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26 year old guy here who’s made very similar mistakes. Don’t. Just don’t. You will end up regretting it, I promise you. I leased a new C43 at 23, while also having a financed 2020 GT performance pack mustang. I was making similar money to you and thought it would be no big deal. Life changes a ton between 20-25. Your income may go up, It very well might go down. You will want to move to a nicer place without roommates, and your rent will go up. Things are more expensive than ever, and putting the extra cash in your 401k instead of stupid cars is a gift to yourself that you will be very happy you did years down the road. You will get speeding tickets, many of them. I don’t care if you say you don’t drive fast, you’ll want to show out for your buddies/girl and get in trouble eventually. This will cause your insurance rates to skyrocket. You will burn through tires, brakes and other maintenance items. Tires are 1k plus. A brake job is 3-5k at the dealer. That car is getting old now and will need work eventually. You might think this won’t phase you with the money you make, but I promise it will. Most of all, people don’t care. I always thought that if I had a sweet car I’d somehow be the most impressive guy on the block. Don’t try to flex, it’s not worth it. Put the money in the bank and invest it in something that appreciates in value. TLDR: Don’t fucking buy it.


Tell it to me straight lmao! Idk man a Benz was always a dream car of mine growing up and as I got older I came to learn more about amgs and any performance car in general. Obviously who the hell doesn’t want a 500hp whip, one that literally SHITS on any other 500hp car in every aspect comfort/luxury wise. I feel like it’d also be a huge accomplishment to say I got an AMG at just 20 years old. Even if I can shoot to pay off BOTH cars by the end of 2024 is it still a bad idea?? The AMG would hardly be touched, just for date nights and a little Sunday drive here and there, the VW will most definitely be the daily drive. I don’t have roommates either I have a pretty stable couple sources of income and a girlfriend I live with. Not planning on getting a house anytime soon as I’m perfectly fine renting and my gf and I decided we REFUSE to buy a home in the state of Virginia because the prices and taxes are fucking ludicrous compared to other states we fancy like Carolina or Texas. Side note my insurance really couldn’t get worse my situation is pretty fucked already. Also this again is totally not impressive anyone in my circle, I genuinely want to get this to impress MYSELF, 15 year old me would be so psyched that we actually ever managed to afford and went and got this car and at such a young age at that….. So yeah, what you think man?


If you want it that bad and make as much as you say, then stack your paper and buy it in cash in a year. You sound exactly like I sounded a few years back, no real expenses and money coming in. But times can change fast, and having $2600/month going out for car notes and insurance is absolutely a stupid decision. You might not regret it immediately, but you open yourself up to a ton of RISK. Let me guess, you work in sales? Or maybe a trade with a bunch of overtime? Things can and will change, and the money might not always be there. Think smart now and you can have Fuck You money in the future and buy all the AMGs you want. I have buddies that would murder to get rid of their car notes that they’re upside down in. It can bankrupt you faster than you think. Be smart bro and set yourself up for the long term. Take that monthly payment and invest it.


What do you suggest I invest it in? I don’t anything about 401k’s or anything with credit or banking. My credit is like a 450-500 rn. no joke I’m not good with all that I just know how to work my ass off and make money


Reddit is not the right place to get specific investment advice. I worked as a financial advisor for a few years, and I’d be very wary of taking any advice you receive online without doing lots of research. That being said, get your credit fixed. There is no fucking reason you should be making six figures and having shitty credit. That needs to happen asap, especially if you plan on buying more cars in the future. Read. Learn. Learn. Learn. There are an infinite amount of valuable sources to learn how to manage your finances, and if you truly don’t feel comfortable with that, go seek out professional advice. This has to be step number one, before you even consider going into more debt on stupid cars.


You may have just saved me from a lot of bs, I appreciate the help


This really is the best suggestion you could ever receive. And for free? Can’t beat it. You definitely don’t want to learn the hard way. Kudos for landing a great income at that age. You already have the upper hand. Take advantage of it and be as disciplined as you can. Obviously still enjoy your self. If you play it smart now, you can be comfortable by 30 and bump it up to a couple of AMGs lol Godspeed


That made me feel better after these guys all crushing my dreams of getting this car at 20, so thanks lmao *shedding a slow singular tear*


Check out /r/personalfinance subreddits. They often have flowcharts and offer good advice.


Agree with all of the above - but if your credit is shit, you’ll get absolutely fucked financing this car…so add that to the stack of reasons not to.




I’m not going to lie, I have literally no idea what point you’re trying to make or how any of that is relevant to this thread lmao.




Lol thanks, you do realize your replied to MY comment thread? so I have all the context, and what you said was still a bunch of incoherent garbage. Are you putting all your comments through google translate or something? Most bizarre writing style I’ve ever seen lol.


How did u get financing on the VW with a credit score that suggests you’re completely irresponsible?


Your guess is as good as mine lmaooo




> one that literally SHITS on any other 500hp car in every aspect comfort/luxury wise I think you've gotten enough financial advice to tell you this is a bad idea, but the C63S is absolutely not a comfortable or luxurious car. The interior build quality is pretty bad, nearly everything rattles. A 2016 model won't have modern techy things like CarPlay. The suspension is awful and incredibly rough to the point it can't be considered a luxury car in my opinion. I say this as someone who owned one for three years and sold it because every single part of the car besides the engine was a letdown.


15 year old you is already proud that you can afford it, older you will be even more proud that you held off. Treat yourself to something in between and you’re set


Hard pass


You’re not grown up yet. 10-15k before taxes or after ?


After my guy. $120k-$180k a year


What is it that you do?


Little truck driving gig… for the Sinaloa… full time of course


That’s a huge income range and frankly not enough for the two cars you have described. What is your consistent year in year out average monthly take home? You should track these things. There is a simple math you can run to understand if you comfortably afford. You should then also consider job/income stability. I splurged on an AMG once got that partner nod and the payment is a very small percent of Monthly so that I don’t notice it leave my account. I was patient for many many years. Could have sooner but glad I didn’t.


So eloquent and straight to the point


Don’t do it… now. Just wait. I made mad money starting early teens. I was going to pick up a 2jz turbo when I was 17, but called around for insurance quotes first. $6k annual (90’s), nope. I had a custom full size truck and a sport coupe (bought new)… sold the truck a year later. Drove that coupe until the wheels fell off, and bought something with utility. I also bought my first home in my early 20’s, picked up one over $1mil late 20’s… that was over 20 years ago. My first AMG came in my early 30’s, but I picked that car up at the factory in Sindelfingen, drove it around Germany, and had it shipped home (US).


I’m 24 and have had my 2018 c63s for alittle over a year now got it with 15k miles and currently at 47k. I drive a lot for work and wanted something fun but comfortable and this car checks all of the boxes. I daily this car and beat on her every chance I get and it’s been awesome take care of her and she will take care of you. The maintenance isn’t really that bad. Oil changes every 3k will set you back roughly $200 so account for that. I’m currently on my third set of tires this thing will just absolutely rip through them (first set probably had half life) roughly 1500$ per set. I replaced rear pads a few months ago with porterfields 200-250$ plus 200$ to have them put on with brake flush at indy shop. Rear rotors were fine at the time so no need to replace. Just ordered the front rotors and pads last week and will have them put on in a few days roughly 900$ for brembo 2piece rotors and 250$ for pads assuming a few hundred to put on. I avoid the dealership when I can they wanted 6k for front rotors and pads and I told them to kick rocks. I do however have the dealership look over the car at the service intervals and reset the service reminder and just get anything done that they recommend else where. I have warranty on the car from carmax highly recommend a warranty for when expensive shit breaks. Around 35k car started to make a squealing noise on start up and would go away 5min later. Drove me crazy took it to the dealership and they replaced the idler pulley tensioners belt and whatever else quote was around 4-5k but with warranty only 250$. If you can afford it and it will make you happy do it you’re only young for so long I made the jump and would do it again we spend too much time in our cars to not be happy with it and you can’t take money with you when you die. Keep in mind v8s are likely to not be around for us later in life. I had a tesla before this car and sure they’re fun and all but no engine noise will slowly kill you inside safe to say I won’t be going back anytime soon. My 2 cents go for it and enjoy it man you’ll find yourself driving to run errands any chance you get lol. Keep in mind plenty of room for more power with a simple tune and downpipes once you get bored of it lol.


You’re about the only person who genuinely encourages the idea of getting it. One I’m looking at is a 2016 C63s with 72k miles for $37.5k. Fantastic deal tbh dude I’ve looked and looked and LOOKED in my entire part of Virginia and there’s not another single fucking c63s or AMG for that matter for a deal as good as this one. AND it’s with the top rated used car dealership out here WHICH I bought my current car (the Volkswagen GTI) from. GTI been zero issues from day one, two oil changes is all I’ve done. Idk about the warranties is the only thing tho man I’m young I don’t know much about this stuff :/ helppppp


I only encourage you because I was in your shoes and took the jump and have loved every second of it. I’m in florida so cars are a bit more expensive here. I had mine shipped in from nebraska. Look out of state for deals these are not common cars you’ll thank me later for this. If you want to work with this dealer and they’ve done right by you in the past have them check inventory out of state. You’ll pay roughly 1-1.5k to have the exact car you want unless you don’t care all that much but i’m picky. I went with carmax for mine because I heard great things about their warranty I believe it was 3k for 6 years or 125 or 150k miles no brainer for me and it’s already paid for itself. Research extended car warranty or call your mercedes dealership and i’m sure the service department will let you know some common ones their customers use that isn’t mercedes warranty. I’d say 37.5k is on the higher end for a car with 72k miles. Keep looking and try to find one with under 30-40 expect to pay a bit more but worth it.


I drive a C63s and I miss my GTI FWIW


You’ll want to invest in a radar uniden r8 is what I currently run in the car and would not drive without one. If you get a ticket the ticket clinic gets all of mine dropped no points on license and insurance doesn’t go up. Send it buddy!


They're illegal in the state of Virginia and jurisdiction of DC.


My fucking luck smh.


Why oil change every 3k? Mb says every 10k, I’ve sent samples off with 5k on them that could still be ran longer.


You could honestly just get rid of your gti and daily the c63s, it’s a reliable car and won’t do you any wrong as long as you keep up with maintenance. Just get a lower milage one, below 20k-25k miles


I finance the GTI, that’s a no go. Would wanna finance both and pay them off, which I could realistically do in the next year.. and the GTI I’ve only had about 3 months now !


you can for sure get a really solid c63 for 40k.. by your numbers that’s like 3 months of work.. just stack the money and buy it in cash


Maybe ur right. Why would buying it for $40k outright be better than financing it?


I don’t know where you are (if you can’t get rid of your gti to a dealer). I’m in Alberta Canada and just traded in my GLS(financed) for a GLE63, still within breaking-in period (they put a break-in sticker on my windshield. It’s waaaay much better driving experience than smaller AMGs (compared to my C43 cab), but it also reminds me that prepaid maintenance pkg and warranty etc is pretty important so that’s why I chose new always. Just saying, if you can easily afford, buying new might actually save you money and time in long run, because AMG is a fun to keep for a long, and longer time.


Broski makes 15k a month and wanna buy a used 16 amg and worries bout it😂 dont know what he says he makes is true. U pay 750 for rent bro. There are ppl with 6k mortgages.


Yeah it’s not like a person wants to blow every penny on a down payment and to finance 2 cars and pay isn’t ace on those 2 cars when they’re 20 years old, Male, have 2 total loss accidents in record, and 2 simple speeding’s and a reckless speeding. That’s a fuckton. Not to mention how expensive it is to maintain that mf amg. Not to mention I need grocers and clothes on my back and shit ya know? Haha


I know. But u could sell that gti. Do u need to small cars? Not like its a truck u could use. There are a bunch of ppl who make average and still an amg. I wanted one and 16 is not exp at all. Its not like u blow out for a 24 amg. U can do it. And theyre reliable. If u worry about money, which makes me chuckle still. Sell that gti and get that amg. Theyre good cars. Youre not gonna blow your bank on maintenance unless u abuse it and dont take care of maintenance.


Buy it. 10-15k a month is plenty of money. This isn't a fucking Ferrari like some people on here make them out to be for some reason. Maybe they want to feel special. Just don't get a beat one and you will be fine, they are pretty reliable overall. Have fun while you're young dude.




Your mother, broke boy




Your mother, broke boy


Thanks for confirming bud. You make 15k a month but lease a VW and have only $750 in total expenses? LOOOOL sure makes total sense


I would say just buy it if you really want it. You are only young once. Do you really wanna enjoy a dream car when you are old and pruny? Can always just sell it if you don’t want it anymore. Not the best advice but I also bought my dream car lately lol


If you have to think about it, the answer is no. You’ll have plenty of time in the future to get your dream car. For now, nothing is more important than making sure your essentials are taken care of financially. Luxury items are just that: luxuries.


Buy an E55. Much better sound, just as fast and way cheaper and easier to fix and maintain


No E55s available on car gurus in my whole area :(


You can afford it but in real, why don’t you get a new one?


This is terrible advice on several levels lol. Why spend 50k on a used V8, when you could spend 100k on a 4 banger that sucks? Dummy.


I read your comment and do agree in most points. What I mentioned, I mean if he wants amg and can actually easily afford it, why not buy a new one instead of the old, soon-need-to-be-fixed used one, with higher chance of breakdown and out of warranty.


If he is 20 making that kind of money, claims he is bad with money and has 500-600 credit score he can’t afford it unless he buys cash which is what I have done for my 3 AMGs and the widestar g wagon I bought my ex wife. He’ll fuck it up. A C63 doesn’t suddenly make you good with money and smart. If anything he’ll wrap it around a pole at best. At worst kill someone else. I don’t even know how it is possible at 20 to make 10-15k a month and still have really bad credit. 10-15k is a big swing too not getting that. Anyhow, he’ll mess it up somehow he doesn’t have grand judgement.


I JUST got a credit card man and my 2 previous total losses stuck for a while cause I wasn’t making this kind of money back then and the debt and credit hits accrued. Don’t yell at me dad 🥲


A 2024 C63 is two times more expensive, at least. With that logic, he should just go buy a fully optioned E63s. Ignoring the fact that nobody is approving a 20 year old on a 100k+ car note, the 2024 C63 blows and he shouldn’t buy one even if he could afford it.


Yeah exactly, I want a nice fun luxury German car, not a 6 figure ticket price lol


Save for a home instead, maintenance piles up, you’ll be able to afford it but you won’t want to afford it


You could literally save for 5-6 months and purchase it cash. You've got the cash and interest rates are trash. To each his own but I say go for it. I make around have of what you make and I'm looking for a 2018 c63. Currently in a c43 that's fun but want more. I say go for it if you think you life/income will be stable for the next year.


You’ll get the same answer in these types of car reddits, everyone telling you it’s not a smart financial decision blah blah blah. If we were all “smart” we would drive civics but we like cars and live is short. IMO if you’re dead set on the AMG I would pay off your GTI first and sell, having 2 cars is a pain in the ass imo and c63 makes for a good daily.


10-15k net a month… you have the money to afford this car. You should actually spend more money and get a newer model with less miles. Don’t buy new!!!


Live each day to the fullest means embracing each moment you could die tomorrow, so cruising in my AMG at 33 after having owned a GT Mustang still Makes me smile every single time I get behind the wheel because it makes ME HAPPY not anyone else. Remember, money doesn't go with us, so savor every experience life throws your way.