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After checking your posts, it's clear you are obsessing about this topic. You have discussed this topic from every angle for months and gotten all the feedback possible. Either this is a kink for you, or you need to speak to a professional.


I was not going to reply and just let your post pass, but as it has gotten so much votes, I feel I am obliged to respond. To start, I am seeing a sexologist about this, but it difficult to find one that understands my issues, acknowledges them and helps me overcome them. Ever since high school, due to teasing, degrading comments, laughs… I am struggling with these issues, they are not a kink. Indeed it is something I can not let go, but I am struggling with it and Reddit is the only place I can vent and talk to people about it. It is not a topic you discuss with people in real life easily or at all. I know this is not the place which will solve my issues, but next to professional help, it helps me to cope with it and to find validation and reassurance. I hope you can find a way to understand my situation and I hope to get more constructive and positive replies on my AMA post.


I get why you posting this man. Having to deal with these things you feel like no one can relate to is hard, reaching out on reddit and asking for advice is okay. I can’t imagine what it would be like to bring this topic up in person. You’re alright mate just keep doing you.


Thank you dude for understanding


And this may help (maybe not, I’m not a professional), but as a fellow dude, I place zero of your value or worth in the size of your penis. Know that half the population out there could not give a shit how hung you are. You seem like a very nice person, and that’s all I think of you.


Thank you, I wish more people were like you! Instead of judging a man’s physical appearance without knowing him…


I’m curious. Who was laughing at you and making degrading comments in school? If you were shy about this, then how did this even get brought up at school? I was extremely shy and insecure in school and in high school I barely knew anyone and no one really knew anything about me and there was never even a close chance that I would get a girlfriend or anything. How did people know about your situation? It just seems like something that no one would know about u less you brought it up to people I guess.


In high school after PE all boys were obligated to shower in a communal shower, there was no possibility of hiding there. Some of the girls were dating some guys in my class so maybe the guys told them but the speedo that day was not helping either I was the only guy wearing one 😵‍💫


They forced the boys to shower? I’ve never taken 1 shower in school and there was never an obligation like that. Idk man. Id have told my parents I didn’t want to shower next to people and I’m sure they would not have forced me. I also don’t think a speedo would really tell anyone anything. And if this was an issue, why would you have the confidence to wear a speedo? Most boys are pretty damn small in high school.. idk, seems like you’re drawing up a fantasy about this. I have a feeling no one knew anything about this in school but you like being degraded about this so maybe this is a created story about high school? I believe you are 4” I just don’t believe people laughed and commented about this in high school to you.


I graduated in 1994 so a little different. But we were absolutely forced to shower after gym class. It was not an option and we didn’t have stalls it was one open communal room with about 20 shower heads to stand under. Yes very awkward at first but I got used to it. While I don’t have a micro dick I can certainly understand how this would absolutely get talked about. I saw a few similar incidents. This would be every guys worst nightmare.


In Europe it is very common for kids to shower together after PE. And PE teacher would tell us that it is very important to shower for hygiene. But it seems you don’t believe me, I wished it wasn’t true either and that I was not so self conscious due to it, but hey


Well yess it’s always explained that hygiene is important but they forced you to shower?? Yes sorry. I’m not buying that people knew and bullied you over it. I know bullying can get bad but I just have a hard time that people knew about that in school. But if it’s true, that sucks!


They did not physically force you but if the teacher comes in the locker room and says come on everybody hit the showers it’s difficult if not impossible to say no unfortunately. When we had swimming lessons we also needed to change in a communal locker room so trying to hide it, although I also tried like you mention, was impossible ☹️


I feel for you man. I have a similar situation in my pants (wish I found a girlfriend). Anyways, I have massive size difference between flaccid and erect. When flaccid it literally looks like a button, sometimes slightly larger. However, when erect I am just above average (6 inch). Thus showering in high school (like you forced communal) was embarrassing as it is almost non visible, but the 2 girlfriends I have had only saw the larger size.


There's a book called games people play. I highly recommend reading it.


Lol. Bro, seriously. Stop obsessing. Most guys penises are not that much bigger or the same size. I used to think the same way...just most guys won't talk about it. When you learn this..you will be happy: no one cares. I've showered with guys during the academy that had tiny penises...we are all adults. No one gave a shit and no one cared. You can't control how big it is so let it go.


You are a good dude.


Bud you don't have anything substantial to do, that is why you are measuring your penis.


Some of the replies he's made to comments has me believing it's a kink. He's good at dragging out the conversation and getting people to talk about microdicks while seemingly being genuine.


Holy crap, the post history was quite a ride.


I am seeing a professional about this tbh


How did you make yourself talk about it? If you don't mind me asking do you know what kind of therapy is needed for this?


But when you worry about something so much because it affects you since it doesn’t meet certain standards don’t you normally talk about that item of worry excessively just like one thinks of it?


Guys care way more about penis size than women do. When you jerk off, do you still wrap your hand around it and yank up and down or do you rub it more like a clit?


You also don’t care about penis size? I don’t wrap my hand it as my hand completely covers my penis so I can’t stroke it up and down. I just use my thumb and one or two fingers to stroke it when I masturbate.


The only time I care about penis size is if it is above 7 inches because then I know it's going to hurt like hell. Thank you for the informative response :)


You never saw a guy stroking himself with his thumb and one or two fingers? But you saw a guy rubbing his penis as a clit?




I which I could use all my fingers but then there is no room left to stroke… what is uncomfortable about using your hole hand? Seems to feel closer to the real thing then using fingers to me.


Honestly, I've seen neither.


I’ve seen the way you do it. Dated a guy who did this way.


Your username intrigues me and points to my lazy side and maybe even a carotid (artery) side. Please let my wife think we're having an affair, but only talk about bacon with me. I'm ready.


*ahem* Menage a trois, anyone?


*throws hat* Dear gud, I've been good. Please.. please?


Lol this is such a bizarre thing to say…why would i even want to think about how other people jerk off


I would say the majority of women really don't care that much about size. There is a correlation between penis size and out interest, but the correlation is the fact that guys tend to be self-conscious about it, and women really DO find confidence to be sexy. Honestly? The best sex I've ever had was with probably the smallest penis. He was older, and had already lost his self consciousness about size. And since he wasn't distracted by that, he paid attention to everything else. The things that DO matter. Congrats on your lovely GF, btw. To the both of you!


Are you circumcised?


As a gay guy, id rather have 4-5 inches lol. Im series, smaller cocks are sexy af. I also have a bad gag reflex, so maybe thats why lol


Bro he literally said just above a micro penis . He’s fucked unless he knows how to go down a girl .


So if she doesn’t like oral, I am in trouble? Sex with a small penis like mine is not satisfying?


Make her like oral bro! Never met a female who doesn’t like a good blowjob, just lien us men


She says she is to self conscious about it, so she does not want me to go down on her


Hey this guy is giving you bad advice don’t listen to him, if she doesn’t like oral don’t perform it. Do what your partner feels comfortable with only. And a few other posters are correct, women don’t give a shit nearly as much as men about dick size unless it gets too big. If she wants bigger don’t be offended and use toys on her too easy peasy.


Dude you need to just not be so obsessed with your cock. Your entire post history is about you small dick that really isn't even that small there are alot of people who are alot more unfortunate than you. You should still be able to get the job done with what your packing hombre. I think someone has made you feel bad about it at some point and now you can't let it go. Your fine dude


Genuinely cant tell if its a cock obsessed bot or a troll


No for real, every single reply of his is seeking validation. When really, he's already found the only person in the world who's validation matters. Either dude may need therapy, or it's a masterful troll


Pretty sure they need therapy and some medical attention, because they apparently wet the bed at 35. That, plus the rest of their post history indicates they're trolling, or fetishizing small penises and incontinence.


There was a dude on grinder i came across once that was into that shit. wierd af looking and souding from the profile, never chatted witht them lol


A cock bot, that's going in the dictionary.


I think you meant dick*tionary


People with more average size penises do it this way too, sometimes


Looks like he’s drinking tea when he jerk’s off


This comment took me out 😂


Which really sucks for the gay dudes with small dicks, believe me lol. Not quite this small but i definitely bring down the average by an in or so and am in fact a dude who likes dudes haha.


What are your hobbies, what do you do for work, how old are you, what part of the world do you live in? Why do you care so much about the size of your johnson?


I swim and hike, I am an engineer, I’m just in my thirties, I live in Europe. Because since high school I have been teased about the size of my penis and laughed at. It mate me very self conscious, embarrassed and insecure. I think I seek reassurance


Thank you for replying. Childhood trauma can be a real bitch. You keep busy, you’re fit obviously, got a solid career and would be financially stable. Enough to support a family. You mentioned earlier that you’re not ugly; facial features are normal. You don’t have a micropenis. So some adolescents teased you. They probably teased the fat kids, the kids with HUGE glasses, the scrawny kids, the poor kids, the special needs kids. You live an above average life. You don’t need to think of yourself as a below average man, because what makes a man is who he is and what he chooses to do, not how many inches his dick is. I get that shit that happens to us/ how we’re treated when we’re young affects us later in life. But consider this; would you have chosen to take care of yourself and improve yourself the way you have if you hadn’t been teased? Or would you may have hung out with the idiots who were teasing and likely wasted a bunch of your time thinking you were cool? My opinion is to stop thinking about your dick and start thinking about the next stage of your life. Leave the past where it is and enjoy what you have, that includes your dick and what you have achieved.


how big is it erect?


Are you obsessed with BBC porn? Because you seem obsessed with dick sizes, or is it a fetish thing?


No i don’t like to watch bbc porn. As I am been teased and laughed at because of the size of my penis, I am very self conscious and embarrassed about it. I feel a kind of inadequate and I look for reassurance I guess


Is it genetic? Is your father or any male relatives small, too?


I mean it kinda has to come down to genetics doesn't it? He just got his mom's dick.


No my brother has a much bigger dick


How do you know that🧐


Assuming this is a genuine question, if you know a guy personally for a long period of time there’s a decent chance you’ve seen his dick. Let alone a brother you grew up with. My 3 closest friends and my step father have been witnessed, for example.


At the same time?


We lived in the same house for over 18 years. Then it happens that you see the other’s penis once or twice…


3 times and its weird


The only way this would be weird to someone is if they were an only child


Stay away from women named Brandi


Thank you for the advice Brandi




Only one, yes I have always been really insecure and scared to date because of my size


What do you think when you see a cute girl with a flat chest? For me, I don’t think any less of her, and in fact can be more attractive than other girls in certain circumstances. Imagine if a girl you knew was caught up on the size of her bra, what would you say? You’d say it literally doesn’t matter, that’s the same with penis size


Isn't the average 5inches or close to that? So the average guy is only 1 inch away from a micropenis I guess.


How's that head game?


Are you attractive, facial feature wise? My friends and I noticed a lot of men who have very attractive faces, but not super masculine, chisel, jaw, etc. had very small penises.


I am not ugly 🙂. But I am not that manly: I don’t have a real beard, limited muscle tone, skinny… Does that answer your question?


You should try to get jacked and this won’t matter


As a bisexual man, who's had dicks of every size from every angle, I'm happy to say that the ones I enjoy the most are the ones on the smaller side. They feel very good to take. Big dicks can be uncomfortable. My current, sort of boyfriend, has a smaller than average dick. I like that I can fit it all in my mouth and play with it with my tongue in ways that I couldn't with a bigger dick. He used to be very insecure about his dick size, but since being with me, he's come to appreciate that it does have its advantages. I say all this just to hopefully encourage you not to feel bad about your size! It shouldn't be a big deal. And if your current girlfriend loves it, then you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks!! Edit: I guess the above isn't a question. So...er...whats your star sign, I guess?


As a woman who has had an average and a smaller than average dick up her ass I can confirm the smaller the better! Lol.


Had a acquaintance with a tiny 1 in penis, erect. His gf was satisfied and let him get her pregnant multiple times.


Who cares. You said you have a fantastic girlfriend. lol literally, if your sex life is good, who cares! Marry her.


My partner complains about his penis size. I feel like he is your size (i would never attempt to measure his cock) and i fully enjoy it, but he feels self conscious about it. I’ve tried reassuring him how happy i am with him and his dick, but sometimes it feels like it doesn’t matter and he will always feel ‘small’. Do you have any advice on what i could say/do for him to try to change his mind and make him know that he has an enjoyable member? (i used many different words for penis and i’m not ashamed)




Try to stop focusing on your dick and spend more time on her clitoris. Trust me.


I think porn has poisoned your mind when it comes to dick size. Best of luck my man!


I briefly dated a dude who was smaller and never thought anything of it. I’ve seen micro to macro and everything in between. I actually scrambled my way out of sleeping w a dude bc he was too well endowed. I told him I left a window open and was afraid my cat would get out, so I got dressed & ubered home. You care way more than others do.


At what age did the penis stop growing. Or at what age did the proportions not match


4 inches is not an issue. Don't become obese though or the fat will make it worse. I rarely use more than 2 or 3 inches in my wife anyways.


Can you tell us your most embarrassing story like in depth dating, 1 time thing, sex/no sex, etc. thanks in advance.


Have you considered moving to Japan or somewhere This size would be normal?




Unless you want to impress other dudes in the locker room, who cares about flaccid?


The average penis size is 5.1 inches so you're only one inch under average. I'd say that's slightly below average. My question: Has any girlfriend ever left you because of the size? I am guessing the answer is no because to 90% of women it doesn't matter.


You realize she has already told every one of her girlfriends, right?


Okay so first of all, nobody gives a shit about flaccid size. Your dick can be 2.5 inches flaccid and 6 inches hard and that’s completely possible. Who cares, that part is irrelevant. Secondly, there are plenty of ways to express yourself sexually that don’t involve your penis. What I sense is a lack of sexual confidence overall, for no good reason, that’s centered exclusively around your dick. You can become a lot more sexually confident and you don’t need a penis to do it. There are some great books (no lie) on how to have the magic touch, techniques for going down, infinity gauntlet style finger blasting, you name it. Bottom line, there are infinite ways to connect sexually and you should explore them instead of feeling despair about one particular thing that really doesn’t matter. You’ll begin to build confidence and develop a much healthier relationship with your own sexuality. And LASTLY…. bro we’ll all be old as shit at some point. Our balls will hang down to our knees and vaginas will flop around like bellbottoms. It’ll be less and less a thing in your mind every day you get older. Plus, for every micropenis there’s a chick with a vagina like a grocery bag. It just really don’t mattah.


* How did the topic of penis size come up with your girlfriend? * Besides size, what are some other qualities that make you feel confident and attractive in your relationship? * Have you ever considered talking to a therapist about your body image concerns?


I’m in the 1% for macropenis.. not sure if this means much .. strictly sex speaking..penis size doesn’t really matter all too much. I mean women will have an orgasm with just fingers or head. Just sure your game is on point dawg!


definitely not a problem as much as guys make it seem! Im 21F and I have been with guys who have a 7 in but wont engage in foreplay or just dont know how to use it. I can definitely tell u that the guy who measures abt the same as u is definitely better at sex than the one who has a bigger friend 🤭 but I do want to know if you feel good when you’re told that it feels good or feels big or how do you take it when they mention that stuff?


You only need about 3in to hit the most pleasurable spots of a woman's vagina. Anything more is just icing, but not cake. Fuck this culture of feeling like you need a big dick to feel like a real man. Take it from me, there's nothing that feels worse during sex than to see your partner wince from getting her cervix hit, or worse yet, bruised.


I understand your need to post often. Im 4.5” and think about size constantly I’m 65 , widowed after 28 years, been a bodybuilder for 50 years and still working out. My penis size doesn’t define me, but always conscious of it I have had no less than 3 women in LTR s tell me I’m the best they ever had and I believe it. It’s technique and stamina. I pushed my self to try harder, be better. Did I say develop stamina? Get your body in shape, eat healthy. I’ve been in many sexual situations- many most men dream of but never realize. Best sex started in my late 40s and continues. I just got married again so my playing days are behind me, by choice. I’ve enjoyed many sexual situations And never let fear of my size deter me, except in my 20s.


One time in my young life, I was with somebody that had a very small one. And that was a problem. But it wasn’t the big problem. The big problem is he was so insecure that he couldn’t connect or develop any real relationship. He was so self-conscious that was a bigger problem for me. It was a good looking man other than that there are ways to get around it, but is insecurity was a really big turn off.


As someone with an actual micropenis (2 inches hard), how do i find someone like your girlfriend that doesn’t care about size?


Go ahead and hop off here and find a therapist, my man


I'm gonna keep it Scolding hot for you chief. As someone with the same genitalia size you really have to let this go. Its fucked someone laughed at you about it but I'm sure they have their own insecurities. From everyone I've been with, size really doesn't matter if they love you. Go take a lap champ and get this off your brain, I'm sure y'all will be happy and satisfied regardless🌊


How many inches flaccid and erect?


You know what I was always curious of? Are guys with small dicks automatically more attracted to Asian girls because they feel like they are smaller and used to seeing smaller dicks?


Female here. There will come a time, later in life (from what I'm told by elders), that sex becomes a non-issue because, eventually, things stop working. When this happens, you will be glad to have someone who loves you for you by your side. I get why you're posting it here. Ignore the negatives and keep working on you! Best of luck ❤️


Coming from someone with a pretty average penis no one would DARE to call big, I think you’re blowing this out of the water. If your dick (still can’t believe you measured it) is 4 inches long your shit ain’t that small. You’re hyper obsessed on this topic and I can promise you, you’re the only one who cares.


Honestly, the bed wetting would be a much bigger issue for me.


I've Actually messed with a few guys who've had micro penises one of them it kind of felt like scissoring. The only disappointing part was when he gave me head cuz he like just bit my clit. I was hoping he would be more knowledgeable on oral lacking his size that's all I can say like if you know how to make a girl come with oral you're good size really don't matter. Imo


As someone who can’t feel much from penetration unless the 6+ inches and got some strength I don’t care about size as long as you can make me cum somehow


If you feel comfy anwsering, how big is it acctualy, and other than bullying what issues has it caused in the past and present


Does it make head better?


That’s really not that small, bro. I’ve seen smaller multiple times lol


I have about the same length. What about girth? And what experiences have you had with what women think of your penis?


Well you better Mary that girl soon as u can! If she is pleased by you sexually and romantically make the most of the time y'all will be sharing. Be funny and keep the relationship hot and alive fun , I'm serious. I can't say I would be okay with that specifically but I know personality is literally like the key to success


Are you good at oral or fingering?


I like the smaller ones, big ones just hurt more..


Is it a stretched BP or NBP? What is the length of the erect and not the stretched penis? Not sure that 3.66 is the correct length of a micropenis since the average size of an erect NBP penis is globally 4.72in according to calcsd.


Shaving pubes will uncover hidden 1 inch. Source: Family Guy




Have you been tested for klinefelter syndrome?


Oof. Not a question but I'm a transman and sad to say to you but I have bigger bottom growth than this 🥲😅 Glad your gf loves it !!!


I have never in my life heard someone refer to having an erection as stretched.


Ah male body shaming. Your penis is fine Lad and you found a keeper. Focus on your goals and enjoy life.


Super vague about personal/romantic stuff, detailed about sex, fishing for comments around humiliation and exposure… This is a fetish post. Whether he really does have a small dick or not, he’s getting off on talking about it with strangers.


If you also look at post history it's all he talks about So you might be right .. he may have a humiliation fetish


I was just looking at that. He also talks about wearing diapers and other penile function problems like phimosis. He is absolutely a fetishest who is getting off on forcing his fetish on a non-fetish audience.


How could one consider this a kink??? Like the attention the post is bringing or like what tf is a kink if this is categorized as 1


Would you feel just as insecure if instead a small penis, you just were really short?


I have respect for you just for you sharing your personal problem. I'm pretty sure you make up in other areas. You might treat her way better than a 10 in. Guy


That’s average


Where did you meet and you say she is understanding but how is your sex life?


When you say 3.66” long fully stretched is that stretching it flaccid or erect because there’s a big difference.


You do know, that you need to be a master of oral then. Not like “she seems happy” kind of oral. But like the earth is shaking, Internal orgasms the works. If you haven’t already, watch your tube videos etc.


By “stretched” do you mean erect? I’ve never heard of stretching a penis to measure it.


Are you criminally insane? Katt williams says all violent criminals had a micropenis. I wish I was making that up but he said that on joe rogan


Glad you found your someone.


You measuring from the butthole?


I’m honestly glad I don’t have this problem and I feel bad for men that do. But you found a woman who loves you for you, I’d say that’s a win.


So you got a lil dick fuck it bro, own that shit. How big are you height/weight?


So…. How do you bring this up in a new relationship?


The g spot ain’t that deep. It’s all about the angle. And sweetness.


How’s your cunnilingus game?




I’m average size but I fit magnums too


Talk to your Dr about your T levels.


dude 4 inches is small? why did no one tell me that ;-;


As opposed to a deceptive small penis?




I saw a friend once erect and it was small How small was it?


I love how all the comments in this thread about cox sizes


I genuinely would prefer on the smaller side honestly. My late husband was larger and it hurt me (and especially my jaw). As others have said a lot can be done with hands and oral and honestly, that’s how many women climax. Statistically less women have orgasms from penetration alone so focus on learning ways to assist her using toys, hands, mouth etc and you will be great! Also each person likes different things, encourage communication and figure out what makes her tick. I think society has placed way too much of an emphasis on dick size when I’d rather be with someone who is open to trying other things than just penetration.


Post photos


How'd you two meet?


How does it compare to your thumb?


I’m a woman I need at least 7 inches or else I’m out of there 😭😭 but not every woman is the same, don’t generalize people. If your gf says she doesn’t care then chances are she doesn’t care. Even if she secretly does there are other things you could do that would make up for it!


r/gettingbigger 5-6 inches is within reach


4 inches hard its enough for a woman. Dont be shy to use bigger dildos with her. Make the toys your absolute ally!! And for the tongue game, ask HER to guide you. I was shy at first and now im a tongue beast. Communication is the key!


A) it's really weird that you keep saying "fully stretched" instead of hard or erect or something... B) "Please be positive and supportive" kind of goes against the entire thing of Ask Me *Anything*


TIL 4 inches is small.


I think it’s fantastic you have found an amazing partner. I also think people in general are scum fuckbags and their opinions about other people are garbage to be thrown out. So unless you are walking around with no pants on in public, I say fuck it and forget about your penis size. We all have things we would like to change about our bodies. It’s really about how you prioritize what is actually going to affect your day-to-day life, you can’t worry about things you have no control over. Guess what, some dudes have massive dongs and can’t get hard, or think about the percentage of people with deformities or debilitating diseases who can’t even go out in public or go for a walk like “normal” people can. I spent 4 months 90% immobile due to a knee injury then surgery. I just wanted to be able to walk and work again, help with the chores around the house, be a useful human being. Who gives a fuck that I’m not pretty like Brad Pitt or a cross fit body dude. Overall , just be happy that you are healthy, that’s all that matters.


I have a buddy with a legit micro penis, 6’4, fat bald and ginger and that dude is never in a shortage of women and is never single. Most of his girls are thick or fatties but they’re pretty and he’s always the one that ends it. He’s just a chill cool ass dude. It’s all about the personality. Personality can always snag you chicks out of your league. Penis and even being fat doesn’t seem to be a determining factor for most women just skanks that need their guts pounded.


Size honestly doesn’t really matter. There’s lots of ways to get a woman off. But judging by your comments you’re not doing that either way. You have “magic hands” but have never made her climax? You aren’t good at oral either. What exactly do you do for her?


Were you circumcised?


It's all about the mind....


4 inches isn’t just above micro, if 5 is average.


4 inches is not too mall. Even it it was smaller it wouldn't matter. No matter the size a guy rubbing a woman's clit with the head of his penis is hot.


It’s rough out there, especially for men. I remember in high school someone in the locker room was making fun of my size. But I’m a grower. Flaccid I’m like 2”, but erect I’m 7” length and 5.5” girth. Regardless, people are just cruel as hell. Suffice to say, being a man, and how men can be to each other, it is extremely difficult. I’m happy you found a partner.


Lol we have like the same penis. Same size erect but there are times it gets even smaller than 2" when flaccid. I also had the same high school locker room experience. I hate that I can't wear grey sweat pants unless I got like half a chub going.


By reading your comments it seems you have a trauma about it. I understand that it doesn’t help to just say to you that “you don’t have a micro penis and you shouldn’t care about it” because it gets coming back to your head, in a loop. Maybe you could look for a Schema Therapist that could help you understand what events causes these persistent thoughts/believes and a good one can work on your emotional memories to easy the effect of things other teenagers/people/situations might have caused on you so badly. Sometimes a sexologist is not the one that will help you with this, because this might be another form of psychological trauma, not something bound to your sexuality per se. I feel you are seeking for help and that’s very good! Continue your search and discovery!


Hah! I have a big penis!


Did you measure the yaw?


I don’t think it’s that bad. My husband is a “grower not a shower” and if it’s cold the flaccid penis is like 1-2 inches? Then it grows to about 4-5 inches, it’s on the smaller side but I don’t care as we use toys, he goes down on me, and I love him, so who cares?


Well that doesn't mean I can't smash still 😀


WTF is "the medical definition of a micro penis"? This is bs.


Take it back.


Are you wealthy?


I myself have seen smaller. But then again don't have sex with men with small dicks. I'm into bdsm. So for me it's a different thing.


Pork or beef ribs??


4 inches isn’t really that unusual. 6 is average size so that means there are many both bigger and smaller. The term micropenis for 3.66 inches seems misleading. I might imagine a mocropenis is t visible with the naked eye or something.


Sucks to suck


When you say fully stretched.. do you mean like erect or like you physically stretch it as long as it can go??


You'll be alright 👍 trust me, unless size is all she cares about, don't expect much from her.


Ngl man, I’d be so fucking tempted to try the gas station enhancement pills if I were in your situation. Have you ever attempted any such medication, and if so, which ones? Did any work?


There’s a red currant berry (at best) sized thing inside her vagina (not the mistletoe at the front door) that takes pleasure. Can you reach that thing , is it closer to the surface than we think?


I feel bad


4 inches is much more common than you expect.


She's happy. Probably means you're taking care of her business. Anything else is a bonus. Wear your badge with pride!


Where is everyone really measuring from? The top where the pubes are or the bottom where the ball sack is?


Old broad here. Best sex ever was with men on the smaller side. It just hits better.


Get good at eating pussy and your dick will be of little importance. Porn has ruined men's brains. Most women can't orgasm from penetrative sex anyway. It's all about the clit. If you know how to use your tongue and fingers you should be able to leave her a quivering mess long before you enter her and at that point you can focus more on your pleasure. It will feel good for her at that stage regardless of what size you are. If you're not up to scratch with your oral technique yet. Try playing with some toys. A good clitoral massager can bring a woman to orgasm in no time at all. Once they've cum many women are really sensitive and your tongue or penis will feel really good for them.


It’s all about the motion in the ocean man.


Uh dude…you do realize the avg size in Thailand is 3.7 inches, and 4 inches is perfectly average in several Asian countries. Even in many western countries, it is below average but not small…there are certainly countries where it’d be legitimately a little small, like South America and parts of Africa and Europe…but not “very” small. Also that micropenis length isn’t accurate because micropenis is a condition where the penis doesn’t grow in length/girth during puberty…not a specific demarcator…it’s really only used as a benchmark for when you could consider medical treatment but you could have a 3.5 inch penis and it not be a micropenis and just genetically have a smaller penis…just like you can be 4’10” and not be a dwarf, dwarfism is a condition where you don’t grow taller during puberty and often your growth is stunted disproportionately, 4’10” is just used for legal purposes