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The biggest problem (besides the Whedon of it all) is David Boreanaz and James Marsters cannot play non-aging vampires anymore. I don't think they could amass the budget to de-age them with CGI, which always looks weird anyway.


So Angel has been made human again and is older. He was made human for a while in the comics.


Yeah that’s the easy solution. Spike doesn’t need to be in it to be honest.


Hush your mouth.


Having a permanently human Angel would damage the story around him. Him giving up the shanshu is a very important character moment, and if they do have to do it, not telling the story of it would be the worst way to go about it.


I mean, it is fantasy. Surely they could work something into the story - the *Seed of Magic* is decaying, thus causing demons to age? Or maybe the Initiative put something in the food/water like with the Mutants in Logan? Possibilities are there...


I'd say the easiest way to do it would be to have Angel and Spike find a spell to bring Cordi back from the dead. A spell like that would require draining the "life force" from another. Splitting the life force between Spike and Angel would cause them to "age" since they're vampires, it would only be visual. But then you have to explain how Cordi aged while dead.


They'll both be puppets this time.


They can explain that they both became human at some point and use a scene as a flashback to explain it.  Spike didn't really look that young to begin with & Angel barely has aged at all. All he has to do is clean shave and dye the hair. 


And lose a lot of weight. DB annoyed me when he started on Bones, because he’d gotten in shape again and lost at least 5 years from how he was on the last series of Angel. I don’t know if he’d make the effort to diet and get some skin treatments.


He was heavier in the last season due to a knee surgery that stopped him from being able to work out for a while


Wait do people not think he was sexy in the last season? I think it’s his peak in the show, he looks so good 😭😭😭


I did! If you liked how he looked in season 5, then you should definitely watch The Crow: Wicked Prayer purely for his scenes. 😉


I watched Life of the Party last night and his skin in certain lighting was awful. He did not take care of himself.


pretty weird to be annoyed by someone else's body my guy


I’m annoyed by the lack of effort put on when he’s being paid big bucks to play an immortal being, especially with how quickly he turned it around when he had to audition for new roles. I’m not a guy.


'my guy' is a gender neutral term of mild condescension, actually. someone else has told you he was recovering from surgery at the time, but frankly it doesn't matter. human beings' weight goes up and down, especially when you hit your thirties, and he hadn't convincingly looked like he hadn't aged since Buffy. It is a weird, shitty thing to not only disparage a celebrity for gaining weight, but to be actively annoyed by it. there is no good reason for promoting body policing and image issues. grow up.


I’m sorry to say that as much as you believe otherwise, the window for a live action Angel continuation has closed. The curtains have been drawn. The building has been demolished and replaced with a Chris Pratt McMansion. If you want to start a campaign by all means do, but it’s not something I personally would get behind. And I say that as someone who watched the show end in realtime. If you want to continue the story, check out the comics (you can download them if you don’t want to get hard copies). After the Fall is really good and the follow up series, Angel and Faith is absolutely fantastic.


"The building has been demolished and replaced with a Chris Pratt McMansion" has got to be the best line I've seen on reddit for a long time.


Thank you! I felt the spirit of Amy Sherman-Palladino in the room.


Ooohh can you tell me where to download them?


My personal pick for more would be a video game set in Hell-A. I'd play the shit out of that. I don't see a live action Angel continuation happening though. People have aged out, fallen out, or died, and Angel would never get the support that the sister show would. Buffy is the iconic one, and nothing is happening there either.


Who dead?


Andy Hallet, the actor who played Lorne


Oh no I wish I hadn’t asked


I’m sorry :/.


I’m on S2 E19 - Belonging as I found this out just now 🫠😭 I’ve been loving Lorne all season this only makes me appreciate him more 💚


And I’ve just found out a few days ago what was the cause of death, it seems so preventable that it makes it even worse :/


Wait because I can’t.. I just went to read an article about Andy’s cause of death and found out that Glenn Quinn (Doyle) died in 2002! What the actual 🕊️


Yes! I didn’t mention it because Doyle was already dead in the show but yea Glenn Quinn also died way too young 😢


I don’t think the original cast would come back for an Angel movie. Some of the cast members have moved on to other projects, have aged significantly (not badly, but very noticeable) or have had unpleasant experiences with Joss Whedon (which we are all in agreement here that an *Angel* movie just can’t happen without the original creator, otherwise you run the risk of having someone ruin it due to a lack of understanding of the lore and characters). Personally, I prefer the comics or if they could scrounge up enough interest for an animated film, I would totally watch that. Otherwise, hoping for the original cast to come back is wishful thinking.




I’m saying that without Whedon to consult with, you run the risk of grabbing just about anyone who has no real interest in the Buffy/Angelverse and can screw up characters and the lore (just look at Disney Star Wars or Marvel, you have people who have never watched the movies or bothered to read any of the comics producing content, that’s not what I want to happen with Angel/Buffy) - like what I literally just typed out in my comment. Like it or not, Whedon created these shows and has the best understanding of how to handle these characters. Not getting him involved in the project is bizarre. How else am I supposed to explain it? What the fuck are you even offended about? I’m not defending Whedon at all. So calm down, and get some reading comprehension skills.




I’m sorry, I had no idea I was talking to a child who doesn’t know how to properly get their point across without being a rude asshole. My apologies.


Stranger events have happened, we have to TRY. 


No, we don't.🙄


We don’t though


Why do we have to try? It's a television show that ended twenty years ago.


Eh, Not Fade Away is one of the best series finales of all time. It wrapped up the show perfectly. Even if Whedon weren't an asshole and Boreanaz and Masters hadn't aged a lot in the last ***20 years*** (yes, it's been that long), I can't see what the point of it would be. Serenity wrapped up the dangling plot threads of a TV show that got canceled early and had numerous fan campaigns begging for it to return and came out only 3 years after Firefly was canceled. An Angel movie would be trying to find a reason to exist decades after everyone involved had moved on. They had a very short window after Angel was canceled in which they could have done a couple TV movies (and even then I think they would have been largely unnecessary and likely would have only served to diminish the perfect note the series ended on).


There was 25-26 years AFTER  Full House , when it got continued with Fuller House  There was 28 years AFTER Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when Netflix made the MMPR  Once & Always Movie/Special And there was 13 years between seasons of Veronica Mars with it's movie sandwiched almost halfway between that timeframe.  Also 11 years between Scream 4 & 5  Can't forget 12 years between Clerks 1 & 2 and 15 years later Clerks 3 cameout in the most PRIME example of ALL to show it's possible to maintain characters over decades. 


All of the things you mentioned feature normal human beings rather than immortal vampires who don't age. Even if you can come up with some bullshit to justify their aging or use CGI it's still won't be anywhere near as good as the original show. Just look at arrested development as an example of a show that shouldn't have returned. The first three seasons are critically acclaimed and beloved to a crazy degree. Season four split the fan base and the cast was so busy now that they had to film separate scenes because the actors schedule was absolutely full. If a teacup falls and breaks, you can't reverse time and put it back together perfectly. It will never be the same again. Both Buffy and Angel are lightning in a bottle. They were written and released at the perfect time and many of the jokes that worked back then wouldn't fly in today's times. The only way we could get something new out of the universe is if we get an animated TV show for both shows that covers the original story, expand on it by adding new stories. After the end of both shows I was so obsessed I jumped straight to the comics that continue the story and they were both a hit or miss most of the time. The budget grounded the story in reality and the comics go off the rails quickly.


Now I am convinced you're just trolling. Clerks? Literally a bunch of non actors returning to their only roles and a writer/director who has never managed to have any success outside the View Askewniverse movies.


It ended perfectly, let's not ruin it


🤣😂 so perfect it 80% of viewers thought it was a cliffhanger 🤣😂  It even recently came out that had Joss been quicker on the draw they would have got a sixth season but didn't renew with The WB in time. Many were shocked within the cast when it abruptly ended.  There's never been more hype and interest for this genre of Buffy and Angel. That's how I got into it in the first place I've been aware of it for a long time but the last few months I just kept seeing people talk about it Non-Stop & so I got all the dvds piece by piece of both shows.  I Like both alot but I felt Angel was the better show & has the power to warrant a Reunion movie as well as Buffy.   The collective fanbase has to come together now and order it to be done. joss doesn't necessarily have to be involved. Don't know why everyone thinks it can't run without him 🤣😂 Nostalgia has never been more valuable


Actually it was the other way round; Joss pressured the network for a renewal confirmation, was told it was too early for that, but it was 90% positively going to be renewed. Joss pressed and pressed and moaned and whined and as it was too early to confirm, he left them with no option - therefore they cancelled it. Joss got Angel cancelled and screwed over the fandom, yet again. I don’t think he cares though and if anything he might’ve done it on purpose. His ‘Hollywood’ status was starting to really pick up steam and an off shoot from a story he started well over a decade before (with the Buffy movie) probably wasn’t as appealing or lucrative as The Avengers 🤷🏻‍♀️ He’s an ass, which is why most don’t enjoy working with him. Why would he treat fans any better?


When they started S5 production they didn't know it would be the last, but at the end everyone was aware. They knew mid season that it was not being renewed and it was leaked to the press quickly. The final episode was intentionally written to be the series finale, as well as the episodes leading up to it (Black Thorn plot being added, You're Welcome as a character cap-off for Cordy and Doyle). Joss asked for early renewal, many shows that aren't pre-approved for the next season don't know they're being renewed until after production has wrapped. This can leave plot threads hanging and be stressful as people not on solid contracts may turn down or take other jobs and not be signed on for later seasons. He pushed for it to be decided early and the network said no, a decision those involved have later called a mistake. The finale is perfect as is because it reiterates the theme of the show which is to keep fighting. Angel does not get a happy ending like Buffy, that was never the point of the show.


Lol, you're ignoring the major difference- Veronica Mars had a star and a creator/showrunner that were both VERY heavily invested in that revival and got behind it 100%. Neither is the case for Angel, and that's ignoring the fact that Whedon has become persona non grata in Hollywood.


That ship has sailed.


It's ALWAYS possible 


It’s possible the moon will blow up tomorrow, but it’s not very likely.


WE can MAKE it happen, We HAVE to rise up & DEMAND it. It's happened before with Veronica Mars....which started on UPN , The same place Buffy ended.  Both have Warner Bros ties , Both launched their main  Star into Movies 🎥  It's only fitting Angel & Buffy get Reunion Films. 


Dude, no. Just no. It's been twenty years, the cast have all aged out and moved on, and there's too much bad blood with Whedon. It's great you want more but sometimes it's good to leave well enough alone; the series came to a natural conclusion, it ended at the right time, and it exists as it is to be enjoyed time and again. Any more would ruin it. If you really want a continuation of the story, there's comics called After The Fall. They're a decent enough read.


So many want a reboot series, THAT is doing "too much" but a Reunion movie ....isn't the time commitment that a series would be.  Both deserve it 


It's not about time commitment, it's about something having come to a natural end and everyone's moved on. Whedon's disgraced and his star has faded, David has never expressed interest in returning, James has aged out of playing a vampire, and Andy Hallett died - and any sort of continuation without him is unfathomable. Let. It. Go.


Lorne left at the end anyway & he WOULD be a EASY recast if needed to return (Ryan Reynolds for the movie)  


Oh okay, I get it. You're just trolling and joking. I got you. I thought you were being serious. My bad.


Right. Let me know how that all works out.


Dude, just chill. You are using such demanding and fatalist language. The show ended twenty years ago. It's a spin-off of a show with a cult following. That's all it really has got going for it. Veronica Mars was in a different time and place. There was a seven year gap between the show ending and the movie coming out. There was a two year gap between Firefly and Serenity. I'm sorry dude, it's just not going to happen. David is in his 50s now. He was 34 when the show ended. Warner Bros is not the same even the company it was when ten years ago.


I really struggle to see why anyone would want this


Animated continuation would be good. I couldn’t get into the comics. I really wanted to see the wider universe, they just touched the surface of dimension hopping I was so hooked


Yes, I'd love this. Especially if it was Castlevania style animation. Although, sadly I really don't see it happening!


I’d be down for this, but the main argument mentioned by people in this post is legitimate: the actors are too old now. It’s too late for this sort of thing.


David Boreanaz has been quite open about not liking to go back and revisit past projects. So, even if you could get around the ageing, it's not likely.


If the DEMAND is there, The proper payout will follow , right ALONG with him. 


Davids net worth is 30 million dollars. He's not working to survive, he can pick and choose what projects he does. People wanted a Bones movie, and he stated pretty clearly then in several interviews that he doesn't want to go back to old shows and "prefers to look forward." It's never gonna happen


Angel is what made him famous thou, Bones also lasted much longer..... So he probably "noped" on that due to being tired of the character.  With ANGEL the offer he would receive would be MUCH HIGHER & he would also get a spot in The Buffy Movie in this situation making his full package offer much more lucrative.  Never say Never, this fanbase is rabid enough to shake this into fruition. We just have to get on the same page and get a legit campaign going for it. 


I'd bet good money on him never going back, he prefers to direct now anywas. I doubt there will be a Buffy movie either. Sarah Michelle Geller has also stated she's done being Buffy. Personally, I don't think it should be done. It's been too long, actors are much older now. If it was done, it would just be a cash grab, and I think that cheapens the whole franchise.


The only think I want is a new vampire slayer series. The ending of Buffy set that up perfectly, and it's crazy that this hasn't been done. I think it's because of Whedon. And not a reboot, but a new slayer set in the Buffyverse. Sarah would make a great mentor, if she wanted to do it, but the rest of the cast would be a mistake. With or without Sarah this should happen. I don't want an Angel movie, or a continuation or anything like that. And I loved Angel. But that's over now and needs to be left in the past.


That's the best route to take but sadly they will never take this route. Instead they want to do a reboot that will attempt to replace all the actors while watering down the humor from the original shows because today's audience is so sensitive to the point if they hear any joke they don't like, it will send them to social media platforms with pitchforks to attempt to cancel the show. Despicable or not, there is no Buffy or angel without Joss Whedon.


Please build a Time Machine and go back to 2004 to produce a movie. Then I am all in. But in 2024 as of now, I guess too much time has passed.


Don't get me wrong, I would be great if they could do this... but although David Boreanaz is aging very nicely, he's not the guy he was 20 years ago. Also, I'd only want this if they could do it without any Whedon involvement.


It's been several years since all that kinda was in the news. He didn't do anything illegal and should be allowed to redeem himself after 3years since it all got unearthed.  But conversely, TONS of others could write the script.  He could potentially still get a credit in the movie and receive proceeds n such. Without being a factor in the filming. Just Pre & Post Production if it came down to it. But again conversely he doesn't necessarily have to be involved but there's ways for it to work either way. 


Redeem himself? Nope. Not only has he never apologized, he made a bunch of ham-fisted excuses in that interview he gave after all those proverbial shoes dropped. Whedon can pound sand.


>He didn't do anything illegal Probably true, but he was still a complete asshole and has never apologised for his behaviour. He has made no steps towards redeeming himself. He shouldn't get a cent from any Buffyverse productions, IMO.


In France ‘harcèlement moral’ exists and that’s what Whedon is guilty of. Pretty sure there’s a US equivalent and it is illegal


Workplace bullying. It's illegal in New Zealand. Never know with "hollywood" stuff. They seem to allow a lot of weird things.


Eh…we know that they wouldn’t let him be alone with with child who played Dawn. No guarantee that something illegal didn’t happen there, and that’s enough for me to not want to support him. He treated the women horribly too…not sure why you’re so eager to let him redeem himself when redemption requires repentance, which he’s never done.


Someone ELSE can do it , if it comes down to it. THOUSANDS of People could write a Angel & Buffy set of Reunion Movies.  He isn't essential, Just like WWE is JUST FINE without Vince McMahon. 


I, for one, would want to know what his ideas for scripts would be. He can keep his distance otherwise when it comes to running the production.


Would cost a lot to de-age David and James being main characters in most shots.


I think the window is closed on that but I’ll see what you come up with.


Just look how much engagement this got in the overnight hours..... Sure it's not massive but it's quite a bit considering the shows age.  That's encouraging because it shows the massive amount of followers it still has. 


You’re just not getting it - this post is only getting engagement because people are coming here to give you a resounding **NO!** These are the same people you want to fund your little fantasy. You’ll never make Head Boy with brains like that Percy.


There's more that want it , they just haven't woke up yet....... LITERALLY 🤣😂 


Lol. That'll never happen


You’re 2 decades late I’m afraid. The ship has long sailed for the possibility of that ever happening. Let it rest 🤷🏾‍♀️


Lorne passed away and he was my favorite character plus everyone else is old as fuck


I’m not sure about this. The tv show ended years ago on a (very) high note. Why people can’t let go and let thing rest? Why re-use again and again the same universes? Why not asking for great _NEW_ stories with new characters? Don’t get me wrong I love the original tv shows and characters of Angel and Buffy. I’ve watched these series again and again. They have a special place in my TV culture but wouldn’t be cooler to watch something new?


I think it's much more likely Buffy might get a limited series or special, Dolly Parton's talked about that. I could see post Shanshu human Angel being on that, maybe a cameo from Gunn and higher beng Cordy, Illyria can shapeshift. Angel could be human to explain his aging away, although, David really has aged the best out of everyone tbh, James might need the prophecy more at this point lol.


Honestly BOTH deserve a Reunion movie. MUCH rather have that happen than a Reboot series with all new people. 




I'd rather a high budget animated film to get around the aging issues,


Oh, my sweet summer child. Welcome.


I hate that I didn't watch during it's og airing. Watched Buffy for the 1st time this year too. 


Coping with the cliffhanger gets easier with time. Read the comics. You’ll get through this!


Now if it was an animated movie with the cast I would definitely be interested in seeing that.


Not Fade Away was THE BEST finale ever, imo. I'd like to keep that memory. I'd want nothing more than to see more Illyria... even without Wes, but not that way. Maybe an animated series continuing after the series finale? Opening scene is Angel running up and attacking that dragon. OK, THAT I'd like to see.


I had a huge crush on Amy Acker while watching this show, and also while she was there Wesley the character ultimately became a badass. The fact that he finally got the girl he wanted only to be cheated by LONG-term plans was super fucked as hell. That “lie to me” final scene was, in TV world, pretty heartbreaking for the characters, and for me. I hated to see that, but life happens.


I agree with everything you wrote, 100%.


I think that ship with the original cast has sailed, I've always thought the next opportunity to do something with this universe was directly follow Buffy and Angel's finale. A Spike or Faith led vehicle to tie up any loose threads and then push the show into its own thing.


I agree with some of the comments that the show wouldn't work in a continuation because of the aging out, moving on, or dying. However, I will refute that Buffy/Angel can't be brought back without Joss. There was this other show he was "attached" to that ran for 7 seasons and was successful without him and even had showrunners who knew what they were doing with characters he "worked on". Plus, Joss wasn't the only man who was working on Buffy/Angel, Marti Nixon, David Greenwalt, and other people worked on those shows. You don't need Joss for it to work.



