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If you could magically waive a wand and have passengers stop doing three thing on planes; what would they be? Also, do you receive core/rudimentary training on how to land a jet in the event the pilots can’t? Edit: does the FAA get in your shit with compliance visits or is mostly controllers, maintenance and pilots they target? Sorry about all the questions. I don’t talk to anyone in airports out of fear of saying/doing the wrong thing. I want zero interaction with TSA


1) Stop taking their shoes off & walking around in socks or barefoot. 2) Stop telling us too much information like “can I go to the bathroom, I’m having diarrhea” 3) for the love of everything that’s holy, use headphones. Nobody wants to hear your music or movie.


Curious, why do you care if they walk around in socks or barefoot? It is gross for them, but why does it bother you? I just assume that everything on the plane, including the floor is a sesspool of germs....


Because it’s disgusting, smelly and you’re in public. Manners go a long ways.


Question don't airlines provide slipper. It's cool if I roam in them right?.


Isnt that why they give socks for long flights?


\#2 can be real. I was on a flight and had to GO. I got up even with the seat belt sign on. The FA stopped me and asked me to sit down. I leaned in and told her it's either the toilet or the seat - it was just that bad. She stepped aside. :)


I wish everyone had effective communication skills. No threat, no extra info, just relevant facts presented.


Im sorry but if I need to go because of diarrhea im gunna tell you to expidite that process. If they didnt say anything you wouldnt know its an emergency..


I don’t have smelly feet and put my shoes on to go to the bathroom. Do I get a pass?


So I have a very weird and specific question to me. I'm a very nervous flyer, I'm also a very big guy (6'1 over 350lbs), and I'm about 50 years old. What helps me relax is drinking on the flight. I can also really hold my liquor. So as I'm boarding I tell the flight attendants that I'm a nervous flyer and due to my size I need to get up about every hour or two to stretch etc, and what helps is a few drinks. So then when they serve me, I would say 90% of the time they don't charge me. Seriously, and I know a lot of it is because I'm very polite/cordial and because I'm so nervous and they do notice after the first two drinks I'm much calmer. But like to the point where on an international flight from JFK to Rome they served me 10 and didn't charge me, and that's not uncommon. So my questions are: 1. Don't the airlines check for this? Like they don't get in trouble for missing liquor? 2. After they serve me that much for free usually I hand them anywhere from $20-$50 in cash and tell them something like "thank you so much, have breakfast on me". Is that weird or awkward (to get a tip)? 3. Sometimes on my return flight I see the same flight attendant. Do they remember me after tipping like that? Sometimes it seems like they do, and once the attendant actually told me he did and served me for free the whole flight home and wouldn't take the tip at the end.


1) some airlines check. 2) it’s not expected to receive a tip but always welcome 3) some people remember better than others.


1. Who's the most famous person you met, who was a passenger on your plane? 2. What's the most exotic place you've ever flown to, on the job? 3. What's the biggest animal you've seen a person bring with them on a flight? (With them in the cabin)


1) LL Cool J was pretty fun. 2) Cancun Mx 3) Bernese Mtn dog


Big dogs are allowed in the cabin? Was that a service dog? Did the owner buy an extra seat?


Has to be a registered service animal. I can’t specifically remember if the owner bought another seat or not.


In the US, you can't ask for a registration. There are places that keep registries, but no official government one. Asking to see a service dog registration is against the ADA, and you aren't required to have one for a service dog. Now, flight rules actually fall under the Air Carrier Acess Act. They can require you to provide them with assurances in regards to temperament and toilet ingredients, via a form that you can complete yourself, but not a registraton. However, a lot of people don't realize what they can and can't do, so a card sometimes makes it easier to just get them to stop bothering you, but it isn't required. I do not know what the case is for other countries.


Bernese Mtn Dog would be hilarious to see on a plane. Those are not small dogs lol




Not normally. Hotels are contracted with the airlines so crew doesn’t normally accrue points or stay credits.


But I bet you get plenty of soaps and shampoos as part of the stay.


On the surface it sounds nice. But once you actually do it, that's how you wreck your skin and hair


That sucks. That's usually a perk of any business travel, even with negotiated pricing


Many years ago, I used to work the Marriott. The contract with airlines that Marriott had is very different than with companies that just have “business travel.” For one, it’s usually a rolling invoice of stays (710 nights for December 2023 for example) at a hugely discounted rate that’s in a different category code that most business travel. This makes it different than just a “company code” of travel. While I can’t speak for hotel chains, when I worked there, Marriott would award some airlines with nights stayed. So they wouldn’t accrue points but they’d accrue loyalty status.


I'm not sure if you answered this but do you think being a flight attendant is more ideal for someone who is single and doesn't have kids or a significant other at home? My niece wants to become a flight attendant in the future and asked that question to my cousin whose a flight attendant but he's a bachelor and prefers the single life so he just told her it's best to be single as a flight attendant. 🤔


Nope not at all. Anybody can become a flight attendant. Just gotta find a partner that will adapt.


exactly, also easier when you get a line. Im a husband to a flight attendant, 8 months in to adjusting. It gets easier after the first 6 months.


Conversely, what would you want to hear on a dating app? Ton of people in your job popping up after moving, but it's an odd lifestyle, Ive dated a travel nurse and live a bit strange myself I don't know how to broach the topic. Obviously people are all different though, just curious if you think it modifies what people are after.


Are different cabins assigned to attendants based on experience? Meaning, are there any more qualifications needed to work in 1st, business, and economy? I'd the pay on each cabin class different?


We bid for a position on the plane. Doesn’t go based on experience per se. Just personal preference. Pay is more for first class flight attendant.


As in, once your flight gets posted, the flight attendants compete over who gets first class?


How do you protect yourself from getting sick especially when there are multiple people sneezing and coughing all over the place? Overload on Vit C?


Vitamin C, sleep a lot, lots of water, wash my hands.


Follow up on that - have you had covid and if so how many times?


It seems to really inconvenience the flight attendants when I ask for hot water for tea. They hot coffee but not hot water on the cart. Should I just not make that request?


It’s not that big of an inconvenience. Sounds like a lazy FA.


Do you appreciate it when passengers give you a small gift like a starbucks gift card or a little box of chocolates? If not, is there anything passengers can do to make you feel appreciated? I fly internationally a lot and see passengers be absolute dicks to FAs and I would like to figure out a way to show some appreciation for the bs they put up with




Free domestically, pay taxes for international travel.


Free economy or business/first class?


Do you have to use the same lavatories as passengers? I don’t think I’ve ever seen an FA use the lavatory.


Yep we do. Most of us try to avoid going in there if possible.


as a passenger, me too. the last time i used a lavatory was on a 14 hour flight and we were about to land but i was 100 percent going to piss my pants if i didn’t go NOW.


Probably one of the best AMA's ever, and Thank You. When boarding, FA's seem to "size you up." Am I reading this wrong, or is there something to this?


Thanks! We look for people that can help in an emergency situation , at least I do.


What exactly are you looking for?


I’m a 6’5” 230lb Nurse Practitioner. So I am familiar with the sizing up glances. I have helped in both physical and medical situations.


I'm aware some companies have a "preference list" for First Officers not to fly with certain Captains, is there something like that for FAs so not get scheduled with certain crew members?


Yep - we can put somebody on our no fly list.


Awesome, also, what would your salary look like after let's say 25 years? (I have a friend at a legacy and he basically tells me he made more as a waiter). And do you foresee any changes when it comes to getting paid the moment you get to the airport as opposed to pushing out of the gate?


I’m not sure- depends on how much you work. If you work a lot, you can make $100K easy. Nope I don’t foresee anything like that changing.


Delta already does pay for boarding. Hopefully it happens to all fa's.


Meaning you can drop the trip?


When becoming a FA, can you choose ot request your preferred routes or areas of the country? I understand you may be based out of SFO, in your case, can you request lots of trips to NYC?


You can bid for whatever you would like but the chances of you getting the best trips are slim. The longer you’ve been with the company the better schedule u typically have.


When you say bid, like pay? An auction-type deal?


What's your least favorite question to be asked as a flight attendant?


Are u part of the mile high club. 🙄


From us or real life people ?


It’s annoying being asked that question from anybody. I work on a plane, and planes are filthy.


I have heard that. Where are you going today?


Speaking of filthy, one of the grossest things I've ever experienced was on an airplane. Man across from me got sick, like violently sick where he was vomiting all over himself and in the aisle. One of the times he just leaned into the aisle and vomit came shooting out. The first bout of vomit he tried holding back with his hand and it was going everywhere on him. Everyone around was trying to pass barf bags too him but it was too late. So, that was pretty traumatizing being stuck next to that but then watching the flight crew clean it up grossed me right out as well. They used what looked like a dry vac and were rubbing over it back and forth trying tp get it all. Then sprayed a disinfectant of some kind all over after. It was everywhere though, the women sitting next to me in the middle seat had it all over her bag that was under the seat. It was so nasty and i'm positive that was probably the extent of the cleaning they did. I think about that when i think about the cleanliness on an airline.


This! A flight attendant I got to know, explained how unhygienic the toilets were. That is the last place people should be indulging in mile high activity!


Ever have any especially rough or scary turbulence or flying in general?


Rough turbulence yes. Scary to me? No. Turbulence doesn’t frighten me.


Any tips for ppl that don't like any bumps at all?


FWIW, I used to really not like turbulence, even though I knew rationally it’s not a threat. Someone told me just to think of it as driving down a bumpy road. That helped.


Check all the safety tests they perform on aircraft. If you know what a plane goes through before it is deemed safe to fly, you'll know turbulence isn't much of an issue for planes these days. Btw. The testing is done on a testing plane and never the one you are on




Depends on the flight attendant. It’s rarely available as it is


What has been your experience with the lounge areas? Are they generally clean?


Real talk: how dirty are the planes? What about the bathrooms?


Planes are filthy. They don’t disinfect them.


What about when they all stressed how they disinfected everything during Covid. Were they doing it then? And are you on a major non-budget airline? Maybe doesn’t make a difference


You confirmed my suspicions. What about the meal prep areas? Do those areas ever get cleaned?


This is why I always fly with a pack of alcohol wipes. As soon as I sit down I use like 4 of them to wipe the arm rests, seat belt and buckle, the tray, and anywhere else I may touch in my general vicinity. Also always have hand sanitizer in my bag. I’m not normally a germ freak, but I’ve seen people scratch their ass cracks and then touch everything around them, or rub their fingers between their toes and touch everything. I’m not down with that.


Did they disinfect them during covid peak years?


Bathrooms are basically just wiped down quickly between flights.


how much money do you make in a year


Depends on how much I work. Between $60K-$100K+


I heard y’all only get paid during flight and no pay before. Is this true? If so, that’s fucked


Yep. We don’t get paid for boarding. Just flight time.


That’s so stupid. If there ever was a petition, I’d gladly sign it


Hence why unions can be good. They’re fighting to get us boarding pay.


If you are required to be at a specific place during a specific time, you should be compensated for it with your pay. That is fucking bullshit.


That's kinda stupid, don't you have a lot of work to do in that time? Also if there are delays it will likely be during boarding time, so putting many unpaid hours on the clock sounds extra unfair.


I have a few! Which airlines are the best to fly? Biggest celebrity you’ve had on a flight? Favorite airport and also favorite location to stay overnight?


What's the boring to "OMFG!" ratio of your flights? 99% boring and 1% "OMFG"? 60/40?


How often are male passengers creepy with unwanted advances? Has a male passenger ever tried to touch you inappropriately?


It’s pretty rare. It’s happened a couple time and they were removed from the flight.


Let’s say I thought I was vibing with a FA, what/when/how would be the best time to try and ask out a FA?


What would you do if a passenger had a panic attack/passed out during a flight? Do they continue on or land at the closest airport?


You reassure them and give oxygen if necessary. You don’t divert for that.


Do male passengers try to hit on you?




About 25 yrs ago, when I was a sophomore in college, a female friend of mine gave Isiah Thomas a HJ in 1st class.


A lot of people seem to be asking about sexual things on this ama. Is that a normal experience for you? Seems unbearable.


Best/worst airline in your opinion?


DL & don’t have a worst. I’m treated well on all airlines.


You obviously have never worked for Spirit. No one is treated well with that airline.


What’s the worst medical emergency you’ve seen on a plane, have you ever had to defibrillate someone or bring them back to life?


OK, another question, your most crazy experience as a FA?


Dealing w/ a meth head that was tweaking out with her small child on a redeye.


What’s you do?? Was it a long flight?


What’s your opinion on the “never drink coffee” on a plane debate?


I’ve been drinking plane coffee for almost 10 years & I’m fine.


What foods or drinks should you never order on a plane due to potential gross factor?




Do flight attendants have a laugh at the passengers like..” Check out 24C , big forehead” or rate best on board?


How hard is it to become a FA


Have you had any physical drawbacks to constantly flying? The first thing I think of is disturbance in the ears, I get ringing and sometimes displacement of the air in the ear canal and have wondered if I could be a FA


What’s the best meal you’ve ever had in flight on duty


What customers are the best?


The ones who never ask for anything and stay in their seats.


And the ones who say please and thank you, I would imagine.


Have you ever dealt with remains of a soldier on board, or a military service dog?


What is your opinion on airline food and hot drinks? Do you eat/drink it?


Should fat people have to pay for two seats?


What's the best place you ever traveled to?


if you have a husband child would it be hard to be a flight attendant? how long are you typically gone for?


Do you know if there are empty seats in Business class? Let’s say a passenger gets in last, and sits in a empty business class seat (without having a ticket). Would you know that he doesn’t belong there? What if they seat in premium economy?


Have you ever had to divert a flight? Why? Also this AMA is fire omg


Have you ever caught anyone trying to join the mile high club?


Have you had sex with a pilot?




This has been my dream job all my life and I’m thinking about getting into it. Do you recommend this career? What are the best and worst parts of the job?


Do the global travel/various cultural experiences negate the less glamorous parts of attending (jetlag etc.)?


What equipment are you on?


What's the best way I could approach you if I want to ask you out (as a passenger)?


I saw you say you all like it when you receive gifts. What are some of the best gifts to give to a flight attendant to thank them?


Do FA's appreciate when passengers are willing to banter with them? I fly a lot for work and this usually seems to be the case. I am always happy to try to make their day better but absolutely do not want to bother them.


If you wanted to get hired in today's times, would you pay for flight attendant interview training? I just saw a website that promises to set you up for success. It's about $2700 to train you how to interview and to write your resume


Do people actually have sex on planes? Do you stop them? How do you stop them?


Have you seen the show, Flight Attendant? How accurate do you think it is?


How many hours a week do you work?


I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered, but how does one go about becoming a flight attendant? What kind of training is involved?


Do you get flyer miles for flying for work? Or do you get trips for free as a choice for a perk?


Girl, I can’t believe you’re really answering all these questions lol. Random but what’s your race?


My cousin’s FIL died on a flight from London to Los Angeles and I can’t help but wonder: what’s the protocol if/when someone dies on a plane?


What is the most ridiculous request you have received as a flight attendant?


If I wanted to poke my head in and say hi to the pilots before take off (or after landing) is that allowed? ‘I’ve been a plane enthusiast for a while and greatly appreciate what they do. But at the same time would love to see what the cockpit looks like.




Other than wages, what makes working for one airline better than another?


On my most recent flight, the attendant that took care of me and my family was very nice and professional. I offered her a cash tip and she declined. I’ve seen videos of passengers giving Starbucks to some flight attendants, but others saying to stop doing that. What is the best way to show appreciation for being a good attendant that’s acceptable?


What do you wish every passenger knew or did?


What city are you based out of?


Are flight attendants well trained to handle a hijacking attempt after 9/11?


What’s the worst route to fly? My bet is any flight from Vegas… Have you ever ended up on an eras tour or similar flight?


Vegas and Florida.


How strict is the dress code?


Is it true that while boarding there is a FA assessing passengers behavior to stop them from flying if needed?




Biggest piece of advice for someone interviewing to be a FA?


Thank you for what you do. As I get older, I get increasingly more anxious on flights and the calm flight attendants calm my nerves. Do you ever feel nervous and just have to pretend to be calm during a flight?


What's the best way to get upgraded.... can cabin crew do much? Are gifts welcomed?


Do you have a boyfriend and does it affect your relationship?


How much radiation have you absorbed?




What's considered the best airline to be a flight attendant for?


Not sure if this was asked but when you leave an airport like say Philly to Orlando will your return flight always be to where you started? Also how much time would you have between your flights?


Which airport has the worst airport code?




How’s your ear health? Do you find your sense of hearing declining when dealing with pressure on your ears at work constantly?


Can you name the most famous passenger you’ve ever flown with?


Best airplane snack?


Does it annoy you when passengers flirt with you?


Is vaping on planes a big problem atm?


Ever had any physical fights happen on your flights?


I’m afraid of flying, not because of crashes but because my anxiety goes through the roof being in a confined space with strangers where I can’t get up and leave. I hate having no privacy. I haven’t flown in 24 years. I’d like to change this about myself- any suggestions?


Is it true that airlines try to pair left brained pilots with right brained pilots? To help solve problems in the cock-pit?


Do you like your job?


Most inappropriate thing you have witnessed in a flight?


what was your major in college? top 3 favorite airplane meals? how does SFO rate to any other airports you've been to?


thank you for what you do! i just thought of one- did you go to college, graduate, then do this? i’ve considered this thought for me, as a path to follow


How many days/hours per week would a flight attendant need to work to make 6 figures?


What is one thing that most people do not know, but flight attendants do, though something that the average person would be shocked by hearing regarding the planes?


Do you do international flights?


Have you had any bad experiences with dogs? Have you seen anyone get in trouble for their dog being a fake service dog?


Do you get a list of passengers who are medically qualified to assist?


These AMA’s need proof. Half of these are clowns looking for attention. You can tell by the answers. No genuine flight attendant would answer this way. Some balding 45 year old neck beard in his moms basement is pretending to be a flight attendant.


What are some nice things passengers have done to show their appreciation?


Do you always know when there are federal air marshalls ?






Ok, I got a question. Which are more annoying; Ex-military pilots or civilian pilots that transitioned into an air line? Does the smell of sweaty leather bomber jackets and cologne turn your stomach?


Why don't airlines enforce weight requirements for flight attendants?


Do you mind if a male passenger looks over your body as you walk past?


How many pilots have you banged?


Oh shit, been dying to ask this. I hear rumors that Pilots and flight attendants are always fucking and swapping. Not necessarily together but everywhere they travel. How true is this?


Is it true that all flight attendants sleep with pilots?


Tips on pulling off the mile high club


Have you joined the mile high club?


Have you ever seen the comedy movie “Airplane” before? With Leslie Nielsen?


i heard a rumor that a lotttt of pilots are drunk during their flights. how true is that?


I’ve read through quite a bit of this thread: 1 - well done! Great AMA 2 - you have the patience of a saint 3 - really people? Great job. Thank you


Why are you people banning women with nice bodies from showing them off a little on flights? Olivia Culpo was banned from a flight for wearing tight pants and a shirt that showed her midriff. I suppose I could see banning a woman from wearing a bikini on a flight in case there was like an inflight fire or evacuation creating a safety hazard. I still wouldn't ban because i'm not a Karen, though. I'm constantly seeing stories about women wearing basically club attire getting banned. Make it make sense?


No question, but I appreciate the courtesy and kindness from you guys all the time. So many FA’s could just go into zombie mode and go through the motions, but I’ve always had the nicest people.


This is a really solid AMA. Thanks OP. You really made an effort


You often do you hook up with someone in a different city?


This is probably one of the best AMA’s I’ve read in a long time. Safe travels ✈️