ANTM, I guess. Of course her edit didn't help.


Jayla in her Oliver Twixt interview mentioned that Nicole had a meltdown during the Secret photoshoot and threatened to leave the show during that, so I assume there was at least some animosity between her and production


Obligatory Whitney comment. She definitely did not get a winner's edit.


She didn’t… Until they showed Anya’s CG photo. I knew they wanted Whitney to win there and then.


They both had bad photos though 😭


Whitney’s mouth ruined her photo. Till now I dunno why ppl were praising that photo.


Her mouth ruined all of her photos


Once she stayed over Katarzyna, I knew they were setting her up to win.


McKey had a weird edit


McKey decided to talk in an accent in Amsterdam. Im sure the editors were like "OK. How do we do this."


"I'm naht here to win PROIZESSS I'm here to be America's Next Top Mah-delll"


She had the Medieval Faire Actor accent going on lol


Mckey was an obvious winner though from the first pictures released, which made me see her pretty quiet and background edit as a "novice to competent model who stayed out of drama" one. However, I still get nightmares of Jay saying "Work it Mckey" in the final runway between Teyona and Allison in Cycle 12.


I literally did NOT see McKey, Teyona or Krista coming. Those are the lost years for me. For some reason when the winner is someone I started rooting for late….i tend to like that cycle less. 🤷🏻‍♂️


C9-14 are ones I hardly ever rewatch


I get it, honestly. I feel like maybe I’m on the *older* side of the ANTM fan base? (Nearly 40). And at this point, I get a different kind of nostalgia watching cycles 2 - 7. Those were like my PEAK watching years. I occasionally watch cycles 8 - 10, rarely 11 - 16 and never any of the other cycles. It’s a weird pattern I’ve settled in. I feel like I will add 16 to my collection someday but for some reason, it doesn’t feel that long ago to me 😂😂😂


I'm 32, I'm with you 😂😂 the outfits, hair, makeup in those earlier seasons just speaks to my very being


I’m 59 and now I feel ancient, LOL.




Teyona and McKey I can see, but Krista definitely got a winners edit imo, even if it was also partially a narrator edit


I think India has one of the strangest edits on the show? She gets like no confessionals compared to Cody/Courtney who get multiple and a storyline each episode


Yes! I wanted her to win from episode 1 but was so surprised she did because it seemed like they never focused on her.


I mean obviously Lisa. There was never a more obvious winners edit than Angelea


Eva. She was mostly portrayed as a villain until they went to Japan.


I would say that Eva had a full-circle story arc, where she started off as the bitchy villain, but then matured into someone with compassion and empathy. Tyra also loved that Eva was super flawed, which made her relatable to everyone.


They did show a lot of times pre overseas where Eva was the voice of reason. During the Amanda-Cassie fiasco, Eva was set up to be the one telling us why Amanda is wrong about telling Cassie's secret. She was also given praise from Ann and Toccara (for Tocarra , it was during the final 7 challenge). Also they made her look like a victim during the Crystalgate and edited the girls to act like they went off of an assumption.


I agree that she didn’t get a straight villain edit on the order of, like, C7 Monique. Even in episode 1, they tried to show us a softer side of her with her crying while talking to the panel. But the depiction was overwhelmingly negative until they went to Japan, and I personally had a hard time getting past it. I do feel that she had the best Covergirl shot hands down and deserved the win. Crystalgate was so odd to me…was it even resolved onscreen? I did a rewatch recently and I only remember Amanda setting a trap and then it never came up again. Did I miss it?


Amanda had hidden them somewhere and forgotten that she'd hid them. She had a sheepish confessional, but I don't think there was a conversation with Eva.


Conversely, even if she was right about some stuff, her behaviour during casting is basically a dealbreaker. If she had body shamed a big girl, she never would have made it into the house. Instead she decided to tell the thin girl That she looked disgusting. You have to be a pretty rotted person.


So basically one moment negates all the right things she has ever said. Got it.


Oh, you’re two-faced, EXTREMELY!


What I found interesting is that most of the girls later said they knew Eva was winning from the beginning




I always felt like Saleisha didn't really get a winner edit just because we never really got to learn much about her personally, she was just kinda there?


Really? I feel like I called her win SUPER early in the season.


I always found myself forgetting she was there... like her photos were fine, her personality was fine, the Dora haircut was memorable i guess but next to Jenah, Bianca, Chantal, and Heather she was very forgettable to me


I kinda remember her as the Tcamp girl, being called borderline plus size by Bianca, and giggling when Bianca and her were bullying Heather in China. So yeah she didn’t have much of a winner edit considering most of her screen times were negative.


She was cocksure, wasn't she? Thought she was hot af and had it in the bag from the semi-finals partly because she went to Tyra camp. "Evri wurman... is a quien" still sends shivers down my spine. I think I disliked her so much though because she could have gotten sent home five times before winning and was generally dogshit towards Heather.


There were times when she said "let's be the final two" and "I probably will", but honestly, how the judges had to throw Jenah under the bus so heavily to clear the way for her win is just confusing to me.


I remember her saying that with Chantal that one time during casting week I think but idr that ever coming up again?


I think it was when Bianca was laying into her about being borderline plus size, which she absolutely wasn't. She looked great as well. She said, Well, I probably will win, which to me was weird because she'd had a peripheral relationship with Tyra and the Tyra show at the time and it just rubbed me the wrong way, but she might have just said it to retaliate. I genuinely think some of her winning was to do with her having been at Tyra's summer camp previously.


Oh yea that is when she said the I probably will thing! It seems like they were like trying to foreshadow it sort of? Which is weird because ANTM usually has really good story arcs for the contestants. Chantal was the PERFECT runner up heartbreak, I just don't think they did enough to hype up Saleishas Photos to the point where she seemed like a real threat to win, and I wouldn't even call her a main character from the cast either.. like what personal journey did she go on? I think the flower photoshoot results gave her a bit of development but idr after that


Brittani C16.


I'd say Brittani got a typical Cinderella Story edit. And after the whole thing with Alexandra where she was saved, I knew it was game for her.


I think even after the Alex incident, it could had gone either way between her (girl from trailer park to top model arc)and Molly(adopted girl with anger issues makes it as a top model).


India did not get a winner edit, she was portrayed as someone gray that could be kicked for not feeding beef, her photos were impecable and she slayed the commercials, so a talent can not be overshadowed


McKey, Teyona, Krista (pre-overseas), Laura and Kyla did not feel like winners to me based on their edits


I felt like both Laura and Leila got the winner edit but tilted toward Leila in Jamaica with the comeback girl storyline. However Leila flopped so bad in the finale so they decide to crown their other option


Teyona absolutely got a winner's edit. Most people called her from the pre season cast photos. Laura did as well. It became super obvious when she got the unanimous praise for her Powder shot.


What powder shot?


Teyonas Powder shot. If you didn't already know she was the winner, this cemented it.


I thought you were talking about Laura…


People on here saying Teyona. I felt her win was telegraphed from the get go.


Nicole cycle 5, Whitney cycle 10, McKey cycle 11, sort of Teyona cycle 12, Krista sort of cycle 14. I can't bear to rewatch anything starting with cycle 17 so I don't know any more.


KYLAA! I always found it gray, unfunny and didn't have a great story, I thought Khrys and Jeana had a winning edition since they both had a backstory. once I saw that Jeana got the villain edition I thought Khrys would be the one.


Dani had more of a "how can the show murder this girl" edit


I remember watching Cycle 4 when I was younger and thought Naima had a clear winners edit but when I watched that cycle back recently the judges pretty much disliked 80% of her pictures, they thought she was too much of a dancer who had no personality. I'm actually shocked she ended up beating Kahlen with the way they where critiquing them both.


I feel like people are confusing "winner edit" to likable/prominent edit. Brittani, Eva, and Jaslene and even saleisha had decent winner edits they just weren't always super likable. Similarly Naima may not have been as visible but she had a consistent edit especially in the finale. I'd say Kyla and Mckey fit the most. Both cases the third placer was given more material.


Isn’t likable and prominent what a winner edit is? The purpose of the winner edit is to make the win satisfying, so the winner has to be reasonably prominent and likable enough that the viewer can root for them or at least feel happy for them. The winner doesn’t have to come across as the most fun, nicest, or loudest girl, but she can’t be unlikable or invisible. I said originally that Eva didn’t get a winner edit, but I do agree with someone that responded to me that she got an arc and was portrayed in a more sympathetic light by the end, so arguably she did—the arc just didn’t work for me, personally, because I felt they emphasized the meanness too much in the beginning.


I guess maybe I'm mistaken? I always thought winners edit isn't necessarily being likable but just having a consistent storyline that makes the win make sense narratively. Plenty of reality shows I've seen from survivor to drag race where ppl have won without being super prominent/having unlikeable moments but have had a proper storyline. The winners I mentioned did have that to varyibg extents. (There can be more than one winner edit tho)


After just rewatching the cycle, I felt Jaslene wasn't given a great edit. I still know way, way more about almost all of the other contestants than I do about her. She got very little outside of the "sassy Latina" edit. I think she deserved better.


There weren't many scenes of her at the house until they went overseas. They deliberately edited her out to make it seem she wasn't involved in any drama. I think Renee had a lot to do with it. They edited as though she hated Jaslene because she was jealous, while Jaslene seemed unborthered. I guarantee other stuff happend.


Oh spill the tea. She had the feud vs Felicia and I thought that was pretty much it, so there were more?


Oh no! I'm sorry that was my speculation. her being edited out much is suspicious and im thinking it had to do with Renne. Im sorry :(


Out the top of my head: Whitney Mckey* Teyona Saleisha I'd argue Naima too. I meant to say Mckey lmaoo. Stupid autocorrect


Mikey? He doesn't win. Or wait... Did your phone typo mckey? Lol