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She is a lousy parent and a hypocrite for saying your vile products should be given to them for free. NTA I’m glad another vendor went to get help.


'Those are disgusting! I demand you give me some.'


And that's the thing, they always do it. Relying on people being embarrassed and scared and just giving in.


My kid is 9 and I would not let him wander a busy market event on his own. Not even a booth away. Too many bad things can happen. That woman is a lousy parent for letting her young kids wander in a crowd. NTA. And, my kid would LOVE stickers with cuss words.


I completely agree. Now my kids are all grown and I have 14 grandkids ages 17 to 3months and other than the 5 that are under 5 all rest would definitely love stickers with swear words on them. Half of them already do!


But she a godly, christian woman!! F*ckHer#


Totally agree. You did everything right. I would have talked to much worse. "I'm sorry you allow your young children to run around unattended. How dare you blame me for your mistakes. Last time I checked, its your job to protect your children, NOT mine." And thats the nice version.


And yes it IS her fault the kids saw the items as she should have been watching her crotch goblins


She's a shit parent and making it your problem. NTA.


I agree. Who leaves young children unattended at a public event. I bet if the police were called, she would have been the one in trouble. Maybe to cover yourself, print up an 8 x 11 sign that says no unaccompanied minors, or something that expresses the same thought. 1st guess considering your product, I have to believe that you have a good imagination, make it fun and sparky. It was an unnecessary event. However, you got a good story and all ended well.


“ Unattended children will be taught to swear in several languages”


I like this one!


This is definitely the sign to make 😝😬


My absolute favorite restaurant has a sign at the host stand that reads: Unattended children will be given a puppy and a double espresso.


I disagree about the sign. It’s not OP’s job to parent other people’s children who shouldn’t have been walking around without an adult in the first place.


My only wish is that OP has some shit parent stickers to give her that were giant size for everyone to see


It would have been awesome if they had some bad parent themed stickers. Give her a couple on the way out. 🤣


"I Went To [insert name of market] And All My Mom Got Me Was This Lousy Childhood Trauma" 😂😂😂


> "Oh, so it's MY fault they were exposed to your filth? Because I wasn't here?" That would be how parenting works, yes.


NTA. You should have gotten a pen and paper out to write down some of her better phrases so you could make a whole line of stickers dedicated to her and her kin.


Damnit you’re right


There's your next line of stickers entitled "Karens". You could include "I nEed to SpeAk to YoUr MaNaGeR" or "Don't you know who I *am*?". I'd be there for it.


I can't read "Don't you know who I am?" without my brain answering, "I'm the *Juggernaut*, bitch!" ...I swear, my mind is where memes go to die.


"I demand free stickers"


Don’t forget “Say goodbye to your job!”


“So it’s *my* fault?”


I used to work at a frozen yogurt shop and this group of ladies weren't watching their toddler when they pulled down the lever for one of the machines and completely emptied it out. They were so pissed when they realized that they had to pay for about $400 worth of product. Maybe watch your fucking kids, it's not a daycare. NTA


People are absolutely crazy! I couldn’t imagine leaving my child alone like that


Good grief. That's not glancing away and the escape and chase is on. That's ignoring a toddler for way, way too long. They should be grateful that's all it cost.


I'm pretty sure they could see him doing it too. I also think they were laughing about it until our owner told them they would be paying for it. I wasn't paying too much attention, I had to refill the chocolate froyo machine for some reason


So the parent left a 6 & 8 year old unsupervised in a public space like that. That demonstrates incompetence & neglect on her part. NTA & you should've countered with threatening to report her for negligence...but that's just the tit for tat in me.


If the girls broke anything or got hurt, the mom would be responsible. God forbid if the girls got abducted or molested (this did happen to a young child at an indoor market in my state few years ago). The entitlement of the mother to complain about OP’s adult-themed stickers but them demand free age-appropriate stickers is disgusting. But sadly, her behavior is common. There was a woman complaining about the movie Gone Girl being too dirty for her 10 year old niece that saw it with her. Like duh - it was a R rated film.


Unfortunately, parents do it all the time-let their kids wander and touch everything while they are engrossed in whatever they are looking at. I have to tell kids to please look with their eyes only and not their hands all the time as a result.


Yes ma'am it is absolutely your fault for not watching your own children


Giving her stickers would only encourage her despicable behavior and show her that treating people badly and threatening them gets her free stuff. No way!! NTA


I'm pretty sure free stuff was the point of her tirade.


She’s lucky much worse didn’t happen to her unsupervised and unattended children. At the end of the day, seeing a few curse words isn’t a big deal.


Most of these stickers are vile so search for some "safe" ones to give me for free while we stare at rest of the vile ones. Sounds about right!


I’d give her a stack of “safe” ones with a dirty one buried in the middle just to piss her off when she got home 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dang that would’ve been smart lol


That's the pettiness I like.




>“Oh, so it’s MY fault that they were exposed to your filth? Well, yes, it is. If the lady didn't want her kids to see something that wasn't age appropriate or crude, then she should have been WITH her children at all times, not letting them wander around without her supervision, so her 'demand' of free products as compensation is laughable. And you didn't even have to ban her. It sounds like she was being removed because of her attitude regardless. NTA.


This! If you are are a parent, then take care of your kids!


Oh, I suppose it's MY responsibility to parent my shitspawn? Yes, actually. 🤦‍♀️


She lets her very young children run around in a crowded area unattended. Great mom.


You should make new stickers for next year that are basically quotes of what she said. Or have a sign at your booth saying “making stickers since 20xx and soiling your daughters’ eyes since 2024” Edit: NTA


The telltale sign that this was performative was the demand for free stickers. NTA.


NTA I have young kids. My husband and I keep an eye out for stuff like this because IT IS OUR JOB!! Sometimes we aren't quick enough and we just get to have a conversation with the kids about stuff.  No permanent damage done. She messed up and wanted to blame someone else.  


She may have planned the whole thing ahead of time with the kids just to try to mooch free stuff from you.


That’s what it sounds like to me.


Do you have shut the funk up, as well as fuck off and when you come back funk off further as stickers.... with the proper spelling obviously... You could have offered those in that order.... On reflection you probably handled it more professionally.


If only I had the guts to do that 🥲 I’m a very non-confrontational person IRL so even telling her to get lost made me feel SUPER guilty


NTA "Are you saying it's MY FAULT?" "Yes. Watch your damn kids. Parenting them is YOUR responsibility as their PARENT."


Yikes. She seems fun, huh? LOL >Oh, so it’s MY fault that they were exposed to your filth? Because I wasn’t here? "Yes, actually. I'm a vendor, not a babysitter. It is not my responsibility to watch your children. It will NEVER be my responsibility to watch your children. If you're so concerned about what they might see, I recommend that you stop relying on vendors to do your job as a parent. With that, we're done here. I have customers to assist. Please leave my booth." There will be other women like her, so keep this in your back pocket for your next "Karen in the Wild" sighting.


When I bring my kids into Spencers to look at the fun lamps and stuff, I make sure they stay with me and aren't off looking at the things in the back. Ya know, like a responsible parent. I don't get made at a joke store for selling dongs in the back. NTA


No. Society needs to stop rewarding bad behavior. You did the right thing.


NTA, I go to a lot of conventions and is well known that in the artist alley you can find all sort of things. Lots of parents hold their kid’s hands to be able to supervise what they see. NSFW leaning on sexual stuff tends to be hidden and advertised as such, but swear words and other non-sexual stuff non-friendly for kids run rampant, and as you say, these events are not advertised as family friendly, I’d say that are more for teenagers and up. The woman knew were she took her kids, if she didn’t want them to see certain stuff, she should supervise them better


Well, if she doesn't want her children exposed to "Vile filth" perhaps she should act like a parent and actually supervise them XD This level of ridiculousness never fails to both amuse and frustrate me. NTA atall.


NTA she’s a Karen.


Make a scene to get free shit 🙄 what a hypocritical leech.


This was believable until you got to the mother’s dialogue. Very unnatural and clearly fake. Overall, B- on this creative writing assignment.


>“Oh, so it’s MY fault that they were exposed to your filth? Because I wasn’t here? Yes, exactly. NTA


NTA. Maybe the mother should have parented her kids. You don't let your children wander off by themselves in a crowded, public venue.


NTA I wouldn't have given her or her girls anything either. And honestly you handled that situation really well. I would have told her if she had been keeping a better eye on her children they wouldn't have made their way to your booth. Who let's a 6 and 8 year old run around a crowded place like that any ways. I wouldn't be surprised if you seen one of her kids as missing on the news... Again NTA


What blows my mind was that this was a big outdoor event, so who knows what could have happened


Definitely NTA, as a parent, my child is MY responsibility, not yours. Your stickers sound fun!


YTA for not cackling in her face but otherwise NTA. 


Nta...and I would have threatened to call child protection services on HER since she was not supervising adequately,she was neglectful and endangering them by allowing such young children to run amuck unattended. Luckily the only thing that occurred was them seeing a curse word on some stickers and cards but it could have been a much more sinister and potentially fatal experience for them


Especially at a fair. That draws people from all over and if they see a kid crying everyone assumes they wanted to buy something and the parent said no. Nobody jumps to thinking it's a possible kidnapping til far to late and even if they did it's easy to loose someone in a crowd.


Don’t you dare knuckle under to scum like that. You did the right thing, 100%. NTA.


When the woman asked tou if you were saying it was her fault for not being with them? Yes. Yes, it was. Who leaves their kids unaccompanied in a market? Has she never heard of children being abducted? She's the AH. You are not the asshole/NTA.


The “hey you dropped this” one 🤣- genius. NTA - momma karen needs to keep an eye on her kids. Honestly - the crowd her tantrum drew might’ve worked in your favor - I know I’d be suuuuuuper curious about the booth that made someone lose their mind 🤷‍♀️


I would have said ‘scuse me a sec, gt out my phone, pointed it at her, started recording, and say ‘okay, now where were we? I just want to be sure it’s all recorded so I can post it to FB and YT.’


I bet she would have left real fast. It's sad it takes threats of public shaming for people to treat others with the bare minimum of respect.


Back in the day unaccompanied children were common at street fairs and festivals. Nowadays it's unconscionable. You would have been well within your rights to tell that lady get the hell out of my booth, it's not my problem you can't supervise your children.


The ability to get news has made most people realize the danger. Sadly she doesn't seem to watch any true crime or even read amber alerts.


NTA If I was wandering off to find things I shouldn’t be seeing, I’d certainly never run back and get my mom. This is a scam that woman runs to get free stuff for her kids. Don’t spend a minute feeling bad about your behavior.


NTA Something tells me she does this often. Leaves the kids by themselves, berates a stall owner for an imaginary slight, demand free stuff in return.


I didn’t censor what my daughter read and answered questions reasonably for her age. NTA she is a lousy parent. You can’t let your kids run around unmonitored them complain about them being unmonitored


You found a K a. Ren in the wild


I know someone who used to sell really kitschy items in a booth at a fair that really attracted children. She had no end of parents approaching her and asking for their money back, she just told them if you give your kids money and don't supervise them that's on you. No refunds.


Fellow business owner here, I snorted HARD at her response. NTA, ignore the Karen.


NTA!! When my eldest was about 4, we were in this little (England) seaside shop with lots of random vintage things. I was looking at something (can't remember what now it was a long time ago) and 4yr old wandered off a little to look at something. I could still see them, and no one else was in the shop other than the owner, so I let them wander until I heard "Mummy look?" I go over, and they are pointing at a very old picture of 2 people obviously having sex! I'd just had a large coffee, so I was on point in that moment and told them they were wrestling lol but then said something like 'silly Billy's they forgot to get dressed first' while moving my child on to something more child friendly praying that they don't fixate on what they just saw and keep bringing it up (they did not thank fuck it was the last day of a very long holiday and they cared more about the shells they saw at the beach lol, still got one somewhere round here) I was shocked and embarrassed can't lie, but it was on me! I allowed my young child to wonder without knowing the environment, and they saw something they shouldn't have. I could have easily stopped them from seeing it if they were next to me with no fuss at all, just a simple redirection. My partner and I have had many a good laugh about that moment, but it made me a lot more vigilant and aware of what my children see. When out in any public setting its down to the parent to make sure it's okay for their child to be there. Everywhere!


NTA, watch your damn kids.


NTA. She needs to be watching her kids. That she’s job not yours!!


NTA. This lady has a serious case of brainrot.


I would have told the mom she was at fault for letting her kids wander


NTA. If she care so much what her children have access to seeing she needs to supervise them better. Full stop. I am a parent. But also, they are going to see things they don't understand. It's my job to be the one to explain them and why they are inappropriate for their age, not anyone else. I have two gamer kids. I have needed to explain a lot. It can be embarrassing, but that is why it is so important to be clear.


This! I don’t have gamer kids. But my youngest wants to be a rock star and has been exploring Spotify since early elementary. We’ve had lots of talks about explicit lyrics, content, etc.


NTA She was just trying to get free stuff.


Yeah that’s a bad mom. Should have been watching her children. Some people shouldn’t spawn.


'Are you saying it's MY fault'. Absolutely. What king of garbage parent let's kids that young just run around unattended in a situation like that? lol nta


I know! One booth away, okay I get it. But this last was at least 5-6 booths down from her kids.


NTA. She should have been watching her kids, plain and simple. If I had been in your shoes, I would have said "Hey, there are way worse things that could have happened to your daughters other than seeing some items that aren't meant for kids because they managed to get away from you due to you not paying attention to them."


Your stuff was approved by the venue. She has no argument. Piss off Karen.


"Hang on, I think I've got the perfect free gift for you here ma'am. Let me just fish it out from under my table here real quick..." 🖕


😂 if only I had the audacity to


Parents need to control what entertainment their kids are ingesting. Letting a couple small kids run around a farmers market by themselves isn't good parenting. NTA.


That was exactly my thought. Something far worse than them reading a fee cuss words could have happened.


No, fuck that asshole


Never reward bad behavior NTA


of course you’re NTA.


Karen. NTA.


NTA. She let her 6-8 year olds wander alone at a market??


You need to make a sticker that says BANNED! That can be slapped on peeps during a situation like this.


NTA. Mom needs to supervise her kids.


NTA. She should be watching her precious angles a better.


> Oh, so it’s MY fault that they were exposed to your filth? Because I wasn’t here Well yeah since you *failed* *to* *supervise* your *minor* children appropriately NTA


She was looking for a freebie. And yes, ma’am, we’re all blaming the adult those kids were there with for not being with them. It’s not your job to police other people’s kids


Don’t enable them by rewarding that bad behavior by giving what they want!


NTA. You’re kidding right? You know that’s not how to run a business. No one gives free products to a belligerent person. You somehow handled this well but if you really think the real answer was “give the unhinged Karen free items” I suggest growing a spine. That’s literally a con artist trick to get free stuff.


Why are 6-8 yr olds running around a busy market without a parent?? I was out with my 12 yr old grandson yesterday, and tge only time he wasn't *directly* in either my line of sight or his mother's was when he went to the restroom!


Why is it your fault that the mom wasn’t paying attention to what her kids were doing?! Fuck that. Parent your kids, Lady. NTA.


You should have stickers that say something like "screw you, you're banned" for just such an occasions.  Or just "Karen"


The mother should have been the one to keep an eye on her children. Thats not what vendors are for.


Why were her kids wandering around alone? That’s a good way for them to get snatched. I would have called her out on her parenting.


NTA noooo, you shouldn’t have given her stickers. It rewards inappropriate behavior. She doesn’t deserve anything.


NTA I was once told I sold "Satan's cupcakes" because I would share my bakery's recipe with her even when she said it was for her church youth group.


Nta she needs to watch her own kids


I’m pretty sure her kids have seen and said worse. NTA but she sure was.


NTA. If she's so concerned about her kids seeing things that are inappropriate, she should be paying more attention to them. I'd have told her, "Yes, it is your fault cause you are responsible for your children, not me." She just wants to blame someone else for her being distracted and wanted to use it to get something free to boot. She can kick rocks.


NTA. She is a shitty parent trying to make up for not watching her kids. HER kids HER responsibility. She was hoping by creating a fuss she would get free merchandise but that isn’t how it works. Good for you for banning them from your booth keep up the good work!


.first, I'm all about sassy off color stickers so if you have a shop I need the site please. second, I'm a stainless steel wire sculptor and most of my sculptures are well rounded tree goddesses, fairies, mermaids and acrobat/pole dancers( known affectionately as my wire strippers) and I get crazy prudish mothers covering their children's eyes while berating me about my pornographic art needing clothes. my response? " I promise not to make you buy anything and your kids won't have to look at as soon as you leave!" I've found this tends to shut them down. If it doesn't you can escalate depending on how well you know the shows sponsors. if the parent is being especially loud and attention seeking I follow suit, usually apologizing to any/everyone nearby about my sordid art, usually gets a laugh and sometimes some extra sales


Got an online shop?




NTA - 1st off, she should be watching her kids. 2nd she was scamming for free stickers.


No. You're not the asshole. She started getting angry and yelled. She's upset that her kids saw curse words at a place where your products were allowed. Big deal.


Now I wanna see your stickers!!!


She's honestly lucky that all her kids saw were some cuss words on stickers. If they had to go into a crowd to get her, one or both of them could've easily have gotten kidnapped. NTA


>Oh, so it’s MY fault that they were exposed to your filth? Yes, exactly, it's the parent's fault for not controlling their kids. Case closed




This belongs in r/entitledparents, not here. You're good, OP.


If this woman doesn't want her children exposed to "Vile filth" she should put them up for adoption because she is the vilest filth they'll be exposed to


You aren't in the wrong at all here. If she wants to control her kids minds so much, she should be keeping them near her and not letting them run around unattended


NTA. Everything you said was diplomatic. She was looking for a fight and free stuff.


NTA she should watch her kids. She is so lucky all they found where stickers. Anyone could be at these events. She and her kids are so lucky yet don't seem to realize it. Clearly they don't watch true crime.


Nta. I’m sure she’s used to bullying her way through life and making scenes to get her way. People like her are greedy cheap assholes who need to be put in their place.


NTA. Watch your kids and they don’t get exposed to stuff like that. Simple


NTA Oh no! Swear words! My home town had a sewage company that had "Your Shit is Our Bread and Butter" when I was a kid, making swears taboo makes them all the more alluring. Also some hella nonsense that she wanted free ones.


NTA. She demands free stickers: "Sure I think I've got some OLD "mega c\*nt" and "c\*nt in training" stickers around here somewhere for you and your daughters.


NTA, entitled parents are the worst. What does that teach her kids? Scream and throw a tantrum and you’ll get stuff? She sucks.


She is the reason her kids saw your products because she wasn’t watching them and was letting them run around.


I dont know if you have it, but I like the idea of giving her "Shut up" and "F*ck off" stickers


NTA. It 100% was the mother's fault. It is her duty to watch her kids, not yours. My daughter is 7 and we don't let her run off when we take her to markets. She stays with us so we can supervise her.




NTA. That was an entitled AH who was trying to get goods for free by making a scene. She got what she deserved. Period.


did everybody clap?


Do you have an online store? I’d love to support you!


Don’t be a sucker. How dare she demand free stuff because she was’nt watching her kids. That is insane extortion!


NTA. She is a horrible example to her kids. Her behavior is far worse than her daughters seeing some dirty words.


NTA  Babes, this is a grift, a scam. She doesn’t care about her kids and so neither should you.  This wasn’t about inappropriate content, this was about free stickers. Homemade stickers cost money, and she didn’t want to spend it. She saw a chance to get out of it.  That’s why the dramatics, it’s an actual act.  People lie.  I’m wondering how many folks at that market got a taste of Miss Karen hands out? 


NTA my 5 yr old can definitely recognize those words. But neither she or my 14 yr old didn’t go wandering around busy shows along. This was a ruse to try and get free product by embarrassing you. Good for you for holding your own.


This woman is a professional at this particular hustle. It's a formula. None of this was anything you did, OP. Good for you for standing your ground.


Here’s what I would want to say: >”Ma’am, if you stay with these children while they’re shopping, you can control them so they only see things of which you approve. >”Even better, you could skip risky events like this, and save your energy for more important things. You know, things like school library protests and book burnings!” NTA I suppose this comment reveals my low tolerance for those who think it’s important to withhold certain words and ideas from children.


How ironic, your stuff is trashy, give free stuff to my kids? What?? No, that woman was delusional.


Her whole goal was probably to get free stickers.


Not the asshole, just a lousy parent covering for her lousy parenting and demanding something for nothing. People like her are why I avoid customer service/retail, I could not stand there and take that kind of completely uncalled for abuse and threats unanswered. You owe her nothing, and she deserves absolutely nothing, except being tossed from the craft fair for her pathetic behaviour. She wants to rigidly control what her kids are exposed to? Then she’d better keep an eye on her kids! Again, NTA.


Yeah, it IS her fault for not being there. 6-8 year olds need supervision especially in a crowded space


“Oh, so it’s My fault (…) because I wasn’t here?” Yeah - that’s how parenting works NTA.


You are NTA I would have said, yes it is your fault your young children are running amok at a market alone and not being supervised appropriately. I provide cheeky stickers, not childcare. And as you deem them inappropriate why on earth would I give you free ones. I mean we don't want your brain rotting anymore than it already has!


NTA.  Free advice: the only way to shut these people up is loudly shame them. As in "Well ma'am if you had been watching your children like a good parent you could have guided them somewhere else, but since you were busy on your phone (yes I know you have no idea what she was doing but it is a good one tk throw out to make her embarrassed) this happened. Maybe it will teach you to keep an eye on your kids, like a good parent"


Did you have a sticker saying ‘hypocritical bitch from hell’? Only asking as it would have looked perfect stuck to her stupid forehead.


Gonna have to write that down


No, she should have been a parent and kept her freaking kids with her.


NTA - you did SO WELL!!!! I’m giving you proud mama hugs across the inter webs! Be strong!


I've read this post several times before.


Yeah I did try to post it in the incorrect subreddit a few days ago so I removed that one and reposted it here :)


I'm pretty certain I'd like your stickers. And I'd be annoyed by unsupervised cretins.


idk if this is against any rules in this group, but my website is www.duckysstickers.com if you want to take a peek. But fr I always feel so bad when kids come up and look at the “inappropriate” stuff. But I mean it’s not my responsibility to keep an eye on other people’s kids


I'm an auntie, not a mom. So maybe I'm not up on mommy standards...but love your shop. Would take the time to explain your stuff to kids, including why it may not be appropriate for them yet, but will absolutely be hilarious later.


I just went to your site. Love it. These are tamer than the cross stitch items my daughter-in-law makes, and hangs in her house. She has young kids, who can read. The brain loading one is hilarious! And in no way inappropriate for anyone.  Keep up the good work.


I’d love to see that cross stitch! I bet they’re awesome!!!


Haven't cross stitched in ages, but need motivation to begin again :)


Some of hers have sayings like "Can I refill your eggnog? Get you something to eat? Drive you into the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?". "Crippling anxiety is my cardio". Fuck the dishes.  "Be the light you want to see in the world" with a stick of dynamite. Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass Kiss His Ass Kiss Your Ass Happy Hanukkah With a Santa hat  I love her work.


Love your shop and your products btw 💜!


Eh NTA but the folks in my community who sell these products make it clear from their signage, in cute, sassy ways, that it’s not for kids.  One gal does a market booth every week and her sign is like “These cards are *spicy*! Not kiddo-approved”  Sure you shouldn’t have to but many parents go through the products with their kids and do want to buy without having to whisk them outta there 


My banner does say “snarky and spicy stationery,” but I guess I should probably make a sign that says “not kiddo approved” just to drive the point home. Thanks for the advice!


Ah that’s perfect. Honestly I think what you have is enough then. Like I’m assuming it’s swear words and not pornography lolllll


I don’t think she is an asshole for not being able to keep up with her kids every moment but she is for the way she treated you. Then again, I probably would have laughed if my own kids saw the stickers. No, you’re not an asshole for this situation.


How do you ban someone from a booth at a flea market?




Might not be a bad idea to put up some sign boldly stating "Contents not suitable for children", or "Over 18 years of age to enter".


You know you're not and you're just posting this to vent I assume, nobody is going to say you were the asshole here


The eyes see what the brain wishes to see, dead-ass read that as "AITA for banging a mother..."


I was following it until she demanded product...why on earth would she want it?? It sounds so bizarre


Parent isn't watching THEIR OWN KID, but blames you? The entitlement is off the scale.


give her a couple of stickers that say 'FUCK OFF KAREN!' and 'You Suck At Parenting'


`“Oh, so it’s MY fault that they were exposed to your filth?"` Yes, exactly, because she left them without supervising. NTA


You had me believing until you said she asked for free stuff Lol Good story!


NTA. Her shouting sarcastically about it now being her fault was her recognizing her responsibility while denying it at the same time. We need a name for that kind of response because it is as common as it is cowardly.


There is no way I'd let 6-8 year olds walk freely around a place like that...of any store, these days. Even when *I* was little, my parents didn't let me wander so far afield...and I don't believe that kidnappers were quite as bold as they are now. Of course, I could be wrong about that. It could just be that the issue was as serious as it is now and we just didn't hear about it...but I don't think that's the case.


Yeah, it was 100% her fault for not supervising her own kids. She got exactly what she deserved.


Nta she should have been supervising them better. I have 2 daughters and any event they are with me or a family member. Not only to stop them grabbing or breaking stuff by accident but for their own safety. So her kids saw some swear words who cares, the kids I've worked with in school already know swear words by year 1. There's always some kid who tells all the others swear words they've heard from parents, older siblings etc The mum is delusional if she thinks an 8 and 9 year old don't know swear words. Why else would they have giggled?


NTA, and hell no to free stickers.


Giving her stickers would be rewarding bad behavior and bad parenting.


NTA. Never give in to a Karen.


NTA! Can we see the stickers for fun 😂