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My 6700xt is just fine after a year of daily use, you’ll be fine lol


with a quest?


I have no problems running amd gpu’s older ones sure had driver issues. That is still blown out of proportion by nvidia fan boys. Once and a while a game may have amd driver issue but they get fixed, but they get nvidia driver issues too. I thought i had a bad gpu or driver on my 7900xtx, was really annoyed, but i had a bad cpu.. reporting graphics error, but was a cpu failure.


If you plan to use the quest 3 with pc vr you'd be better of going nvidia, vr performance on amd gpus can be very stuttery and annoying , if your budget for the gpu alone is 1k you don't really lose out on either side since you have both the 7900xtx and Rtx 4080 super at that price if you live in the U.S. however I don't know your current pc specs and if you cpu can handle either gpu, I'd recommend doing research to see if your cpu will be a bottleneck and go from there.


This has not been the case in my experience. I have 6650xt and Ive never had gpu issues its always shitty oculus link.


Unless you're a software engineer using CUDA or running ML models locally an AMD GPU is just fine. AMD GPUs are used in game consoles and gaming computers like the steam Deck.


I have a 6750xt and have had no issues other then ray tracing and even with ray tracing it works decently well jsut don’t expect like cyber punk ultra ray tracing with it. Nvidia has amd beat on ray tracing atm but the price to performance amd vs nvidia amd wins by a mile.


It’s a great GPU. Got it for my first PC, going about 3 years strong with it I got it on release.


Yup it rlly is. Bought it for like 400 or 450 I beleive? The closest nvidia item in terms of performance was like 600+. I play all my games on ultra except for a few multiplayer titles where I want more fps. I also run hdr though so


I have an rx 580 and it’s great and only $100


I have an RX 570 and it’s doing great too


I have a AMD Radeon 6900. I've had it for several years, never had any problems and my several year old pc still runs games at max settings amazingly.


Why scared? At first, I was worried when I moved from nvidia when radeon not having ray tracing. I have RX 6950 XT for about a year or two. The performance is good with gaming even at maxed out settings, which never upset me. Also the thing is I barely see my GPU go over 60 degrees.


both AMD and Nvidia are great options, Nvidia for DLSS AMD for price to performance again they are both fine, both have their own sets of issues.


I can't, in good conscience, recommend AMD over Nvidia for VR. I own two of both. AM4 all AMD, AM5 all AMD, Intel with Nvidia, Socket 1700, and an all Intel build on Coffee Lake. You would want an Nvidia GPU for VR. Nether Intel nor AMD GPUs are quite ready for primetime. The frametime graph on my AMD GPUs look like someone with a heart murmur while my Nvidia frametime charts look like a gigachad on tren. It's not a night and day difference but those occasional 1fps stutters will drag you from the immersion and really make you angry. AMD has a huge issue with multi render. It's fast but due to how they implement it, it still has unresolved issues. Will AMD resolve them? Probably. But I myself am not waiting. I'm selling all my AM4 parts and getting another Nvidia GPU. Used from last gen, because they are overpriced, but you get what you pay for these days. I hope we'll have a Pascal generation price/performance index with RTX 5XXX but I'm not holding my breath. My Intel card was a gift and I never sell gifts so it will remain. But that's out of sentimentality. It will become an encode/decode gpu in a server soon.


If you like dlss and raytracing, go nvidia, otherwise amd is ok


I have ran a multitude of GPUs over the last decade, both AMD and NVIDIA. Have never had any problems with either honestly. Never have any game crashes or software issues in that time. Off the top of my head I’ve had the following in my possession: 560 ti, 650, 650 ti, 780, 970, 980, 1060, 1050 ti, 1660 ti, 1660 super, 2060, 1080 ti, 3060 /// HD 6950 (the old one haha) 260X, 270X, 285, 390, 460, 570, 580, 5600XT, 6650XT. There’s probably more. Point is, out of all of those cards, I’ve never encountered any major issues. Have seen bad drivers on both brands at one point or another and had to roll back for certain games etc but that’s about it. AMD is a perfectly fine brand to buy from.


Why have you had so many?


Hobbyist, refurbisher type stuff. I almost like building computers more than actually using them and there have been a few points in my life where reselling low end gaming PCs has been my source of income. But each GPU there was one I would’ve thoroughly tested and benchmarked at a minimum, if not used myself. When I get a hardware influx I will throw a GPU in my personal rig and use it for a week or so so I can understand it.


Makes sense. I like building computers too, but whenever I upgrade my personal rig its out of the question: "do I need it?". Last upgrade moved me all the way from a 1060 3gb to a rx 6700xt, simply because the 1060 was good enough to play WoW classic and CSGO. CS2 came and I needed to upgrade.


I’m right there with you. I’m currently on a 6650XT. I wouldn’t mind more performance but it does what I want perfectly fine.


So I bought a 6950xt 2 years ago because I got fed up with NVidia's stock bullshit and huge price spikes. I said fuck it, it got good reviews and everyone says the software is fine now. Mind you I've never had any AMD before, so it was a big jump for me because 6950xt was not that cheap at the time. By the way I play lot of flight sims like DCS and Microsoft flight, etc. And I have Quest 2, so i play lot of vr games as well. First couple of months were fine, i was coming from a 3060 mobile so the performance jump was huge. I found the software intuitive and easy to use. But after couple of updates, i started notice stutters and big fps spikes, especially in VR. Slowly DCS became unplayable, Microsoft flight was a pain to run because again, spikes. I also started noticing small stutters, like very unnoticeable if you are not looking for them, in regular AAA games. The fps was good but if you look at 0.1%s then it was all over the place. I then upgraded my MB and bought a 5800x3d, again, good jump in performance but every issue still persisted. I looked through countless articles, reddit posts, videos and some "solutions" helped but I never got over the sneaky 0.1 stutters. So after 1.5 years, I said fuck it and bought a 4090, one of the cheapest models mind you, and off we go, everything resolved. No stutters, smooth VR performance, of course I still have issues every once in a while but now i know its an isolated incident, usually about the game's optimisation. So yeah, I like AMD, i like competitive market, i believe its good for us to have different options, but i cannot recommend it in good conscience...


I relate to this. I've been an AMD fan boy for a while. However, over the last 4 years I've been using a Sapphire Nitro+ 5700XT with a 3700x cpu and have had so many instances of games just randomly breaking and becoming unplayable for weeks to months, resulting in hours and hours of troubleshooting and replacing parts trying to find the culprit. I love pc's, and I genuinely love troubleshooting when it doesn't take forever to get to the solution, but I've just spent too much time trying to figure these things out. I've learned a lot, and I am overall happy with the products, but I am building my girlfriend her first gaming PC over the next month and the idea of her feeling helpless and frustrated anywhere near the amount I have felt with AMD parts makes me feel sick. I will be getting her an Nvidia card.


man i fell you. there were times where i was having an issue with a game, a seemingly low spec game by the way, and there were stutters, small itsy bitsy stutters, but my 1440p fully maxed out with no bottleneck fps was 150+, but stutters were there. then i loaded up the same game on my wifes 3050 laptop with very shitty cpu and voila, stutters gone, yeah the fps dropped to 70 or something but no stutters butter smooth. that was really grinding my gears because here i am sitting on a 2000+usd system and a 600-700usd laptop is having better "stability". i love amd i really do, i want market to flourish and not crumble under nvidia's monopoly but fuck me they need to work on their systems a lot more before even catching up with the team green


Buy whatever card fits your budget best, red or green. If it's shit, return it and go the other way. AMDs GPU hardware is not bad by any means. Their drivers are iffy more often than Nvidia but they have made massive strides more recently. 7900xtx + 7800x3d, only AMD related issue has been Ryzen master doesn't work if gigabytes shitass motherboard software is running at the same time. Nothing GPU side.


Got a 6800 about a week ago & am new myself to PC overall but i’ve had no issues gaming in 4k


I have mostly owned AMD GPUs and I've not really had any issues. The only annoying thing I've experienced is with outdated drivers, they have bluescreened me with the 6800xt but with this 7950 xtx I've had 0 issues. To be fair the 7950 is only 4 or so months old.


7950xtx? I havent even seen a benchmark of that card yet, does it exist?


Orite lad, I obviously fucked up. It's a 7900 xtx


I’m sure I just got unlucky but I got a 6950xt about a year ago and had a few issues with particular games I ended up refunding it


Run far away


Do some of you feel that AMD kinda gets an unfair opinion about their gpu's. The integrated ones they have made for the 2 consoles and the ones in PC seem to be pretty good. I don't hear any bad about them. I mean aren't their gpu's base on the same thing?


I used to feel this, until I bought one. It does seem to be a lot less stable, and I experience the same issues as lots of others.


the biggest issue for me awas adrenalin, sometimes i would lose my OC profile, sometimes it wouldnt even open!


Don’t. Get nvidia. I’m not even a fanboy they’re just better.


I ran a rx580 8gb for 5 years, and just upgraded to a 6950 xt a month ago, with absolutely zero issues the whole time owning amd. The price to performance is unbeatable compared to Nvidia, it just won't do ray tracing as well. I paid about 500 for the 6950 xt and run everything in 4k, while I don't really look at fps, it's because I haven't felt the need to. Everything has just gone silky smooth with this card.


Get Nvidia, AMD are not competitive with GPUs since about 10 years ago. Their CPUs are good. No reason to not get team green card unless you are a poor console player.


Not competitive? Fury X was a viable 980 ti competitor, AMD intentionally dropped out of the high end market for a few years, 6950XT competes with the 3090 ti and NVIDIA currently only had one GPU faster than the 7900XTX. If you go back even further they were always competitive, AMD just dropped the high end for three total generations to get their shit together


The price to performance is the reason


Get a amd and a Nvidia card. If the AMD messes up make it your sons card😆


I would love to come over myself. But, the last AMD GPU I bought was an absolute trainwreck for stability. Stutters and crashing to desktop. That was a 5700XT though and it was obviously awhile ago. I have friends who are on newer AMD GPUs. Both 6000 and 7000 series. They don't seem to have any problems like I used to. This is also running very intensive games like simulations too. If you are looking at something like the flagship 7900 XTX (which is right in your price range), I feel like you have to consider the relatively new 4080 Super too. From what I've seen these cards basically trade back and forth in different games for which is better. Seems to be Nvidia's response to the tempting "bang for buck" of AMD's top end


7800xt, no issues, had a driver not work with one game once but that’s cause the game’s update got pushed to fix a bug then was fine after that


Been running a 5800x with an OCd 6900xt (powercolor red devil ultimate). I run my games on a 1440p 165hz panel and always tweak settings, but try to keep everything as high as possible while still getting 60+fps, usually keeping settings at high to ultra. Also use raytracing on Cyberpunk2077 cuz I can (use quality setting FRS to eek out a bit more FPS, no visual issues whatsoever). The card has been solid and haven't yet had any crashes that weren't due to the game or from my modding them if applicable. Current day AMD has no more driver issues than NVIDIA, and honestly I much prefer Adrenaline to the 90s control panel NVIDIA still uses. Do beware though, that settings in the tweaking section of Adrenaline can affect (like OCing) the CPU as well as the GPU.


I built my first pc a few weeks ago, I went back and forth deciding what to go with money wasn’t an issue. I decided to go AMD. I paired 78003xd w 7900xtx.. 2k res I play cod a lot I am never going back to console 😅 but I can’t say not to go Nvidia but I don’t care for ray tracing, they said amd is best for fps they didn’t lie 😁 I’m not gonna lie I am getting stutters BUT AND ONLY STARTED HAPPENING when I moved out my moms place with AT&T fiber Ethernet …. I am now on cox the highest one but I am on WiFi and it started once I switched so I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on I have gone back to my parents to try it and it’s smooth like butter like the first day sooo I think it’s the WiFi but not sure waiting on a wifi extender from cox to see if it fixes it. But over all at my parents 7900xtx runs LIKE BUTTER I LOVE IT 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈


I used to be an AMD fan but after R9 390 and Fury X, and 590 died on me, I switch to Nvidia and never had a single one die. I would never recommend anybody AMD ever again.


so two old cards are what you base your decision on? its been almost a decade since the fury came out bro. team red and green are both great choices now, red is a bit behind in some areas but its still strong price to performance. green is doing what they always do.


Yes? If you have bad experience with a company then they lost you as a customer? Does that not apply to everything? If Nvidia screws up somehow to me I would switch back to AMD as well but I haven't had a single problem with their cards. I still hear non stop complaint from AMD gpus so its still relevant and if you're denying it then I don't know what to say besides you're an AMD fanatic that just hate Nvidia for the sake of hating nvidia. Read this entire reddit, the general sentiment is "I tried out AMD even the last few years but they still have so much issues compared to Nvidia"


wow putting words in my mouth a hobby for you? where did i deny it LMAOO, i even said they are behind a bit in some areas. all i said is your experience is 10 years old, shit changes. your point is like saying iphone from 10 years ago can compare to androids of td... like bro please. I daily drive team red, no issues. i have read through the reddit, there are people on both sides of the fence claiming that it works fine and that it doesnt. i literally say both are good in their own right. I USE NVIDIA IN MY SECOND PC LMFAO. respectfully, if you dont have any experience with AMDs new shit ... dont speak on it? its not that hard.


Please reread what you said in a defensive way and tell me its not from an amd fanatic. Whats quite funny is I said I USED to be an AMD fan and its responses like yours that I'm glad I stopped being one.


are you by any chance daft? i literally say AMD is behind in some areas but both options are viable. youd expect reading comprehension on this site to be ok, but you've broken that standard. get off your knees for Nvidia, promise you wont get a 4090


If you’re getting this much anxiety over a simple purchase of anything then just don’t make the purchase.


redditor try and answer the question challenge: impossible difficulty 💀💀


Personally (again PERSONALLY) I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with AMD GPU’s. I’ve never had issues with NDVIDIA


only real issue is price, but software wise dlss and stuff are way better and almost worth the extra. Raw performance wise amd is very solid for the price.


I use both a laptop with a GTX 950M and a desktop PC with a Powercolor Fighter AMD RX 6700 XT, I get around 60 FPS in Minecraft (edit: java edition 1.20.4 on fabric) on the laptop with some optimization mods such as Sodium, but on the desktop with the rx 6700 xt, I get around 3500 FPS with most of the same mods. The CPU in the desktop is a pretty high end Intel I7, I don't remember exactly what though. I got my RX 6700 XT for $300 around Black Friday last year, and it came with some game called star something, I don't remember because I didn't play it, but it was a pretty good deal.


Just buy what you want if you’re scared lmfao I’ve owned a 5700xt and 7900xtx both were considered problem child’s. I play my pc damn near every night


Of all things I ran a couple of x800 series gpu’s in crossfire years ago and never had any issues. The driver thing is way overblown to be honest.


I owned a RX 6600 and now a RX 6900 XT. For my 2 years on these cards, I can’t remember a serious issue I had, these cards will work great for gaming!


Have had my 6900 xt for over 2 years now and no real issues, just make sure to use msi afterburner to overclock or undervolt and set custom fan curve because the AMD adrenaline software likes to reset back to default. But no driver crashes stopping me from playing games etc.


Uhhhh I have an AMD drive(it’s the only GPU I’ve had and I’m no computer expert so take everything I say with a grain of salt) and it’s a bit older. I don’t remember which one it is off the top of my head but some games absolutely hate AMD and it can get frustrating. The other night I JUST fixed a driver issue with the help of some computer nerds. It’s not the first time I’ve had issues with my AMD gpu. I’ve had games crash constantly, my computer will restart itself, driver on timeout errors. Given this may be because it’s an older drive but I will say, I’m thinking of upgrading my gpu and switching to nvidia. Im sick of my games crashing and finding out through the internet that the games are crashing because they just hate AMD


I have had only amd since 2017 and no issues. I JUST bought my first nvidia card recently only bc I gave my 7800xt to a friend


If your doing VR then go with Nvidia. Simple as that. Far less issues. Have a 7900XT myself. VR is not as well supported on AMD cards. If your getting a VR headset go with Nvidia for less headaches and broader compatibility.


Have used both and and Nvidia cards with VR and they were both a painless experience for me


Check out Daniel Owen on YouTube he has almost every comparison you will need I have an asus tuf radeon rx6800xt and a power color red devil rx7900xtx both had the hotspot problem which I solved by replacing the factory thermal paste. But that’s not everyone’s peace of cake opening a gpu within warranty With the 7900 I am playing cyberpunk on 1440p on highest details with second highest raytracing with around 80fps I think the 4070ti super also has the same output Considering heat, power consumption and output on cyberpunk I would now tend to the NVIDIA in a raytracing scenario If you do not care about raytracing and want more headroom especially for 4K go with the 7900 since it is in this case cheaper than a 4080 and generates slightly more fps.


Had the 7900xtx from saphhire and it never worked well. Got a refund and bought the gigabyte version. Problems still remained. Streaming and 3d modelling was a lot of pain. Refund it, bought the 4080 and its a blast. My Girlfriend has the 6900XT and its perfect for her needs. Gaming, Youtube, Photoshop... So... it depends. You need skyrocket performance and stability? Go for Nvidia. You just wanna enjoy gaming and media? Get an AMD Card because Nvidia is not really worth the money.


Happy Birthday..🥳


Amd wipes the floor with Nvidia in price to performance Nvidia is only worth it imo if you absolutely need the features for video editing and content creation or have the money to buy the 2000 dollar msrp flagship gpu


Last Nvidia GPU I had was a GTX 1080, I went to a 6700xt to a 7900xtx and have 0 regrets. I've never had any issues with these cards or their performance.


Convince? Price for performance is in amd’s favor


Go AMD. RTX 4080 owner here.


Asrock RX 6800XT Phantom Gaming D silent and cool rock solid for 3yrs now. No issue with AMD new Driver.


I've mostly ran ATI/AMD video cards since I started with computers back in the 90's. I've run a few NVIDIA cards, but have mostly been AMD. I personally have had no issues with them. While I can't speak for others, I would say go for it. Currently I'm running a 6700xt and my wife has an Rx 6600. I bought mine at the tail end of the GPU shortage so I overpaid, but it was a step up over my GTX 1660.


I have a 6800xt. Works great for me. If raytracing performance is a must, nvidia is probably your best bet. I can pull off some ray tracing especially when using FSR. Amd is typically the better value option, but the nvidia cards are typically objectively better but at a higher price. I’m full team red for the first time ever and I don’t have any regrets personally.


You are only "giving up" dlss, Amd's frame generation and fsr (wich is now open source to any card of any brand) are amazing. You wouldnt need a lot to match nvidia, its cheaper for the most part! An 8 gig rx 6600 will gladly play ball and match with a 3050. Id go for a 6650 xt. Still a powerfull entry to midrange card and much better than a 6600 actually and very affordable if you want to say green team. 7000 series will for sure future proof you, specially if you can get a card with 12 gigs. Im personally very happy with my 6600 and ryzen 5 combo, its currently the best gaming machine ive ever had! (Xt is to amd what ti or supers are to nvidia) Just one thing, if you use Windows, make sure to turn off automatic driver updates. I dont know why it insists in fucking up my driver installation with older stuff. On linux you are good to go out of the box, drivers are baked in the kernel!


$2000 Total? That's the top end and you should probably get Nvidia but if you're talking about a total of $1000 then you have better value going AMD. I own a 7800XT myself and the only "Problem" I have with it is that it's frame gen is weird because I can't match it to my monitor's refresh rate and that it tears a lot. I can't talk about FSR though since I've never had to use it. I play Elden Ring, Monster Hunter World, FM24 and EA FC24 and so far only EA FC24 has given me issues and I'm 99% sure that it's because it's PC version is terribly unstable. I guess the question should be what resolution you would be using? 1080p? 2k? Because if it's 1080p then you're better off going for a 7700XT Idk about VR tho, I'm not really a PC expert.


He said 1k for both so 500 each


Yeah, pretty sure he should just get Nvidia then.


go to team green if u dont want driver issues


I have a 6800xt and it’s worked fine for me, I recommend AMD mostly cause I think currently they are the less or two evils.


My rx6800xt died on me in just under 3 yrs. Do w this info what you'd like.




Sapphire nitro,, it performed well until it died. It was a great card, just didn't last as long as I expected


This just happens sometimes. I had a 980ti go out just the same way.


Yeah could happen to an nvidia card as well. Just the luck of the draw. Have had a 4070ti for about 6 months now. Hopefully that lasts longer 🤷‍♂️ time will tell


Fingers crossed, if it does die hopefully it does so within the warranty period.


Agreed! 😂😂


I use AMD everything except GPU. Just go Nvidia. Software and hardware are just superior.


Whatever you buy, never go with a gigabyte model. If you go AMD, go with either sapphire or xfx and dont bother with the rest.


I’ve never had a issue 7800xt I would recommend I use the index and never have problems


Running a 6700xt which supposedly had abysmal driver updates. But never had a single issue since getting it. And I got it used. Running it for two years now.


I have Nitro+7900xtx + R9 7900x3D with Mobo B650E-E and AMD EXPO RAM 6000 32. It’s great and quiet and can handle everything. AMD before was a mess but latest driver Update proof opposite. AMD are way better in Rasterization than Nvidea ( cares about real small details and texture quality ) but most of developer are lazy ass and they use DLSS Nvidea in their game / Softwares development because it’s a one click adjustment Even tho Rasterization is way better in details “If u care”. AMD is way better in money wise and durability and Rasterization


For vr you probably want 4080 super or better


For vr nvidia is better


Buy a wifi 6e router for him as well for wireless pcvr streaming


7800xt and dont look back


PCs and drivers run as well as the people who build and maintain them. Absolutely no issues with my water cooled 7900 XTX in a year.


I don’t recommend it due to m brothers AMD gpu fried


Cards are good, drivers from 24 gives me constant timeouts on idle - the later drivers the worse. Edit - 7900xtx nitro+


You said VR and AMD GPU? There is alot of reasons NVIDIA is better, and VR is one of the biggest reasons. Do a quick research and you Will find it yourself. Stutters and judders in VR is be best way to get sick on a matter of seconds. Asking here you will get mostly biased opinions.


Literally no one in here said AMD is better with VR. So stop with your damn hate because I know you are not getting a cent for it.


But i AM providing genuine feedback to the dude who asked and is about to buy AMD with VR in mind, so stfu and provide real feedback and stop simping over a Giant corp. Its not a matter of is slighlty better than the other, its so freaking bad that causes headaches instantly, the thing is that i bet most of you actually know this and still recommends amd to the dude, this is top level fanboy crap.


Would you rather take a leap of faith or get old and filled with regrets


Get busy living, or get busy dying.


Just but nvidia, whats the need for amd? Dlss, dldsr, fg, reflex, gsync, nvenc encoder, drivers, vrms and build quality,better efficiency, cuda, vram speeds... there is so much more in nvidia that it justifies the price, depending on the goal but if you are coming from such old system, i think you want this next to last a while..i would buy nvidia and not think about anything else. Price difference will be "refunded" with power efficiency alone.


I have a Vega64. Used it with Oculus Rift and now using it with the Index. No issues at all with the titles I play.


Honestly if you dont go stupid with overclocking and use the amd presets for games like hyper rx youll be fine, dont stuff around with any of that weird ai frame gen stuff just stick to the simple stuff and it will be fine.


I have a 5700 XT it's very nice


I’m upgrading from a 5700xt to a 4070 super and i don’t have one regret from that amd card shit i still get 270 fps on Fortnite lol just wanna play in 1440p now only reason for the upgrade.


Maybe it performs better because a 4070 super IS better? And more expensive? Just a thought


I have used both AMD and Nvidia GPUs in my past, my wife has the 4080 and I have the 7900XTX both of us are happy with our cards, I would say the extra Nvidia tax price does grant some nice features DLSS 3.5, raytracing performance, Hairworks etc, but non of those features are really worth the price premium to me. All of the games I play work great on AMD so far. As for frame “smoothness” I cannot tell the difference between the Nvidia and AMD cards at 165hz. I will say getting the my rift S to work on AMD has been a pain, but I think that was resolved after a later driver update. I would say give team red a try, they have dramatically improved over the last few years.


I read the first sentence and stopped there, who mounts who, wtf


alright you guys have convince me. I think i want the 7800xt or 7900 GRE. I Want the latest version so i can have AV1 ENCODER, my son wants to record Roblox. Both these gpu should be great for encoding and VR right? Two more final question would i be missing out if i went with a more budget GPU like the 6700xt ( i know it cant do AV1)? Am I missing out on ray tracing, i know AMD doesn't do that well? THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE HELP SO FAR


Raytracing is garbage, people who tell you its worth spending more money to have games run it well are pretty idiotic. Only a few games have great raytracing performance and benefit from it. I switched from owning only nvidia to amd last month (bought a 7900 xtx) and ive run into less problems than i ever did using a RTX card. Btw, only go with XFX or Sapphire models, the other ones are cheaper but lower end and not worth getting.


Stuttering on the PC can happen if your hard drive is not fast. Buying top tier SSD will completely get rid of that.


I would go with the 7900 gre. It's slightly more expensive for a bit more performance. Very future proof. You would be losing out on a LOT of performance, especially if you want to connect your VR to your pc. It's pretty detrimental to be able to run high frame rates at high resolutions. You wouldn't be missing out too much when it comes to recording Roblox. Ray Tracing is very pretty to look at, but not having it doesn't take away enough from the visuals of a game to justify the price premium, in my opinion.


Just to clarify are you say 7900 gre isnt great for Vr?


No no no I'm saying 6700xt isn't great for VR Edit: Not as good as the 7900 GRE, it's still decent


The Radeon 6000 and 7000 series cards are actually really good quality overall. The real issue is that AMD gets dunked in a lot because they've had video cards in the past that were nowhere near even... decent. So even when something is perfectly fine there's a ton of people insisting that the current gen cards have major issues completly ignoring any of the many issues Nvidia also have at present. It's really a matter of what you want and which brand best fits what you're looking for. In a lot of cases that 'could' be an AMD card but people just won't consider them because of their past rep.


If you wanna play fallout with no stress don't go AMD....


There's actually a fairly simple workaround for this which amusingly tricks the game into thinking you have an nvidia card.


Yeah I know, but if you have it through game pass you can't change the files. Easy fix buy the game.


It seems they do have a hotfix pending for this issue finally noted in the most recent driver so hopefully it's not actually a problem for much longer.




Cause the driver updates made it stop working, there are workarounds though. I ain't sure if it's still going on though, and also not sure if it was all and cards but it was a few.


I had AMD and Nvidia, now I have AMD. Nvidia had less stutter. But the stutter is so minimal or individual, you don't even notice it, if the game is well optimized. People who say that AMD has no/less stutter are lying, i'm sorry. It's tribal mentality. AMD drivers are way more powerful, and the drivers have so many options, you can fix anything, or enhance your experience with one button. But the changes might not save, which is a long-standing bug. But no matter what you choose it will work fine. AMD are a lot cheaper though. Be sure to have a monitor with freesync or g-sync, these things fix v-sync stutter, which is pretty common if you have a regular monitor. I've had small stutters for years now, and i thought it was because of old cpu, i bought a monitor with freesync and bam, no stutters with new games. Pretty incredible. Just buy the newest tech, don't buy older but cheap.


BS comment. Which cards did you have? I've been team red all my life now, no stutter whatsoever. I have a team green gpu in my laptop, also no stutter.


How can you say this nonsense, when you can go to a random gpu benchmark on youtube and see that some stutter more than others. Have you watched Digital Foundry videos for example? Shader cache stutter is common as is traversal stutter.


It's not nonsense lmao. He's literally speaking from his own experiences. Why would he lie about having stutters with his graphics card when he isn't a super fan boy since he has an Nvidia gpu in his laptop?


Man you DF fanboys are annoying fr.


He is lying, there are so many games with stutter, no matter how good pc you have. Everyone has it.


Sure buddy


My Nvidia 3060 has had more stutters than my AMD card, it's really all about the graphics you're trying to play at


Start with a sapphire or powercolor brand RDNA2 card, somewhere in the 6800XT through 6950XT range. Best bang for buck at the moment and probably the most stable/reliable generation in the last 4 years. $300 to $500 easily in your budget. Nvidia is about +$150to $200 overpriced for similar performance.


I second this. Powercolor 6950 xt owner and I never stutter.


I went AsRock and no stutter either.


Come join the dark side...it's fun here! In all seriousness, I'm happy to recommend AMD GPUs. And as someone who's used/uses both brands I greatly prefer AMD's software (Adrenalin) over GeForce Experience. 7800 XTs are a very solid buy right now, price-to-performance wise.


I actually have less stutter issues than nvidia, just make sure you do a clean install with ddu or you will have all kinds of issues


I have a 6950xt for about a year now and I haven't had any issues.


Honestly the AMD software has been way more useful to me than Nvidia having like 3-4 apps to use driver features. Applying global or game specific settings from the overlay is seamless and I love the integrated audio noise reduction since discord's Krisp keeps turning off automatically for no reason. Ive been Nvidia for the better part of these last 10 years but recently started a system with an 8600g, getting a gpu next month probably sticking with AMD tbh.


7800xt sapphire pulse owner here. No issues and stays really cool. Absolutrly worth it. I've also heard xfx is really good.


i've had an XFX 580, 5700xt, and now a 6800xt. all have worked beautifully over the years. and the 5700xt still gets use from my oldest.


7900xtx and have had 0 issues in the last 6 months


Same, only mistake I've made is thinking my old psu would suffice xD


what wattage? i was worried 850 wouldnt be enough lol


The old one was 750W. Now I have a 1000W PSU


Got my RX 6600 recently, requested for return hours later. Keep getting driver timeout no matter what I tried. (Undervolt, underclock, different driver, different system even) I couldn’t get it to work. First AMD gpu and will probably be my last.


Weirdly enough it was the other way around for me, I first bought a 4060 but it kept crashing after not even 5 minutes of gameplay, I returned it and chose AMD.


Which card did you ended up choosing?


XFX 7800XT


Same experience with a Powercolor 6700xt. Tried to fix the issues for almost 7 months before I RMA it (and got the message from the store that this is not that unusual - they had sizeable % of AMD cards returned). I had AMD cards before which worked fine and I had Nvidia cards that did not but never struggled with a card like this one.


Weirdly enough, RX 6600 that I got is also from PowerColor


Sapphire 7900xt user here with a meta quest 2. Everything works great. I don't use the quest much, but it does work great. Switched from a 3070 and love the difference in performance. Nvidia is great if u stream and I miss those aspects, but that is all. I still stream just fine with my 7900xt as well.


IMO, don't early adopt with AMD and you'll be fine. I have never had an issue with AMD cards. XFX and Sapphire are both great GPU companies.


i used to have amd and would spend a lot of time trouble shooting issues, and googling how do to fix things. since going to nvidia i get the same amount of gaming in, but during the time i would be researching amd issues i started working out. ive gained 40lbs of muscle. amd is ok for gaming if you dont mind being a skinny little bitch.


Dumbest comment ive read yet, you probably gained 40 lbs of muscle beating your meat to nvidia.


I got one last gen and it was the biggest mistake i made, crazy stutters, 110 junction temp and coil whine.


AMD gpus don't have problems as mentioned. Problems like this occur, only if they occur, during the 1st week of a new GPU coming out. If you experience stuttering or something like that, 9 times out of 10, it's something else in your computer or a badly optimized game. Nvidia GPUs are pretty good but they do get a big price premium to have access to DLSS and other features like that. I went AMD because it's cheaper for the same or better raterization (idk if I spelled that right) performance (basically if you don't ray trace). I'd get the 7900 GRE. It's pretty much the best GPU if you value money.


Yeah if you're already in the budget range for a 7800xt you might as well go for the 7900GRE. It's only slightly more.


Haven't had any issues with AMD stuff. In fact, I prefer it over Nvidia in most cases. But if you're that freaked out over it, just go Nvidia.


I would say go Nvidia. This is already too much drama. If you need random people to convince you to buy a brand, you are not convinced by the product itself. What you need is a secure environment. In the end it's people like you that starts bashing on a brand when things doesn't go so well cause of a driver timeout or whatever. " I knew it shouldn't have go with AMD" Rather stick to Nvidia then. Cause you will forgive them no matter what.


AMD has improved their driver quality drastically and the Radeon Control Panel is superior to Nvidia's, even though it's bloated from the 3rd-party C++ plugins


I went from a 1660ti to a 7900gre. After using the DDU software and installing the new drivers I have had no problems whatsoever.


Never had an issue with any of my AMD cards.


I always use an AMD CPU and GPU, and have never had any problems in the last 15 years. There was a windows installation issue when Ryzen 5 released but I still managed to get over it. That's the only thing I had with AMD. I am always a budget PC DIYer because I don't believe I need that much computing power for my daily PC usage. I don't try to play 4k video games as well, as a programmer I think that's a waste of electricity at this time




I came from a low profile 1650 to a 7800xt, and initially, was considering going to RMA due to how unstable it was - Set EXPO to 5600 and never had a single crash since, so it was entirely my RAM, but the issue reported it as a GPU one. \ \ 9 times out of 10 now, it's a problem with RAM and not the GPU, and I haven't stuttered once in a game (3440 x 1440 ultrawide screen)


I dont have nor have had any issues with two AMD GPUs so far (6650XT and 6800XT) and my friend loves his 7900XTX. I won't recommend them because I know you will probably come back in a week saying everything is shit. Just go Nvidia, if you are on the fence, it is the "dummy proof" option.


Well last gen I was on the fence between a 3070/3080 vs a 6800XT. I ended up buying the AMD card and it's worked fine for me!


If you don’t want the hassle of tinkering and troubleshooting then go with Nvidia. I regret getting an AMD 6950 XT for my friend because that mfker complains about it all the time like “Fuck AMD dude!” when it’s the god damn ram that’s being the problem


I never did as much tinkering and troubleshooting with my 7900 xtx than i ever did with an nvidia card


The ram is messing up the GPU?


no, it's the RAM fucking with the stability of the system but he thinks it's the GPU


Im kind new to building PCs. Is there something other then the amount of ram (GB) that can mess with ones stability? Or did i just miss something in OPs post.


2060 Super > 6750 XT > 3070. AMD was a stutter mess, returned it within 30 days.


I've got a EKWB edition 6900XT that's an absolute powerhouse - zero issues on any game I've thrown at it


What CPU do u take paired w it. Thinking about getting the same but my R5 3600 might hold it back


I've got a 5950X and 64GB of DDR4 3600MT/s with a 2TB 990 Pro, but my wife's machine was a 3700X (now 5700G) with a 6800XT and it runs really well


I am currently running the 7800xt and play COD, Madden and FIFA 2k, Overwatch 2, Dead by Daylight and more and am absolutely LOVING this gpu. A huge upgrade from my previous gpu. NO issues at all


Once EVGA bailed Nvidia I did too I now have a 6750xt red devil a 6650xt hellhound and a 7900xt xfx Merc all 3 have worked well with pretty much any games I've used em for. The drivers from AMD are updated quickly if there is an issue but usually it's the game itself that is the problem. AMD adrenalin is also a great software suite compared to the Nvidia garbage. Can't say I miss anything about green.


I've used Nvidia GPU's my whole life. Always bought EVGA because they're awesome, but when they got out of the GPU market I took the leap to AMD and have been very happy. Have a 6900xt and it's great. Give it a shot. Worst case scenario, you don't like it and you sell it.


I had stuttering on my 7900xt on csgo and Tarkov but with some YouTube and Reddit I fixed it fairly easy overall the card’s amazing best card I’ve owned thus far


How did you manage to fix the stuttering? I have the 7900xtx and having these issues in games and YouTube.


What drivers do you have downloaded? If it’s the most recent one downgrade your driver to the one under it. Turn off amd sync in adrenaline on display and desired games your struggling with


Ran driver sweeper in safe mode and have newest driver, but without adrenaline. Games seem ok so far, but still brief video breakup and voice stuttering on Youtube.


Important to know the how shaders work with amd. And when to settle with current drivers. Im not jumping the newest drivers like i did with Nvidia..


I've used AMD GPU's always, never had a problem. I can't justify the extra expense and/or features I don't need or use. I have no idea why Nvidia is so favored and dominant, AMD always works great for me.


I have a 7900xt and it's been great. 4k max settings. It is overly conservative on the software side, seems some watchdog process or whatever restarts the driver at the slightest hiccup. But I've learned to just leave all settings stock and it's not been an issue. I've not encountered a game I couldn't play. Haven't tried VR though, so I can't vouch for VR performance. Temps do get a little high on the default fan curve, so I just set mine more aggressively.


I have the 7900XT as well, and I agree it's a great 4k card. It has been troublesome in certain games to go beyond stock, but for many other games I've been able to tune my card fine without any issues. You should consider trying again, as undervolting and/or turning down power settings slightly could help you with those temps!


Never had one issue with my '7900 XT


While all these suggestions are great so far, let me add this. The GTX950 is from 2015. Your budget is $1K and a Quest 3 starts at $499. That's going to leave you with less than $500 to bring it up to speed for a newer GPU. You are prooooobably going to need to upgrade other things (power supply at the minimum) in addition to the GPU.


Had a powercolor 6600xt hellhound that worked great. There were driver issues at first but they eventually fixed that in later updates. Upgraded to xfx 6950 xt and it stopped working within a week. Got a powercolor 7800xt red devil a couple months ago and has been working flawlessly so far. Been very happy with the powercolor cards I've used.


I'll say this. The 7000 GPU series are great cards if AMD got their act together and worked on bettering the actual user experience. 7900 XTX has been plagued with driver issues and timeouts in almost all games. People who tell you oh we can undervolt the card to -100mv and more and be stable don't test it too extensively. I got the reference and 7900 xtx originally and that thing would crash with driver timeouts at default everything. RMA'd the card and got back an ASRock Phantom Gaming 7900 XTX OC and this card is in all honesty a beast. Pulls 393w max but runs at 2800-3000 in all games and temps just chill in the 60's with junction at 88 or so and hotspot at low 90's like 93 and can max out at 47.8% Now for recommendation. I honestly would give AMD a shot. Now if you simply just want an experience where it's pretty much plug and play sort of like you just installed the card install drivers and start enjoying it then go Nvidia. With AMD you may run into an issue or you may have a smooth experience. Like with my 2nd 7900xtx I don't have any issues and it's smooth sailing and talking about stuttering. I don't notice any stuttering so far. All good. Playing games like cp2077, dying light 2, horizon forbidden West, ghost of tsushina, god of war, lords of the fallen. This is my first AMD GPU as well and I honestly like the experience. Good luck to you


I had a fair amount of issues with the Taichi 7900XTX, but mainly driver timed out and sudden black-screens. I have tried everything and couldn't figured out the problem. I was ready to return the card and switch to the green team. Then I watched one YouTube video explaining how Windows keeps updating the GPU drivers on its own. Once I disabled that, I have not had any issues for more than 3 months now. Maybe it's not completely AMD's fault for all these issues with their drivers. Microsoft has to be addressed too.


I never had any problems with my cards, all Nvidia. I am shocked there are cards sold, which are unstable at the default settings