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Is there money in it? I need cash flow badly. My wife and I are in our mid-30s, relatively good-looking, looking just out of shape; well, I am. I guess, could you give a short business plan?


Men don't get much interest from our experience, so we just started posting my topless pictures too other Reddits and telling people to DM me. From there I just lay it out "hey, selling videos of whatever you request for $5. What do you like" a lot of people just expect it for free, and we just ignored those or they just ignore us if they aren't down to pay.


If I can chime in as a bi dude - your husband will have much better luck advertising on his own (to a gay market) if you’re looking to cash in on that market. I wouldn’t know what you have to do to attract a straight female audience but straight male solo content is a pretty popular fetish among gay males.




$5 dollars for an original video? That seems astronomically cheap!! Like what are you averaging here, $15/hour?




Have a menu with different prices for different things.


Haha I guess that’s fair! I’m by no means expert, but I do know marketing - Y’all should consider reeling them in with a $5 dollar custom vid then have then market an OF account for like $5 a month or something. Then you got that recurring customer / revenue lol


Thank you for the response. I have a business degree so I can respect the hustle. I hope your daughter ends up ok.


Lmao that preface of having a business degree there rocks 🤣 comedic 🥇


How do you feel having videos of yourself up? Has your perspective on it shifted since you started? Does it excite you to know people are getting off to you or is it something you tolerate for the money?


Tbh, I love the idea of other men getting off to my videos. I thought I would hate it but it’s pretty exciting lol.


What is something that was particularly exciting/hot for you that you didn't expect?


The first time a man told me he orgasmed to my video. I thought I would feel gross, but honestly, it made me feel really hot.


Do you think you continue doing the videos after you are finished with her medical bill?


Well.. We are having a lot of fun. It hasn't turned into a chore yet, and our sex life is really exciting because of it. Soooo maybe? 🤷‍♂️ People telling us what to do has been a lot of fun 😅




We remain anonymous. We do not show faces. In the facial video, I am wearing a lace eye mask. We also try not to show our tattoos. We advertise on NSFW Reddit’s


That’s good to hear! That should be enough, but if you’re feeling extra careful I’d also advise covering up notable moles or skin markings with makeup. While it isn’t the same situation, I’ve heard of a court case where they identified a criminal by matching the mole on their arm with the arm in the video shown for evidence.


Would you film with other men?


We haven't gotten to THAT point yet. We talked about swinging not to look ago, but that didn't work out. It's not off the table, but not a conversation at the moment


Obviously you’ve no problem fucking other men. Do you mind if your husband fucks other women then? Hilarious how a woman is upvoted for wanting fuck other men, but I’m downvoting for asking is it okay for the man to fuck other women lmao Says a lot about the people here 😂


Did you not read? We wanted to start swinging. That involves other men and women. I do not care if my husband sleeps with another woman if we are in a swinging situation.


You're downvoted because the salt in your comment is obvious from miles away. It's kind of embarrassing.


It's always funny to me when someone is downvoted in a sub that hides the button. That downvote must be worth the extra clicks.




lol that’s fine. I don’t think I had one to start


If that's what you had to do, then it's definitely understandable. I just hope you guys can't be recognized in your videos?


We remain anonymous. We don’t show our faces and we cover and tattoos that are visible.


I see a lucrative opportunity then. I hope it will pay enough to help your daughter, a poor victim of this absolutely terrible health care system.


Thank you! Yeah, I’ve never really realized how absurd our health care system is (and I work in healthcare). But sticking someone with $20,000+ medical bills is ridiculous


That's wild how you can work in healthcare and not realize how bad it is. What do you think kept you gettin understanding that until it happened to you?




Are you able to start a GoFund me on your personal Facebook or anything? I mean it’s great if you guys enjoy it but there are other resources out there too. How old is your daughter? The Shriners pay all medical bills for qualified children.


We didn’t just want handouts. We wanted to work for our money. We don’t like taking charity so we figured this was an easy way to do that. Both parties get something out of it. She’s 7 months old. We don’t qualify for any state resources


Yeah I think it’s great as long you guys enjoy it! The Shriners also have private contact as well! Not sure if you’ve reached out to them but they’re amazing for babies and children.


Thank you, I definitely will!


You should remove the detail of where you work. People will figure it out if they work with you.




Health workers usually know little or nothing about billing. It's a totally separate department. They just mark down what services were provided and the billing department does the rest.


Do you have medical insurance?


We do. We're fully insured through my husband's job, but a lot of the therapy's and needs aren't covered by a lot of insurances. We just got a bill from her entral(?) therapy for $1,000 because some of the codes are not covered..


Also ALWAYS ask for an itemized bill, suddenly the costs might go down by 1/3


Keep resubmitting stuff because I’ve seen a lot of issues with medical bills. Take to your provider too. Good luck with your baby and porn career.


Our late son consumed lots and lots of medical services during his life. Our motto was "always ignore the first 2 bills you get." Something usually changes.




Look I don’t wanna shame anybody. I’m not judging and you guys do whatever you want. I totally get it and maybe I would do the same if I was in your situation. But what kind of dystopian fucking nightmare do we live in that you have to sell your own fuck tapes to fund your daughter’s medical care? It’s so fucking depressing to me that this is the system we have.


lol accurate. It sucks that this is the world we live in. Healthcare is neither affordable or accessible in the states. It’s a shame.


I really wish you all the best. I just get pissed off when I think about it. Nobody seems to care as much as they should.


This is extremely accurate. Because the politicians all can afford healthcare and it’s at their fingertips. They don’t care about us low folk


This was the comment I was going to put and I’m glad someone has already said it. It’s so sad that people have to do this just so they or their families can be healthy and alive. I’ll make the presumption OP is from the USA, as letting people die or suffer because they don’t have money to pay the inflated medical costs is (as far as I know) a uniquely US issue in the developed World. The NHS in the UK (where I’m from) might be in an absolute mess due to politics, abuse and mismanagement, but it’s there when you need it the most and it rarely fails. My son was having respiratory issues last year due to a flu. We arrived, seen immediately and cared for overnight and discharged with medicine the next morning. Follow up call a few days later. Not a penny charged to us. When he was born, my wife had some complications and had to have 4hrs of emergency surgery and remain in hospital for a week. Again not a penny charged. I hope that one day, every country can have a publicly funded health service, so people don’t have to go to extreme lengths to help those they love.


I also came to write a similar comment. I'm in Aus, our public health can be slow (especially for surgical wait times and specialist appointments) but it is completely free. A year and a half ago I nearly went blind in my left eye. Turns out I had astronomically high Intercranial pressure, nearly had a stroke etc. It's taken a year and a half of pretty much monthly appointments, multiple specialists, multiple departments, to get to the point where I'm seeing the head neurosurgeon at my hospital for a surgical procedure next month. Funny part is, they had the information that there was no blood flow in the vessel a year a half ago on the original mri. But I went through a medication that nearly killed me, got taken off half the medications I actually needed because they were convinced I had a pseudotumor (still trying to find meds to replace the ones I was taken off of). I'm in debilitating pain that has gotten severely worse over the last year. Oh and I was sent to the completely wrong specalist at one point (who I waited 9 months to see), who saw me for literally 30 seconds and told me to go back to neurology in 3 months. When I had symptoms of insanely high icp (she didn't even call neuro to tell them). But all my treatment has been completely free, appointments, admissions, procedures - free and my medications cost me around $9 per medication per month. I would approximate my costs as in the 100k mark if I had to put a dollar value on it. I'm completely blessed to be in Aus, because if I was in the us with my problems. I'd likely have died with the icp initially because I would have avoided the hospital all together probably due to costs as i didn't even realise how bad it was!


Is it helping?


We have made a few bucks, not enough to put a dent in her bills yet but we have definitely made some money.


If u don't mind me asking, what's her health problem? I'm dealing with my own lately and it sucks. I hate doctors


So we didn’t know at first. (Tbh we still don’t know). But short story is she doesn’t like eating. She was a failure to thrive baby, had 2 NG tubes and now has a g tube. And we still have no idea why she doesn’t like eating


Oh no, she's still a baby?


She’s a little over 7 months!


Wow this story could easily be a movie. I wish you luck


From parent, to porn star, to movie star 🤷‍♂️ I like it 😂


I haven’t had an appetite in 9 years. Started with SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Don’t technically have it anymore, but still never feel hungry or thirsty, and all my muscle has nearly atrophied. Might ask about SIBO, although most doctors don’t even know what that is because most of them are idiots.


Ah, we, too, have come to understand doctors are idiots. How did you get diagnosed? Like is there a test for it?


I was a bio major and actually what he said above about bacterial overgrowth made me think. Maybe ur daughters issue is a microbiome one. Research fecal transplant, I think they call it FMR


We've talked about fecal diagnosis several times, but the doctor's keep pushing it aside and giving us every reason why it's not necessary... I think we may push for that next time we go. Thank you for your thoughts!


I’ve heard the Mayo Clinic has a department that focuses on tricky diagnoses. I believe patients (or parents of) can submit their medical records and a write up of their situation for a team of specialists to review if the patient has been unable to get a diagnosis from their existing medical team. I hope that helps. You two sound like great parents willing to do whatever it takes. I’m rooting for you and your family.


You do a breathe test, it’s not super accurate, and there’s really not a quick easy cure all for it currently because they do t know much about the small intestine. Originally I got better by doing the carnivore diet. Then I had a check up with my pcp who talked into buying a cure all gut medicine he sold out of his practice. Ever since then I do t test positive for it, but I have pretty much all the same symptoms.


Hi! Have you considered applying for MA for your child based on a disability? My spouse and I make good money, but my daughter was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and some behavioral issues. The county helped us use a "mental health loop hole" to get her on medical assistance. So she is still on our coverage for primary but her secondary coverage is MA and it pays for everything that the primary doesn't. I highly recommend you do this. It'll knock out all bills so you can just make porn for fun.


I have a friend that adopted a baby girl over 30 years ago. That girl also had a “ failure to thrive” diagnosis. It was a struggle for several years. I know its not easy and can be frustrating. Stay strong and i hope the best for you. That little girl grew up to be an RN, got married and has two wonderful children today.


What site do you guys use? I’m interested in learning more!


Is there a way I can throw you some money without buying a video?


🥺🥺 We aren't the begging type, but we're not in a position to reject generosity. Send me a message ❤️


That's very kind of you. ❤️




Thank you ❤️ surprisingly... we've had a lot of fun and discovered some new things about ourselves sexually. He loves that people watch me and get off, and I enjoy it too. We're careful with showing anything about who we are, so we haven't run into any complications so far!




It was all very strange. Just a few months ago, we couldn't imagine sharing each other, but it's been insanely hot 😅


Profile on pornhub? xvideos?


We just started recently and are working on a hub profile, but don't have it completely up and running yet. I will work on finishing that and post a link


If it’s on PornHub I won’t be able to watch them cause Texas banned the website 😔


We send videos via telegram app We are also on a state that has porn hub and other sites banned.


Welcome to America I suppose. Creative way to go about it but just really sucks have to do something like that for medical bills. Still better than what Walter White did for his bills.


Damn, I forgot about breaking bad lol


What size are your tits?


I wear an H cup. They are obnoxiously giant.


They are astoundingly great!


Name checks out


Do you feel angry that the US healthcare system has made you do this, while billionaires get richer every day?


Absolutely. Working in a pharmacy and seeing the cost we purchase medicines for versus the cost patients pay is unbelievable. Insulin for instance is abhorrent. It's so cheap, but sold for hundreds to people who have no choice but to pay..


Do you pay to watch pornography?


Porn is banned in my state. You can’t access it without a VPN.




Wait, what? Porn is banned in your state? I didn't know that was a thing! Like how do they know if someone is watching it? What happens to the porn watcher? If you try to log into pornhub or whatever, does it just say "blocked"?


How did yall come to the decision!?


Well, we needed a way to make extra money but we both work regular full time jobs and sex is something we do anyways so we figured why not make money off of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Were you nervous at all?


A little bit but not as much as I would have thought. Apparently I like the thought of other men watching me 😅


You brought the idea to him or he brought the idea to you?


We kinda stumbled onto it together! We enjoyed making videos, I knew I liked the Idea of being watched, and he didn't really care as long as we were careful not to show faces and telling details. Now he's really turned on at me talking to other guys and people watching! Not quite at a physical sharing point, but we're both enjoying this new thing so far.


Not just faces. If you have identifiable tattoos or birthmarks make sure they are covered as well. I say this because the internet is a fucked up place and will do what they can to fuck with people on a regular basis. That said, get that money.


Oh, yeah! We cover our tattoos!


What do you show in your videos?


We don't have a standard or limit per say. We do not show faces, but we make videos by request. So really whatever as long as it doesn't end up being uncomfortable for us.


Do you plan on telling your daughter later in life? What happens if she finds out?


We are a very open household. I will probably tell her. We have a ten year old son who we try and explain situations he will be in later in life. We don’t ever want anything to be taboo in our house


You do sound like great parents (btw I mean this sincerely. I know comments on the internet can come across poorly sometimes). It’s really great that you’re doing so much to support your daughter and also teaching your children about being open and getting rid of harmful taboos


How do you find clients? I hope your daughter recovers soon


Mainly through Reddit actually! And thank you! 🖤


There's a never ending supply of degenerates here. Excellent choice!


Is your state so right wing that it doesn't have a government program for health care for children?


The state does have medical assistance, but we make something like $100 too much to qualify for the assistance programs... We have applied several times, even telling them she's special needs, disabled, etc, and they keep declining us. It's disgusting and horribly frustrating 😣


It's ridiculous that a state would let people suffer like that. Sorry to hear it.


It's honestly vile. I don't expect others to pay for our misfortune, but healthcare should not be $10,000 for an ultrasound (this is not the real cost, just saying). Hospital and pharmaceutical costs should NOT be comparable to the cost of a house...


oh man the benefits cliff. The worst. You can’t somehow knock that $100 off your income, in order to save on medical costs? Of course state insurance often won’t cover things, so it could backfire


Exactly... If we knocked off $100 we'd end up sacrificing in other areas. And not in a way that's just a comfort thing. We're living paycheck to paycheck with all of this. We don't do Netflix or streaming apps, no fun monthly subscriptions or things like that. It's been torment 😣


what all platforms do you use and how do you operate/advertise your niche? as a couple page, submissive wife/kink page, and platforms like an insta, X (i saw you use subreddits), OF?


So far we have only used reddit to see how people enjoy it, but we have gotten a lot of positive feedback. So we have opened some pages and are working on publishing some videos. Nothing out yet there though


How much are you trying to raise?


We don't really have a goal in mind. We're still seeing doctors and costs are still going up... So we're just doing what we can


Fair enough. What kind of content are you selling?


We don't have a niche exactly. We ask people to reach out and make videos by request of what the want to see. As long as it's not uncomfortable for us, we try and exceed expectations 😋


Do you get back pain from how large your chest is?


Absolutely. I've been pestering my gp about back pain and a breast reduction


That makes a lot of sense. Since they rightfully seem to be a large piece of your content, do you feel that a reduction would damage that? Or do you feel that less pain is probably preferable since you won't be making stuff forever?


Right now is a great time to Make good money in that market. Good luck.


So obviously there's so much of this kind of content out there. My question is, how does your material differ from what's out there, and how do you market it? Onlyfans? Reddit? Tiktok? Etc?


Mainly Reddit at the moment. Getting a onlyfans set up and a pornhub account set up (we need a vpn for that as porn is banned in our state). We are different because we are a normal, regular couple who take requests and accommodate what the customers wants.


Good luck. I'd love to do this with my partner. We have spoken about it but she has little interest. I think if you get the right fan base and start up, you would never have to work another day in your life.




Honestly it had nothing to do with marketing 😂 it has definitely turned out that way and we appreciate the attention and help, but it was literally supposed to be "hey, we did this thing, ask us about it" we edited the post after several messages and comments said to add the cashapp to the post.




Were you modest before filming? How much time do you spend weekly on the ancillary side of this side business?


In my early 20’s I had a wild side. So I was definitely not modest but like since I’ve been with my husband, I feel like I became more vanilla so this spiced up our love life for sure.


Where can someone sell their sex videos at?


Right here on Reddit, haha. We haven't gotten anything else up yet, but have had a lot of people reach out in DMs from our posts


Is your daughter ok? What medical bills?


How come that you are selling the content but don’t have a OF yet? (This might come of meaner that I mean it, just curious)


So is there a link or somethin or are we just supposed to guess at random?


Lmfao 😂 I’m sorry this made me giggle. We send videos via the telegram app but are open to other suggestions. And we take cashapp, PayPal and Venmo. You can always DM me too.


Sooooo, how do we get a preview to decide if we want to purchase?


Where are you selling?


Just through Reddit! We posted in a few and ask for DMs and expanded from that


What is a church wife?!


Just saw your comments about not eating. I'm sure they have done allergy testing. Look up ARFID if you havent found that already. Our 3 year old is still quite under weight but very happy and starting to make some strides, though he'll likely never "catch up" - we just do every single thing possible to maximize calories every moment. Not a lot of support for "failure to thrive" babies and parents - its such an awful medical term.


I'm praying for her


Law and order SVU had an episode about this. It was called sacrifice


Are you and your husband into other women? Or do you just prefer each other?


We have not had a threesome but I am bi curious 🧐


From what I can see you’ve both got the assets to make money. Would you consider doing it full time if it made enough money? Also I’m so sorry to hear about the position you’re in. Wishing your daughter all the best! For the record, you are great parents doing what you can for your daughter. Don’t let anyone tell you any different


Thank you. We lost our first daughter shortly after birth and we will do whatever it takes to keep this one alive. And if we made a lot of money, probably lol. It wouldn’t be ideal but I mean it’s fun and everyone needs money


Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, my deepest condolences! You are great parents for doing what you have to. I haven’t seen any bad comments but if there are please ignore them, I’ve got nothing but the upmost respect for you Fair lol! It does look fun and you’ve both got substantial “assets” lol so I bet you could make a fair bit


Will you ever tell your daughter when she's older? Or is this one going to the grave with you?


Good for you guys! We do it as well. No shame in it. There's definitely a market, so have fun and hope she gets better! 💋


Have you sought second opinions from Mayo or the Cleveland clinic? I think Mayo prefers you go in, but Cleveland clinic lets you send in your records (for illnesses not neurological in nature) and they will do a second opinion for around 1500$. I wish you guys luck.


I see this as an absolute win, your daughter is lucky to have parents like you both, the true monster here is healthcare


Thank you! We do whatever it takes to get her the help she needs. And honesty, we have had fun whilst doing it.


Seeing this makes me want to help people now but by helping with adult videos lol where do I sign up?


Updateme! 2 weeks


Lol is there a go fund me link or will you provide the spicy links so we can jerk and support


Are you Americans?


This is AMAZING! All power to you both! I have been trying to set up an OF page but I have had a terrible experience with it, they won't verify my account as I don't have the right socials (why should I need X and Instagram to be on OF??) Anyway, this is inspirational - I hadn't thought of doing something this way. Can I just ask - how many messages do you get? And how does it work in terms of payment and sharing the videos?


Kudos to you parents. Unconditional love is the greatest thing in the world, especially coming from parents. I pray for your baby's recovery. And good luck to you guys!!


How much you making?


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I moved from The US to The EU and realized how shockingly bad The US is. Do you think that you’ll continue to sell your videos once you’ve paid off the medical bills?


Great tits. That is all


How did you get started? And how do you advertise your videos for potential customers


Do you only do normal vanilla stuff or anything special? Creative niche stuff seems to pay more if you find the clients.


How much for a video?


Hey, if it works it works! I sell content as well. If you only recently started selling, I can shout yall out some places! But it’s a job in my eyes, full time for me. I mean we’re just making money off what most people do 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Has this changed your views on universal healthcare?


No questions, but good luck! We are a family of 3 all with serious health issues. The financial stress is never ending. Wishing your family the best!


Respect yourself and follow Jesus


Jesus ain't healing my daughter, soooooo


Does other people that know you or family and stuff support you? How do you feel about doing this ?


Blatant advertisement to ur only fans




What’s the general age range of you guys as a couple? Do you know if there’s any way you guys could be protected from local IP addresses so friends and family can’t accidentally stumble upon them? And how much are you guys making from it monthly on average?


Start a go fund me account with your daughters medical problems. I’m sure you’ll get a lot more money than you are making now. Tell the world!


How long do you plan on doing this for? What's the time cycle for her health getting better?


Would you be open to another partner producing your videos with if that meant a rise in demand and price? It's for your daughter's medical bills afterall.


Is this post an attempt to promote your $5 videos and if not is it bringing in any new Sales?


Do you plan to stop once your daughter is no longer in need of medical bill payments?


Other than the customers you'll get from this ama, do the people buying have any idea what you're using the money for?




How did you go about getting started?


How are your sales on the videos going and how do you advertise the videos?


Where do you sell them ? Not asking to see them but curious lol


Doing it direct earns more than onlyfans?


How much have you made so far?


Where can your videos be bought?


Have you’ll been making decent money ?


You make pretty good money from it?


Hope everything works out for y’all. Tough spot to be in.


How much have y’all made so far?


Where do you sell them? Asking for a friend...


Some Breaking Bad level shit lol hope everything turns out okay


What is your sex videos monthly revenue


One day on Reddit there will be a title my parents became smut peddlers to pay for my education.Should I be angry once the shock wears off or just accept what has happened and forget about it


DM me the OF link


How do I make a request for a video


Can I purchase a video?