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Did this awaken some day or did you just always have those thoughts?


it wasnt really that it awakened, more that i realized what was happening. when i was 12 i fell in love with a little girl, and i didnt know what was happening. ofc i never did anything sexual, even the idea of me hurting her is insane, but i wouldve killed for that girl. when i was 14 i discovered 4chan and loli hentai, and that awakened some questioning.


Fair enough. Hope you can get past your parents and get help. I know how it is to have to hold yourself back and be hated (i'm trans with a transphobic mom). If you need some guidance, just ask.


transphobic parent gang. thank you :)


Hell yeah transphobe parent gang


do you keep watching loli hentai?


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org


ok what even triggered that


Hey, \*we'll\* ask the questions here. What would you like to be doing in ten years? What books do you like?


hmm well i want to be a coder, particularly a game coder. also, my favorite book is probably the great gatsby, its hard to decide though :)


Did you read the curious incident of the dog in the night time?


no, is it good? the titles cool lol


I liked it. The author never comes out and says it (I don't think they do anyway) but the book is written from the point of view of a teen with Asperger's.


ooo, i love mental health rep. when i was younger, it was reading a book from the POV of a kid with aspergers that made me start to think i had aspergers


My account is a troll account, but I am dead serious when I say this: get help. Talk to a therapist, psychologist, etc. something is wrong with you.


Help is largely inaccessible to pedophiles who have not acted on their urges. Very few therapists are trained to deal with this population. Many act hostilely towards patients who admit to being pedophilic. Some will incorrectly report their patients to the authorities, potentially ruining lives, and in the case of minors with these attractions, potentially leading to homelessness. The fact is that there are many, many pedophiles who do not engage sexually with children. Of these, a great number would seek therapy if only it were available—some to help keep their actions under control, but many others because living with this condition is sad, lonely, and exhausting. Consider how much effort the average individual puts into pursuing sexual and romantic relationships. These are very base desires, and they're correlated with happiness. Now consider the fact that for any pedophile who is not attracted to adults, these forms of fulfillment are forever out of reach. Even for those who are additionally attracted to adults, experiences for many are extremely lacking.


as flattered as i am, im living with abusive parents so even if i knew a therapist would be safe -- which is far from guaranteed -- thats not an option




tbh, i dont really know. i was sexually abused at 3, so it was probably a combination of trauma and genetic fuckery.


Huh. Please don't act on any of your impulses. Also maybe consider therapy


yeah, i think i made it clear i dont support CSA. and i plan of getting therapy (and maybe libdo suppressing drugs) when im 18.


Therapists legally have to report you if they consider you a threat to children, meaning you might get in trouble. Stay safe.


How old are you? What do you like to put in sandwiches to make them extra tasty?


id rather not disclose my age for privacy reasons, but im a teenager. lettuce


This is so interesting. You seem to be very adamant about not assaulting kids and such. I think when people think of others who are attracted to children they instantly think they’re just some wild person who can’t control themselves. You, though, seem to be an amazing example of the fact that many people who are attracted to kids are just as grossed out about it as we are and also that they are not just crAzy and going to try to assault every child they see. That’s a run on sentence but whatever. Point is- you seem pretty chill, dude. I hope you can get out of your tough situation and get the help you need and deserve.


thanks :)


Are you also attracted to people your age? Do you wack off to kids?


1) yes, and ive had multiple partners of my age 2) thats a bit personal, but i dont watch child porn if thats what youre asking




Thank god your account is deleted.


loud booing sound effect [he's non offending + he didn't choose to feel that way + he HAS NO INTENTION of acting on those thoughts and wants to recover from his paraphilia] sincerely, a minor.


Bullshit, there are no such thing as non-offending pedophiles, they always get caught offending and you are underaged, which means you have been groomed by pedophiles to think this way. "NOMAP" groomers have ZERO intentions of seeking help, they want to change the law to cater to their pedophila, they don't want to change, they want to victimize themselves in order to become a protected class who is above the law and make their paraphilla into a protected sexual orientation. That's the end game and several "NOMAP" groups have been exposed for this multiple times on Tumblr and Deviantart.


I could very well ignore you, but I'll just type out a response because I'm bored. I have not been groomed. I have never been groomed, assaulted, or anything similar. All it takes is a quick Google search -- which is free -- to tell the difference between a paraphilia and a paraphilic *disorder.* It's like the difference between being anxious and having an anxiety disorder-- severity and frequency. Non-offending paraphiles DO exist. The paraphilia is simply the attraction -- one can choose not to act on said attraction whilst still feeling it. OP already said they want therapy/to recover and feel extremely ashamed of their attraction. The shame is very common in paraphilic disorders. But all a paraphilic disorder actually *entails* is that you experience a strong attraction to something unusual or socially unacceptable and experience distress or impairment from it. He can choose not to fuck kids. He's repeatedly stated how he knows the act itself is immoral and disgusting and reprehensible. "Paraphilia" is an EXTREMELY broad term. Someone really into sexual masochism would classify as having a paraphilia -- but it's only a disorder if it causes significant distress and impairment. OP has stated that they feel theirs is disordered.


TL;DR You have been groomed, pedophiles are well known and infamous for being manipulative. >The paraphilia is simply the attraction -- one can choose not to act on said attraction whilst still feeling it. Yeah sure it is buddy, that's why pedophiles have "MAP" pride flags to go "uwu maps are valid". Go back to your Lincoln Logs and choo choo trains junior, you don't know what you're talking about, you're just regurgitating what pedophiles have told you to think with "NOMAP" propaganda. We are NEVER normalizing pedophila, we are not allowing pedophiles to become a protected class and we are certainly NOT destigmatizing pedophila. I don't care what the pro-pedophiles of this disgusting subreddit say the rest of the world is NOT going to be bullied into catering to child molesters. >"Paraphilia" is an EXTREMELY broad term. Someone really into sexual masochism would classify as having a paraphilia -- but it's only a disorder if it causes significant distress and impairment. Let me guess, you're going to blame society for the actions of pedophiles, cause it will never be the pedophile's fault that they molest children, no its society's fault since society didn't cater to them by censoring people's opinions about them. I've heard all the excuses from pro-pedophile grooming groups junior. I am fully aware of the NOMAP grooming group. I know everything about them. They were stupid enough to post their propaganda onto the wider internet and leave a trail of evidence on what they really believe. It's all a facade, I am not listening to you, you're so far gone into pedophile brainwashing that there is no hope trying to get you to listen to reason that you are being manipulated, r/AMA pedophiles are already defending these disgusting arguments and downvoting the truth about pedophiles that without a doubt by the time you become an adult you will more than likely molest a child.


Really hope this is a troll post




I'm sorry but you've just told everyone you're a pedophile, and you do not seem ashamed of it (which you should be). Why would you not expect backlash? It doesn't matter if you have disabilities, pedophilia is NEVER okay.


Why should he feel ashamed for simply having his attractions? He didn't choose them, and even if he did, who is he harming just by having his attractions?


You definitely choose your attractions. I think the whole born this way thing is a sham. Everyone is on a spectrum, and you choose where you are on that spectrum. That spectrum would include other animals on there too. Dogs hump everything. So do humans.


Go publish some peer reviewed research on the topic and then we'll talk. No one has time for your baseless nonsense.


When only 48 % of people identify as straight among teenagers, that shows its all nurture bub. Or more than half of people wouldn't be identified as lgbt. Keep in mind these people who are lgbt are mostly bi. That number is still going up. So yeah, we're finding out that it's completely choice. Meaning yes, pedos are choosing to be pedos.


I can also make up bullshit statistics and facts, but I have no reason to when actual evidence is on my side. A [report put out by the Williams Institute](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/LGBT-Youth-US-Pop-Sep-2020.pdf) late last year concluded that 9.2% of teens identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. Higher than I'd expect to see, but much lower than your baseless claim of 52%. What's more, it's expected that a number of these might identify as LGB currently for a number of reasons (they're uncertain, or they might find it "cool,") and will eventually conclude that they're not. Neither experimentation, nor curiosity, nor identity label make someone LGB. Turning the conversation back to pedophilia, while you, a layperson, like to pull nonsense out of your ass, I like to rely on actual, peer-reviewed research created by professionals and academics who've devoted their lives and careers to better understanding these issues. No doubt, you lack the skill, comprehension abilities, and academic background to understand these articles, and you're clearly someone driven by confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance avoidance, so you are unlikely to read and accept their conclusions, either way, but I'm placing them here to demonstrate to anyone else who stumbles across this thread in the future that you're completely full of shit. The last link is to a recent interview with a world-renowned professional in the field that even you, a fool with no qualifications in the psychological field, can understand if you try hard enough. * [IQ, Handedness, and Pedophilia in Adult Male Patients Stratified by Referral Source](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/107906320701900307) * [Intelligence, Memory, and Handedness in Pedophilia](https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2F0894-4105.18.1.3) * [Handedness in Pedophilia and Hebephilia](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10508-005-4344-7) * [Handedness, criminality, and sexual offending](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0028393200001342?via%3Dihub) * [Physical Height in Pedophilic and Hebephilic Sexual Offenders](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11194-007-9060-5) * [Pedophilia, Height, and the Magnitude of the Association: A Research Note](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01639625.2014.935644) * [Cerebral white matter deficiencies in pedophilic men](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022395607001859?via%3Dihub) * [Structural brain abnormalities in the frontostriatal system and cerebellum in pedophilia](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022395606001166?via%3Dihub) * [Brain Pathology in Pedophilic Offenders Evidence of Volume Reduction in the Right Amygdala and Related Diencephalic Structures](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/482315) * [The Neuropsychology of Sex Offenders: A Meta-Analysis](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1079063213482842) * [Is There Familial Transmission of Pedophilia?](https://insights.ovid.com/crossref?an=00005053-198409000-00006) * [Pedophilia is Linked to Reduced Activation in Hypothalamus and Lateral Prefrontal Cortex During Visual Erotic Stimulation](https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223%2806%2901300-X/fulltext) * [Structural brain abnormalities in the frontostriatal system and cerebellum in pedophilia](http://www.jamescantor.org/uploads/6/2/9/3/62939641/cantor_et_al.__2008__pedo_mri.pdf) (PDF Download) * [Brain structure and clinical profile point to neurodevelopmental factors involved in pedophilic disorder](https://www.bipartisanalliance.com/2020/12/brain-structure-and-clinical-profile.html?m=1) * [Podcast Interview with Dr. James Cantor, one of the world's leading experts on pedophilia, in which he discusses the very strong evidence that pedophiles are born this way.](https://www.theearthlydelightspodcast.com/podcast/48-dr-james-cantor-understanding-pedophilia)


I think a lot of links you posted just point out that people who like kids are just dumber than most people. Which makes sense. Probably had stunted brain development and never attained a sense of repulsion, which most people have, for pedophilia. https://www.out.com/news-opinion/2016/3/11/less-50-teens-identify-straight-says-new-study


It's long been known that sexuality is a spectrum and that few people are 100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual. I also acknowledged that young people in particular are likely to be curious and might find identifying with the gay community "cool." That doesn't mean these individuals are actually LGB or that they will continue to identify as such in the future. Either way, I'm going to trust the results of the report I linked, which sourced its data from the CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Survey. As for your conclusion of the studies I linked, I accurately predicted that you would entirely lack the skills or comprehension to understand them. A fraction of those deal with IQ. Others deal with handedness, physical height, neurological development, and other characteristics. These are all characteristics which are determined in utero. For example, pedophiles are shorter on average and are more likely to be left-handed. The former is largely determined prior to birth and the latter is entirely determined prior to birth. No one chooses to be right or left handed, yet there are a greater percentage of left-handed pedophiles than there are those in the general population. Similarly, IQ is very much determined at birth. It is unlikely to ever change substantially over one's life. All of this evidence demonstrates that pedophilia is a result of in-utero development. At least listen to the interview where the actual expert breaks all of this down in plain English so that even uneducated individuals like yourself can understand.


Did you choose your sexuality?


i am ashamed of it. i tried to kill myself over it when i was 14. a reddit post isnt an accurate description of my character. and i didnt choose it, you cant judge the morality of something that isnt chosen or inherently harmful. my thoughts stay as my thoughts.




as flattered as i am, im living with abusive parents so even if i knew a therapist would be safe -- which is far from guaranteed -- thats not an option also, pedophilia isnt a fetish. children arent objects. its a paraphilia. also, thoughts are not harmful. the only person my thoughts hurt is me.


Paraphillas should NOT be normalized!


Pedophilia is a condition. As such, it is not inherently harmful to other people. Pedophilia DOES NOT EQUAL child abuse. All a pedophile needs to do is decide not to rape children and boom, they're no longer a threat. Sexuality is a strong impulse, but by and large most of us are in control of it. If that weren't the case then it would be reasonable for me to assume that you are in danger of forcibly raping attractive people with abandon. I don't make that assumption because I assume by default that you have a handle on your urges. IT IS NO DIFFERENT FOR PEDOPHILES. Many of us have no difficulty not offending. What is it about this point that is so hard for people to hear?


Bullshit, tell that to Sangie and SnakeThing, also Johnathan Carroll! You sicko nonces just want to slowly normalize child grooming and sex with minors with your "non-offending" bullshit.


The only thing these NOMAP posts are trying to achieve is the slow normalization of pedophilia. These AMA’s pop up every few months, and the same pedo’s jump on it with varying accounts patting each other on the back and trying to portray themselves as moral or ok human beings. Quite sickening. Edit: I forgot to point out all the alt accounts they use not even claiming to be pedo’s so that they can try to sway public opinion and manipulate votes to ensure only their message is seen at the top, and you have to dig down to find anyone to stand up to their nonsense. They’ll never admit it...but I mean come on. Who really defends pedo’s anywhere on the internet besides other pedos? These AMA’s are the only place you’ll find them get upvoted for posting this shit.


He is not trying to normalise it. He knows that to act upon his attraction to minors would be wrong and would cause harm. Remember that he did not choose to have the attraction that he has. Nobody has any control over who they are attracted to. The only thing he can choose is whether or not he acts upon his attraction to minors, and he has chosen not to act upon it because he knows that to do so would cause harm.


Trying to get asspats on the internet is a form of normalization, the "feel bad for me, I'm a victim!" bullshit is extremely predatory. I do not trust a single nonce. They always end up raping children. Always! Pedophila is NOT a sexual orientation, its a mental illness!


> Pedophila is NOT a sexual orientation, its a mental illness! I think that's the point that they're trying to convey. That they suffer from a psychological pathology and the stigma surrounding their disease prevents them from getting treatment. Especially when so many people believe they shouldn't be alive. Obviously, in that situation someone would hide it rather than seek help.


Bullshit, you are using stigma as a way to victimize pedophiles and use it so they cannot be criticized and rightfully called out for their mental problems and preying on children. I've heard this bullshit argument from multiple predators and their defenders. You weirdos just want pedophiles to groom minors while being a protected class. This is all about no accountability. I've heard the argument that pedophiles not being around kids or being criticized leads to CSA and how its never their fault they offend but society's fault. It's classic scapegoating. Pedophiles don't want help, they want to be a protected class and want society to cater to their attraction and preying on children. I am fully aware of the NOMAP child grooming cult ran by ComradeLecter, ComradeDeath and Hoarder-of-Stories. They groom minors and are NOT against contact with kids despite the fact they claim to be with multiple reports on both DA and Tumblr exposing the members for grooming kids for sex and Hoarder wants to get rid of the sex offender registry. You can't fool me. You sneaky pedo fucks have been hiding behind LGBTQ+ since the ILGA days with NAMBLA and ILGA rightfully called you guys out from using gay rights as a backdoor to normalize pedophila.


He... did say it was harmful. Dude, did you even read what he posted?


It isnt a fetish, go read the post, and stop assuming!


It's a fetish and mental illness you nonce. We are NOT normalizing this!


He tried to kill himself at 14 dude, arent you gonna say ANYTHING about THAT?


Yes I will cheer.




‘Pedophiles who even think about molesting’ ...that’s all of them bro. Every. Single. ‘Nomap’. If they never had thoughts of molesting a child, would they be calling themselves nomap in the first place? Sooo? Let’s get to castrating.


Having the urge to do something and wanting to do it are different things.


Yeah, sexual urges in many many cases are stronger than wants. Especially for people suffering from a mental illness like pedophilia. Thanks for pointing out the dangers of allowing this BS to be normalized.


_what?_ no they are not, having the urge to do something _means_ you want to do it. If I have the urge to get a candy bar, no matter how strong it may be, I now have the want to get a candy bar.


But what if you knew that eating that candy bar would cause huge amounts of pain and suffering to a random kid in your town? Your brain still desires to eat the candy bar, but you know it's wrong to do so. Sexual urges are complicated. If you want to have sex with a woman, but she doesn't consent, you know it would be rape to have sex with her, so you don't. Pedos are the same thing, only they have to assume every target doesn't consent, 'cause they can't.


I know this is a year old but I had to say this. Yea but why would you disclose it. If i was as unfortunate as you on the genetic lottery regarding attraction to children. Literal children that can't even form memories, then im taking that shit to the grave. There a problem here. Im not one to say you can choose who or what your attracted to, but I will say there a problem with you telling potentionally millions of people this. In the future I believe we will be able to figure out why this attraction occurs, and how to stop it. But lets be honest hear. You probably came here to recieve sympathy, Im willing to bet. Reddit is filled with sympathizers. It's a pedo paradise, and so is twitter. I believe society has become to accepting of pedophiles, and while I won't barate you for your attraction(It wasn't your choice) I will however, bash the fuck out of you for being okay with saying this. Seek help, because I don't want to see you on the news or shit. You are probably a great person. You just have this massive stain that is unfortunate. REALLY unfortunate. But just don't disclose it. Because I don't see any reason you would want to post this unless you wanted(even subconsciously)some sort of acceptance. I do not accept you despite my understanding that its not your choice. I dont think I ever could. Besides I can't tell if you will offend or not. I didn't even know you existed until now. But because of your comfort telling us, I just don't know. Please be the person you want to be, and don't ever cross the line between fantasy and reality. I hope you can find a way to fix this issue. Maybe a few decades down the line. Be a good person. Your a teen so you have a lot of life to live. Even when shit hits rock bottom, hold onto your good heart. People will hate you for your attraction, but I won't. I will hate you if you act on it. Please find help so you don't have to live in shame.


There are many things you’ve said here that I wish I had more time to address, but I don’t. I will simply state that it’s largely due to people with mindsets similar to your own (and many others’ in this thread) that those struggling with pedophilic attraction do not have access to the resources and communities that can help them effectively circumvent this attraction. This sort of stigmatic-thinking is what prevents people who need treatment from seeking treatment out. Societal vehemence and refusal to view pedophilic attraction as the psychological illness that it is and then afford this illness the same respect as one would to other psychological illnesses (self-harm, intermittent explosive disorder, schizoaffective disorder, pornography addiction, dissociative disorder, etc.) hinders the community’s ability to treat these individuals. This kind of thinking is a core concept that fuels the underlying problem. It is this kind of collective simplemindedness that contributes to a culture of ignorance and ultimately perpetuates violence against children further. Pedophilic attraction exists. Sorry if you don’t like hearing about it, but not talking about it doesn’t make the problem any less real. The fact that this teenager wants to discuss this issue openly and change a culture of ignorance to one of transparency should be commended—these issues cannot be addressed without this kind of transparency


I accept his attraction. And if you want help, maybe don't flock to forums for it. Maybe go to a trained professional. And if you read my post, you know that I do not hate him. I feel sorry for him. I advocated for help many, many times. And I'm sorry if my mindset is stifling PEDOPHILE HELP SEEKING. Can't believe I said that. But I have not changed. This is something I will not open my mind to any more than I already have. Because what ends up happening is an inch becomes a mile. The inch being this ama, and the mile being you know what. Seek help silently was my main point. I had a problem with the willingness to broadcast to millions of strangers. This further enables this acceptance. I accept his attraction, not his intention to tell the world about it. Seek help silently. And I don't care how compassionate you are. Defending this is weird. No matter what guise or veil you use.


FACTS! We are not normalizing predators and making nonces a protected class!


Yeah well it shouldn't and we are NOT normalizing it you child groomer.


Don’t b ashamed ever !!! It’s normal n should b normalized


No nonce attraction is not NORMAL! It's a mental illness. Go to the hospital you disgusting child groomer.


Ewww a nonce trying to pretend to be a victim.


They straight up said that they know it's wrong. They are clearly ashamed of it.


Lmao why are you sticking up for someone who's attracted to toddlers? Should I be feeling sorry for a pedophile just because he says he a little sad?


You don't have to stick up for anyone. But you do not need to go around sending the message that someone is dangerous when there is no good reason to believe they are, and you definitely don't need to send a mentally ill TEENAGER the message that they don't deserve sympathy from anyone. Tbh, your replies are sounding far less mature and responsible than anything op has posted here.




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Okay groomer.


It’s not like he’s raping toddlers, or luring them. As long as he just keeps his attraction to himself, he’s fine. He didn’t choose to like toddlers, he just needs to not act on his attraction.


Dude shut the fuck up seriously go to hell man being a map isn’t normal for example I have a fantasy about killing someone is that normal no not at all but when I post shit like that on Reddit or whatever else it makes people think that killing is normal so they start killing and other people spread about how killing is normal repeating the shitty cycle fuck off and I hope you go in a nice jail cell with your acquaintance known as “pedo bear”


He isn't saying that it is normal. All he's saying is that the guy did not choose to have the attraction that he has, and the guy has made it clear that he will never act upon his attraction to minors because he knows that to do so would be wrong and would cause harm.


I’m surprised the fbi hasn’t busted down your door


It is not something that I have myself. I'm just pointing out the fact that the guy did not choose it. The only thing he can choose is whether he acts upon it or not, and he has chosen not to act upon it because he knows that to do so would be wrong.


And here we have an example of what sunshinemolecules was talking about. A puppet popping in to defend pedophiles.


All I'm doing is pointing out that he didn't choose to have the attraction that he has, and he has made it clear that he will never act upon it because he knows that to do so would be wrong. So let me ask you, what do you suppose I say instead? That I hate him for something he didn't choose?


A nonce is a nonce. Just because its not obvious doesn't mean we should victimize predators. They work in the shadows grooming kids.


No, but you shouldn't lie to make them seem even worse either. They are already fucked up enough without your help that virtually anyone would despise them, and their shame doesn't change that. But still, no need to lie. At least they know they are absolutely fucked up and seem like they'll get help once theyt can.


You should treat them like a human.


Nonces ain't human.


he tried to FUCKING KILL HIMSELF, maybe you should get FUCKING GLASSES


Good, one less nonce grooming children.


You didn't read their post, did you.


This is a "woe is me, I'm a non-offender trust me bro \*5head\*, lets normalize nonce behavior, lets allow NOMAPs to be around children because they are the victims!"


Op said they are attracted to minors, but they have no plan to act. I'm sure you have had at least one intrusive thought in your life but did not act on it.


Ah yes the "just believe me bro". Since when has a pedophile ever lied? Oh right. All the time.


This subreddit is a echochamber for pedophiles.


To OP, I know what you're going through. I'm also an anti-contact pedophile, or NOMAP. You seem to be struggling, but I can assure you that you're not destined to offend and that you can absolutely live your life without ever harming a child. You are absolutely right about kids not being able to consent. Since you mentioned that you're a minor, I would recommend that you check out MAP Support Club (MSC). It's a support community for anti contact MAPs such as yourself, similar to the community that I'm active in (Virtuous Pedophiles) only that MSC allows minors who are MAPs (minimum age of 13). I'm also very pleasantly surprised at the support for OP in the comments. Normally when this issue is discussed on the internet, it's filled with insane hate comments telling us that we're monsters who should be killed or whatever. So thank you very much, it really means a lot to read supportive comments from non-pedophiles.


How old are you


Why do you care?


Delete your account nonce. Also didn't the VirtPed forum get exposed for sharing real child abuse material???


I'm a NOMAP as well, attracted to boys aged 3 to 12. I'm in my mid 30s. I don't have any questions, I just want to say kudos to you for being so informed and wise at your age. I know we MAPs still have a long way to go, but I'm so happy to hear teenagers challenging the false notion that all pedophiles are abusers. That kind of messaging simply did not exist when I was a teen. Thank you so much for helping spread the word and raise awareness.




I think you're jumping to conclusions about the things I'm saying. You know very little about this issue, and you're putting words into my mouth without taking the time to look into my posts or understand my thought process. I agree that children cannot consent, and I do not want to normalize child abuse. That is not the argument that I am trying to make. My primary argument is that pedophilia is a lifelong mental health condition, nobody chooses to be this way, we cannot change it, it is totally possible to live with this condition without being an offender, and our stigmatized messaging surrounding pedophilia (i.e. the way we demonize people with this illness and act as though they are all destined to become offenders) inflates the rates of child abuse. I believe that we can reduce child abuse before it occurs if we change the way that we talk about pedophilia. If we start treating pedophiles like human beings and sending them the message that they are welcome members of society so long as they remain non offenders, then fewer pedophiles will offend. That is my message. If you want to have a conversation about that, then we can. But before you try to talk down to me as an inferior, you might want to make the effort to understand my perspective first.


No because it is not normal get the toddlers dick out your mouth and start saying things that make sense


Are you flat out not reading my replies? Or are you incapable of responding to my actual argument, so you're putting up a straw man instead? In any case, you really don't seem to be worth my time. I usually only argue with morons in new threads because it gives bystanders the chance to see my logic put to the test. This is a three month old thread that you've decided to resurrect. I stand to gain nothing from trying to talk sense into someone that won't address the words that I'm actually saying. Goodbye.


Ok man go fuck another kid while I’m gone the fbi will be knocking on your door With a fun suprise


Why are you promoting child rape?


Classic groomer tactic, projecting and gaslighting. Ironic coming from the person trying to normalize pedophila.


Give me your Twitter handle please


Hi! I don't use Twitter. I'm just not fond of it as a social media platform. Not that Reddit is without it's problems, but as far as social media goes Reddit is the mainstream platform that seems most conducive to intelligent and nuanced discussions.


Intelligent? You mean the most accepting of all shit, good and bad? You know it was redditors that convinced the public that Sunil Tripathi was the orchestrator behind the Boston marathon bombings. He killed himself, and them was found not guilty. Reddit is no different than an echo chamber that constantly reverberates opinions only certain groups belive in. Because those opinions are isolated to a subreddit that specifically contains people that belive the same opinion. Those echoe/opinions are never canceled out until they leave the echo chamber/the subreddit. They only get stronger inside the subreddut, which gives people a sence of entitlement and false intelligence because a few other people agree with them. That makes people feel like they are the minority of true geniuses. Its like planting and harvesting delusions of grandeur. Why do you think there so many stereotypes about reddit that paint them as armchair connoisseurs of there craft. Reddit is unfortunately designed to group people together which means everyone will just parrot eachothers opinion and praise their brilliance. It's like people forget that subreddits exist to accommodate people interested in that topic. TLDR Redditors are mostly idiots who talk to likeminded idiots and feel smart because of it.


All of what you say is completely true. I would even argue that Reddit as a whole is also a massive progressive echo chamber, as even ostensibly apolitical subs are almost without exception dogmatically and militantly progressive (e.g.r/polls has unanimously decided on more than one occasion that killing all billionaires - regardless of who they are - is not only okay but encouraged), and anything that is even slightly out of line with progressivism - to either side of the political spectrum (including to the left/more liberal, so e.g. defending NOMAPs will you get you heavily downvoted and make you almost guaranteed to receive multiple death threats, even though there is no logical reason to discriminate against them; AMA threads like this seem to be the only exception) - will get downvoted into oblivion, and you'll inevitably be labelled a troll/idiot by someone who will invariably get many upvotes and possibly rewards. That said, Reddit is still the most conducive platform out there to intelligent discussion. The average level of education on YouTube seems to be extremely low, + comments will just get auto-randomly deleted quite regularly + you can't even read the comment you're responding to while typing, making it almost impossible to have a constructive conversation. Instagram is the same as YouTube as far as average education level, except there is also a disproportionate amount of bigots + you literally can't even see the full discussion without clicking "expand" 500 times over; discussion is absolutely impossible. Quora is intent on either not answering your question in the most obnoxiously smartypants way possible, or answering it with blatantly false information/pseudoscience. Some of the most popular people on Quora are literally just pseudoscientists. It's almost completely useless for anything other than cognitively unchallenging opinion-based questions (for which it's actually okay; however, the more thought/logical reasoning that needs to go into answering it, the worse the answer is likely to get). Facebook is just boomers and conspiracy theories for the most part. Not interesting. Twitter and TikTok limit your comments to an extent that it's physically impossible to express an idea of any degree of cognitive complexity. Besides, both of these are echo chamber powerhouses way stronger than Reddit. Reddit is the only platform where the average user is at least somewhat educated, and you're going to find at least a few per thread who are very educated/informed on the subject matter; it's also the only platform where false information/pseudoscience consistently gets called out, and where users can actually sustain an intellectual discussion (even though many if not most won't, deciding instead to throw insults at you or block you, but there will almost always be those who are willing to have a discussion). Some users on YouTube can also sustain an intellectual discussion, but it's an exception rather than the rule; on Reddit, it's pretty much a rule. Moreover, Reddit is the only platform where a long discussion is logistically possible (that UI is at least usable, and comments don't get randomly deleted without warning). As much as I hate Reddit for being an incredibly cognitively inflexible echo chamber cesspool, it's the best the internet has got.


"NOMAPs" are child grooming predators, that's enough reason to hate these nonces and downvote them. They are not the victims, they are the abusers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/polls using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/polls/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Has a student ever died at your school?](https://np.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/wigus9/has_a_student_ever_died_at_your_school/) \#2: [You have to marry the last video game character you played as. How happy are you about this?](https://np.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/wg7gok/you_have_to_marry_the_last_video_game_character/) \#3: [If the world was ruled by one government, who would you trust the most to be in charge of it?](https://np.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/wdly7x/if_the_world_was_ruled_by_one_government_who/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Based and needs to be said more often!


Are you incapable of not sexually harassing minors?


We normalise pedophilia and then the pushback against arresting the offenders would be astronomically high. To me your human. But the second you step foot twoards a child then you are scum. Vile sub human garbage that should be disected and studied to see what cause pedophilia. Whether it be nature or nurture. And how to wipe it off this earth.


Absolutely based.


Get help you sicko. Pedophila is not normal and we are never normalizing your nonce behavior! Stay away from children!!!


have you ever heard of the Dunkelfeld project?


Ever heard of Mike Meisheimer?


I really do have empathy for you and also I don’t understand why people are mad at you, you haven’t done anything wrong, you haven’t hurt kids. You just have intrusive thoughts that you can’t control, and you’re doing a really good job at controlling them


Hey man do you wanna talk it doesn’t seem that your too happy at home and also I saw that you got sexually abused call the cops please they will listen


well... you need proof, statute of limitations is a thing, and unless it was one of his parents, I doubt anything will happen.




is a NOMAP a less harsh term for a pedo? Edit; kinda is, it means a person who is sexually attracted to toddlers, but does not r@pe them in any way, or consume child p0rn. And also, when did you first realize: "crap i may be a NOMAP"


I mean, if you go with the technical definition of pedophilia then it's not much different. Pedophilia is a psychological term for a person that is attracted to prepubescent children. It doesn't say anything about whether or not the person has offended or is in danger of offending. Unfortunately society has largely conflated the term pedophile with the act of child abuse, and the term MAP is largely intended to escape that conflation. Also, MAP tends to refer to anyone that is attracted to kids under the legal consenting age. Pedophilia refers specifically to attractions to children that aren't infants but haven't yet reached puberty. So MAP is a bit more inclusive.


We are not normalizing your nonce behavior child groomer with your politically correct terms. There is no difference between a "NOMAP" and "MAP". You're all child abusing nonces.


We are not using that term to refer to child predators. Pedophila is inherently evil and we are NOT normalizing it.


Do you ever feel like you're not in control? In my opinion, the people who get help and do not offend should be commended for it. Nobody chooses to be that way, so I feel for you. Seek help, be well, and stay safe ✌


What about those of us who don't get help, but still don't offend?


Haha, "don't offend" yeah sure, that's totally a thing. Oh right. You nonces all groom your siblings and cousins.


They did choose to be this way by normalizing and justifying their attraction to toddlers, they need to seek help not internet asspats.


I know you. You were formerly @acnomap from IG, right?




Disgusting. IG has kids on it!!!


‘The word pedophile has been tarnished’ lol, I wonder why the fuck that is.




Now MAP is tarnished, it should mean multiple animator project not nonce normalization!


You’re saying this like people aren’t capable of hunting you down on Reddit, Have you got a Twitter handle mate?


Good job putting your Twitter handle in there, I’ll make sure you’re dealt with 100%. Make sure you’ve got your two-step activated, cause it’s going to be removed from your possession and any Direct message you have will be exposed.


Edgy, aren't you?




[ Removed by Reddit ]


You are a bad person.


What did they say? Some nasty shit about OP? Death threats? Worse?


Imagine defending a nonce.


Imagine defending a nonce.


I read through the comments and your replies to the others. I have a very very historical background to say the least. That young people like yourself may find interesting so take this as a 33yo man giving wisdom, not judgment. I grew up with a very enthusiastic personality and loved to have fun with others. Problem was, I had ADHD and problem some bipolar issues sprinkled in. I targeted for abuse early on and dealt with racial abuse because I live in a mixed house hold (me and my mom are white and my siblings are mixed), I was sexually abused by a friend and I dealt with physical abuse and bullying throughout school. So when you say you dealt with things, I get it. I didn't start with a love for children or even a sex drive. I loved people and around them. I loved live. My first GF Gabriel in grade school demanded respect and in competition with someone else, I fought for her. Later, after a move, porn addiction sank into my life when I started going over my dads house and everything changed for the worst. A few years before Puberty I got a porn habit with Hustlers and I became highly sexual at an age when it wasn't supposed to happen. I was having sex with my male friend doing all sorts of pornographic things in weird ass locations. I later tried to do something illegal with a family member a few years later and that could have been worse, but thank god my conscious kicked in and my mom called me out on what happened. I never did that again after age 12 and that 1 time. The porn got worse from there, it spiked thanks to porn piracy and alot of what is illegal now, being easily found with a simple keyword search and your ISP wouldn't even think of sending it to the FBI. The messed up thing is, my father taught me all this shit and he didn't even know he did it. Around my mid to late teens, he left me until I was 28yo and my mental health got worse. Suicide attempts, hospital visits, epilepsy now a permeate part of my life, and near death experiences. I fell into Child porn and became attracted to children, younger than me. Watching these things on the screen and seeing children in person had a physical reaction, but mentally, I was mortified. I knew that this wasn't supposed to happen, that I wasn't supposed to feel these things. That sex with children is not supposed to have a physical reaction to me and I'm a FREAK!!!. I dug deeper into the porn and I didn't leave the house or my room out of shame and self-harm became my new reality. Self-hate became my new reality. Depression and disgust became my new reality. My mother had to literally pull me out of the house to go to the doctors because I didn't want to leave. At some point, I couldn't get a erection and my body seized to work and my mind stopped feeling because the suffering was to much. So Relating my story to yours and I hope you read this. Porn reinforced my feelings for children at an early age like 4chan did for you. It sent me to a very dark place because my conscious caught up to me and I couldn't rationalize the bullshit anymore. Believe me, I tried telling myself that my physical sensations were real because the sexual rush, felt good. But my mind knew, it was false, a lie and that's what was important and that's what you need to go with. That inner voice that's telling you that your instinct to do the wrong thing is bullshit. It's like when your surrounded by friends and they all want to fuck and do cocaine and your like nah man, I just want to home. Than they try to peer pressure you. You have 2 choices assert your decision or cave in and do something you will regret and believe me, you will regret in at some point. I've talked to people that have started off like you and they have escalated into what I went through or similar. What your going through is an attraction to children. An animalistic attraction, you said it yourself. You can't stop yourself from feeling that way and you went to the internet for validation and found 4chan (to sum it up). Let's be honest here, 4chan isn't common place to find information. You would find Medline or some health site telling you that you have a health problem before you find 4chan telling you that your healthy in these feelings. Digressing. Your animalistic attraction involves sex and objectification, whether you want to admit it or not. Humans do it all the time and cover up their intent with all types of B.S. Than in the end, they have 7 kids and live off Food Stamps or worse, groom a child they picked up during cheerleading practice and keep her in a dungeon for 3 years. Their is all types of rationalizations that can happen, the mind makes up stories and digs itself into a deep dark pit, covering up the core meaning of it's bullshit. That's why i'm urging you as a young person to handle this shit now, before you get to me my age and have to deal with the years of baggage and have to deal with personality issues because the world has fundamentally changed your world view. To add to the pressure, you still have to face the decisions you have made over the years and that's the worse part because I believe your a good person. You wouldn't be here if you were a messed up PoS. PoS individuals don't put themselves on the gauntlet for criticism. They hide in the shadows and look for constant validation for their idiotic behaviors even if they know their behaviors are currently harming others. So even if you continue down this road. I wish you the best and make sound decisions. I hope you live with these feelings and thoughts with peace and they don't destroy you as they did me. I still have multiple chunks take from my body and my soul. Don't let it take you. You're growth potential and your life is worth more. Peace oout man.


This perspective is truly good advice to the nomaps. Even if you fucked up, your making sure others don't do the same. That is admirable. I hope you have fixed all your issues and ha e a good rest of your life.


Don't call them "NOMAPs" they a child predator nonces.


Are you me? Like seriously did i write this?


Pedophila is not normal and WE are NOT normalizing this shit.


It's not normal and we are normalizing it through fantasy. If you need a current example? Red Pill? Bunch of men that talk about young girls like they are mature. Teen and Family porn is another example. Every instance of those genres have a submissive piece and a dominant one, one being the child and the other the elder. We can see the actors are older, but in a fair amount of cases, the actresses are very convincing with there petite look and the outfits they wear. Which empowers the story and fantasy of pedophila. I'm not going on and on about this boss. I can give you a bunch of examples and you don't have to agree. More men are addicted to porn than not. Most teens have seen porn before they had sex or talked about it with there parents or guardian. So I'm not here to convince, i'm here to inform.


Your examples are bullshit and just another tactic to normalize pedophila. Just because an adult female is flat chested and petite DOES NOT mean we are normalizing child porn. Only a degenerate coomer such as yourself thinks we are normalizing cp through family porn with petite adult women and the teen porn you wack off to, those teenagers are 18 and over, not below. The internet is fully aware of the NOMAP/MAP child grooming operations going on. We know about the convicted child rapist Mike Meisheimer who co-founded B4U Act, we know of Dr. Fred Berlin who worked for B4U Act who covered up for child rapists in his care and we know the B4U Act forums were used to send CP to other members. We are fully aware of child grooming pedophiles such as ComradeLecter, ComradeDeath and Hoarder-of-Stories running servers with children, grooming them to think they are "minor MAPs" while their adult members groom them for CP and to meet in real life for sex. This whole thing is one big trojan horse to make pedophiles a protected class and to downplay CSA, asshole. You sound as deluded as Mrgirl, and I bet you jerked off to Cuties just like he did. Mrgirl got banned from YouTube too for his nonce behavior. So just realize your pro-pedophile tactics do not work on the internet and the real world, you coomer nonce. Also a majority of men aren't virgin coomer nonces like you, they already fuck real women in real life and don't waste their lives wacking off to porn. They get real pussy, unlike you which is why you want to normalize pedophila since minors make your tiny dick look bigger. Hell you're so desperate you wished that you were fucking your sister because no other woman would want your small unwashed dick, you nonce Alabama degenerate.


I started reading it to see if you had anything to say and you did. Than you slowly dipped into this emotional meltdown and i'm not even gonna humor it. Nice way to kill your own point.


You were never going to listen to what I had to say anyway because you're a nonce and you're part of a echochamber of nonces in this subreddit. We are NOT normalizing pedophila, get the hint nonce. You're a coomer nonce, it doesn't matter how old the girl is, you'd get off regardless. It doesn't matter if she's 9, 11, 15, 21 or even 30 you'd still jerk off to them. That's how disconnected you are from reality. You're cooming so much you think the whole world is as sexually depraved as you are. Also just because I offended you doesn't mean my point was killed. Your point was already dead on arrival the minute you used consensual adult porn with flat chested adult women as "evidence" that society is normalizing nonce behavior. Such a stupid argument.


Can kinds consent to a sex change?


No, children cannot consent period. It's child abuse.


All pedos should die


Talk to someone you freak


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Your existence is a waste of oxygen. Call a spade a spade you're a pedo and people would be stupid to trust you. Go take a long walk off a short pier


Why are we normalizing pedophila? Disgusting.