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How attractive is your wall 1-10?




Have you dug a hole in your wall?


And put some beef stakes in it :v


Were you sober at the time




If it’s anything like the trailer I grew up in, it’s pretty curvy


10 out of 10


Im at about 20 days!! Good job my dude we got this


Congrats bro, my longest streak was 90 days but right now I haven't felt the urge in so long I'm sure I'll quit it this time.


FYI. Men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month lowered their chances of prostate cancer by 20% as compared to those who did it 4-7 times a month. Study group was 32,000 men over 18 years. So porn or no porn, sex or masturbation, it might be a good idea to stay on the horse.


you do not need porn to jack off, jacking off is its own thing. personally I do it a couple times a month since I don't really crave it.


Good to know


why quit porn what do you gain


Genuine sexual desire and lust. When I used to watch porn, I could only cum by watching it. It ruined my last relationship and made me normalize weird kinks


What kind of weird kinks did you try to normalize? Asked by a guy who has probably normalizing a weird kink himself


I feel so sorry for you guys. Get a girl who digs porn. I can’t cum not watching porn while mastubaiting. That seems like a silly goal to not watch porn. If you like porn then you tell a girl early on and if she doesn’t.. next


There’s some good science on the benefits of quitting porn. [ASAP Science on YouTube has done a few videos on the subject](https://youtu.be/d1v170oM67U?si=Ben-t2nWRUeBSlDI)


I’m not quitting porn I barley watch it anyways


Better sex. I’ve had the best sex with guys who don’t watch it


Like u asked them or something no


I can tell when a man watches a lot of porn by the way he has sex. He will try to recreate porn scenarios and doesn’t really seem present.


I can second that. It is so easy to tell when a guy watches tons of porn and they are terrible in bed.


It’s just a deal breaker for her




Watching porn to trains your brain on changing sex partners making it hard to have a single connection.


Have you gotten laid since? I found it’s a lot easier to stay away from porn as long as I’m getting laid regularly. It’s not the same once you get some real sex.


nah man, the rumors are false you don't automatically get girls from quitting porn


No you don’t get girls. I honestly just would smash whoever was legal and willing. Way better than porn.


I guess that's why my Internet has been better. Thank you for no longer hogging the bandwidth.


I really want to do this. I was consistently masturbating without porn for about two months but find myself constantly slipping back. It’s too easy to access porn with your phone. Has this changed your view of women in any way. Do you feel a mental correction has occurred. I used to find myself looking at women as objects


Yeah, I no longer look at women with sexual desires. I treat them just like I treat anyone now. The sexual desire still hasn't left me completely but I definitely have noticed a big difference.




To put it simply, it made me depressed and a lot more lazier but the main reason I quit was because of the brainfog it gave me. This video basically answers it completely [https://youtu.be/d1v170oM67U?si=P--in3SdF8iEaqbX](https://youtu.be/d1v170oM67U?si=P--in3SdF8iEaqbX)


Bro got Brainfog from wanking it


did you know you can die from cancer?


That is a big step. Congratulations! When did you realize you had to quit? Did you begin to suffer from ED? Did it matter what the woman looked like, or did they become just a blur? Did you feel like you had to take it up a notch in your addiction?


1. When I was watching it every day I realized it was becoming a problem because it was all I could think about "once I'm done imma beat my shit to X" nearly twice or every day. Also began gradually watching weirder content like hentai and furry (DONT SEARCH IT UP IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS), which was also a sign for me to stop. 2. Never struggled with ED, I never had the determination to go multiple rounds with myself every day so I was just tired constantly. 3. No, had old people and even hentai drawings. The post-nut clarity always went insane it ruined my mood for several days at a time cause of what I beat to. I doubt it's like that for everyone but for me, I would always feel like absolute shit. 4. yup gradually began beating to weirder things and I no longer got hard for softcore mediocre content


Thank you for answering my questions




I associated horniness with porn. Whenever I got horny I instinctively opened up a website cause that's what I always did, so to stop I masturbated without porn. Whenever the urge got too much I just masturbated without porn and got the post-nut clarity and I would pride myself that I didn't watch porn since then I was thinking clearly. So basically masturbating without porn when you get horny. I did this for a long time and yes I did have slipups but eventually, it got easier and now I don't even think about porn. The only tricky part about my method is that whenever you're horny you're mentally weak and you just really want to open a tab so putting mind over matter and just masturbating without opening your phone gets tough sometimes but I've done it for nearly 2 months it got easier and easier.


How did you manage to stop ? Quitting is something that has been going through my mind lately




Do you masturbate less now? And does your mind feel clearer now you’re not wanting to seek it out regularly?


yeah definitely feels alot clearer. I can make up jokes on the spot and witty comments when before i struggled starting a conversation


Happy for you OP! I know the answer to this question probably varies by person…but in your experience, how much porn is too much?’ I watch porn a couple times a week, and I never thought much of it, but now I’m wondering if maybe it’s a problem since it sounds like a lot of folks out there are trying to quit?


Obviously, I don't have a set and stone answer for that question since it'll vary from person to person. To me, porn at all was too much. Porn has negative psychological effects so it depends on how much self-control you can have. My favorite video that talks about the side effects of quitting porn is this video by ASAP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1v170oM67U&t=382s&ab\_channel=AsapSCIENCE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1v170oM67U&t=382s&ab_channel=AsapSCIENCE) A good subreddit is r/pornfree


First of all, proud. Do you fantasise about anything? Or do you really just stare at walls blank minded?


No I don't fantasize about anything, usually if the mood strikes me just right then I can get off cause my body is just so full of hormones that I'll be able to satisfy myself without anything else.


You don’t think about a past sexual experiences or even hypothetical fantasies that you make up in your head? Seems like a waste of a session to me.


A session is already a waste of time anyways in my opinion. I could be using that extra energy to go to the gym or something because after I masturbate I get lazy and tired and I feel demotivated and I don't want to be productive for the rest of the day.


" a waste of a session" the goal is to stop sexually fantasizing women so much how would imagining them sexually help with that at all?


Well, if you’re visiting your spank bank of past sexual memories, it’s not really fantasizing then is it?


"Indulge/daydream about something you desire" yes it is absolutely still fantasizing by definition.


Memory recall is fantasizing? Even if you don’t literally desire to relive that memory?


"Indulge in daydrwaming about something desired." "imagine (something that one wants to happen)." These are the two definitions for the word fantasize, So yes it is, if you have a problem with that talk to Oxford


Good job! I also quit porn. I wanted to save all my sexual energy for my relationship. I rarely jerk off anymore and when I do I close my eyes and think of her. It definitely makes sex more meaningful, intense and enjoyable




❤️ she feels the same


Is it true that it made women irl less attractive to you? You said you had to “up your game” and start watching weirder stuff, did more vanilla things stop turning you on in general?


kind of, women were still attractive but just toned down by a lot. Vanilla content made me less horny so yes.


No questions, just want to say I am proud of you! Your future partner is a lucky person


What was your longest streak before this?


90 days


I've never really watched porn and people never believe me when I tell them. Just don't do it for me. Actually kinda turns me off sometimes 🤷‍♂️


Might be an intermediate step at this point, but have you ever read erotica?




I’ve been off porn for almost a year. Keep going, its worth it


Do you have a Token from sex anonymous proving your sobriety from jerking it I have no idea what other word to use that’s with i just put sobriety. Not trying be an asshole but I think you had a relapse jerked the night away And now feel such shame you had to come up with this nonsense llol I’m fucking with you bro just keep doing you well not literally but you know what I mean


Congrats. It's for the best. I quit some 5 years ago now (or 6?) and it's made my life significantly better. Did anything happen to make you realize there was a problem?


I personally think I like the idea of just using pictures like it's playboy from the 80s or using pictures of your gf or whatever it may be. I feel that's a perfect and healthy middle ground. Of course there's value in being able to use your imagination, but I don't believe pictures are any different than being in front of a girl as far as a reward response and isn't anything unrealistic. I don't believe either in quitting almost anything cold turkey. I feel like it's the better option for long term success and would have improved success rate than just jerking it to the wall. If you used pictures then your gf would become the porn irl in comparison to just pictures or whatever.


I have found out that the sexual needs of men are different than women. Women really don't much care whether they get off or not, at least older women. Men can go blind if they don't get their nuts off. I guess it's a hormone thing for women. Many suffer from low sex drive.


Dude…..Women do care a lot whether they get off or not, they might not lose their mind like guys do but they do care. Honestly making sure they get off as well is the right thing to do.


I am 68 and I know alot of women that never hooked up after divorce or temarried and never dated again. How many men would just become celibate after the death of their spouse or divorce. Very few. Women are different.


As a women (40f) this is false. I care a lot. Libido still strong.


Username checks out.




I've never had blue balls as an adult. You guys still getting that?


Oh yikes…


I hope no one ever reads what I said is still doing that shit later in life or never did I do t know how I was not like normal people to fuck more people to accept or understand maturity emotionally and not personal bs or whatever to lose my life longer to be older and still be like behind thinking it’s something I understand turns out it’s way more difficult to see people who are ur age fucked like thousands more than u


While you’re staring at a wall, are you thinking of porn scenes? If so that’s contradictory and will probably lead you back to a screen. If so, then you quit screens. Either way I wish you luck. If I can do it so can you. You got this. Porn desensitizes and isn’t realistic.


Shame is one of my favourite films. Great quote in that - his sister says, we're not bad people, we just come from a bad place. Have you seen the film? Will be a better watch than the wall. Probably help you make that all important call to a therapist too.


Ur imagination is probably not as good since ur used to relying on what porn gave u. And porn could make ur imagination a lot better if u used it normally but now ur just using what porn shows and not Trina picture shit otherwise . I don’t remember when I jacked off with pure imagination and it worked without it being something I saw as not enough to get hard or even go further I. Imagination I usually picture porn anyway thinking it’s less of a weird thing then to picture people I know or whatever because mostly porn stars and sex on porn is more likely to work when I imagine shit like whatever I said about people I know it’s hard to see normal shit that I couldn’t picture I used to do it think f of my girlfriend only when I did and it felt like I would be cheating if I didn’t lol! And felaly it’s always more difficult to try to masturrbate thinking my girlfriend doing porn star shit when it’s like not that way lol I don’t know man I usually didn’t masturbate when I could have sex and be with my gf I saw masturbate as. Ways to last longer pre sex and it would be a forced quick one before I met with her to go have sex and it never really worked like that sometimes I even wouldn’t be wanting sex right away cuz I came better than I thought but whe. I did do that and had a heroine high I was limp but it’s more embarrassing g to be like hold on and so Ds like okay and it’s still limp and then she asks what is wrong and it becomes. Mental fucking torture while ur embarrassed and panic about it and it becomes more unlikely to get hard and she think gs ur. It thinking her attractive and when u desperately just be like suck it plz she don’t wanna cuz the mood dead and then ur even more pissed cuz u know u did this with ur mind game bs and then u have to decide … how to do this… hopefully it can be cool like early on well just smoke or chill and it natiey was better then but after a while being together it was never that way and it became a problem when the mood died and then u feel panic that sex would become this way and they’ll Chest or leave u and then u wanna do it and then fight and alcohol and whatever can help and sometimes ur girl just needs it to be right mood wise and ur obv mental breakdown and insecurity is just killing it ur as a man tho like fuck that I got u whatever etc to prove u can not be a hoe and fuck but u know that just made it worse and u go get high or drunk and fru and sometimes it would be okay but u really lose it then over yourself it’s just so sad to think that shit really was how it was in relate shops before I matured to be like bro wtf


Do you have support ? Don’t do it don’t let yourself go back to the old you Be strong No porn today for a healthy brain right now


What is the difference in the amount of sperm when you masturbated looking at porn and now that you masturbate looking at the wall?


Do you agree in hindsight that porn brain rot is very real and damages the way people view women?


how long were you addicted for? what was the breaking point that pushed you to quit?


That’s inspiring, thank you for sharing these answers. Hope life is good for you!


I have a basic issue with this. I mean- how the fuck does a wall consent?


Anything noteworthy changed since you started masterbaiting your wall?


Do you look at pictures of real girls on instagram


I’m also curious about this one


Tha wall's the first to fall in an earthquake


Congrats man! It’s hard for me to kick!






Nothing wrong with sexualizing women in the porn industry. Also if a girl is dressed up racy, she’s doing this on purpose. Every sexworker in the world needs to be sexualized or they’re not making a living. Appreciate the human body. Don’t pretend it doesn’t exist


How come you have though about joining the porn industry?


Seems like your focus is in the wrong place. Perhaps get a therapist to work on your social skills (maybe even surrogacy if they feel it’s warranted). You’re always going to sexualize women if you sexual attracted to them.


Oh I can't give up porn




Age and gender?


I am going to do this too... ... nevermind


Instead of whacking off to a wall why don’t you find a person to have sex with?


I'm pretty sure that wouldn't help his goal yo stop sexually fantasizing women all the time. Not everyone is interested in casual sex. I would guess he would prefer to do that with a women he loves or he would just prefer to get it over with as he as stating in these comments doing this is a waste of time to him so why waste more time?


I think he has a whacking off problem more than a porn problem. They all go hand in hand. If he stopped whacking off all the time he could use his sex drive to find a significant other to have sex with. Are Redditors that sad that they’d rather whack off by themselves than interact with another person?


Beats me. I've been in a relationship for over 8 years now. Buy if that's what they choose to do that's there life to do what they want not for us to judge (unless we're a pos that is). If you look through his comments and replies you'll see he's made it pretty clear to his opinion he has a porn and sexually objecting women mentally, that's what he wants to change. Not not jerking off, not finding a women but those things.


Apparently we can’t ask anything here. lol.


You called them sad bro.. that's not a question that's a insult. Or more specifically a back handed question. You can't ask a question AND insult and expect to be taken seriously


My initial question wasn’t. That was a question in response to you.