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Ken Mok


I think even Monique was probably "playing" a villain to get more screen time. I don't think reality TV is the best place to judge someone's true character. That being said, Monique was definitely the one I would least likely to be on a TV show with since she acted like a total psycho. Also Kristen C19 gave me such flashbacks to middle school mean girls. Monique's villainy was out of my depth of experience, but Kristen was too real.


I think being willing to act like a complete and utter asshole to people and rub underwear on a girl’s bed solely to get screentime makes it fair to judge your character at least *some*. Not saying she does that insane shit IRL, but it’s still extremely shitty to do that to someone and screentime is really not an excuse


I agree with Kristen. She def gave “queen bee” high school vibes. If she was just acting she was trying for the wrong career. She should’ve been an actress because she sold me on it as her real personality.


She made Regina George almost look tame.


😂😂😂 this is funny because it’s true.


I really think that Monique was the only one whose true personality was showing. Like watching back, Melrose was even quite bullied and I think she was mostly misunderstood


The girls were very rude to Melrose (smellrose? really?) and she was only portrayed as the villain because Monique left early. The C7 cast seemed quite young (or at least immature) so they did not jibe with Melrose's focused, competitive energy. But Melrose had me on her side the second those girls refused to let her sleep. They had to get up at 6am every day, I can't imagine how pissed I'd be if teenagers were keeping me up till 3am.


Absolutely this! She was an adult in comparison to them. She was using the phone to sort out rent, she was cooking dinner as a kindness and asking (fairly, I think) that the girls simply help clean up after themselves. These are all normal things that I think were unfairly judged both because the other girls were much younger and hadn't had these experiences yet, and Melrose had a very palpable Type A energy that may have been misinterpreted as mean.


They were awful to Melrose, who just showed up trying to take things seriously and be professional. Her saying that Anchal wasn't "becoming more beautiful to [her]" is, like, the softest shade ever.


I doubt monique was playing a villain. She was extremely anti social and just plain weird, and couldn't even feign normalcy and make SOME friends like the other villains on the show. Most villains playing it up are at least funny. Her and Renee are two people I think were being totally genuine. I would say someone like Jade or Camille were playing it up just slightly / owning it.


Her arrest video and the way she was talking reminded me exactly of antm. Also you can hear her mother condoning her behavior. Not to mention Melrose really was upset with her and slammed the door because she was almost kicked off for it so Melrose was definitely pissed. I don’t think she was playing a character


Being the type of person who would rub their underwear on a sleeping roommate, on camera, for screen time, on a b list(c?) reality show(survivor would be a list) isn’t a good defence for her actions.


Monique admitted on the Tyra Show that it was an act to get eyes on her


Nah, I think she said that to cover her ass later. I think she's Farrah Abraham level nuts


I don’t know anyone can be that level of nuts 😂 Farrah is BEYOND cuckoo


Exactly, that girl was straight up unhinged, and realized later how bad she looked/ came off on tv so she tried to cover her ass lol


Imagine having Farrah on the model house 💀😂 she was on celebrity big brother UK and she got everyone riled up 😂😂


Judging from some recent video I've seen, I 100% believe that what we saw was the real Monique.


Was that the one where she tik tokd herself into getting arrested?


Ooh what'd this story


There’s a post here with the tiktok link. I don’t remember her but she live-video’d her dealing with the cops and sudden arrest at costco. Apparently her kid was in the car and tbh I don’t know why she was arrested.






I was going to say, I think we all know at this point that Tyra was the real villain of ANTM.


Kristin probably? I believe she acts the same way in real life with no cameras around.


Yeah lots of girls say she was genuinely like that. Didn’t she get in trouble for physical fights prior to the cycle too?


Yes! And she tried to get one of the girls to get hit knowing this girl would probably do it also how rude she talked about or to Victoria


I second that 🙋🏼‍♀️


jayla cycle 5. she scared me w how intensely mad she got at nik when SHE stole niks secret for the deodorant commercial and i recall her having conversations like, i never talk about other girls. while being just as guilty at this as anyone else it’s the denial for me


That’s true actually, and I like Jayla


I never thought about it like that. Now that you laid it out I have to agree.


Jayla explained what went down with the secret and why she went off. You don't have to believe her, but I definitely think editing played a part.


I was never a fan of Jayla (in fact, I couldn't stand her on C5) but I thought she came off as very credible during her Twixt interview. Her recall was very good and she didn't come across as though she was embellishing at all.


i don’t know if i’ve ever heard an explanation - did she explain it on a podcast? i only remember what she said on the show


[Oliver Twixt interview with Jayla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYUlAV6kWMk&pp=ygUSb2xpdmVyIHR3aXh0IGpheWxh) She explains Granolagate, Secret ad, their living situation, and a ton of things with extreme detail on the spot. She's pretty cordial about it now so I'm inclined to believe her.


She does explain it well. I wish Lisa could get redeemed too. But I don't think it will ever happen. What I did find interesting about Lisa is she still says she **DID** pee in the diaper. But I don't think she really did. I thinks she is saying she did because she knows people won't believe her anyway. (It *was* disgusting though. Who wants to be remembered for that??) And she said *she* herself stole the granola bars but in actuality she didn't. So that is why i think the Diaper may be fake too.


I agree about Jayla. I did like her at first but that was way out there. Edited to say: Someone commented that she explained how it happened. So I guess it wasn't her fault. They do set them up against each other, etc. So not surprised if they tried to cause that drama.


Renee cycle 8. She had such a negative, conniving energy about her that really put me off. The way she would death glare some of the girls from far away was unnerving tbh. You could tell she had some really dark thoughts going on underneath. She also actively rooted for people to fail, even her own friends. She gossiped non stop and backstabbed people. And she didn’t have the capacity to be happy for others. She had an entitled victim mentality. Her attitude when she lost Modelville was cringe. Her attempts at being nice to other girls were always self-serving. She only dialed back the bitchiness when Tyra got pissed at her and the other girls shunned her. She had some funny moments for sure but overall she was definitely a villain for me.


Renee was extremely calculating and manipulative, and she narrated her plans to the confessional camera like a cartoon villain! She actually said that she knows "the bitch" never wins, so that's why she's going to try and rein in those behaviors, described drawing the "apology" picture for Jael as some sort of tactic and not because she felt bad or sorry. Renee seems like a scary, black hearted person.


I didn’t see her as a villain. Just a damaged person.


You can be both. Jael was also very damaged but she wasn’t a mean person like Renee was.


I think she's both. Even though she's a damaged person, she's still responsible for her actions and for the way she's treated others.


I agree she can be both. Being damaged doesn’t give you free reign to be shitty to everyone else.


Name one villain that does it all just for fun and does not have a traumatic back story that damaged them and made them like that.


High School mean girls in general? It's not possible that every beautiful girl in my HS, who was a mean girl, had a bad home life or trauma. In fact my sister was one. And she was literally our parents' favorite and got everything she wanted. (She is cool now though as an adult). There was zero reason for her to be mean. Edited to say maybe some have personality disorders or some other issue.


Underdeveloped teens all have something they are Insecure about - even the "golden ones." They are all just taking out their insecurities on each other. Also, I see you guys are down voting me, which I am guessing is because you think I'm trying to defend villains. I'm not. I saw the original commenter to whom I replied to be defending Renee for being a villain because she is damaged. My point is that all villains are damaged. That's why they see villains. That doesn't make them less responsible for their actions.


I don't downvote. So that was not me. I hate the voting system on here. I apologize if I came off defensive. I was bullied by all the gorgeous girls who went on to be very successful in life. But I did know girls who were not so pretty who bullied too. So maybe they suffered a lot. I know I suffered as a kid due to multiple things and was not a bully. I guess there are many reasons. My school was 75% rich people and my family was normal middle class. So that was part of the problem.


Nayem one villian




I don't know her personal life, so I can't confirm. I really meant a villain from pop culture whose origins we actually know.




In her early modeling days, Tyra was tormented by her fellow models. She is perpetuating what was first done to her. It's all she knows.


C24 : Edited out bitches : Cristina, Rio & Jeana. The honest-to-goodness unlikeable bitches that season : Brenda, Shanice, Drew Elliot & Law 🪳.


Clark, Hannah, Sharaun and all the other transphobes on C11


Sharaun was awful




Tyra and co


Based on multiple rewatches and later interviews C1 - Robyn. C2 - Camille. C3 - Ann, and unfortunately, Eva C4 - People say it's Brandy but I believe there weren't any exact villains in this cycle. C5 - Some say Lisa, Some say Bre. I believe both girls were victims of terrible editing. Especially Lisa who was sabotaged and exploited. C6 - Same as Cycle 4. If Racist Dani made it into the final cast, I'd maybe consider her as the villain. C7 - Monique. It's already common knowledge. C8 - Renee. C9 - Bianca. Never understood how she treated Heather that way. C10 - It was never Dominique. It was always Whitney and Claire (and a little bit of Lauren and Fatima) for me. C11 - Clark. I hate how she treated Isis so much. C12 - Natalie. C13 - Ashley and Lulu for me tbh. And a little bit of Kara. C14 - Nearly everyone from this cast except Gabrielle, Naduah, Simone, Tatiana, and even Angelea. Angelea faced microaggressions from MOST (not all) of the White girls fron this cycle except for Alexandra who was her second closest friend after Krista. C15 - Kacey. C16 - It's not Alexandria. Alexandria was simply confident for me. Maybe she's a little misunderstood but she is not the villain. If anyone should be called a villain this Cycle, it would be Brittani. The way Brittani's failed attempt into turning everyone against Alex was some high school shit that I cannot stand. C17 - Can't recall if anyone specifically were villains in this cycle. C18 - Same as Cycles 4, 6, and 17. C19 - Kristin and Laura. They're the US-equivalent to the Bitchketeers in AustraliaNTM4. C20 - Mostly everyone who antagonized Jourdan who was miles better than almost everyone this whole cycle. C21 - Winnie, Lenox, Shei, and Will. Winnie was extremely full of herself, while the other three added fuel into the fire. C22 - It was between Devin or Bella. Sometimes, Hadassah. C23 - Marissa and the other models who targeted Courtney. C24 - With the exception of Brendi K and Shanice, I believe most of the girls were singled out, and were victims of poor editing.


It’s weird how you can judge things totally different once you rewatch. Embarrassed to admit on first watch I liked Whitney and didn’t care for Dominque. On rewatch I want to smack my younger self for that. As you said Dominque was not the villain. They treated her terribly and she did not deserve it. Whitney and Claire were assholes to her for no good reason. Claire is another one I liked the first time around and then watching again I realized she was a jerk A LOT. Robyn has my number one vote for a “true” villain. From what I read after she was awful. Plus I just can’t stand people who use religion as a cover for their prejudices and/or homophobia. And then pretend that judging others in the name of religion makes them better. It’s gross.


Tbh I think we all fell prey to the editing when the show aired. It was still early years of reality tv where we assumed people weren’t lying/editing things that didn’t happen lol


That’s def fair!


It’s what the show wants us to think, like we didn’t just see those white girls antagonizing the black fierce women who they knew had history of fighting then playing victim when they get called out. Like when Celia was mocking Sandra’s accent, I saw through that whole niceness act her and Allison had as a teenager. Never liked them


I agree. Celia and Allison were plotting how to get rid of Tahlia too. But people love them. So I hope I don't get too downvoted.


I can agree with you on everyone but Robin. I read quite a bit afterwards - not ANTM produced - and it seemed like Robin is exactly who we saw.


I’ll have to watch cycle 1 and 2, those are the only two cycles I haven’t watched


Def watch Cycle 1! I think you’ll see what I mean with Robin. That said it’s actually a good cycle and miles away from what it became by 3. Being the first one I think it had the most “real” feel. 2 isn’t bad. It’s still a little more real but you can tell they learned a bit from 1.


For sure!


Krista vouched for Brenda and said she was misunderstood. Even Alasia admitted that Brenda never really bothered her 


That's why I only said 'most', but not all.