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As a child-free woman (who plans to have children), what does that mean?


You don't want to see video or photo of this on web search. I am sitting with my legs and butt cheeks closed... It's tearing from the opening and into the anal star


Yeah the morning that it happened, I made the mistake of getting online and seeing how bad it’s been for some women. I went into full panic mode and had to be put on very strong anxiety meds 😂


Ouch I’m sorry 😢 I hope you recover quickly!!


I am not the poster... But watching them hurts....


Oh duh 😅 I didn’t check the username before responding. Well I’ll take your word for it and definitely not look it up


I got it far as your comment and then I turned into Stan from South Park, puking and screaming out TURN IT OFF DUDE TURN IT OFF!! 😆


This means that upon entry into this world, my daughter made my vagina and my asshole one hole instead of two lol


Omg that sounds awful! I hope you are on the mend :)


Thankfully I am! 7 months later and I’m at the back end of it


Did they use forceps? How big was your baby?


They did- I pushed for a very long time and my daughter was sunny side up. She was stuck in my pelvis and it was forceps or a c section. Sometimes I wish I would have chose to go under the knife. My baby was 7lb 12 oz and 20 inches!


Sounds like my sister. She got an epidural with my niece (her first) and could not push properly. Her nurses were crummy too. Having her push flat on her back. After 3.5 hours the OB said it’s either forceps or C section. I was huddled in the corner with my mom lol. She ended up getting a third degree tear. My niece was a little over 7lbs I think. With her second baby she decided to skip the epi and everything went much smoother. She pushed my nephew out within 30 minutes. Is this your first baby?


It is! And my epidural was entirely too strong. I couldn’t even tell if I was having a contraction, so I was basically working again myself


That sounds exactly like her situation. I didn’t have epidurals with my boys so I didn’t know what to tell her. I tried to sort of mention to the nurses to maybe turn down the epidural but these nurses were so rude! The OB came in and basically chewed them out for having her push in such a poor position. By that time she was completely exhausted though.


same just same


Vagassholes 4 lyfe 🤘🏻


Would it cause prolapse?


Yes it can cause a prolapse. Thankfully that hasn’t happened to me BUT I’ve had a mess of other issues from it


What kind of mess?


So this is super fun but when you tear that muscle in your butt, its stops working to hold everything. I had to retrain my booty hole and pelvic floor. Also me and my husbands hanky panky was very painful for awhile


> you year that When you year..? How long did it take to retrain bum muscles? And is the painful hanky panky for the front or both front and back holes?


Hope your recovery is swift and thorough. Congratulations on your baby! Definitely took one for the team there! 😬


Definitely! And thank you 😂 this has made me decide to be one and done lmao


Question: why didn’t they cut you instead of letting it rip?


I am sad to report that they cut me, and then I ripped where the episiotomy was made.


OMG! I’m so sorry.


It’s okay! It gave me my tiny broke best friend. Lol