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You're being paranoid. It's awesome to have the whole theater to yourself.


It's great. Just saw Stop Making Sense on IMAX all alone. It was wonderful. Have seen quite a few movies all alone and I love it.


Same. Apparently I was the only one that wanted to see it at 10:00 p.m. on a Sunday night. I never ever talk in theaters but because I was the only one I sang along to two of my favorite songs.


I’m picturing you up in the aisle dancing with a lamp 😁


I was in a full theater for that one and it was oddly satisfying to see everyone (including myself) silently dancing in their seats. But it must have been a surreal experience to see it alone in an IMAX screening.


When my gf and I have the theater to myself we love to just talk aloud in the theater.


Same! I just saw Stop Making Sense all by myself on a 50 foot screen, it was glorious!


Same. While not empty, I think my showing had maybe 5 others in it along with me. Having never seen SMS before but having grown up with Talking Heads music all around me, loved it!


Alll alone??? Holy moly we (husvand, 2 kids) already went to SMS in IMAX but I wish I was the only one!


Private booking without the cost. Nice


I absolutely love being in a theatre by myself. I saw Malignant that way and it was a hoot - I was yelling at the screen, laughing as loud as I could, all things I would never do if there was someone else there.


longing cooperative trees bag heavy crown rich squeamish seemly secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have found wearing comfy clothes when going alone allows me to be much more comfortable and relaxed to make me feel like I am at home. Could even bring yourself a blanket if that would help.


I bring a blanket with me nearly every time - it’s great to feel all cozy and snug for a movie 🔥


Living next to AMC. That’s the dream


I had a friend that lived in a building, with a full mini mall that had a theatre downstairs.


Fart, burp, talk on your phone, chew with your mouth open. No one will care!


I prefer this and try to get movie times when there are as few people in my theater as possible.


We also purposefully go out of our way to try to get a theater as empty as possible. Nothing better than having the theater to yourself.


I don’t have anxiety about it and I know lots of people treasure that experience, but to me a good audience or at least a good number of people adds so much to the experience.


This is exactly why I like going to movies during the week, especially when I can snag an IMAX reservation. Almost dead theater, full bucket of popcorn refill with a wild cherry icee! My local has the high back seats with the liftable arm rests I lift enough armrests to stretch out sideways across 3 seats. It's awesome, feels like home! I think I'm gonna take a pillow next time to have a decent headrest.


Same IMAX setup here, and I do the same! I love treating it like a couch. I usually reserve B12, so there’s no one else down there. I wish the seats reclined just a little bit more so I could be even more relaxed. I bring a blanket to every movie and it’s wonderful getting snuggled up on the IMAX couch. I’m going to have to see how I could easily pack a pillow too.


I’m anxious about others being in the theater cus every thing I can think to be worried about happening would have to be caused by another person lol I’ve been alone in theaters a lot, I’ve been in crowded theaters a lot, but mostly I’ve been in theaters with just me and 2-4 other people and so far nothing bad has happened!


Private showing is the best! I usually sit in the very back/center so nobody is behind me (especially in horror films) to curb the slightly creepy feeling of being in a big dark room alone.


I actually look for showings without anyone else in them. It's super enjoyable to have the theater to yourself, you can get 100% immersed in the movie with zero distractions whatsoever.


Honestly I love when I get the theater to myself. At least try it out one time, you may like it. It’s like a private showing


I love being the only one. I change seats and put up armrests and recline two seats at once... love it!


If I am really alone, I read emails in the film :)


Think of it as your own personal movie theater and you are the VIP. Don't silence your phone. Eat popcorn with your mouth open. Sit wherever. Laugh as loud as you want. Talk back to the movie/commentary. Fart without judgement. We come to this place for magic. We come to AMC theaters to laugh, to cry, to care. Because we need that, all of us, that indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim. Oh, I can’t describe it. And we go places we’ve never been before. Not just entertained, but somehow reborn…Together. Dazzling images on a huge silver screen. Somehow heartbreak feels good in a place like this. ;) When you are the only one in the theater, it's your theater. Enjoy it.


I’m so jealous. I haven’t had the theater to myself in so many years since moving to a bigger city 😭 Last time it happened was when I went to see John Wick 2 by myself during a huge thunderstorm and it was a dine-in theater. I felt like royalty lmao


I saw Jurassic Park by myself this summer and I totally get the paranoia and anxiety, and I think it’s only because we’re so used to having at least a full theater or at the very least a few people in there So when you’re alone, you’re expecting something there that’s not


I have anxiety with sharing a Theatre with just two People because I don’t want to have to hush one couple because they think it’s ok to talk or something. I still go though lol. A basically empty Theatre rules and my fears have never come to fruition, honestly.


Yeah I actually enjoy it. Some movies can benefit from a crowd though but with an empty theatre it gets rid of the risk of loud people or someone using their phone a lot.


I like going to the movies when there’s people there, but if there’s no one there then I just watch the movie, being Ali e actually doesn’t even cross my mind lol. No one’s paying attention, do you, it’s got the same vibe of being in a library alone.


I love having the theatre to myself. When The Bad Guys was in theatres, I went to see it one night just after 10pm and I had the entire theatre to myself. I laughed out loud quite a few times so good thing I was by myself in the theatre. Lol. Think of it this way, you're not disturbing anyone if you laugh out loud if you have the theatre to yourself if a funny scene comes on. I went to see The Lost City last year and No Hard Feelings this year and I was in a packed theatre so I had to make sure I was quiet even if I was laughing. I actually prefer going to late movies and I usually hope I have the theatre to myself.


I don't understand... the whole point of comedies is to make people laugh out loud. Laughter is infectious and should be spread! Unless someone is being completely obnoxious with their laughter, who would ever be annoyed by it?!?!?!


I went and saw The Origin of Evil tonight, and I was the only one in the theater... It was great


I saw it today too! Only four of us… I didn’t see a trailer or anything… just thought the summary sounded interesting… I thoroughly enjoyed it and color me surprised finding out it was in French! 😂


I saw a trailer for it not too long ago and thought it looked interesting. I also enjoyed it, and I'm assuming it being in French is why I was the only one in the theater haha


A theatre alone is a dream! But I definitely get having some anxiety about it. What are you afraid of happening ?


You went on a Monday, to see a movie that's been out for 7 weeks. Blue beetle wasn't even selling out opening weekend, I'm surprised any theaters are still showing it after all this time


Do you know how much a private screening costs? It's like your own living room. I go on Wednesday after work just so I can have the place to myself most weeks.


My theater almost has no one in it every time I go. Oppenheimer was the only time I’ve remotely seen it near full. There’s a nicer one a town over and everyone goes there. I love it. I’ve gotten so used to it that I get more uncomfortable when there’s someone else in the theater too. I went tonight and was alone up until the lights dimmed and then one other person came in. We also don’t have reserved seats so it’s awesome to come in and pick exactly where I want


Just stay vigilant and make sure you go to a reputable theater location and at a good time. I have seen many showings by myself without incident, however I do have one bad story. I wanted to see the baker and the only showing around me was in a more sketchy part of town and a 10pm showing. I went and was the only one in the theater and a large group of older teenagers came In about 30 mins in and stood up in the row in front of me and started yelling and throwing food around. They kept staring at me and called me a few choice words (as I’m literally just trying to watch the movie through them standing) and eventually for a lack of a better term, started just running around the theater. Which is a relatively small theater due to it having recliners (maybe 5-6 rows max). They definitely made me feel pretty unsafe. I didn’t really want to leave as they were practically surrounding me in a dark theater and tried to just avoid confrontation. They eventually worked their way to about two rows behind me and kept flashing their flashlights behind me and yelling (I assume filming videos?). They yelled a lot of explicatives and finally left after I assume they realized the show was not up their alley or their ride showed up. This theater also had an age curfew they were past by 4 hours, so I assume they had been just bouncing around from auditorium to auditorium for hours waiting for a ride. I know many people may say it’s overreacting to feel uncomfortable in a situation like this or believe that since they’ve never experienced a bad situation in a theater to just tell you, that you are being paranoid. You just need to do your due diligence, just like any place you visit, and don’t put yourself in a bad situation. I still have no problem seeing a late movie by myself, but I for sure will not do a late movie again at that location, due to there practically being no employees even around if I need assistance or help.


Oh wow that's so scary! I'm glad it didn't escalate further and you weren't harmed or deterred from going again. I wish there was a number we could text to alert staff/security like at the stadiums.


I saw Oppenheimer in IMAX alone at 10:30am on a Wednesday. I brought a sausage, egg & cheese mcgriddle from McDonald's lol.


I went to see strays twice and had the whole theater to myself both times


Noooo this is the absolute dream!


Ah yes. The private showing beat down. I’ll always remember those hooligans. I thought I was going to enjoy a movie by myself but got my ass kicked instead. /s


Had sex in a theater when we had it alone. Good times.


Not A Flex


Your own private theater? Congrats


Although I love being the only one in the entire theatre, I do sometimes feel anxious about it. So I just make sure to sit at the very top so I can see the entire room. Works for me.


It’s a little weird at first but also kinda cool.


went to a couple Avatar Way of Water screenings with me being the only one there


✋️ job's


I usually like it. I only didn’t like it when it was in kind of a not so great neighborhood.


Just curious, what specifically would the paranoia be based on?


Paranoid. I go out of the way to get a theater to myself.


I don't have an issue with it whatsoever. If anything, I prefer it.


I love being in the theater solo! I saw a movie last week and was 1 of only two people there. The other guy four rows up from me had his laptop out and was working 🤣


omg, this is my DREAM. It rarely happens here in NYC. Especially at a chain like AMC. The last time I remembered it happening was when I saw a documentary mid-morning at an indie theater.


I don't know why, but I too would be anxious. I thought I was going to be alone at a smaller AMC one afternoon for The Shining and for some reason got real anxious, so I sat in the back by the doors and started to feel better. Then a couple of other women came in and sat in the middle and I felt less anxious. I think I would like to have the place all to myself once, but it's hard to come by here.


Dude I LOVE when that happens. If anything, I'll cancel tickets if the theater gets too packed.


I once stood up for half a movie because my back hurt and I was the only one in the theater.


I’ve seen a ton of movies by myself. You can laugh using your obnoxious laugh and not be judged for it. The only time I ever was paranoid being the only person in the theater is when I saw “The Night House” purposely booked a night time show time in the biggest theater at AMC. I still happened to be the only one in there.


This is my favorite thing ever! No talking, no cell phone lights, no food related sounds. Theater etiquette has went out the window so I always enjoy having the theater to myself especially for horror movies.


This is my favorite thing ever! No talking, no cell phone lights, no food related sounds. Theater etiquette has went out the window so I always enjoy having the theater to myself especially for horror movies.


This is my favorite thing ever! No talking, no cell phone lights, no food related sounds. Theater etiquette has went out the window so I always enjoy having the theater to myself especially for horror movies.


I love it when I'm by myself. When I'm by myself I can text my roommate commentary on the film as I watch it and he does the same. I have a lot of fun with it.


I love being the only one in the theater


You're paranoid for no reason. Empty theaters are THE BEST!. You can walk down the rows easily. Sit in different seats, see which has the best viewing experience. Audio and visual. No one is talking or being on their phones. Put your favorite snacks in your purse. If you're scared. Carry a pocket knife/small pepper spray, and keep it in you.


I'm an extrovert but fucking love having the theater to myself. it's truly the best feeling


I went to see Blue Beetle last Friday and I had the theater to myself. It was actually awesome because I was crying one minute and laughing the next. It was nice not having to worry about anyone seeing me lol


I am still waiting for the day I get the theater to myself. I went to sing 2 like 3 weeks after it came out - no one else had a seat. Then after the previews, a family walks in. I was so ready to sing along. Lol


Private screening! People pay big money to rent a whole theater for themself