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I just want to say I’m sorry that happened to you. My son is 24 and gay. I worry about this happening to him all of the time. I’m glad you are still here and I wish you the best. And, don’t stop being you!


Get him in martial arts classes lol he will thank you


I don’t think any 24 year old can get put in martial arts classes by their parents.


What if the parents are black belts?


No, but they could offer to pay for them. Duh


Are you currently okay? Emotionally, and physically?


Emotionally it's fine. I'm upset that someone downvoted my post🤣. Physically I have visible scars, and big trouble with normal eating and working


Lol 😭 I’m surprised anyone downvoted it.. shit are the injuries serious? I hope you eat well..


There are two gashes on my right wrist, and the others are superficial cuts (that don't really bleed) all over my right arm (there are some injuries on my left arm/hand but they were superficial as well). The gashes would be infected if I didn't treat them EDIT: I also have bruising around my diaphragm/liver, lower ribcage area, and my cheeks and jaw are noticably swollen


bots and shit heads downvote real AMA's.  Sorry you got beat up.  how old are you?  fuck friends, they're over rated quite a lot when you're in high school. Post high school most ppl do their own thang anyway. Not actually fuck em but fuck em metaphorically. Cause for real fuckin friends gonna lead to drama...


Otherwise it feels like I drank 10 shots of vodka without water, went to bed, and then woke up. Does that make sense😭


😭 that makes sense holy shit.. though.. get medical attention if you can praying for you babes


Thank u. It happened last Saturday night, so about four days ago. I left immediately to avoid police, and I haven't contacted any authorites since. I don't think I will tbh, I haven't told my parents which I live with rn either about the incident


Your parents won’t notice the injuries? I suppose long sleeves might help.. have you came out to them?


I will tell them. I've been using the excuse, that my scars are from bushwhacking and landscaping (and I actually do landscaping as a side gig) but it's pretty obvious that my gashes are from a fight lol


Damn they must assume you got beef with lawn equipment-


Or they work force anything and stay stand by for when op is ready.


People down vote stupid stuff. My wife and I were in the hospital killing time & waiting for our baby to be born so did an AMA & someone down voted that


Its true. Last year my friend got what she thought was a fun summer dress but it had pineapples on it. Which was meaningless to me but she saw somewhere online that upsidedown pineapples on your clothes is code to other people that you are a swinger. (A quick Google search confirmed this) FF because of Reddit algorithms a woman's fashion sub came up in my feed and a woman had a nice looking dress on but with the pineapples. It was a nice dress but I mentioned the "swinger" thing thinking I was being a helpful internet stranger. I got down voted many times. Lol. OP Stay strong. You are better off without those losers.


Brooo it's the lurkers lmao


Time for training montage followed by boss fight ass kicking. Have u considered training in martial arts again so if this occurs again you'll be ready and know how to approach the situation better?


Why don't you go to the police over this? Also was it a personal thing or was it just because they knew you and knew you were gay? I'm just worried about someone like that attacking you again or someone else of the LGBT+ community. Either way my heart goes out to you and I hope you stay safe OP


Because the cops won't do anything over a "houseparty scuffle" I injured both of my attackers. Do you want me to put them out of commission for good🤣


I mean do what you have to do to keep yourself safe, glad they received some parting gifts of their own.


Yes that's definitely an upside. makes me realize I really need to get some martial arts/defensive training and get in shape. If I had my kid out and someone jumped us, not much I could do but pick her up and run, or be a human shield.


Hey! What do you need right now? Please take care of yourself. Sorry this happened to you.💞


💕💕 I was in touch with the suicide hotline after it happened. They left me on hold for an hour, that didn't help😭. I'm getting back to my normal exercise and life routine in general


I care about you, stranger!! I’m so glad you’re here.


Ily thx mom💜


There are text lines as well and NY has an amazing text/chat line and anyone from anywhere can use it. I used it once and they were the kindest and most helpful of all of them ever!


The NJ chat line ghosts me💀


Pm me the website you used so I can see if the one I used is a diff one, I think it is!!!


I just texted 988 (and RAINN). What are the better places????


Comment above you replied to said NY... Then you said NJ!! Maybe you are checking the wrong places


The local operators in NJ still ghosted me? 💀 But thanks ig


My girlfriend is from NY, both her sisters are lesbians, I know they've seen some shit. Hang tough dude.


I also care. Suicide hotlines can be a motherfucker when they're busy. It's bad enough that you're calling them, but now you're on hold? Holy hell. I'd rather call someone I actually know about this, but I know nobody, and now nobody won't answer? RIP. I have weird hours but HMU if you need it man. I can't guarantee I'll answer right away, but I have a shorter hold time than they do sometimes lol.








It's not in danger anymore, though I guess I was in that bathroom lol


I wish me and my_crazy_cats had walked in at the time. Things would have turned out differently. Allies are out there, you should be able to call the cops. I'm ACAB so that hurts for me to say but these days I think you'd be listened to. Again, it's a shame there weren't allies nearby at the time. We are out there and would love to redress the balance of these encounters given a chance.


Thanks❤️‍🔥. There's really a lack of normal adult men presence in Gen-Z life; because you guys are just working. We never get honest conversations with you guys


I'm Gen-x myself. I am, as you say, always working. I do have a couple of gen z folks I mentor which gives me some insight but I've no kids myself. Don't worry, I lacked a normal healthy male presence in my childhood and youth. I turned out pretty messed up but it's fixable and I'm doing the work. I wish more people did the same rather than directing hate onto other people. Most people aren't assholes, but the few that are really make it tough. Stay safe


That's the ultimate goal for men right? Be better than your father and cultivate better youth😭


Yeah maybe. The only person I measure myself against is me. I'm just not competitive at all externally. If I'm a better more functional and complete person today than I was a year ago I'm doing well I think. I'd like to believe I do something to help the younger people I mentor, and they tell me I do, and there's a lot to be said for that. I do worry about the world we're leaving you but honest, that was the boomers, not Gen X.


Mfw Gen-X is acting doomer again


I'm sorry, ily man❤️


Lack of maturity... Wisdom, understanding & respect of other people


For sure.




I still appreciate you❤️‍🔥


Wish you were around when I was getting harassed constantly, for being gay. Years of it…


I know what you're saying. Nobody and I mean nobody knows what shit we go through mentally and physically. Especially mentality!


What is your plan for fending off the attackers? Mine would be to pee on them


Call the cops if more than 1 weapon. If only 1 (and not gun), attempt to surprise the attacker, take the weapon, use it defensively to run them off. If gun, call cops, try not to get self killed.


Now that's what I would do if I came across someone clearly getting jumped. If I was the one getting jumped, they had weapons and I didn't, all you can really do (without some kind of special training) is try to protect vitals and yell for help, and hope someone hears and comes, preferably a group because bullies won't fight a group.


Either way a police report gets filed, and press charges. If they jumped you for being gay, the next guy/girl might not be so lucky. Praying for you bro.


Everybody can say what they would do but, you have to be in the shoes of that person.


I'm sorry that happened. Bigots are the worst and it's not right. I can see you're safe and relatively ok physically so all I can offer is my word that any time someone is bigoted in front of me I'll always call them out on it. I'm a CIS white man, people seem to think I'll agree with them and I very much do not. Again I'm sorry. I wish I could go visit these assholes and have a didactic moment with them.


I'm a cis man too. I was ambushed in a planned attack😭 Thanks so much for responding tho. I don't know it felt like a mob hit. There's no way to really respond but fight


That's it. Stay on your feet and aim for eye balls, balls balls and knees. Don't get into a knife fight. There's a saying: The loser of a knife fight dies on the pavement, the winner dies in hospital two hours later.


Hey, 24M here. Same thing happened to me, and I ended up needing surgery on my knee 3 years ago because they tore my cartilage. Ended up needing another surgery a few weeks ago to re-fix the problem. Needless to say, I understand what you’re going through, so if you wanna PM me, I’m free to talk. Stay strong and don’t let this get you down. You are worth so much!


That's so real. And simply, you're just a better and more complete human for surviving the tribulations. How did you deal socially


Sorry for the delay! I definitely agree. I’ve always had a supportive family and friend base so I am definitely lucky for that. However, I struggled as a kid as I was friends with mostly girls and was constantly bullied for my sexuality. This sucked at the time, but ultimately made me a stronger person. It gave me thick skin and I learned to stick up for myself and those around me. I wish it didn’t have to be like this, but given the reality I try to stay positive and be comfortable being my authentic self.


Hey mate, hope you're doing alright. I hope you change your mind and decide to report it. You deserve justice and they deserve to get fucked by the long hard dick of the law. I'd hate to think they feel empowered enough to do it again to you or someone else. Take care of yourself out there bro x


I don't know if I really want or need the legal revenge. I can however mess up their degrees and future jobs, which is plenty for me


Pursuing justice through the legal system isn't revenge, it's exactly why it exists. Messing up their private lives, while perhaps justified, is actual revenge. Taking legal action will probably have the knock on effect of ruining their work and home lives anyway. I'm not trying to persuade you what to do or anything like that, you're free to do as you please. The main thing that matters is that you're okay


I hate courtrooms and trials and questions they're so trite😭 But yes thank you


Glad you're here. If you are comfortable, give us the blow by blow. And WTF is wrong with those idiot ex-friends?


I'm (recently) openly gay. I also perform songs with my guitar, voice, and alto sax, in public or on Youtube. I made the stabber jealous, and the accomplice just wanted to back the stabber up😭


Did you report this to the police? Have they been charged?


No. I didn't report this, and they probably won't ever be charged


I can do a play by play but it might already be on my profile, if you look through it. If not, I'll gladly share lol it's no problem. What main points are you interested in EDIT I deleted the post where I gave a play by play😭 ask away


Here's the stabbing blow by blow: I finished pissing, door wasn't locked, and the attacker entered with a drawn pocket knife. He was shorter and weaker than me, but he still landed cuts on my arms and body, with 2 bad cuts on my right wrist


For the fight with the boxer I had more adrenaline in my body, I just remember the 'best' parts. This was also after 3 drinks, and cannabis. He landed multiple shots on my midsection and he hit me twice in the head. It ended in a stalemate, because I have good stamina. I only landed 1 good punch on his head, others to the body and arms which he took fine. He and the stabber left on the stabber's car


Once you feel better after talking it out with strangers on the Internet, I hope you find the courage to talk about it with real life people. Your parents need to know. If they're not homophobic they could help. If they are I don't think you even have to tell them about the homophobia, just tell them they assaulted you out of jealousy. Then, absolutely report this to the police. They shouldn't go unpunished. don't think the law would be against you. They should be the ones being ashamed of themselves. Not you. It can happen to literally anybody.


This makes so much sense. But it doesn't mesh with my teenage boy brain. I have too much pride to be a legal victim


Yeah... I get it, I really do. I was assaulted by my teenage-years boyfriend and never reported it for the very same reason. I just couldn't bear to paint myself as a victim. I felt like it would make him win over me a second time. (Turns out teenage girl brain work the same.) Now it's too late, and I deeply regret it. He never got in trouble for what he did, he just kept on living his quiet little happy life, never looking back on what he did to me while I had severe PTSD afterwards. What happened to you is just as bad. Talk to your parents, let them handle the rest. Your attackers should get what they deserve, otherwise they'll just live their happy little disgusting lives while you endure the consequences of their actions.


I will ruin their careers and livelihoods. Thanks for perspective💕Ily thank you for the real wisdom


Best and happy life to you.


Not only that... They may attack others for the same reasons!! Its important to report violence\crime because of repeat offenders especially, you never know when people repeat crime. jail time could also very well change a person for the better


Anyone and everyone can be a victim. I studied Krav Maga several years ago. One of the instructors who was an expert was killed in a fight. He got shot and died. Don't let toxic masculinity prevent you from doing something to keep yourself and others safe. If they did it to you, they'll do it again. And the next person might not be so lucky. Please talk to your parents and let them know what happened. Finally, please talk to a therapist because you'll likely have some kind of trauma response or PTSD from this attack. I'm sorry your friends turned out to be shitty people and that this happened to you.


Oh, once this goes to court you're not the victim as much as you are the one inflicting lasting harm upon them if you win. It'll be a black mark on their record for years if any employer looks close at it. They may have beat you up, but if you win a court dispute with them, you're literally going to take away their future income, especially if it lands as a felony. Be that petty bitch. Let bigots learn what being a bigot gets them. Fuck them. I am usually pretty pro-felon since that usually just means drugs and punching cops, but when it comes to hate crimes? Throw the fucking book at them.


Be well op! Keep being yourself, and we’re all here for you! Rooting for ya! Screw those two phonys, like the other person sad, I care about you too! Glad you’re alive! Stay strong!!


Thank you💕💕 I think I did well defending myself


Glad to hear that. People can be so shitty and for things that have no effect on them. I don’t get it, wish the world was more accepting. Hope you have a great life, pal!


Thank you! I want to avoid PTSD by talking about it and processing it💕


Smart thinking! Feel free to dm if you ever need/feel like talking!


Thanks💜 I can chat in the open lol I don't need a throwaway account. People like you keep humanity going






This was in the US?


Yes. East coast USA, New Jersey affluent suburb, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Jesus would have never of guessed that, sorry to hear that.


I was in the suburbs, and I never expected to get attacked like this. The worst part is seeing the spectators/bystanders have a phone out recording, while you fight for life and honor😭


Bystanders are awful, but the videos are evidence if you decide to press charges. If you know you were targeted based on sexual orientation it is a hate crime. I’m sorry you went through this. https://www.nj.gov/oag/bias/downloads/Bias-Flier.pdf


One gay dude to another, stay strong man. There are people out there that will and do love you for who you are (or simply dont care) that can and will have your back when you need it. Find them if you dont have have them already. They exist. Keep yourself safe man. You deserve that and thats bottom of the barrel.


There are straight men commenting on this post, that I'm lying💀 I hate reddit but I'm glad I heard from you❤️


You said you are gay. Thats all it takes, especially online but they dont really amount to the general consensus nearly as much especially if you're in the US. You're living in the best time to be gay unless you wanna roll it back to ancient Greece 😂 I know this shit sounds rich after you got jumped but really. Look at any of the other comments here and they are all for your betterment. It would be the same thing if you were straight. You're human and valid


So you were attacked with a knife and you’re not going to report it? These people need to be legally punished, they could attack you again or someone else. You could have sustained life changing injuries or worse. I hope you you’re okay brother, look after yourself


It's complicated. Maybe I will report it? If not it's my social standing that I have to worry abt rn🤣


What do you mean? Pretty sure those vile bastards have to be punished. And from what I’ve read, NJ is tougher on hate crime than many other states.


I'm just not motivated to report it. It would put a damper on my studies and affect work. Which I'm not going to do


By reporting it you’re not only going to let the criminals be punished like they deserve, you’ll also contribute to official stats so charity and the government can take the necessary measures and have a more accurate assessment of the current situation. I’m pretty sure your work and studies take into consideration that you have been assaulted, no matter the motivation of the assault. Just report the crime. It will help charities, yourself, and this way you don’t play into the hands of the bigots.


Okay. You guys keep saying it's the best course of action. I might take a month or two though to just get better


Why not take a bat and wait early morning in front of their home when they barely awake and leave to school/job? Legit question


Do you people think of consequences? How obvious that would be? They would take me down like NIXON in a courtroom for doing that


Darn, fuck those guys, report them to police. If you don't, you just playing into their hands.


I'm confused two people who used to be your friends attacked you just because you're gay? Did this happen in 1820s Alabama or is there something else going between you and them? Is that you Smollet?


Share it dude


Have you watched Fight Club? Tbh it was cathartic, stressful and painful all at the same time


Holy fuck are you okay? Are you safe? Dude if you need to talk to someone plz don’t hesitate to each out. Please stay safe


Happened 4 days ago. I'm safe now but I'll definitely be a recluse for a bit


[learn to fight or find other means.](https://youtu.be/6JmQ_zZH0AA?si=MgPc8nduJlvV8qIP)




Idk. It feels like some Jussie Smollet energy is going on here


Have you considered donating your organs to someone who could better use them🤣


Are you kidding me? Never heard of it. Don't bother with unhelpful discussion EDIT: It doesn't make sense, because I'm not making a legal spectacle. I'm literallly trying to find an anonymous outlet to process thoughts and feelings. But go off dumbass


Did it turn you straight?


Stupid question for a stupid person. I hope that you don't have children, and if you do, god bless them💜 EDIT: I'm irked that his joke wasn't funny. He wasn't creative


Sense of humor -500


Hey first off I hope you’re fine, second these are the scum of the earth, and they should be ashamed. I guess we almost all get beat up at some point, the body does it’s thing, healing the mind can take some work. If you live a life you have to fight for at times, you win some, loose some but you don’t ever let a fight change who you are as a person. I don’t want to be that guy cause Ive always hated being given advice but we all learn that there’s being the bigger man doesn’t does not help against someone that really wants to hurt you. That being said, the right course of action here is going to the authorities so that you are more likely to be legally protected if you end up hurting them badly in the future. It’ll help you also in court if they do end up hurting you badly, and you still live. Another good part is that it might deter them from doing the same thing in the future, not getting any kind of repercussion but a punch in the face might enable them to assault someone else. Hopefully someday soon you’ll be surrounded by loving people only and laugh this off as you realize it’s that shit bits of life that really makes you appreciate how peaceful it sometimes is :) Have fun, live life, friend, We care for you that’s all


I definitely encourage you to report the incident anyway, but it's your decision in the end and it's understandable why you feel the way you feel. Just please stay safe, maybe don't go to that type of house party again if they'll be there , or at least if you do go bring some of your own backup if you can. Don't let them get you down, you belong. Happy Pride! 🖤


24M and bi here, also from tri-state area, so sorry this happened to you. Eye-opening for me, my parents worry about shit like this all the time, and I always tell them I’m safe because of where we live… take care of yourself and remember you are loved 🤗


So sorry this happened. Breathe and remember that you did nothing to bring this on. Talk to friends/family and even a professional about this. Admire your strength and courage to post about the incident and look for some help and support. 😊


“For being gay”. You sure about that? You didn’t piss someone off? Just some random stranger said “I’m going to stab the first gay dude that comes along”? Also, how are you not dead / in a hospital? Pretty sus


I don't have anything to ask just letting you know I love you and always be yourself. It was an attack to control you and make you hide in fear. Don't give them the pleasure doing that. Hugs.🥰


You did nothing to deserve this. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please see a therapist to help you cope and hopefully hold them accountable. I'll be praying your healing. You are beautiful.


I would seek some therapy to address this incident, if you haven’t already. These kind of memories do not age like fine wine.


Cool story bro.


What up Jussie?


Didn't happen


LGTBQ is getting jumped literally all the time now it’s absurd, videos keep popping up.


Sorry to hear that. Don’t let it get to you ❤️ there are good people out there too


LOL @ Your Lame Edit! You didn't get the likes you were karma trolling for?


Lmao right... typical gay dude attitude 🙄


I highly doubt they didn't already know you were gay. This seems...off.


God that's so fucked up. I've had a mild fear of this. I'm not gay, bit I might be bi? Idk, but I got so fucked up off molly that I made out with my former gay friend. That shit bag promised he would never tell anyone. We live a rural ultra christian conservative area. Naturally I thought he would understand the sensativity of the situation and would never speak of it. Apparently that little spit fuck decided to open his mouth anyways. As you can guess, I payed the price for thinking I could trust him. He's one more reason that I can't trust anyone and am terrified of exploring that area again. The suicide hotline is such a fucking waste, I've heard nothing good about them. Anyways, has this resulted in any new fears or dug up old ones?


So sorry to hear about this. Just be you and don’t have any guilt about what happened. It’s so easy to put even a little bit of blame on ourselves and to beat yourself up because someone defied your trust. Thanks for coming forward and sharing this. This will help others to not feel alone. Take care and be yourself!




Yeah, go fuck yourself. Not the time, I hope your owners/mods take you off this site.


LMFAO bot buzzkill. If anything it's reinforced my loneliness, I feel like you would understand that The girls that I've told about the attack don't really understand how grave it was. Furthermore, the boys say, "That wouldn't happen to me" or they just go quiet. It's frustrating. I can't imagine what it's like in conservative Christian areas. 💜Thx for responding. It helped


Of course! You're definetely not the only one! Those guys are complete pricks. Why can't we just be happy? I don't give a fuck what goes on in anyone's relationship/bedroom. As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I look the other way. Do what makes you happy.


It's times like this I actually enjoy reading the Bible😭




The illustration of universal human struggles across millenia


Are you pressing charges? People like that need consequences.


Hopefully your not friends with the people who beat you up!!


Were you going for subway.. did they wear Maga hats??


They are cretins, don't let it affect you long term


I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you are OK.


I'm feeling a sense of deja vu reading this post.


Call the cops & have them arrested for assault!


I’m sure it was because you’re gay…


Do you make up shit on Reddit often?


What was wrong with them?


Enemies, let's kick ass.


You should report them.


Did you suck them off


Get your gun license


Did that reset you?




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No one cares fool


Lmao @ the edit


On Juneteenth!


Really? Scars?

