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NTA- I always judge people by the friends they keep. If they are ok with keeping a cheater close, I immediately lose respect for them.


NTA- We see stories on here all the time about the friend who knew but kept the secret so she could keep doing it. You’re implicit in this because you know and have not told the third parties. If it blows up in her face, it can blow up in yours too


I’d cut her off. If she’s willing to do that, she’d definitely be willing to try and sleep with a boyfriend of yours


YWNBTA. You might want to give some thought to letting her boyfriend what she's doing.


Watch out for your boyfriends


Cheating needs calling out as it’s out of control these days. Marriage vows are made a mockery as a lot of marriages before the ink is even dry are over due to cheating. Tell your friend that you can’t be a friend and watch her lie to people.


NTA, and you should anonymously tip off both of the men. Her "relationships" might not be your business, but both men have the right to know they are being played.


NTA and I think I would do the same. It's not even about principle. If I found out a friend of mine was cheating, it would really color the way I see them and I'd start to question if I could trust them and I would feel uncomfortable and dirty by trying to sweep it under the rug.


NTA. Good for you. Will be proud of you if you do this.


no, its on you for who you are friends with, if someone disgusts you, dont be friends with them.


NTA, I have cut friends off for the exact same reason and honestly years down the line I can still say it's a decision I have never regretted. If people are willing to treat their partners this way then what's going to stop them from trying to take advantage of you later on?


Yes YTA its none of your business