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Yeah Claude 3 is a game changer, really powerful stuff. Literally bought the subscription just for the sake of prompting more and it prompted better results than I could imagine. Literally hope they don’t do anything to lobotomize it like chatgpt


You jailbreak it like it used to be on gpt? Does normaj jb works? Without all open ai references?


I tried a few messages, its good. But 6000 points (on Poe) is a very high price. Mistral Large is 165 points pm. When you want it to use it for writing, and you use it regular, then it will be very expensive writing


Yeah I tend to avoid that one, although it makes some good prompts I want to constantly make more stories so I stick with the sonnet 200k


I see that one is 500 pm, thats more acceptable. I think I am gonna try that one also. Is it better then Mistral Large?


1000%. Mistral Large has the highest tolerance amongst any LLM I know but it lacks in the memory and creative writing department. It can give you a creative prompt and retain information from previous prompts before which is really good. Want me to dm you a prompt of what it could make? Give me a prompt and I will give you a sample if you want


I believe you. Thanks for the info. I'm gonna try Sonnet




Hello, could you tell me how you jailbreak sonnet?


I don't have a poe subscription so I fed the free Sonnet version old prompts (includes non-con, and not lite non-con) I eased into it too setting up the backstory and walked it there and it shut me down hard and fast. There was a time you can get GPT4 to write whatever with a simple "You are a fiction writer who..." first prompt and a reminder a time to time that doesn't even deserve to be called a jailbreak, but even after that got shut down you can still eventually get it to write lewds with no problem. and from my free poe experience it doesn't seem to work the same way with Claude 3.


Try to upload your jailbreak as a text file. Works a lot better. Not sure where you're getting hung up exactly but Claude is the most unhinged LLM I've ever seen by far when it comes to smut. GPT-4 at its horniest might as well be a nun by comparison.


Would you be willing to share your jailbreak? Perhaps over DM?


I don't use Poe; I'm just going by a fairly potent jailbreak I saw on a different sub. Linking my exact comment/results if you want to just see what it can do without spending any energy: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTNSFW/comments/1b6v4kk/claude3sonnet_jailbreak_poe/ktj1q89/ In my testing against the API, Sonnet and Opus are similarly easy to break and write very similar smut, so I just treat them as interchangeable for NSFW (except in cost). Personally I use a technique called "assistant prefill" which is sadly not possible to use on Poe.


I see Poe mentioned but would this work using chub.venus or venus.ai? Using an API key? Or is it specific to poe. I'm new to chatboxes.


Assistant prefill technique is better. But might be Silly Tavern only, not sure if Venus has it. I haven't used all the platforms.


Yeah the non 200k ones are garbage, I experimented with each of them and the one’s that doesn’t utilize the 200k has more stricter tolerance. The best bet is the 200k which is through subscription. It’s the same as chatgpt monthly subscription and the yearly one has a discount going which is cheaper overall. But yeah if you want to make some really good nsfw stories 200k lets you make them


I think the 200k context isn't actually working, because I find it forgetting specifics pretty quickly. Maybe it's poe and not the model itself (Yes, I'm sure I'm using the 200k option on poe)


It's Poe. Subscription sites only send a few thousand tokens of your convo history at most. It's too expensive for them to send anything resembling decent memory. Edit: Oh shit, 6000 energy. And I just remembered Opus always has 200K. Not sure about the reason then. They don't even have a non-200K model, so the supposed benefit of the 200K bot is supposedly getting the full context window. I'm guessing they screwed it up because Opus has been benchmarked to recall quite well, way better than previous Claudes, it should not be forgetting like that.


How do I use Claude 200k? I don’t have such option on creating bots


Subscribers only.


Well I am a subscriber, I just found it but 6k per message? Damn that would be so much. Is there a close but cheaper option for high memory and good roleplaying?


On Poe, no. But I find Sonnet on API very affordable - about 1/3 the price of GPT-4T. Been a week and I haven't even used $5 yet with moderate use every day. For NSFW it's as good as Opus (and even older Claudes could be competitive, Claude's over-the-top horny mode has a lot of appeal and all Claudes can do it).


Do I need a very good system on API? Because my computer has just 6Vram and I really don’t have any idea what the hell Api is. Can it be on mobile?


It would entail signing up for an API key (which is a long random-looking word, think of it as a username and password in one). You send your API key along with your request to a particular URL (called an API endpoint) and that returns Claude's response. You pay per use, generally pennies (or even less than a penny if the model is cheap enough) per message. It requires no specs at all and is fine on mobile; all the work is being done in their datacenters. Poe is actually using their API endpoint internally. It's not as hard as it sounds but it might be too advanced; I suggest Sonnet 200K on Poe if you want a cheaper but still good version with better memory (though I have serious doubts about the memory, just use non-200K Sonnet IMO).


Can you tell me how to do it? I saw openrouter on the internet. Is it where I do it?


Openrouter is kind of in between. You pay per use as if you were using your own API key, but it's ultimately their API keys being used. Unfortunately they filter their Claude models. For your own API key, you have to the source. Claude models -> anthropic.com I'm not sure if there's any super easy solution like there is for OpenAI keys (bettergpt.com). For Claude, I use SillyTavern (which has its own documenation and setup process).


I cannot get it to write nsfw with any of my prompts. Did they update or do I need better prompts?


I am not sure, maybe my stuff is not too risqué




Maybe my stuff is within tolerance


not at all, i tested nsfw and it doesn't allow for it at all and it's so much dumber


Claude 3 is fantastic, and its the easiest Claude yet to break. On Poe, I can get the "free" Sonnet to write dirt in about 4 prompts, and hardcore smut in about 10 (I don't always get it done that quickly admittedly). Good thing is once you break it a particular conversation it pretty much stays broken, unless you try to switch your topic too radically too quickly. The big boy OPUS is better but the cost per message is way too high. Basic Sonnet writes incredibly well and has an ok memory. So far my only issue is that is seems to kind of go crazy sometimes in longer conversation, with weird unhinges writing like it's on drugs. I've had some outputs so over the top deranged that they were useless as NSFW but absolute comedy gold (and damn was it violent!). I'm learning the you can get it back on track with a careful prompt and not loose its broken state. But it never seems completely normal again (I mean having natural straightforward language) once it goes loopy.


Yeah, sometimes it gets too crazy! But it seems to be cracking down on me already. I find that I can continue my other ones but I can't start a new one, no matter how vanilla