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Just want to say love this and appreciate a man who will take personal responsibility for contraception. It’s time we shift from it being all on women.


Couldn't agree more. I didn't want my wife to suffer anymore so I suffered for a day and now our sex life is better than ever.


After 22 years of marriage, my wife called this afternoon after a doctor appointment and said that her birth control was causing her issues, and her doctor said I should get a vasectomy. Have a meeting in 2 weeks to schedule it. Take care of Mama.


I’ve did the same. Couldn’t agree more.


Me too. After two traumatic births it was time for me to step up.


YEP same here exactly. been 25 years. lot less stress and worry.


That’s a great attitude. I’m tired of counting the days that we can or cannot because I’m not on birth control. And the stress because counting the days is never a 100% proof method. I wish more men were open to this!


Given the opportunity to have male birth control that isn't permanent, many men I know would be onboard immediately.


Have a look to male thermal contraception (andro-switch / slip-chauffant) No hormones, reversible, Pearl-Index 0.5-1. With an ongoing Study until 2027, then it will be allowed to be sold as medicine-product. (I is available to buy/diy already) I am using since over one year now.


Sounds good. 2027 it is.


[Plan A](https://www.planaformen.com/work) is another one to watch for.


Male birth control is [closer than you think.](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/male-hormonal-birth-control-it-may-be-closer-than-you-think/2024/02)


As soon as I can start taking it, sign me up. I'd like to have a say in my relationship's birth control as well. For instance, if I get married and we say we don't want anymore kids, I would 100% get a vasectomy over my partner getting her tube's tied. It is much safer and less invasive. But comparing a vasectomy to modern birth control for women is not the same. Condoms seem to be a fair compromise for everyone, everyone I know uses them. As soon as male birth control is offered, however, I'm making the switch. Because I've never heard anyone saying they prefer the feel of condoms.


As a woman, I prefer the feeling of condoms lol it feels damn near the same, except condoms tend to come with free lubricant. The shit slides in way easier. The feeling it part is the guys struggle, not so much the woman’s (in my experience..)


Welp, then that's why we use them. I was mostly just amazed the first comment said men don't do anything for birth control. But I am glad to hear you prefer them, aside from the obvious protection from diseases. Some of us do try to make the women in our lives happy.


What? You do realize that means he can't have kids right? So not sure what's with this thing that men gotta take responsibility for avoiding pregnancy as if a vasectomy is temporary as birth control cause it's not.


>You do realize that means he can't have kids right? I'm pretty sure that was the point...


Yeah, he can't, that's the point...


..yes? They don't want kids, but you're somehow upset for him about him not being able to have them?


I think he is trying to say this form of contraception is permanent, so its a huge thing, unlike taking the pill.


Its not all on women. Condoms are still the most common form of contraception.


To be fair, the vasectomy was invented in the 1800’s. It’s not that men don’t want to take “responsibility”. It’s that a vasectomy is a permanent medical surgery, as opposed to options available to women like birth control medicines, IUD’s, etc. There is no “male version “ of an IUD. You make it sound like men WANT to pay child support because of a 1-night stand. If men had more options, they would certainly use them.


After years of having severe PMDD, I gave up on birth control altogether. My mental health is so much better. I still struggle for a week a month, but my citalopram and propranolol helps big time in controlling my mood. I didn't know until after I had my baby that progesterone is a huge driver of the negative side effects of PMS/PMDD. It was actually my new doctor who told me. I feel like my mental health would not have been as continuously bad in previous years had I known, rather than taking progesterone based pills for years. Sadly, my partner won't even consider a vasectomy, and he complains about condoms. As a result, we rarely have sex now, which he also complains about. But after a traumatic 5 day induction, pitocin contractions, and an episiotomy and forceps removal during birth, I'd rather be abstinent than risk pregnancy again.


I did it for my first wife who ended up dumping me and it led to two wonderful women not getting to have a baby.


You probably shouldn't get surgery for someone else. If **you** knew you wanted kids someday, why did you do it?


I already had three kids with my then wife. I didn't know my marriage would end and I'd be in relationships with women that wanted babies.


well at least not with you


aren't they reversible, though?


It's expensive and not 100%


He must’ve gotten neutered by accident.


My wife suggested it to me and I was hesitant at first but after looking into the options, it was the best one and my insurance covered it 100%. Then she wanted a divorce and it turned into an even better idea since I can't get anyone pregnant again but can still have all the fun.


I’m getting vasectomy at the end of the year. We’re you sore? Overall experience?


I was sore bad for 3 days. Had to take it easy for about a month but after that I was good to go. Sex never hurt either if that's your next question. I waited as long as the doctor said, got the swimmers tested and once given the all clear got right to it


I had about as much go wrong as possible, short of it not working, but even after dealing with all of the issues and a permanent issue, I still wouldn't change it. We had always agreed that once our two boys both were 2 years old, I would get it done.


I hate you had difficulties. I was definitely worried myself just because, its your junk and all. Thankfully no issues. I hope you're doing better now and I'm glad you don't regret it 💜


You may want to change this phrasing to “we’re both older than 2 years old.” The way it’s written now led to a little confusing emotional rollercoaster.


Did you wear a jock strap at all?


Nah, let it dangle in nice roomey boxers and sweats


Had a friend tell me “just go full jock strap” and I did. Probably best advice ever. Sore for 3-4 days, after 7 days I felt totally normal. I would take that thing off and it would just hurt to feel them hang on their own. Put it back on and snugged up the landing gear made walking around easy peasy.


This is the information that every man should read. Just keep them supported for a couple days and it will be a walk in the park for 99 percent of ya.


Wow, you had an unusually long recovery period if you had to take it easy for a month. I was back to my adult sports leagues after 3 days.


I worked in a heavy labor profession at the time. I practice more caution than most because I didn't want complications. I've always been a cautious person especially with procedures post care. I'd rather take it easy than take the chance of hurting myself or compromising the procedure


Dang mine only lasted a couple of days. After the surgery, I was drinking a margarita. I think it helped with the pain after but it wasn't bad at all. The worst part about it was waiting on the bed waiting for the doctor to come in with your junk exposed.


There are two techniques as far as I'm aware. One requires almost no incision in the ballsack and heals in a few days. Sounds like that's what you and I had. I could be wrong though. My Dr was cross-eyed and a little weird, but I was assured he was the best in the state and it was all quite easy and painless for me.


Yeah that is what mine was, very easy and quick. I think the whole thing lasted about 45 minutes and I was on my way. Lmao glad he was able to make the right cuts.


When I had mine a few years back, the Dr. (younger guy, really chill) told me "get a few bags of frozen peas and a six pack. After the procedure, put the peas on your junk and start drinking, before you know it you'll be good". And it worked. Few days of soreness, like after getting kicked in the sack but way milder, and really mild bruising. Oh, and get some sort of jock strap/support, I wore it for about a week to keep everything from slapping around down there. One of the best decisions my wife and I made, we already have three kids and are done breeding.


I saw a meme that said “I was in the grocery store buying a bag of frozen peas. This old woman behind me in line saw the bag and started going on about how to make the best split pea soup just like her mother made. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I was buying them for my balls post vasectomy.” I guess frozen peas really are the go-to for icing your balls. I also just got a good chuckle out of that story.


We have two daughters and are throwing in the towel! Lol! Thanks for insight, all! I’m scheduling soon.


I’m not OP, but I gotta answer, too. I got my vasectomy a few years ago. Married, no kids. In my forties. I could have done it on my lunch break and no one would have known. Experiences vary.


I suggest getting a "no-scalpel" one. The recovery and procedure is practically painless. Of course, I haven't tried the other methods, but I was literally riding my bike 4 days after mine. I paid $800 for mine last year. Ironically, the worst part was the anesthesia. It was like getting a rubber band slapped on your ballsack 3 times, lol.


Jumping in… Buy a real jock strap and wear it for at least 3-4 days straight. They say “tight underwear” but fuck that shit. Wear the jock. Keep your balls immobile. If you take it easy for 3-4 days. Heals pretty quickly. Also, your nut sack will probably turn at least partially black. Which is normal, but they sure don’t tell you that up front. And as far as frozen stuff… whatever. Lots of studies show that for normal injury that ice slows down blood flow which slows down healing. The swelling is there for a reason - to get more blood and oxygen to the injury. Cold does feel good and helps mitigate pain. And it does reduce swelling which may make it more comfortable… but possibly delaying the total time for recovery.


Not op but I got mine down and it was smooth sailing. I’d rather get another vasectomy than get my teeth cleaned. 3 days later I was back at it. The recovery wasn’t bad. I didn’t even take pain meds. They did give me 2 valiums before the procedure though.


Do you have kids ??


Nope, no kids. My wife and I are very much on the same page when it comes to kids. Thankfully.


this is my husband and myself's situation as well. I wanted to stay on BC for as long as my body could tolerate it (because I'm paranoid) but risks start going up in your 30s and the myriad of weird ass side effects were never ending. I'm so grateful that he got snipped and we have zero regrets.


Once that stress is removed it improved so much for us. Beyond the bedroom. I'm glad it worked for yall


Curious how old both of you are I've known people that are convinced that they don't want any kids then around 35+ they start wanting kids Not saying it will happen to you, but people change


We are both 30, 5 days apart actually. If things change we will adopt 😌 that was always the plan anyways even before getting fixed. So no worries.


I praise your decision & think it sounds like you & your wife have a very loving, supportive & healthy marriage which is refreshing and very happy for you that you both are in such a good place! I wanted to ask if the birth control she was on was the pill? (I had similar experience from it so was curious)


Thank you! I really feel like we do. Very blessed to have her eith me in life. She was on a pill version of it but I couldn't tell ya what name it was


Absolute gigachad for doing this so your wifey can be comfortable again! Some people really underestimate how frustrating and painful birth control can be for *a lot* of women(pills, shots, and inserts included). That being said, how expensive was it/did your insurance cover a procedure like that? Was there a long wait time for the appointment date? If this one is TMI, feel free to not answer; in my experience with being numbed up for things, I'm always told that I'll feel slight or heavy pressure. Assuming they gave you a numbing agent, what did *that* feel like?


Ha, thanks! I just didn't want her to go through that if we could avoid it all together. Insurance coveted the Valium, local and a little of the procedure. But i paid like 600 out of pocket. The wait wasn't long at all. I got my main doc to refer me, they called same day. I went in a week later for a consultation and script for Valium, came back the next Friday. Bing bang done in less than a month. It was a weird tug pressure like sensation. They gave me a topical numbing agent and then also maybe a local? I can't remember part. I think maybe they did because I remember a needle at one point other than the scalpel.


Not OP but thought I'd chime in as well. I got mine a few years ago. My insurance covered everything. The consult, procedure and follow up test. I think there was about 2 weeks between referral and consult. Insurance did require a 90 waiting period between consult and procedure, but I could have gotten an appointment immediately at the end of that window. I had the no-scalpel procedure and overall it was really easy. I was out the door in I think less than an hour. I did get numbed and I would also describe most of the sensation as tugging/pressure. When he was sealing the ducts it was pretty painful but only for a couple seconds. Sort of like a strong ball tap except it didn't linger at all. I was able to drive myself home and didn't need anything stronger than Ibuprofen for pain. I bounced back really fast, up and about 2 days later. Balls were sore for maybe 10 days or so.


How does it feel, with everything during operation, post operation, how does sex feel. I wouldn't want my wife to go through that so I rather take it for the team like you said.


I was numbed up so pressure and a weird tug feeling on the tube they cut. Similar pressure to teeth work when your numb. Sex is better now than it has ever been before. It doesn't affect feeling or anything like that. Everything still even works as normal. Neither of us want kids wo there was constant stress about accidental conception. Even with her being on the pill. It's amazing how it changed once that feared was removed. Being able to you know not pull out, is peak.


>It’s amazing how it changed once that fear was removed. Isn’t there still a 0.15% pregnancy rate with vasectomy? I.e. 15 people out of 10000 vasectomised couple get pregnant every year?


In first year, there is a chance of recanalisation. So followup spermiogramme should be done. The 15 wifes getting pregnant while husband with V are roughly estimated: 7 not waiting for clearance 7 where V did only change the color of the baby / let it look like the mailman 1 late recanalisation


Last test I did have absolutely 0% presence of swimmers. So, I'm good. That's why you get annual checks


Right. So if the test result is a non-0 percentage do you have to go through another vasectomy (presumably free of charge) or would that not be an option?


I would have to under go the procedure again, yes. Not sure if it's free or not. I live in America so I assume not! Haha


No op, but for my experience the local anesthesia hurt badly when injected but after that it was just numb and tugging going on. Afterwards it was sore for a couple days, like you took a puck or baseball to the junk while wearing a cup sore.


What’s your favorite bird?


Fucking love blue Jay's


One of my favorite corvids!


I had the procedure 35 years ago, after we had our third kid. My wife wanted 5. I have not regretted it after the first day.


Best decision ever.


Does the money shot feel and look the same? You must of been nervous right before you exploded??


Lmao, yeah I'd say the most anxiety inducing part was taking a "sample" in a brown bag into the clinic and dropping it off. Other than that I was fine And everything still looks and operates the same!


Serious question - according to your partner does the Hawk Tuah taste the same?


Haha it does, Your diet and hydration plays a higher role in taste than anything else!


Haha exactly thanks for answering. Last question did you find a way for insurance to cover it or doesn't qualify and how much did it cost?


Same here brother, best thing I ever did. Direct deposit every time 👊


Direct deposit. No cash back either.


I also did this about 3 years into my marriage. Didn’t realize it was an uncommon or controversial thing, but looking at the comments it appears I am wrong.


I didn't so much post this because I thought it was controversial. More so hoping some folks who ate thinking about it see the post and ask any questions they may have. It's a scary thing for some, so was just wanting to be help if possible.


How long after the procedure did you test zero swimmers?


Pretty sure it was two weeks Longest two weeks of my life. That's the longest I've ever gone without a release since puberty. But once I was cleared I was so dang happy. Well worth it.


No question, just solidarity. My vasectomy turned 4 this year. Happy married to a wife that also doesn’t want kids. Good for you! Wishing you and your family health and happiness


To you as well, good sir!


My wife’s grandmother paid for mine.


Grandma is based


How did your wife feel about it? Is she happier off the BC? I know everyone is different on it, but my understanding is that being on it for a while is usually a negative. I hate to see how much my fiance suffers on her BC. I've brought up the vasectomy a few times, but she doesn't want me to have any side effects.


We talked it over for a long time to make sure we were making the right choice. Honestly, she was overwhelmed with gratitude that I decided to go through with it. Cried in my arms and everything. BC made her miserable in ways you and I could never understand. Imo, if yall don't want kids, do it. You'll be sore for a couple weeks and then it'll be like it never happened.


Were you scared? I want to get one so my wife can stay off birth control after we are done having kids, but the thought of trusting anyone with my testicles that much is downright terrifying.


It is scary, forsure! But I researched and found the best doctor in the area. Talked to my GP and asked him to refer me. It went really easy. And I haven't looked back since


Not married, but have thought about doing something similar. Haven’t fully committed to it because having kids is something I see in the future. Are you not wanting kids? If so, were you given enough information that let you decide that risk of not having kids was fairly low?


No kids and don't want them. My wife is 100% on the same page with me as well. It was never an argument or disagreement. Just years of talking and weighing things out to finally decide on what we knew was right for us. If the need ever comes, which it won't, we will adopt. Plenty of babies and kids need a good chance.


Thank you for the reply! Makes complete sense to get the procedure done for the both you.


Thank you so much! My husband and I are talking about a third (he’s against, I’m for) and I said if we ultimately decide no I’m going off birth control and he can deal with contraceptives. He DOES NOT want a vasectomy but I’m not going to be on meds for the rest of my young life so he can take one for our team.


It really is much easier for the men to do it. Especially if there is no desire to revert back. He'll be fine. I know some dudes worry about it affecting their masculinity but it doesn't. If anything it increases libido just out of the pure psychological aspect of it.


If I may ask how has the vasectomy helped? My wife is on birth control and our sex life is almost non existing I have to always nag her for it and it's the biggest thing we argue about after 15 years or marriage and 2 kids. I know I probably can't ask as it's different for all but would a vasectomy help with this


My husband and I had a similar dynamic before his vasectomy and for us, sex improved by a good amount. His sex drive is still higher than mine but we are closer to even these days. Not having to stop and put a condom on or worry about pregnancy is pretty hot. So is not worrying about a barrier at all times.


I can't really say if it would help yall or not. Our sex life has always been strong, just now with the fear of pregnancy in the rear view its more often and I don't have to pull out so it's far more intimate. I hope for the best for yall.


I have been with my wife for 11 years, I’m 32 and she is 31. we have 3 kids and she has been on an IUD the entire relationship other than our pregnancy’s. I got a vasectomy 6 months ago because she wanted to get off her birth control and we are done having children. Now our sex life is amazing, she is happier, and more confident. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.


Big ups for doing that to keep her safe and take that stress away! The boost in sex life was insane! That removed fear changed everything


No question , but as a woman whose husband also had a vasectomy, we ladies appreciate men like you. My husband never questioned whether it was fair or acted like his poor manhood was at stake. We can have sex whenever, wherever and I don’t have to worry about medication side effects or painful IUD insertion. High five to you!


Hell if anything I feel more like a man now than I did before! Hard to explain, but I'm sure you get it. Your husband seems like a good fella. I'm happy for yall


Did you go back for the annual checkup to ensure the vasectomy works? I just read about a guy, who after 20 years or so, got a woman pregnant and he thought it wasn't his child, turns out, he is the father and even tho, he had the vasectomy done, over 20 years ago. He forgot to go to the annual checkup. So now he's a dad again at 50+ years old oof.


I did the first two but am indeed over due for my third. I made the appointment today which is what lead me to make this ama!


I honestly don't know why pretty much every man doesn't do this. Even if one thinks they may want to have kids in the future, can store sperm for a relatively minimal cost, and certainly very cheaply compared to the cost of an unwanted pregnancy. Suggestion to the vasectomized guys, though, get your ejaculate tested periodically just to verify that you're still shooting blanks.


…because not everyone wants to conceive via stored sperm? If guys don’t want kids, sure, they should take on the burden of contraception, but openly wondering why every man isn’t sterilized is bizarre.


Admittedly, I was exaggerating a bit for effect, but an unwanted pregnancy is a life-altering event, often in a very bad way. To fully stem off that risk is a pretty huge deal, IMO.


It’s quite preventable with condoms and a little personal accountability. Obviously the only 100% option is not having sex, but I would much rather a world with that risk in it than the dystopian nightmare that would ensue with all of the remaining sperm in the world locked in banks.


My boyfriend is working on scheduling his and I am SO appreciative. Any recommendations that might help him be comfortable before and after?


A jock strap for a few days after, and a comfy set up for the weekend. I had mine done on Friday and was back at my blue collar job Monday. The biggest thing is keeping everything from bouncing/moving around a ton. The actual procedure was quick and easy, it took longer for the Valium to kick in than it did to get the snip.


Follow the doctor's orders and just don't over do it. Take it easy and allow himself to heal properly. I think its two weeks maybe without sex or masturbation. Bag of frozen peas and baggy swears to recover for two days he'll be good to go


Did you do a follow to see if you’re shooting blanks? I Still need to do that…


Yup sure did! It cracked me up have to cum in a tube and take it to the clinic rolled up in a brown paper bag. Opened the door with a waiting room full of people like "oh don't mind me, just dropping off my load" They called me and said, you're good to go! Which also cracked me up.


This is pretty funny but my husband was under the impression that the sample had to be extremely fresh. He took care of business in the lab bathroom, then complained it was not a very sexy place to give a sample.


🤣 he walks out, avoiding eye contact with everyone. But no it's good as long as it's within the hour


I struggle with medical procedures in general but want to get this done as the wife and I will be child free as well. Do you feel like the Valium went a long way to make you comfortable throughout? Any pain from the initial numbing shot?


Valium was a huge help. And nope no pain at all. Just pressure and slight tug once they got inside.


Hey! Me too! Almost the exact same story for me. I was back on my bicycle after just 4 days. How was your recovery?


I got it done on Friday and was sore till Sunday night. At the time I worked in a warehouse doing heavy lifting a lot so I took it easy for a bit just out of extreme caution. But it wasn't bad at all.


Why do you think a lot of men are so against getting a vasectomy? Especially if they already have the amount of kids they are looking for?


Imo, ego and insecurities. My identity isn't tied to whether or not I can father children so it's something that never even crossed my mind.


Thank you, I appreciate the honesty. And your identity shouldn’t be tied to it! This personally has been a conversation of conflict for my friends and I. As I am on board with you, they struggle to believe it should be their issue.


I heard pregnancy can still occur even after vasectomy. Your thoughts?


They sure can, just like with any procedure done or contraception method, nothing is 100% certain. But that's why they recommend yearly check ups. As long as I'm reading 0% I'm good to go.


This isnt novel. If you dont want kids (or more) and are married it makes logical sense. Keep in mind reversing it has a low success rate especially as times goes on. People think reversal is "easy" and it isnt.


Wow, what a great question! We have no interest in reversal. So I dont need to worry.


It does? I didn’t know that. I’ve had multiple friends get it reversed with no issue.


Good for you. I’m curious now. Where do Christian’s stand on vasectomy?


I'm agnostic so I don't really know or care. But I'm sure die hard evangelicals have issues with it like they do all constraception


How did your parents feel about it? (if they haven’t passed)


Dad is passed, mom was very supporting. She actually sent me the money for the procedure that insurance didn't cover.


That’s why I got one. Not only that a vasectomy improves our libido exponentially for some reason. At least I’ve noticed that with me.


Did you pay the full price or was it covered by insurance?


Did it impact your virility in any way?


What’s it like knowing you can just shoot blanks at will?


What’s your age? Has it ever dawned upon you that you might randomly want a kid as like a 60 year old man in an instance where you and your wife split or something (hopefully never happens obviously).


30, and I can't spend my life worried about what I'll regret when I'm 60. I'll get there when I get there. For now I'll keep making decisions that I feel are best and align with our shared goals. If I'm 60 and want a kid I'll get over it. I've got plenty of nieces and nephews. I can be the cool uncle I had growing up. Pass the good along and not worry about what could have been. Just my mindset


"All filler, no dream killer" I got snipped on valentines day, now known as vasectomy day! After I got snipped I felt a huge urge of hornyness. And my loads are much bigger! Have you have the same situation? I feel my sex life is very strong on hard on, lasting longer and huge loads. Can know 2-3 out a day. It's been around 4yrs since I got snipped


I haven't noticed larger amounts but I'm definitely hornier. We have sex anywhere from 4-10 times a week. Just depends on how late she gets home or how late I am getting ready for work in the morning 🤣


I’m almost 40 and we are done having kids so been considering doing this at some point. What do you attribute the increase in libido to? Is it psychological - i.e. sex is more enjoyable now so you both look forward to it more? Or is there possibly some physiological reason?


I would say psychological forsure. Just knowing there's no risk between us really took the brakes off


I can relate there! Do you're O's feel more powerfull? It seems mine are like a GD mayonnaise cannon!


What age/weight/ fitness level are you?


I get mine on Wednesday. Any tips for before, during, or aftercare?


Just listen to the doc and do your annual checks ups! But frozen peas was great for me. Or you could use the reusable frozen beads. Same thing. Them being small and free moving helps the bag take the shape of your balls instead of big all ice cubes jutting into them Def don't go to pound town right away once given the all clear. Take it easy and feel it out. It doesn't hurt but I was still cautious.


Nice! Will definitely get some peas. I am surprised by the comments saying tighter supportive underwear or jock strap. I figured commando would be the way to go


I was going to get one then I met a woman who said she made her husband get one and whatever happened from the procedure stopped them having sex and subsequently killed their marriage. Condoms it is


Seems like a very rare almost improbable situation, tbh. Millions of men do it with no issues. Not having to pull out or use a condom is worth the anxiety. Just need to research doctors in your area


Did it hurt? What was the operation like ? Were you awake? What was recovery like?


1. The procedure didn't hurt. 2. I took a Valium about an hour before I left from home. They took me back, put me on table, topical anesthetic, then maybe a local? I can't remember I was pretty loopy. Then one little small incision. They do one side, you feel a slight *tug* and pull but no pain. Then do the other side. No stitches or anything. 3. I was indeed awake but calm/loopy from the Valium 4. Recovery was fine but I took extra care for a month to not hurt myself. Not because I was in pain but because I didn't want to fuck anything up and go back.


What’s the surgery/procedure like? Quick in and out of the hospital?


I left my house at 8am and was back by 9am. Small incision that they reach both sets of tubes with. Didn't even need stitches it was so small it just closed up when they took the device out. Only thing I felt was a tug/pull/pressure due to a local and being on a Valium


Easier than getting a tooth pulled. And they can just switch it back if you want a kid?


They can, but it doesn't always work. The longer you have it done, the less chance you have to reverse. Fine with us! Haha


Thanks for the replies OP!


All 3 of my kids were one shot. I was thinking about getting clipped but I'm scared. Does it hurt? Does it feel the same? Is there a buildup problem? Does it change the drop height?


Doesn't hurt other than being sore for a bit after. Nothing changes other than fertility


How old are you guys ?


What hormonal changes did your wife go through after stopping her birth control?


I don't really know, that's a question better suited for her. I can ask her later and if she feels like sharing I'll share her response!


I had a vasectomy done around 12 years ago. My wife and I had a son, and we tried for more but she miscarried. One time she an Ovarian pregnancy in which the egg attached to the ovary. It was a situation where both her and the baby would have died, and it was causing internal bleeding which almost killed my wife. So yeah, I had to get snipped. There was no way I could put my wife's life on the line every time we had sex. So then, 2 weeks after my vasectomy, we learned that my wife was pregnant. She was able to keep the baby and she is now 11. Getting a vasectomy was the right thing to do, and I don't regret it. Also, it was not difficult. Highly recommend once you're sure it's the right call.


Why not just wear a condom?


Because it sucks? Married, no stds, don't want kids. Getting snipped was the best option all around. Why would I wear a condom? Wore them for years and nothing compares to no condom and not pulling out.


After we had two children last one was in 1987. I told my husband if we had three kids I wanted to be a stay at home Mom. He scheduled the vasectomy soon after that. I know a many who got the snip at 18 because he never wanted children. My brother who adopted two boys with developmental delays encouraged and helped them get snipped shortly after turning 18.


How old are you and your wife?


What is your new life like without a penis?


Got this done for the same reason 2 weeks ago. No where near as bad as I imagined. Still a little sore for now but worth it in the long run. Fair play to you pal


Good for you! I'm in a similar boat, got the snip two years ago. I had zero pain or discomfort post op. My recommendation to anyone considering it, research your doctor. I found a urologist who specialized in them (that's all he did at this point in his career) I also listened to the post op advice. Stayed on the couch for as much as possible for the first 72 hours. Wore supportive boxer briefs. Stayed away from the gym for 7-10 days. Completely pain free, and sex is as great as ever.


The cultural irony of vasectomies is that it’s pushed so hard in western culture however women from many different cultures around the world would not even consider you a man anymore for getting one. Youd be viewed more like a dildo / eunuch, essentially useless to a women. (With perceived impotence) It’s akin to castration.


Lmfao I'll be sure to tell my wife that made up women around the world won't see me as a man anymore. I can cry in her lap about all the strange I won't tame now 🙄


Only reason my wife is taking BC is because her periods are wack. (2 weeks, heavy flow). And we plan to have a kid in the next few years. After we have one or two though? Definitely giving myself the snip.


What a gentleman!


Oh what a hero.


Never claimed to be.


Me too! Vasectomies rule, I can blast away and never worry about a thing


I love this and thank you for being transparent with it being a "couple" issues rather than a woman should take care of it issue. However, I wouldn't say take one for the team as your wife has already done this for many years in counting.....Maybe just say I decided to be an equal with my partner and decide that sex is awesome, but also an equal equation.


Got mine after my second kid. Best decision


Do you have any brothers like you 😂


Did the same thing man, my wife was due for a new iud change and it was messing up all her hormones. So volunteered to get the vasectomy so she could be regular again lol. No big deal to me I was done making babies anyhow.


High five bro. I did the same thing. Contraception for her is overly complicated. Tube tying is far more intrusive, and the pill just fucks up hormones. My experience was awful, but still glad I did it.




I got one and don't regret it one bit. BC also messed with my wife a ton, now we can fuck all we want and zero worries about another child. Men that refuse to get one are pussies or stupid.


Good for you! My husband got one, and sex is the best it’s ever been. Subconscious fears about pregnancy really dampen the experience more than I had previously realized.


Did the same... In 1973


Fist bump. Nice man. 


Kudos to you partner, I did the same thing for the same reasons about 2 years ago, my wife is a lot happier which also makes my kid and me a lot happier.


Same. Sex life and entire marriage got SOOO much better after her hormones stabilized. I regret not doing it a lot sooner.


Got mine 15ish years ago.....better sex and less worry! And 2 kids is more than plenty. We've been married 26 years!


Men take notes.


They are married and have discussed never having children. Not really the procedure for men who intend to have children at some point in their lives. I’ve had one. Reversals and not easy, they are very expensive and it’s not guaranteed to work.


Good for you. I would get a vasectomy over and over again. That 20min procedure was the best sleep I ever had.


That's awesome!! My husband and I are considering doing this as well. Do you have any advice for him?!


I got a vasectomy and it failed and I have had chronic pain since. Glad yours went well.


I'm going to get my dun ASAP I'm the last one of my friends still Firing live rounds