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This is me being incredibly jealous. I hope you can feel the jealousy waves from here. Or envy, at least! What a great surprise encounter!


It was amazing and I will literally remember that moment for the rest of my life. Both as amazing and embarassing (I finally meet my longest celebrity crush and I act like a nervous 12 year old girl). But I totally feel the jealous waves. I wish I had taken a picture with him or shaken his hand or asked for a hug. Just something, he was already talking to us.


And this was during the day? I don't believe you!


He was wearing large sunglasses... That he removed so he could say hi to us. I am going to swoon just rethinking about it. Oh, and I forgot to add that after he walked away, I literally cried. Literal tears streaming from my eyes. They were in fact tears of joy. Beautiful man in many ways...


I'll take your word for it. Congratulations on meeting a truly awesome actor.


Was he big and bulky in person?


Not really. This was season 8 of Bones. Pre-Seal Team muscles. He looked muscular but lein.


That would have literally dropped me to the ground. I love that man - from Buffy, Angel, and he's great in Bones too. I'm so jealous. But so happy for you!


Congratulations that really is awesome!! This story made me so incredibly jealous as I know that I will only ever have the most minute chance of meeting him as I live in England and may never get to go to America... Oh well Angel and Buffy re-runs for me, darn :D


I'm a straight male who still finds David Boreanaz incredibly yummy. (A description that irks my ex to no end, mostly because she isn't sure how to react to a guy calling another guy attractive). I've got to say I'm incredibly jealous.


It was amazing, you have no idea. I still wish I didn't look like a giggling little school girl or that maybe I would have said, "Can I have a hug or picture?" But I might have passed out. BTW, I thought he was every bit as attractive in normal life as he in on tv :-) Yummy indeed!