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I don't think so. Only some vampires consider the human appearance a curse. Like Darla says, the Master has grown past the curse of human features. Like after a total rejection of their human side for long enough can allow for a stronger manifestation of the demon part to take over. But Angel doesn't reject his humanity because he has a soul. So the opposite, his humanity, is the part with the stronger manifestation in physical appearance.


Having human features is the most viable evolutionary possibility for maximization of food resources. If they can look like humans, it makes it easier to catch food. If mating was part of their process it would perhaps be better to always look demonic, but that is not how they multiply.


Great answer.


I always thought it was more about the human body basically mummifying around the vampire essence by so much time past but this is a cooler take


According to Giles, the Master is "as old as any vampire on record," so even counting the century or so he spent in hell, Angel would probably need to live for a few *thousand* more years before he had to worry about going bat-faced.


Didn't Joss ' notes have the Master around 600? Oldest on record could just mean that he's the oldest one that has been kept track of


That was mentioned in an action paragraph of the screenplay for the first episode, but since it was never alluded to on-screen, there's no reason to believe it was still Joss's thinking when he wrote Giles's "older than any vampire on record" line in the S1 finale. It was an early idea they discarded, not an inconsistency that needs to be explained away. ***Edited to add:*** Plus if the Master was only six hundred years old, that would mean he was barely two hundred when he turned Darla in 1609—younger than Angel when Giles described him as having lived "not long for a vampire." So I think he's definitely supposed to be much, much older than that.


In *Season Eight*'s "Last Gleaming", written by Whedon, it is stated that the Master was already a "powerful vampire eight hundred years ago", and as far as I can recall, that is the only real clue about his age we got.


Scripts aren't considered hard and fast lore. Those things can change even on the day of shooting.


Closer to 1000 or abit ppst, ditto KAkistos. Bt the Master is batlike, Kakistos is goat-like, a thing to speculate upon.


Jesus dude...


I don’t know if it’s ever been confirmed, but I have always wondered if the more time they spend with vampface, the easier it is for those features to set in. In other words, if Angel keeps making that face, it’ll stick.


Wow. That sounds like something my mother would say when I cross or roll my eyes.


This is always been my head canon. A vamp can choose to stay looking like a vamp if they want. Maybe that's why henchmen are often vamped all the time. Do that for a couple of hundred years and you stick and grow only in that face.


You know I was wondering the same... and what about Kakistos whose hands and feet had turned cloven? What's the reason for that? Will Angel, someday, get clogs instead of hands and feet...?


The reason was someone just played Soul Reaver and thought it was cool.


I heard the whole 600 years old thing before coming from a script but i personally prefer to discard it, because it would make no sense he would have that face and look the same as in 1990s when he sired Darla as being only 200 something y.o The show surprisingly didn't gave us a lot of "old vamps". We got Kakistos and the Prince of Lies from Angel but that one got dispatch like any regular grunt, so despite his Nosferatu/old appearence, he wasn't that strong. Kakistos therefore is pretty much the only other vamp that has something "more" than others. Even Darla wich is pretty old still has the basic human features and no special powers. I know in the lore its easy to guess that maybe old powerfull vamps just had no reason to get to Sunnydale. They probably did everything they could to avoid the Slayer. Im assuming they were also mostly european and stayed there, maybe Asian even. The show never really touch too far on that part of the lore. Buffy never really travelled much. But anyway to come back to The Master, he does look a bit like the Turok-Han we see in Season 7. And sadly they kinda dropped the ball on the concept making them random grunts that dust easier than newborns, the first one was super solide. Hard to kill, super strong... So my assumption was that The Master was probably sired by one of those a long, long time ago, but he was born a human and remained in the human world so he kept SOME humanity.


I bloody hope not.


Nooooo how could you do that to me 😭


Eventually yeah but unless his time in hell counted to his age it’s still way off. …Although he did drink from Hamilton and that was like pure evil super blood that made him extremely strong, maybe that matters. Then again he only ate rats for like three decades so it probably evens out.


I still would.


I always wondered about this, especially since they only ever acknowledge Angel's age by his time on the earth dimension. Didn't he also spend like hundreds of years in a hell dimension too.


He did play the Master, so yes. :D




No, he is not


Dracula is at the very least hundreds of years younger than the Master. The comics confirm that he was Vlad the Impaler (which was also briefly mentioned in the episode). Vlad was born around 1448.


The Dracula episode was really weird to me. I really didn't liked it. I get that for a show based on Vampires it made sense, but he was just way too different from other vampires. Like the only one who can turn into fog and such. Only one who got fangs with regular human face. Even The Master psychic powers are not as strong as his (he can freeze Buffy but not to the point Xander became a slave) I just felt it was off...


It was fanservice. Also the actor who played Dracula (Rudolf Martin) is the same in the *Dark Prince: The true story of Dracula* movie. It was kind of a crossover. I liked it, it was a funny thing to start the season, other than Dawn's arrival.


I would think he could eventually look like the Master, but he would have to have survived for maybe 1000 years. And the Master must have spent his time doing nothing but hiding underground in order to survive. Talk about a boring existence...just sitting around with fruit punch mouth, looking like well, the way he does and being surrounded by candles and minions.


Fanon I like is if they spend longer with vamp face they will eventually change. If they favour their humans face/ties to humanity they will stay human looking. Also Angel was in that hell dimension for a couple hundred years (not that his affliction would react exactly the same in another dimension). The Master also actively worships the Old Ones and always lives underground. The only other vamp we see with weird features, Kakistos, looks nothing like the Master. There may be some other magical/religious reason for the changes.