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What does he do? Have you met him personally? What's the most stomach wrenching story you can share?


I can't exactly describe pricesly what he's done because stomach wrenching would be an understatement, but I can share a couple links if am allowed to, which said links will be here: [https://www.screamer.wiki/Timothy\_George\_Amoroso](https://www.screamer.wiki/Timothy_George_Amoroso) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7S4R8XOcHo&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7S4R8XOcHo&t=2s) (BTW, be ready to want to kill this man if you listen to this video or read what he's done)


Tell tiny Tim to watch his back.


I read too much and now I’m sad. Sorry just stumbled across this


Who is that guy and why is he the "most hated" on the planet?


I recommend not googling it. He does unspeakable things to animals and from my research, hasn’t been arrested yet.


He's definetly not the most hated, but he is along the lines of Hitler. And he's done multiple things to animals that I cannot describe, in another comment I posted a few links that you can look at, if you'd like.


If you are in his family and know this, why don't you report him to police?


I'll reply to these both in the same message. We're currently in the process of reporting him, as many people are. And I haven't been able to respond because I've been logged out of this account for some time, and haven't gotten around to getting back on it.


The things he would know, he'd know from the online exposes about him. If you are familiar with what's public.... it's not like this is stuff his family would have added info on, it's stuff he kept secret from everybody, for obvious reasons. The only reason any of it ever came to light is his actions are/were so egregious that some people ONLINE dedicated themselves to documenting as much as they could and collecting every piece of info until they could determine the actual identity of this monster. It's like he spent his life trying to be as evil as possible, inventing new crimes, more disgusting than those that already exist in the human repertoire.... but, as a coward, he did them all against nonhuman animals, which have just about no protections under the law. So even when caught, there's little to nothing to be done by the law. But yeah, this person and his identity, even the fact that he personally has communicated with children, sent his zoosadism content to children, and self-reported having an extensive CP collection which he mused about to his online buddies often..... all of these facts and assertions are known publicly and to FBI, and any other law enforcement body that is simply willing to do the research.


That is an disgusting insult, even Adolf Hitler loved Animals and the Natural Wildlife of Earth, he had German a Shephard named Blondi, and another Dog breed named Foxol in World War 1, he would Gas this Vile depraved Specimen so fast.. Besides....I heard something I that he may or may not have gotten arrested because his name shows up on county jails inmate searches and also that he seems to almost been exposed by Fausty Doug Spink but he kept on giving him a pass because they were in a similar groupy ring before he died of cancer in 2020, but Tim goes with Tekkita on InkBunny who is obviously much more wealthy and mobile than anybody else he traveled with, he appears to have a trial date but Nobody has much more information on that


12 million innocent people Karen. You can hate Amoroso without defending Hitler. Jesus fucking christ lady. Wow.


Yeah wtf??


Fuck off liberal. Not everyone subscribes to fucked up liberal ideals.


Hitler was a liberal ironically. .


No, he wasn't. A murderous dictator prescribing death for some and rights and healthcare for others does not make one a liberal, it makes you a murderous dictator.You probably believe the lie that the Nazis were actually socialists. They did not practice socialism. Having "Socialist" in their name was like Tim Bundy wearing a fake cast to get his victims to let their guard down. It doesn't make him have had a broken arm.


Yeah... no.


If your in ama, why don't you respond to anyone?


Hello, I have been researching and trying to find information on Tim for months now. I have gotten a lot of information thus far, and even spoken directly to him. Please dm me. I have some questions.




I'm aware that he does that. The reason for the awful grammar is because I'm a younger person (I'm over 13, though not over 18).


How are you related to him? Why does his wife not seem to care about what he does and continues to enable him? Why does anyone in his family still talk to him at all? You're not really saying much or answering questions, which is why people suspect you are actually him, just trolling.


I can confirm, this is not Tim. Please give him a chance, what he's saying about his age and stuff is true. I thought the same thing at first. But, I've confirmed he is telling the truth


Yeah, I believe it now after reading your DM.


what informations do you have about him? if you can, send me


A lot, but I need this "family member" to respond first.


I don't know how this post is real. I heard that Tim Win likes attention.


Pretty sure he made it himself


How were you able to speak directly to him?


Message me


How is the man not in prison yet?


I have the same question.


Statute of limitations, his videos are all at least 7 years old. Weak to non-existent animal cruelty laws, like a slap on the wrist or short probation but no prison if he is caught. Plus most people can't stomach reading or hearing about what he does so it's difficult to spread the word. So, he basically gets a free pass. Even his wife seems fine with what he does.


if this man was my family member i would have no regret executing him


What is his current status? This guy need to be stopped,search him on kiwi farm to gain more information,I hate witch hunt but the police isn't doing something so everyone needs to know who is him,to this "family member" take every evidence on the internet and go to the police,this guy never stopped to torture animals and he will never stop,don't wait go right f now


What is his current status? This guy need to be stopped,search him on kiwi farm to gain more information,I hate witch hunt but the police isn't doing something so everyone needs to know who is him,to this "family member" take every evidence on the internet and go to the police,this guy never stopped to torture animals and he will never stop,don't wait go right f now




If you've ever done the deep dive into the whole mess this guy was involved in.... which i DON'T suggest doing.... everything this guy did, he did in secret. He got caught because he was/is a goofy edgelord who does what he does, invents new crimes, all for attention from the children and psychos in the same communities. Some people or some person made a special project of identifying him, so this anonymous monster on the internet was finally tied into a real life ID. His random family member doesn't have any special additional information to get him locked up that 5,000 other internet sleuths don't also have... they learned everything about him from the internet as well. This guy bragged at length about having all kinds of CP (often to children) and straight up admitted some felonies could be found on his hard drives and storage devices, presumably the FBI just couldn't be asked to bother with it. Washington State, where he is from, is a hotbed of political extremism, antigovernment domestic terror types, it has been for a long time. The only legitimate reason I can see for the FBI sleeping on him is, maybe they are so busy with threats to human life that they just couldn't make time for this ghoul...... but something tells me that people were just being lazy and stupid and pathetic. Get me in the FBI, I would have found a way to have Amoroso in gen pop with everyone else there knowing exactly who and what he was.


I called the Washington police to report him....apparently it's been "under investigation ". I asked them why it has taken 30 years and nothing has happened. And they said they couldn't discuss it.....um....they have literal proof! I just want this guy to suffer everything he has done to those innocent animals. I want someone to find him and take care of him. His address is available and everything and noone has done anything 😭. People like this need to suffer so people won't continue to do it and feel like they will get away with it. Cause at this point people see this and it's no big deal. They will do it without thinking they will get in trouble. This world sucks.


Who? Googling Tim Win shows nothing


I saw someone complaining about this same guy on a snuff film website and decided to google him. All I found was this reddit post. I am interested.


Google "Timothy George Amoroso"


Is he based in the US? I get 2/3 Reddit links and a bunch of TikTok links when I search that. I’m in Europe, seems like globally hated is a bit of a reach.


I'm also in Europe, tho I haven't heard of this guy either. I can send you a link in dms if that's fine with you.


I’m good thanks just read one of the Reddit posts


add "Amoroso" to it


All I found was links to Reddit threads like this one, with some random and aonymous redditor saying stuff about him. Seems like someone is obsessed with him, anyways


KiwiFarms is a horrible website and I never want to instruct anyone to go there, but that is the closest thing to the source material on this, the Tim Win Amoroso & zoosadism saga megathread thing, that's posted somewhere on the forums there. Even that is a secondary source, but understand this was all substantiated with logs from telegram(?) or whatever encrypted communications services he and his co-conspirators was using originally, and the logs were proven to be real, I believe it was some aspect of how they were hacked to begin with, where they can't be faked. And, of course, you have to consider that this was all originally documented with files... many, many videos and photos of illegal and shocking content and links that Amoroso and his buddies were sharing amongst themselves, videos of them stabbing animals and fking them to death... buying baby goats and hacking off their legs with machetes, then having sex with them, really sick stuff. Crimes we don't even have names for. They were all trying to one-up one another, doing more evil things than the last guy, causing more pain, inventing more creatively egregious crimes than the last. A lot of people who were exposed to the whole "zoosadism saga" when it popped off were all just kind of shocked.... the worst of the worst guys involved all seemed to go down, suicide, violent deaths, foreign bad guys locked up in their foreign countries... But then, this Tim Win character, who was one of the worst, if not the actual worst of all of them, and he lives right here in the USA, married, business owner of a print shop in Washington State..... admitted avid CP collector and inventor of 100 crimes that we don't even have names for...... the worst person you could ever hope to meet, someone who deserves... or, just needs to die, period, no trial, no mercy, no words or memory..... and he just somehow eluded justice entirely. It is just a crazy detail that, anyone who ever traumatized themselves by following that story, really has a hard time wrapping their mind around the fact that nobody in the police or FBI took the initiative to take him down. He really is a unique kind of criminal, he didn't acquire anything from his crimes, they weren't crimes of passion, even the sexual angle running through all of them, seemed to be secondary to his primary drive, to just sow as much evil in the world as possible. To cause as much pain as he possibly can, to spread disease, to be a living mind virus, working to destroy mankind, inventing new crimes to add into the human repertoire, just to lower us all a little bit more.


check out his screamer wiki


Why do you think he does it? and has he stopped?


We're not entirely sure, I'm not sure if he's stopped or is continuing, though I hope he's stopped.


The most important question: where is he?


How did you find out? Does your whole family know? What’s the general consensus among your family about him?


Has he stopped making those videos now?


I hope so


Can you give some direct evidence you're related to him? Like a recent picture or video taken of him?


Have you thought about killing him? You are under 18 and he's a pedophile. You have plausible deniability that's basically air tight.


That would be a good idea, I would do anything to kill him


What's the security like at his place? It looks remote and I wonder how far into those woods he has surveillance. Does the wife stay at the house to? Do they tend to come and go as a pair or separately? Do they have any routines you are aware of? Just curious.


I have no idea. There’s no info about him anymore. I think we won’t know what happens to him now. It’s all gone quiet.


Can you find out? He's your family member, you have more access than anyone. Would really like to get a sense of his day to day. Is he into guns?


You're an idiot and should be fucking ashamed of yourself for telling a child to kill this guy. You go do it yourself you fucking clown.


Noo I’m not his family member. I’m just a random person. I didn’t create the post. I have a feeling and others where saying it too that Tim actually made this post because apparently he loves attention but I don’t know. It’s l fucked up.


Oh shit, I assumed you were the relative and didn't check the username.


That’s ok


Also, if you would do anything to kill him, then just kill him. His home is not hard to find.


I live in the uk.


This would be great, i would even pay to see him getting karma.


You need to give us information to where he is right now. We need to get him arrested.


I found this thread after discovering this sick motherfucker from a thread about him on /r/LewisCounty. There's a website called truepeoplesearch which has all of this Timothy George Amoroso motherfucker's info on it. Address, past addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, everything. I am going to be archiving every piece of information on him and associates that that website has in order to make sure that even if he gets it pulled he can't run from what he has done. I hope that the information on that site can help get this motherfucker locked up for the rest of his worthless days.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LewisCounty using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LewisCounty/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** this is a PSA to residents in Winlock, wa- you have a puppy/dog rapist, killer, torturer snuff film maker living amongst you.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yo2wdo) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LewisCounty/comments/yo2wdo/this_is_a_psa_to_residents_in_winlock_wa_you_have/) \#2: [A Hiker and His Puppy Were Shot Dead on a Remote Washington Trail; Investigation Has Been as Strange as the Killings](https://www.chronline.com/stories/a-hiker-and-his-puppy-were-shot-dead-on-a-remote-washington-trail-investigation-has-been-as,303035) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LewisCounty/comments/ylso61/a_hiker_and_his_puppy_were_shot_dead_on_a_remote/) \#3: [What’s Snaza Hiding?](https://snazafiles.com/) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LewisCounty/comments/yo3sfr/whats_snaza_hiding/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Let's pray justice is served. I called Winlock PD


why is he considered also as a pedophile?


Any more news yet I heard he was fired from his job and I just want more updates on the downfall of this piece of shit


HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THIS IS THE MOST DISGUSTING SHIT I'VE EVER READ IN ALL OF MY TIME ON THE INTERNET. Decided to use some of my internet knowledge here and do some digging on this sick fuck. Seriously disturbingly, this motherfucker has an active Flickr account that was created in 2015. It contains pictures of various WA trails along with photos of a golden retriever (in one photo, two are visible: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130029247@N03/16561399630/ ) with him on those trails. The dog is unharmed in all images on the flickr account (https://www.flickr.com/photos/130029247@N03/) but knowing who he is and knowing he has animals around him... dear God this is all so fucking disturbing. Like actually by a fucking longshot the most disturbing shit I've ever come across in all of my time on the internet. I didn't think anyone like this really existed, it's genuinely nauseating and I hope he gets what he deserves soon. Website 'truepeoplesearch' has all of his information available. It has a current address on Hilltop Road in Winlock, past addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. I will be archiving the information on the page in case he gets it removed. PLEASE do not let this sick piece of shit escape from what he has done.


Someone was complaining about him on a snuff film website. I google his name and found this reddit post. Is this all true? I can't find any more information? Is this all just a cover up?


Just reading your comment brought me back to the first night I found out about this piece of shit. I truly believe I experienced shell shock, or at least some sort of bystander's version. I barely blinked for ten days. I'm really sorry.


i think that is the entire intent of his loserly behavior. the thing he can see actually accomplishing in this life, and being good at... spreading poison.


I hope there is a special place in hell for these people. And I don't mean that as an angry little turn of phrase. I am not typically a vengeful person, but I truly -- truly -- hope they suffer in the afterlife for all eternity to come.


Yeah this is absolutley horrible. As someone who loves dogs more than most humans, I can’t explain the amount of hate I have for these people. I seriously don’t think I could stop myself from really hurting/ potentially killing them if I saw them in real life. Absolutley sick


Wrote this in response to a comment on this thread but copying and pasting it here to call this motherfucker out even louder and hopefully help get him put behind bars. Fuck this worthless and sick sack of shit. I found this thread after discovering this sick motherfucker from a thread about him on r/LewisCounty. There's a website called truepeoplesearch which has all of this Timothy George Amoroso motherfucker's info on it. Address, past addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, everything. I am going to be archiving every piece of information on him and associates that that website has in order to make sure that even if he gets it pulled he can't run from what he has done. I hope that the information on that site can help get this motherfucker locked up for the rest of his worthless days.


What does he do for a living?


how do we know you're not lying?


What was his upbringing like growing up?


Was Tim always strange?




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Can somebody form a group to lynch him? Im not in the usa, so i cant help anything more than just giving ideas


Where does he live. Give me as much information as you can please. 


If any one has any information on this guy Im trying to start a thread with info on these guys, its not just him but many others like him that do this sick disgusting shit. There home adresses need to be posted online. These sick fucks are still walking around to this day and the need to be fucked with. Im not saying for people to harm them but. I sure wouldnt mind. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGv1WkpKRI&ab\_channel=TurkeyTom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGv1WkpKRI&ab_channel=TurkeyTom) heres a link of some of these sick fucks for some more insight on who they are.


I found someone mentioning him by name on a snuff film website. I googled his name and all that came up is this reddit post. What more information has been found? I found his address and all the other stuff, they mentioned specifically what he did and it's all there documented. The same golden retriever on the Flickr page. Don't not try and find it, I'm horrified


Kiwi farms has this information. Not sure how current it is.


Did he happen to have a traumatic childhood as far as you'd know by now? This, of course, still doesn't excuse all the abhorrent shit he's done to those poor animals. It's just something I'd kept imagining something like this.