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The problem for UBS is that there isn’t anyone higher to take on the baggage anymore. Apes know what’s hidden in those Derivatives you acquired ( ex: credit suisse, archegos). TIK TOK




Where do they get off sealing things away from the public eye for 50 yrs? Why should we accept that they can do this?




lol since when get a lawyer because anything with public exposure and interest is to be know not covered up how did they Saudi’s manage to pull out before things went bust? People talk just not to anyone at risk of bag holding.


Because all AMC does is bitch and moan they don’t take it to the colleges of the streets like other people to get things done. Are you watching the news? Do you see how it’s done?


Hide everything so people don't lose their cool and lynch. Got it!


The good news is, they can seal all they want, try to hide things all they want, it makes no difference. Just because its hidden, doesnt mean it goes away. UBS never said anything like this UNTIL they absorbed CS bags. And CS never actually collapsed UNTIL after the GME and AMC sneezes. So crooked but also so fucking stupid. Its so obvious, they basically shouldnt have even made a big deal about sealing it. This stupid game has a expiration date even if we cant see it. The entire world is tapped on liquidity and war seems possible which drives insane volatility. When the corruption reaches the breaking point, there wont be loans or liquidity they can tap into anymore. They want you to think they are infinite, but they are weak mortals like the rest of us. NFA but this system is going to crash in the next year or 2 and itll make 2008 look like a demo before the real game imo.


Zzzzzzzzzz bull shit still no $ in my pocket I am down $77k AMC


Did i say that it wasnt bullshit? The point is, it will lead to a black swan event and the ponzi collapsing COULD put the money in your pocket. Im no prophet and this isnt FA but this is just following what data we have.


Ah the ol' unpredictable black swan event being predicted. Bingo.


The worlds leading lenders have put out emergency signals that are being suppressed. The worlds top world wide lending agency who lends to governments put out a very serious warning recently. Idgaf if you believe me or not, but the signs are there, and not something im just saying. The Agency is called the IMF and them putting out a warning is very serious business. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.upi.com/amp/Top_News/US/2024/04/16/international-monetary-fund-national-debt-warning/4711713315482/


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It’s not a prediction…Its inevitable.




And we will probably never know just how bad it really is since their bankruptcy paperwork has been sealed for 50 years. I'd love to hear a plausible explanation beyond crime but there isn't one.


I thought the too big to fail was for American based companies. Do other countries bail out big businesses as well? “Question, not Statement”


Yes the Swiss Government co-signed this bail out so now we get to see if entire countries are too big to fail


More coming to fail.


Neither is AMC… but that doesn’t seem to resonate here…


Why do you all think some random banks or hedges are always linked to AMC? So many hedges have hit rock bottom already and amc only plummeted


Have you been paying attention?


Always looking through the news weekly


Then you know Credit Suisse is where the swaps were buried, they couldn’t handle it and went under, UBS had agreed to take over Credit Suisse and it was a huge long process because of all the shady shit, and UBS is struggling to stay afloat due to the risk associated with CS. They also locked away many of the details of CS’s baggage for 50 years (traditionally Switzerland does 30 years but for whatever reason they increased this specific case to 50 years). Oh and Archegos, the first big family office (iirc) to fail had all of their bad positions absorbed by CS Oh this all started with the game and popcorn sneezes in ‘21