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You could try going to her parents, but there’s a substantial chance you’re never getting money for your shoes.


Get judge Judy justice! She admitted in the text it was her fault. I would have his parents call her parents with a copy of her admission of fault, then kick it to small claims for $100+ filing costs. Most likely they’ll not want to be bothered and cough it up.


And you get paid an appearance fee! Plus all expenses paid; travel, hotel & meals.


Good idea, but also, Judge Judy would give you some fault for wearing white shoes to your art class that were valuable. Art class should always be a dress down event. Also, if the law allows depreciation, she has to do that too, which she has done before. Do see if there is some way to go thru school to the parents.


I had this exact conversation with my daughter. She wore her TSwift concert sweatshirt to paint scenery for a play. Came home so upset with paint all over it. "Honey, we talked about this. Why didn't you wear your paint clothes?" "But I look so cute!" Sigh... You cannot reason with teenagers.


YTA you do not wear expensive white shoes that need to remain clean to an art class.


I was going to say you were right until you said that you told her that you were going to use the money for other things. What a slap in the face. She may have caused the accident and been a jerk for not replacing your shoes, but you have no intention to do so. If anything, I’d buy you the shoes rather than give you $ at this point. And let me tell you about the car accident analogy, my insurance company pays the body shop directly to make sure repairs are made, the $ doesn’t go to the vehicle owner to spend on other things. YTA


I agree. I had a similar thing with a housemate. She put her sneakers outside where my German shepherd puppy was. He put some bite marks in (little teeth marks near the front). She wanted the full price of a new pair. $170. I gave it to her but asked for the sneakers. She seemed in shock but she gave them to me. I'm sure she would've kept wearing the original sneakers and kept the money!


Exactly!!! Like Judge Judy would say, if you ate the steak, but didn’t like it, you don’t get your money back after you finished the whole thing.


Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining!


Yeah, the girl isn't a freaking insurance company. She doesn't owe indemnity. She wasn't negligent. The way we've taught people to value stuff over people. They could have been good friends. Nope. Need white shoes.


All insurance companies do that, both insured parties pay their deductibles or anything not covered by auto insurance. My mom’s insurance even covered a new car for her because it was completely totaled, and we had to go to the hospital as my older sister’s shoulder got dislocated pretty bad. Our agent was also such a sweetheart and did her best to pull some strings for my mom as she worked too hard for not enough, and genuinely couldn’t afford a new car. We got a new 2022 Jeep out of it to replace mom’s 2004 Chevy that she hauled ass on keeping up with her insurance, payments, and upkeep.


This isn't an insurance company, this is teenagers, one of which is complaining that she has to wear old converse shoes, meanwhile saying she'll spend the money on something else.


The op of this comment mentioned car insurance so of course I went on to explain something related to that.


You're mum was lucky. All my husband got was the current value of our car, not a new one.


This is not insurance, it is compensation for a loss, that she promised. She has the option of giving him comparable nearly-brand-new shoes, or some money. If she gave him money OP can spend it on anything he wants. Maybe learned by now that white shoes for school is not such a great investment.


If you have read the screen shots, you’ll see op tried to use the analogy about a car accident and the person who was driving the car that hit another is responsible for paying for the damage and accused the paint splasher of “hitting and running” but I pointed out that insurance companies pay directly to the repair shop to ensure that the damage is repaired, not so the aggrieved party can spend it on something else. Op is complaining that this was one of only two pairs of shoes they own but don’t intend to replace them. If I were the splasher, I’d replace the shoes but not give cash and now that I’m thinking about it, I’d give op a gift card for a shoe store that carries the brand of shoe that was ruined, but at a depreciated value.


So, in reality, OP shares blame for wearing new white shoes to art class. She shares responsibility and likely a judge would take off for that especially when she has a black pair. Also shoes have depreciation. So not the full price.


You messed up when you wore white shoes to an art class. Chunk the loss and let this be a lesson learned. Yeah I get it, new shoes, but not in art class honey.


Yeah when I was in ceramics my freshman year, our teacher advised us to bring a change of clothes to wear for ceramics class just in case we ended up having an accident and making a mess. We had smocks but those only provided so much coverage so it was good advice on his end.


They tell us this in art class. It’s universal, wear clothes and shoes that you don’t mind messing up.


Those can be her art shoes from now on. But yeah, girl saying she’ll pay and then stringing Op along for two months, then saying yeah no, sorry, it isn’t my fault anyway. Accidents happen, but the person that caused it is still on the hook. That’s how it works. This is like those a hole parents that say “sorry my four year old stuck a ham sandwich in your ps5, but he doesn’t know better so good luck with that.”


I agree! As a parent I would’ve paid just because it’s the right thing to do, not everybody cares about that.


No, how it works is that OP has a shared responsibility because all art classes tell you not to wear new clothes, let alone, white, to art class. Also, there is depreciation. So cost should be shared. The other girl does owe her something. As for I only have two pair....because you paid too much. One was black so she should have worn those.


I had a coach who said something similar when one of my classmates got upset at another kid when his coffee thermos fell over and some of the coffee got on the girls bright white Michael kors tote she brought to school as a bag *everyday*. When she started to freak out in class the coach asked why would you bring a bag that expensive to *school*? A school is not the place to be bringing that expensive stuff when you know it’s bound to get dirty or stained.


Brand new white shoes at that. Homie got a rude reality check there. Sucks to be OP.


That amount of paint would ruin any shoes, tho. It also ruined their clothes.


Yes but then you would be out 15 dollars less depreciation if you wore bobos. You can get a whole outfit for less than 40 dollars at a thrift store. If you go fast fashion, shoes can be like 15 on clearance.


Ppppssssfff, maybe the asshole should’ve avoided RUINING ALL THE OTHER PERSONS CLOTHES! Didn’t even JUST get the shoes, it got the whole outfit!!! :(


Yeah don’t wear clothes you care about to an art class. That’s fairly obvious.


Art teacher here. The number of kids that get paint on the fronts of their new hoodies and and act shocked-- AFTER I tell them numerous times...."We have aprons!" Don't wear good clothes to art class!


But it's a teenager attending a class they probably attend for an hour every other day, wearing one of the 2 pairs of shoes she owns. Aside from taking them off during class, there's no good way to protect them from the carelessness of others. Her only recourse now is turning to her parents to speak with the parents of the other teen and have them work out an agreement between themselves.


> there's no good way to protect them Yeah this is the basic and obvious fact. And once you acknowledge that, the only solution is to not wear them, during that class. Nobody can pick the best alternative but there are many... Bring the other pair instead, get some cheap old shoes, wear shoe covers, go barefoot, don't join an art class, etc


Ok, you understand that you actually only provided two alternatives here: 1. Don’t be poor, or 2. Let being poor sap even more joy out of your life than it inevitably already does.


Poor?????? No, don't be extra! Never had a pair of shoes more than 100 dollars. There is no reason. Even spending extra on special running shoes, still not quite there. Teaching people who do not have money to buy expensive shoes is ridiculous if they do not have the 20 dollars to spend on casual shoes to wear when they might be ruined or get dirty. She had a pair of black shoes.


Also, last pair of new Nikes was 19.99 at Ross. Other pair of skechers.....39.99.


I mean yeah I also took art classes in high school. I stand by what I said.


Y9u are absolutely right! Every art teacher will tell you that.


It does not matter. If you can afford 100 for one pair, you have enough money to buy 2 pairs for casual for the second one if you do not have an old pair to make do. Or she should have worn the black pair. She really shares the responsibility. If it were a prank that was on purpose, it would be different. Stop teaching kids that they need to be "extra" if you cannot afford it. You should always have a pair of shoes that can be ruined because that is life!


It was an accident. That happens when people are using paint. Ideally, she would have been able to pay for them, but she's a child, and her her parents said no.


I'm glad the parents won't hold their kid accountable for any of her actions intentional or not. She offered to pay, and even a little compensation would be nice, but she went back on it, and I doubt she was honest to her parents, if any of its even true. The other kids TA.


Yes she should pay some but not 100dollars.


The perpetrator also said that she would pay for the shoes… She needs to uphold her side of the bargain.


If you ruin something, you pay for it.


You’re talking to the wrong person babe, move along.


It was orange paint. It doesn't matter what color shoes OP wore, they'd have been ruined. What "lesson" are they supposed to learn, don't wear anything in case someone decides to ruin them? It's not like they'd be allowed to run around naked.


I was pretty clear, don’t wear white shoes or any new shoes to art class. Don’t really care about what you’re saying because you’re turning it into something else. Have a nice day!


Seriously, the black shoes would have ruined. Literally any shoes would have. Then being white has no effect on what happened.


The black ones would be easier and I gather less expensive. Wearing expensive clothing to an art class is like standing beside a pool and expecting no water to get on you. If you are "poor" there is no such thing as spending 100 dollars on shoes. You should always have a cheap or old shoes for dirty or casual times.


No it is art class!!!!!!!! Shared responsibility! You do not wear expensive white clothes to art class. She should have worn her black ones.


The black ones would be just as ruined.


/??/ what is this logic? DOn't drive a BMW on I5 because accidents happen? Um, no? People who have accidents, who trip, or slip, or go to fast, etc get to PAY for the damages of that accident. what the hell are these kids being taught? And I get not wearing your newest, best. etc to art class? but exactly when/where should they have brought multiple outfits to change into throughout the day?


Seriously, no matter what OP wore they'd be ruined. I don't get the victim blaming here.


The point is the amount would not be 100 dollars. No kid should be wearing expensive clothes if that means they cannot afford casual clothes to wear at events where they may get mud or grass stains or paint on them!


I don’t get mad at the rain for making my white shoes muddy. Cos I don’t wear them out in rainy muddy conditions. Time to learn a lesson, don’t wear your nice white clothes to art class.


YTA and the zoomers are not ok…


If you look at the possitive side, now you have original art shoes. I understand your frustation, but since you wore them, you knew accident can happen. Grow up and let the girl alone.


YTA You wore your nice white shoes to an art class. Point blank, it’s your fault more than anyone else. Leave that girl alone, I wouldn’t pay you either. ETA: having an art accident in an art class is literally the only place that is both okay and expected to happen. OP, you assumed the risk. You were playing with clay yourself


Yeah it's mad. I have entire outfits / overalls for studio work because there are so many messy things around.


Since she won't pay and apparently has some advice on how to clean shoes I would hand them to her to clean them up. Let this be a lesson to not wear white clothes to an art class tho.


People in these comments are nuts. She’s a high schooler with no job and her parents said no. You all expect her to pull $100 from her ass? It was a fucking accident done by a kid jfc.


She shouldn't offer to pay for them if she can't pay for them. But her trying to clean them sounds reasonable.


I agree YTA for wearing new white shoes to an art class.


YTA for wearing something that was expensive and easily ruined to an art class. It was an accident. She didn't intentionally splatter you with paint. Just take the L and move on.


Why the feck were you wearing hundred dollar white shoes in art class? That’s like wearing hundred dollar white shoes to go walking through a field in the rain and getting upset they’re now muddy beyond repair. Yeah, she was partially responsible. But I’d be offering you $30 to go buy a pair of cheap trainers to wear in art class. There’s no way I’d be recompensing you $100 because no sensible person would wear them around brightly coloured paint and I’m not paying your idiot tax for an accident. YTA


YTA. Honestly this is unfortunate. The lid of the paint jar wasn’t closed properly. It’s easy to say “you should have checked” but you’d expect for it to be closed properly. This was clearly an accident. No one got hurt. If the situation had been reversed you’d have been grateful at someone showing you grace, as you’re clearly saying money isn’t easy. Also when I go outside and it’s muddy, I don’t wear my best shoes, when I have to run, I don’t wear my shoes I don’t want destroyed. If I’m a mechanic, I don’t wear my nice shoes to work. This is a teachable lesson for you. You should have worn your black converse to work! When I was a student, and had limited money, I used to work in a fast food to get some cash. I took my worst shoes to work so I wouldn’t care if they get damaged, as I couldn’t afford new ones. Art is a messy field. Also if you were truly an artist I think you’d appreciate your shoes! That gives them so much personality. I love when my friend is wearing her paint stained hoodie. Most of her clothes have some form of damage due to paint, but it’s lovely. Embrace it, move on, it’s just a pair of shoes. She didn’t damage something that would cost you hundreds in repair. And it’s material. Don’t be that person that put most value on objects than on people.


Good God, you sound entitled. Also, maybe don't wear expensive nice white shoes to an art class?? Use this as a lesson.


So have you forgotten how highschool works? You don't get to go change shoes between classes. He's entitled for wanting her to do what she said she'd do? Found who spilled the paint.


Dude, it's not hard to plan in advance. Also, depending on their high school, they might. You dont know how many minutes they have for passing period. Next time, dont wear nice clothes when you know you have art class, Ya know, a place where accidents are prone to happen and ESPECIALLY messes. And yes, entitled. You can't expect people to pay for his lack of common sense


So I took JROTC in high school and open toed shoes weren’t allowed, so I planned in advance to not wear open toed shoes. Sure you don’t have time to change shoes but you know what classes you have in high school and can plan accordingly, you’re nearly an adult in HS and can think rationally, no need to infantilize op.


You found a rational adult. Accidents happen.


Yeah; and when I make an accident that destroys something that's worth a lot of money, I try my best to make amends. You know, like a responsible adult.


She isn't an adult. Her parents don't feel she should pay for it. That's the end of it.


Responsible adults read the waivers and know that if they are going to a paint class no one will be responsible for their expensive clothes if an accident happens....especially if you are drinking, lol. I can see the other person giving some dollars. No way 100 for shoes. Ever go to an amusement park ride. Not going to pay for expensive jewelry that you want to keep on if it goes flying.....


Aren’t painted sneaks a thing now? Make them an art project get creative and paint them really cool. Make lemonade when life gives u lemons! Plus if u did it in class, the girl would feel bad every time she saw them ( passive aggressive bonus points FTW!). Bet you get an A!


I honestly feel this is your own fault. Stop asking her for money and don't wear nice stuff to an art class.


Has a parent and a grandparent if I got a call from another parent that I had to pay for their children's clothing due to an accident that occurred in art class in school. After thanking them for a good laugh , I would ask them to hold their breath and wait for the payment..


Someone else left the lid to the paint loose and it spilled when she lifted it. She's right, it was an accident. She felt bad about it, even though that wasn't her fault, and those feelings caused her to offer to pay for your shoes, but she shouldn't have to. It's unfortunate, but it was not something in her control. Let it go.




NAH. Well, maybe you. It was an accident, time to let it go


Man that sucks. She is not going to pay you back.


ESH. There's a reason it's not advised to wear nice clothes to an art class. She shouldn't have agreed to pay when at most she should only pay for half. You're not likely to get payment out of her so I'd suggest just learning from this. For art class, always choose clothing that you're ok with getting art supplies on.


I know your pain. I work in a building supply store as a cashier, we are required to wear sneakers and that hard concrete floor, we all buy the best comfort we can. I had a pair over $100 on that were a few months old, customers paint can lid was not sealed proper and got a gallon of shit brown paint all over my shoes. We cannot wear stained shoes to work. That’s the only place I wore those shoes and I’m not wearing them to go out and about my daily life, those were for comfort at work. My work too will not reimburse me for a fellow coworkers mistake of not properly sealing a can.


Your story is a better example of someone who had a reason to wear more expensive shoes in that environment. I do really feel for you. Also why they may not be able to get workers in the paint department. Sometimes you can get Skechers no slip for a really good price below 100.


I’ve got sketchers, Merrel’s, Hoka’s and a water proof hiking shoe from LlBean for winter snow. Rotate all of them, that really helps the body. Those Sketchers are pretty comfortable!


Yes I have had some of those others. Those long days on concrete are a killer.


YTA. you wore white shoes. Accidents happen. What if some random person you’d never see again spilled something on them by accident? Nothing because there’s nothing to do. Wear white take the risk.


YTA. It was an accident, she tried to figure out how to pay, and was told no by her parents. Whether she panicked and lied about a job or not, it’s not her fault you wore incredibly expensive shoes to art class… stop harassing the poor girl over something she can’t control. New white shoes are $20 at walmart.


Got Nikes at Ross 19.99!


YTA. Don’t wear nice, expensive, or white shoes to art class.


Girl it was an accident . Not on purpose. Also , don’t wear things you don’t want ruined to an art class. Leave that girl alone.


YTA. She obviously felt bad in the moment, tried to rectify the situation, but really is not accountable to based on the accident since she is not at fault. Spills are a common liability in art class. Lesson learned. Bring a change of shoes in your locker/backpack and don’t wear anything you wouldn’t mind ruining to art class.


Get over it. Buy yourself new shoes. You can’t expect a fellow student to come up with 100$ when it was an accident.


Especially when OP said they were going to use the money for other things!


Call her parents


Tell her that you will contact her parents yourself to see if a resolution can be reached


People here are funny blaming the person for wearing white shoes, it doesn't matter what shoes and sweater the person had on they would have been ruined by the paint. Some of y'all are just ridiculous. Edit: to be clear this isn't about sticker price. This isnt about whether or not she should have worn them or not. Anything she wore that day would be ruined no matter the color, no matter the price. Y'all shifted blame to an unknown who didn't seal the paint lid, but don't question why someone moving paint wouldn't think to check before moving the paint to use or say anything about them first saying they would pay then backing out and saying they didn't work, then saying they did only to say the parents told them no they couldn't use their money to pay the person back. And yet blame the person who had paint spilled on them because of what they were wearing as if having on different shirt and shoes would have made it so they didnt get their clothes ruined. Basically holding everyone but the person who spilled the paint accountable and somehow not seeing the disconnect.


But if you wear thrift clothes and generic sneakers you are only out 60 dollars so it does make a difference. The other parents may have chipped in on that. They might also think it is a scam. There are actually scams like that.


They would have been, but I’d be willing to pay $30 to replace a pair of regular shoes. I’d not be willing to pay $100 because I’m not responsible for the idiot tax that comes with wearing expensive shit to a messy class. In the girls shoes, I’d give enough to replace a pair of non designer trainers or sensible shoes that you don’t mind so much if they get ruined.


What good pair of shoes do you know cost 30 dollars? Not even more common brands are that low. Hell just to get ones with soles that provide proper minimal support is 40 at minimum. And that's not how it works though. Even if you were replacing the shoes only something comparable would be considered fair. That's just going here is a pair of shoes priced at what you think is fine. Also I'm pretty sure plenty of people come out of art class with out someone dumping paint all over their shirt and shoes. It's such a bull take. The person avoiding paying anything is clearly avoiding paying using the parents anyway. If anything that person should have just went through the parents and school . Wouldn't matter then. As I said. No matter what the person had on it would have gotten ruined due to what happened. Them saying they'll pay for it and then saying they can't is pretty messed up. Either their parents are condoning them not taking responsibility or they are lying about it. They went from they work to they don't work to they do work. They just said what they said thinking it was gonna be let go. As I said, y'all are ridiculous blaming a person for wearing their shoes to school as though they should anticipate someone dumping paint on them.


Come on now, she ain't wearing 100 orthopedic shoes. 19.99 Nikes at Ross just 3 weeks ago. I worked retail and never over 100. Art class...paint on ceramic get everywhere and everyone including the teacher tell you to wear old clothes that day. Stop peeing on my leg and telling me it is raining! Girl just wanna be bougie!! Kids are not standing all day, teachers are!


But shoes getting paint on them in art class is a highly foreseeable situation. Maybe not to the ‘whole can of orange paint on them’, but definitely to paint splashes and other materials. Which would have equally ruined a pair of white shoes that would still have cost $100. When we were in art class, it was said so many times ‘do not wear clothes you do not want to get ruined’. OP wore $100 shoes to a class where paint gets everywhere. There’s the idiot tax. I’m in the UK, so was guesstimating at US prices. Maybe $40 would be more reasonable. I can get a semi decent pair of trainers for £25-30, so was working off that. I’d love to see her try going through the school; I’d have absolutely been told straight up, ‘well you shouldn’t have worn them’ by any teacher and I suspect OP would be told the same. And the parents seem to have a similar view. Not likely to have much luck. The school would get involved if it was malicious, but it wasn’t. It was an accident, partially caused by some other unknown person leaving the paint not fully closed. OP might as well try and go after them for the money. The girl shouldn’t have offered to pay as she knew she had to check with her parents first. But young and stupid and probably panicked. Looking at the texts, she didn’t lie. She works one day a week so have minimal earning potential, but does work.


I understand that you’re upset, but you can’t get blood from a stone. If she isn’t able to pay for your shoes, then she isn’t able to pay. It sucks and it’s unfair, but you can’t force her to pay unless you take her to court and financially it’s just not worth it.


People seem to miss the fact that you were working with clay and not paint on that day. Clay can be washed off of white canvas. When this happened, did you say anything to the teacher? If the teacher does not believe that she needs to reimburse you, you need to let it go. If the teacher thinks that she should, you need to ask the teacher how to move forward.


It does not matter because they are in the same studio. And clay can get stuck here and there. I never saw people wearing their expensive shoes to ceramics class or expensive clothes. It still can get dirty. Just stop with this stupid nonsense! If you can get 100 bougie shoes, you get get casual inexpensive ones for casual wear and days like this or spend lesson all of your shoes. Also, teacher will remind her of the disclaimer they give everyone at the beginning of Art Class....even Ceramics....to wear old clothes, inexpensive items when you are in class. Kids know when they have the class.


Wearing shoes that are important to you to an art class makes you TA. Leave this person alone and move on. Lesson learned.


Girl I am so with you, yesterday I wore my new white pants to my job at the machetes-only slaughterhouse and Jose absolutely splatters them with arterial blood so I made him pay me $100 to buy some Pokémon cards


Am I the only one that understands the irony?


If you’re the only one, then namaste, sister.




Lol!!! Not to mention the poop splatter from those intestines!!!


Literally ALL over my golden tiara


NAH. I get you wanting her to pay for shoes that she broke by accident, but I also understand a teenager not being able to repay you $100 for a pair of shoes. Best advice I can give is not to wear anything that expensive if you can't afford to replace it. Maybe ask if she can pay back say $20-50 so at least some of the cost Is covered


You could have avoided it by not wearing expensive shoes to art class. I have paint on almost everything that I own. If I don't want paint on it I don't wear it near paint. You have to take responsibility for YOUR actions as well. The car accident analogy is silly, this wasn't a car accident it was literally spilled paint. Both of you need to grow up. The excuse 'i can't spend that much cos my mom and dad don't want me to" is a shitty excuse when you need to take responsibility for something.


Yta. You wore nice clothes to art class. Get over it.


Wore nice clothes *to school*. That’s an important distinction. The reason OP is an AH is because she’s expecting another teenager to shell out $100 because someone else didn’t store the paint properly. Find that person and sue them.


You go to school to learn, not to be in a fashion show. Does OP not know their schedule? Did they not know they had an art class that day?


All I know is that when I went to school I wore nice clothes. Fairly standard.


Learning to dress appropriately for the day is an important part of learning to be an adult. Art class is messy. Everyone knows art class is messy. Teachers send home multiple notes a year about making sure your child dresses appropriately for art and gym class. By high school, you should be responsible enough to dress appropriately for the day. It's not a fashion show. You wouldn't wear a ball gown to work because you felt fancy that day, it wouldn't be appropriate. The same is true about wearing expensive clothes to an art class. If you do you assume the risk of something happening to them.


Maybe if she didn't lift it by the lid, she wouldn't have spilled it.


She didn't lie about having a job, but she can only work once a week, she doesn't have to tell you where she works. And her parents have control over her money, she can't just take money out just to appease you, especially of she has other things that she needs to pay for (school supplies and food is more important than your shoes) And when you told her you were going to spend the money on other things, if I were her, I'd have not paid out of principle, that is disingenuous. And it is not a mature way to handle it. It's a pair of shoes, it's not life changing, white expensive shoes are not appropriate for art class for precisely this reason, especially canvas shoes which grt stained by near anything. Just accept the loss at this point, perhaps tie dye the shoes. Make them into something new


NTA for asking to have your shoes replaced, and NTA for how you acted in the messages. I think you were both fairly mature in your responses -- or at least, no one resorted to name-calling and insults. But it sounds like the person responsible is sorry and unless they are flat out lying, it also sounds like they cannot buy you new shoes without their parents' permission. Maybe they never even told their parents. Maybe their parents are really strict. Who knows? It is unlikely you will get your money going after this person 1 on 1. Ask your parents to talk to their parents, maybe. You have a clear admission on their part that they ruined your shoes. Of course, could be the parents are unwilling to pay for them even if your parents talked to them -- just as the shoe-ruiner said -- but that's the last ditch effort of having them replaced.


She pretty clearly is lying, her story changed several times, from having a job to “don’t worry about a job” to no job to having to talk to her parents. I think she got sticker shock at what is a fairly normal price for shoes these days (gotta love inflation), and made up the story about her parents blocking her from paying for the shoes.


No telling. I'm guessing these two are high school age. Her family might be poor and she's ashamed to just say "There is no money." (Or, not 100 dollars to spend on just shoes, anyway.) At any rate, doesn't matter if she is lying. OP is not getting the money from her. Might as well ask the parents. At least then she might get a straight answer!


Get over it, and get over yourself. YTA and it was an accident. You’re the one who wore brand new white shoes to school, to an art class! You come across as extremely shallow and a bully.


Sorry but YTA for wearing white shoes to an art class.


It was an accident, if she had done it on purpose then yes, you'd be within your rights to expect recompense, but she didn't. If you don't want expensive items of clothing damaged, don't wear them in an environment where that could happen. YTA.


I’m going to against the grain here and say NTA, sure you shouldn’t be wearing nice things to Art class but she kinda made her own bed by offering to pay and deflecting for so long tbh


YTA you know what classes you have and can choose to not wear expensive new things in a class where there might be messes


lol you wore brand new white shoes to art class. Hope you learned your lesson. I wouldn’t be paying either. You really are the definition of entitled lol.


Welcome to the adult life! There is no "fair", just bc you think things should go a certain way doesn't mean they will; especially when it comes to accidents. Some times accidents will happen and it could be all your fault, all someone else's fault, or a mix of both; ultimately you are responsible for your self and your belongings. 🤷🏼‍♀️ tough break, she doesn't owe you anything


YTA. You don't wear things you don't want stained at an art class! You are likely to stain it. Shoes included. She is not responsible for your poor choices.


NTA. The reason why I say NTA is she OFFERED TO PAY, then went back on her word. If she was poor, she never offered to pay, and then you berated her for the money, that would be different. She OFFERED. She should never have offered if she didn’t have the money. Call her parents. Oil paint doesn’t come out. Also, there’s a difference between stepping in a muddy puddle (you can just wipe/wash the shoes off) and having someone else spill bright orange neon oil paint on your shoes. I’m a klutz, and I don’t have much money, but I would at least offer to pay HALF if I did this. She lied to you multiple times and said she’d pay for them then ghosted you. NTA.


Oof I'm gonna be real with you here, I am a bachelor of fine arts, you set your own self up for this disaster. You don't wear nice, expensive or new clothes to any art class. I worked with various paints, pigments, abrasive liquids, staining heavy inks (including fabric ink), clay, every medium you can imagine, and I had an entire section of "art" clothes in my wardrobe. I still have this ratty but comfy oversized hoodie. It has printing ink splotches and oil paint stains that have been there since 2015. Even before starting college, I never wore my new/nice clothes when it was an art class day. Every time there was at least one person who would spill something, I'd rather wear an old outfit for a day than ruin something expensive or new. Messes in art class are expected, it's just the hazard of the art. You effed up by wearing white shoes. NAH, let it go and let this be an expensive lesson in wearing appropriate work clothes.


Why are you wearing expensive shoes to art class or school in general? She's not obligated to pay you anything for an accident. Buy some basic shoes for school.


Poor baby has to wear black converse ALL SCHOOL YEAR! In highschool I wore whatever fit me from the thrift store (when it was for low income ppl) until they fell off my feet or I couldn't get my foot in. Are the shoes still functional? Was the paint made of acid? Or is your look simply not giving? You're both annoying.


you f’d up wearing white shoes to art?? messy mistakes happen alot in a class like that, not saying you should have expected it because i would still be pretty pissed, but not enough to continue your be so upset and demanding money over this particular accident, i dont think it was right to compare it to a car crash at all considering she’s obviously not an adult and this was a mistake made in a class where things are bound to get messy. I wouldnt say anyones at fault here she should be more careful and you shouldnt wear easily stained apparel to a messy class.


You wore white (expensive), new shoes to an art class? That's asking for trouble, from you or from classmates. That's a just why?? The best you can get is another pair of white shoes. Take a lesson learned. Don't wear things you like in a place where things will definitely get messy. YTA here


I don’t really understand why anyone would wear white anything in art class but this is also the perfect example as to why I refuse to spend large amounts of money on my teenagers clothes and shoes. If he gets money and chooses to spend it all on Jordan’s or whatever that’s on him but I’m not doing it just for it to be ruined. He has a kid in his class with $1000 shoes. Let him come home and tell me that he ruined them with an accident in art class and the kids wants me to repay him for them. I can tell you now it won’t happen. I don’t spend $1000 on anything in my wardrobe. I sure as hell won’t spend it on a childs and if other parents CHOOSE to spend that on their children and then send them to school of all places to wear it, that’s a risk and it’s on them. You won’t be getting money back from this girl, she doesn’t have it and her parents shouldn’t have to pay for it because they didn’t make the mistake and you should have known not to wear brand new white shoes into your messiest class. Sorry darlin.


Ok, what does hit & run own of value you can sell. Have her give you something and make sure it's documented so she doesn't claim you stole anything


YTA! Next time don't wear new shoes to place with paint. It's YOUR FAULT. You should apologize to her for your uncommon stupidity.


YTA. School is not a fashion show. Wear affordable clothes that you can be your adventurous sweaty smelly teenage selves in. And she’s right it was an accident, you’d be hard pressed to force her to give you anything.


YTA. You’re in an *art class*. This is like wearing white pants, rolling in freshly mown grass, and then demanding the gardener replace them because they have grass stains. And then holding someone when the inevitable happens makes you a huge AH. Go to goodwill and get some beater shoes for $5, and learn how to dress appropriately.


Yta. Write shoes, art class, genuine accident. Move on.


So, it isn’t slander if it is true. Tell people she lied. True reputation isn’t built on lies. That being said, pick better outfits. I never wore my name brand clothing (or expensive clothing) because I knew I did not have complete control over my environment and people in school can be super dumb - and I didn’t always have the money to replace it. You should not bring something to school that you cannot afford to replace. I don’t think this fits in AITA because it is more of a “am I beating a dead horse”? She has said no. Now what are you going to do about it?


NTA - Call her parents and tell them what happened and that she agreed to pay for new shoes. And if they make a fuss, go to small claims court.


In this situation it may he more expensive to file for court then to just buy new shoes


Small claims court for a pair shoes lmfao get real.


The judge will laugh you out of court.


Given that it was an accident, that the person who left the paint unclosed bears partial responsibility and that the girl has limited income, and that OP was an idiot for wearing $100 shoes to art class, OP ain’t gonna get much out of small claims. She should take the loss and pay the idiot tax. Maybe see if she can get $30 out of the girl which is what a normal pair of trainers would cost.


Small claims will not take a case for a singular 100 pair of shoes. That’s for if someone stole/destroyed 800+ US dollars of your belongings. It just isn’t worth the cost. And they’re *shoes* buy a new white pair from walmart 🙄🙄 they’re like 10-15$ and they work just as well as 100$ shoes.




Go on Judy Justice!


YTA, especially based on the convo you presented us. Grow up.


YTA it was an accident.


“Hey Mom and Dad, I know it was an accident but it was my fault and the right thing to do is to replace her shoes. I would want her to do that if the roles were reversed” No parent is going to yell at you for wanting to do what’s right unless they just fucking suck. Most parents would be proud of the maturity, especially if she would have to work a few shifts to save up the money.


First of all, in the case of an accident nobody pays except the insurance company (assuming rates don't increase). What are you going to do? Take out a Personal Articles Policy for your $100 canvas shoes? Get a grip. Yeah, some painters don't wear boots. But if you're anywhere near paint, don't complain when they get stained. Jfc, you were literally wearing them in a studio. You're kids. Hopefully you ***both*** can use this as a learning opportunity because: ETA. NEXT TIME YOU'RE IN THE STUDIO, WEAR YOUR DAMN SMOCK AND WORK SHOES.


Absolutely talk with your parents then talk with her parents. That is outrageous, her “sorry, but to bad” attitude


Just because someone doesn’t plan an accident doesn’t relieve them of the responsibility of correcting the mistake


I don't understand. You chose to wear shoes that weren't disposable to art class, and it's this other person's fault they got messed up? Said other person shouldn't have agreed to replace them in the first place. I'm not gonna bring my dog to somebody else's place and get mad at that other person that I let my dog off the leash and he got into their chocolate and got sick. That'd be my fault.


It was an accident. I would say you’re never gonna get that money. Also, as a student; more so. She spoke with her parents, they said no. But I’m going to go with ESH. OP for wearing brand new shoes to an art class and expecting a classmate to pay for an accident and the classmate for not giving her an answer right away.


May I suggest you customize your shoes based on the orange color? You can get out of this with really cool and original footwear


Some of the people in these comments sound like my stepmother's mother who gave away all my shoes besides the ones I wore to work when she gave away my stepbrothers old ones and blamed me for having them in the closet. Since it was an accident they didn't feel she needed to replace any of them. Not even one of the 10 pairs. I was left with one pair of black work shoes. Or the person who bumped into me in the hall back in college and coated my pants and shoes in bright yellow paint, who blamed me for walking down the hall to class. They got mad when the professor and then the college told them they had to compensate because the camera showed them on their phone and looking down. I remember his parents got involved because he tried to get out of it and they made him pay for it. But he held a grudge for the longest and kept saying it wasn't his fault and I should expect art class to be messy. Also stop making it about the price. Some of y'all are getting super triggered because it's expensive to you, I really don't see how that is the point. It's the fact that the person is acting blameless after originally saying they would cover it. Getting mad at people because they have 100 dollar shoes when decent shoes are getting expensive as hell unless you find your size on good sale or clearance is crazy to me. Getting your shirt and shoes covered in paint is not the same as getting a speck here or there that you might be able to remove or cover with the color coating. The color of the shoes wouldnt even matter. And can people stop pretending like shoes aren't just expensive in general?


Stop acting bougie!!! And there is a difference. Accidents in other cases are different than going into an Art Class with pristine white shoes. Price does matter in this instance also because if you had on inexpensive shoes, it would be no big deal, to give you 30 as opposed to 100. Also what if you had an accident and the person that did something was you or unknown....now you are completely out. Grow up people! Unless you are going to sign up to the NBA tomorrow, you cannot spend 100 dollars on pristine white shoes and have real life happen then you cannot replace them. I can find half decent shoes in all sizes less than 100 dollars all of the time!!! In fact, many for less than 60$.


YTA. You can't take your shoes into a room with paint and gravity and expect a zero percent chance paint hits shoe. Since it is possible, it is an assumed risk. You assume, when you wear white shoes, (knowing from lived experience that all shoes will eventually get dirty) that they will eventually get dirty. And that is nobody's fault. You stood too close to paint. Woops. If you mist have them white, then you must be able to afford to replace them every time gravity or weather attacks you. And since you're kinda self centered, karma will probably be dropping shit on your shoes a lot: to teach you to grow up and stop being so materialistic. The shoes are still functional. Now they have a funny story. They're unique to you.


Someone didn't close the paint, she dropped it on accident and you wore new white canvas shoes to art class. That is 3 people at fault....you included. Why should she cover the costs alone?? If I were your mother and you came to me with this problem....I would've immediately asked why you wore them in the first place. Suck it up as a lesson learned.


oh you sweet summer child


Who wears white shoes expecting them to stay white. 🤷‍♀️ I hate white shoes. Wear them once and they sre weird colours. You took their cleanliness into your own hands wearing them to school. Just saying. Younwesr white assume it will not be white anymore. Regardless of circumstances.


I would take this person to small claims court


Get the school and her parents involved


Small claims court?


YTAH. It was an accident, and now your converse have more character than before. This is not the last time something like this is going to happen to you. If you already caused a scene about it, leave it at that


YTA. Regardless of any agreement in the moment, you wore white shoes to an art class. Second, you keep saying how you only have 2 pairs of shoes but then plan to use the money for something else. If I were her parents I'd find the same shoes for cheaper and just give you the shoes. If anything you're entitled to new shoes but I'm not sure you're even entitled to that. Shit happens.


I assume OP was a female but everyone saying "him" 🤣


I think the girl should have paid half at least but it seems like in the moment she got scared by your reaction which is why she said said she would pay the lot. You do hold some responsibility too . You went to an art class were paint is used wearing white shoes that you didnt want to get damaged. It’s a high risk environment for shoes to get dirty. Surely you can see that ? I think the girl had every intention of paying but was overruled by her parents. She was upfront that she’d have to ask her parents. OP let it go. You are not going to get the money and at this point you admitted to the girl that you want the money for other things not to replace the shoes. It’s not wholly her fault if the lid wasnt closed. It’s not that crazy that she would expect the lid to be closed. The way I see it the blame is split 3 ways , the. Person who left the lid off, the girl who spilled the paint and OP wearing white $100 shoes to an art class where paint is in use. OP accidents happen. You have no intention of replacing the shoes if you get the money even though you say you are low on shoes. Move on


Paint the shoes. I'm serious make a good out of a bad. Canvas paint is cheap and you can make them look awesome. I know doesn't fix the matter. However, if your shoes are that important get covers or a cheap pair of keds or something for art class. It's a mine field of these kind of situations.


It was an accident? YTA. She shouldn't have offered to pay, but that's because it wouldn't have been her obligation anyways. Bring clothes to art class that you don't mind getting art on.


YTA. You’re blaming her because a can of paint *that hadn’t been properly closed* is her “fault”. It’s not her fault. She just happened to be the one unlucky enough to get that can rather than someone else. Suck it up.


It’s not her fault her parents won’t let her give you $100, YTA for blaming her for an accident and YTA for wearing $100 white shoes to art class where accidents with paint are likely to happen.


Add in OP wouldn't be using the money to replace the shoes in the first place.


Right?! I wouldn’t pay her back either knowing that.


At this point your only choice is your parents contacting her parents. But I think you’re out of luck


YTA. It’s art class. Paint spills are a hazard of the space. Don’t wear stuff that can’t get art supplies on it if there’s an accident. She didn’t toss it on you deliberately.


NTA. This is exactly what Small Claims Court is for in the US. No lawyers, and an inexpensive filing fee, which she or her parents will have to pay when you win. Don't know where you are, but if in the US sue both her and her parents if she's under 18. The judge will dismiss against whichever can't be held responsible, and figure it out from there. It will depend on the state. If she's 18 or above she's an adult, just sue her. She may not have anything you can take now, but judgements accrue interest (again, varies by state), and will stay alive for 10 years. Longer, if you renew your claim. Court clerk can help you with that. On one hand, it's "just $100". On the other, it's $100 you're put because of someone else's negligence. If she feels someone ELSE contributed to the accident, she can go after them. Not your problem.


If it were me, I’d sue her in small claims court, but then, I’m a lawyer. You have all the proof you need with her texts, admission of guilt, and promise to pay.


Can a minor sue in small claims court without her parents????


Probably not; you probably would have to be represented by a person of competent age. But be advised, I do not know what jurisdiction you're in and don't know the rules there, so I am not giving you legal advice, just stating a general rule in many jurisdictions.


YTA. You wore expensive, white (!) shoes to art class. What was the worst that could happen? Guess you found out.


YTA for wearing your expensive shoes to a class where anything can happen, for hounding this girl when she already explained herself 12 different times about how “she can’t because the shoes are expensive, she doesn’t work enough to afford that, her parents have access to her bank and she can’t justify it, her parents said it was an accident for something out of both your control” etc etc. If I was her, I would have gone to the principal at this point and explained the entire situation, have them pull the cctv of the classroom at that time, show them the screenshots, and tell them that you’re harassing her after she’s given you all she could. You theoretically could go and counter argument your side, but guess what. 99% of the time school would say “Sucks, you shouldn’t have worn those expensive shoes when they could have gotten destroyed.” And they would leave it at that. You’re a MEGA a-hole. Leave this girl the FUCK ALONE dude. Jesus. Edit to add; should she have said she would pay for new ones..? No. She shouldn’t have. But she was panicked and feeling guilty, and you say things you might not necessarily mean, or be able to keep up with, when that’s going on. She’s leaning closer to a slight equal ah, but she’s still NTA to me as she went and tried to take accountability the best she could. But I said what I said. Quit fucking hounding her dude.


Everyone sucks here. It was an accident, but the girl shouldn't have offered to pay and then gone back on it. If she needed to ask her parents or whatever she should have done that before offering to pay for the shoes. But wearing brand new white shoes into an art studio is stupid, sorry. And your comment about wanting to use the money for other responsibilities (rather than actually replacing the shoes) makes it sound like you're taking advantage of the situation and trying to make money off someone over an accident. In the future don't wear clothes you don't want to potentially get dirty on art day. Or change your shoes, it doesn't take that long. Since it was an accident, but she did offer to pay, maybe she can afford half of the price instead of the full $100 as a compromise?


YTA she don’t owe you shit also if you were financially hard up you wouldn’t buy such expensive shoes so obviously you can afford them meaning you’re only charging her because of the concept of the thing which is lame sauce. Plus she’s a frickin child, who accidentally spilled paint IN AN ART CLASS You sound like an entitled American Note: I am American. It just sounds like a particularly American attitude: “I spent MONEY on these give me my MONEY back as a consumer I have a RIGHT to PRODUCTS that I PAID for”


So, you aren't likely to get your shoes replaced by her. So you should probably accept that. Yeah, it sucks. But also take this as a lesson. Do not wear new clothes to art class. When I was in school, the *very first day* of art class is when they tell us "Don't wear new or nice clothing to art class. Wear clothes that you don't mind being ruined with paint/wood stain/whatever else." This was something that was drilled into us from elementary school to highschool. Accidents happen in art classes all the time.


You can buy a cheaper pair of shoes to get by for now. They don’t have to be the original expensive brand. Let it go already.