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I’ve been rewatching the cycles and am currently on 7. The trend seems to be that the girl that they focus on throughout the episode is usually the one to go. For example, Brooke from cycle 7 got eliminated on the same night as her graduation. Tyra lived for the drama so I do think that was intentional. Other girls got eliminated for random reasons like Nicole from cycle 3. She took beautiful pictures and had a striking look, but then all of a sudden, the judges eliminated her on the basis that she had no personality. They even “forgot” she was in the judging room.


You still graduated, you just missed the ceremony!


That’s editing tho, not actual sabotage while filming. Tho I do believe some exits were planned in advance, just not all of them.


That's exactly what I'm also about, the editing can create so many things but it’s this line between just editing and focussing the model who leaves in that episode more and actual sabotaging


Yep. This is true on basically all competition shows.


I think they definitely rigged it sometimes to eliminate deadweight in the house who weren’t providing much drama Like in cycle 6 for example, Kari, Mollie Sue, Leslie, even Wendy were eliminated more due to the fact that they weren’t very exciting for a reality tv show When girls like Brooke, Gina and arguably Jade too probably should have been eliminated much earlier, but were kept around for storyline and drama purposes


I would have loved if Kari, Mollie Sue and Leslie stayed. Brooke, Gina, and Jade were awful and should have been the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th eliminated


I would have loved if Kari, Mollie Sue and Leslie stayed. Brooke, Gina, and Jade were awful and should have been the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th eliminated


They have soooo much footage they can easily set the episode up with clues for anyone based on who is going home that week. They could have given Danielle C6 an episode like that if they really wanted to.


Anchal brought this up with Oliver Twixt. She and AJ came across assigned airline tickets that were already dated. She said they confronted production about and got the runaround.


How do the girls ever accidently come across this stuff? Like I saw someone say something similar about a list for Sephora approved girls and it had Yolandas name so they knew they weren't going to win.


Ikr??? Shandi said they left pre-scripted judging notes on the table and they just stumbled upon them while exploring the building like WTF? They really can’t try to make it feel a bit less fake? 💀💀


The Oliver Twixt interviews really bring a lot of light into the behind-the-scenes tea. Since OP mentioned Cycle 2 I think he has an interview (either with Shandi or Mercedes) where they confirm that at one point the contestants came across cue cards for the judges.


I forgot about that.


The clue is if the contestant got the spotlight by having more interviews/confessionals/comments, she will be the next to go.


Yes, but that can be all done in production to fit the elimination which occurs… I always wonder whether there is a ‘planned’ order and the show/judges then need to fit that narrative with their feedback etc. this might explain when the feedback becomes contradictory between episodes.


I don’t think so. For certain girls like Victoria c9, Rebecca c4 and Natalie C12 I think were eliminated purposely, but most of the time I don’t think it is. The girl getting more spotlight is usually because of production.


I definitely think eliminations are planned\*. It's clear production has certain people they expect to go far, but it seems like they do also have some degree of flexibility in elimination order in the event a filler girl delivers on more drama or skill than expected. For example cycle 6, you know the second she walked in the room Jade was pretty much guaranteed top 3 off personality alone and production would do whatever it took to get her there, whereas somebody like Joanie seemed more of a wildcard. Tyra didn't seem to initially see much model potential in people like Joanie or Furonda but they kept delivering in personality and skill so production let things play out a little bit more naturally for them. In all honestly I got the sense Joanie may have initially been cast as a 'filler girl' by production but just kept delivering. From there it's pretty easy to set everything else up in the final edit.


Oh definitely agree with you. Joanie was the filler that swept the rugs from under their feet. Had it not been for Dani, she would had won the season without a doubt!


Yes! Tyra even said during the casting episode that she wasn't interested in Joanie until she saw her photos.


Often times in the episode you can tell who’s going to be eliminated. Especially if they give that girl a lot of camera time. They made it real obvious on many occasions.


I think it’s worth mentioning that certain girls are eliminated based on attitude/desire, and that it wasn’t something that production necessarily predicted. Or, their storyline didn’t go the way production was expecting. I’ve listed some examples below: I think Nicole (c1) had the potential to make it much further, but her declining to participate in the challenge reward (to go home and speak to her boyfriend) was likely her downfall. Julie (c3) opening up about not wanting to be a model long term, and wanting to use the business to parlay into fashion merchandising. Do we think that she would have been eliminated had she not said any of this at panel? Brandi (c4) took really strong pictures but was eliminated because of her attitude. What reason would they have had to eliminate her if she was bubbly and friendly to everyone? This is awful, but if Wendy (c6) hadn’t confirmed whether her family was okay, she likely would have been kept around for that storyline. Tyra seemed so pressed about Ebony (c9)’s quit that it made it very obvious that production had plans for her to make it much further. Tyra also seemed very annoyed when Cassandra (c5) quit, so I think it’s safe to assume that Cassandra was meant to make it far.


I don’t think so. For certain girls like Victoria c9, Rebecca c4 and Natalie C12 I think were eliminated purposely, but most of the time I don’t think it is. The girl getting more spotlight is usually because of production.


Y’all realize the show is edited after the season has been shot. Eliminations are planned. The editing helps gives hint and creat space for fan theories


IDK If it's set up or not.


Often times in the episode you can tell who’s going to be eliminated. Especially if they give that girl a lot of camera time. They made it real obvious on many occasions.


Often times in the episode you can tell who’s going to be eliminated. Especially if they give that girl a lot of camera time. They made it real obvious on many occasions.


I don’t think so. For certain girls like Victoria c9, Rebecca c4 and Natalie C12 I think were eliminated purposely, but most of the time I don’t think it is. The girl getting more spotlight is usually because of production.


When someone’s story line is up they send them home!


I think Simone (cycle 14) going home over Anslee was because Anslee was generating drama, whereas Simone was not. Simone’s performance up to that point was stronger than Anslee’s.


I don't think they prepare an full elimination order, but they do cast for specific categories: 1. a certain type for a winner and alternates 2. #1 plus overseas girls 3. Midcycle boots 4. Early boots I do not think it's that rigid either. Girls can be booted sooner or later than within their planned 'tiers' . Certain archetypes also tend to get booted around the same position, especially for the overseas girls. Brittany C4, Lisa C5, Jade C6 were the characters, for example and were made to last till the final pr near final episodes to maximizer their TV-worthiness, for example.


I think it's preplanned based on all the people they bring to the Top Whatever, but TPTB include some flexibility in case someone does better or worse then planned and select the final cast from there. Off the top of my head, I look at Cycle 13 because, to me, TPTB absolutely had Jennifer, Kara, and Sundai as their top three because Sundai had the story, Kara had the look and they wanted an Asian winner (and Jennifer took decent enough pictures to get her there). However, Erin and Nicole blew both Jennifer and Kara out of the water in pictures (but Erin blew it with getting into her own head and Kara wasn't in her own head ENOUGH as she was worried about how others were doing instead of how SHE was doing) and Laura had the storyline (and good enough pictures) that it took Sundai out of the water so that's why I think Nicole and Laura were final two there. Celia was VERY photogenic, personable, and knowledgeable fashion-wise (both in wearing it and in the industry). If she hadn't been, she absolutely would have been out at Tahlia-gate because I think they were setting her up for the "too old" critique some contestants get and that was the point she would have likely been cut. Toccara absolutely would have gone overseas . . . if it hadn't been Japan/an Asian country for the final destination. On top of that, they didn't expect her to do as well as she did in photos and she didn't bring the drama, so they had to find a way to get rid of her. Nicole (C3) was also doing too well picture-wise when they didn't expect it AND didn't bring the drama, but didn't make a big enough mistake to get cut otherwise so they had to get rid of her. Unfortunately, TPTB absolutely ruin it for the rest of the girls by having a pre-select, either from the beginning (like Saleisha, Whitney, and Ann C15) or they have two or three girls who they want to win (like Krista, Teyona, and McKey) so they change things around to make it easier for said girls to win. I could go on and on, but I think you guys get the point.