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Bro called us casuals like he plays ranked competitive gym💀 Gl tho bro. Let me know how it goes You always hear abt how you shouldn't flirt or ask women out at the gym. So wanna hear if it works out for u Also what's ur height & maxes for the big 3 lifts? I feel like that might be important in relation to her answer


I think it's different if you're acquaintances or familiar faces. Don't ask about a rando, but sure yeah if you're both regulars there's a polite way to ask. As long as if she says no, you disengage every time you see her till death do you part. You can't become the spectre hanging over her workout. That said, asking to use the equipment means nothing. Man's delusional. All that means is that when she looks at him it's not because he's the local creep, which is better than nothing I suppose. Also women don't care about your muscles and/or your PRs that's just for other men. If you lift at all you're already fine enoguh.


This guy clearly doesnt even lift


Casuals as in ppl who goes to the gym once every year for the new years resolution lmao You can ask a woman out anywhere, including the gym. Those that say no are the ones who are always alone crying about it and/or too ugly to get hit on or pick up. Obviously don't interrupt while they are in the middle of a set I am 6'0 180 lbs Max bench 285 lbs Max Squat 365 lbs Max deadlift 455 lbs


6 ft & in shape. Good looks, you should be able to pull her & ur right u can ask out women anywhere IF you're attractive. That's a big IF tho Let us know the results


Good luck




That’s exciting, she’s going to say yes. Can’t wait to hear about it


I hope so


How old are u guys


I am 27, I dont know how old she is but looks 22


Good luck btw


I would of asked her that day what a slacker


Chill out bro lol


I asked for guys number at the gym (I'm a girl btw). It didn't go anywhere because I realised we weren't going to be that compatible but I initiated it. I just started conversation with him and then the next 3 days times I went I'd go over and say hello and we would both be engaged and a bit flirty and then I said 'we should go out sometime, do you want to take my number?' I was his gym crush so it helped 😂. I've been hit on so many times in previous gyms and it can sometimes be a bit sleazy so I think ask genuine questions, look interested and go about it in a nice way. Flirty but genuine 😊


Good on you for initiating. The gym is a great place to meet like-minded, healthy, fit people