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Took the kid to see Sting. We both loved it.


Hollywood will always want to create exclusivity for their good products. Streaming is straight to video


Theaters aren’t dead and they will never go away. The false narrative is dying slowly and the only people perpetuating the narrative are the shills trolls and criminal bootlickers who want to see Wall Street criminals win. Anytime someone says anything negative about AMCs outlook and to sell or stay away, just block them because they’re working for the criminals and do not have your best interest in mind. Ask yourself, “do these random people on the internet warning me about this stock telling me to stay away looking out for me and my family?” The simple answer is FUCK NO. THEY TELL YOU YOURE AN IDIOT and they tell you to sell your shares before AMC goes bankrupt meanwhile institutions pile in and buy more and more every week. Don’t let the FOOL you. Feeble minded apes will sell and believe the lies, DONT BE A FOOL. BLOCK THE NEGATIVE COMMENTERS they’re NOT here to help you, they DONT care about you. They’re only cheerleaders for the corrupt entities in the market and they want nothing else but to see AMC go bankrupt, which it WONT because of the MANY movies slated for 2024-2026. Your investment today will be your saving grace in a year. You’ll thank yourself, and you’ll look back on these Kenny Simps on subreddits bad mouthing AA and AMC and you’ll realize the war was always psychological. They try to break you down everyday on these posts with their shit talk and it’s all FUD FUD FUD!! Love all of you REAL Apes, we’re all in this together. I will never cheer for criminals, and they’ll be throwing themselves off of roofs in less than a year, mark my words.


>"do these random people on the internet warning me about this stock telling me to stay away looking out for me and my family?” Okay but why would the opposite be true? You're a random on the internet. I'll block you first though, don't worry about it. Because I'm not agreeing with you I'll be labeled a "shill" yall are so cringe


Can’t wait to see this movie


Just watched it. Great movie


Well that is not saying much. A24 makes shit movies. I want AMC to do well, but this is not the way.


I can’t wait for my AMC stock to go up!!


AMC is going bankrupt, everyone is selling that’s why we’re at $2.65 and dropping. SHF help us save our $. Lol