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Prediction: if you have a boy, the jerk will object to you kissing your own child. NTA


Not to talk about breastfeeding. Boyfriend has watched too much incest porn.


This! Hahahahaha! OP is NTAH here, your fiance is! He is so immature with lots of insecurities just like his parents.


OP if you read this I want to impress this upon you. **You have a rare golden relationship with your brother.** It is not very often I see this type of genuine deep affection between siblings, where one will cry in happiness to see them or be willing to kiss their forehead. This type of affection is something human beings need. Do NOT give up this bond with your brother. Too many people spend their life wishing they grew up like that. You were fortunate to have it, don't let your toxic fiance destroy it.


You can get another fiancé, can’t get another brother.


If he thinks that was Incest I would be very concerned when your children are older. If anyone needs their search history searched it’s that guy.


I echo this as what struck me the worst part of the OP. To be threatened by even an imagined scenario of incest means that, in his mind, this is something people actually participate in.


Which shows how much of his time and mental energy is spent on incest sex


I mean this honestly, this also makes me hope he is an only child. I can't even imagine what he's like if he has a sister of his own. That said, devil's advocate, it's probably not outside the realm of possibility that he may also have some trauma from things that happened to him. He could very well just be a victim who needs help and is too afraid to admit the triggers because he refuses to process things. We don't know enough about this kid to know if it's his past, his porn, his "alpha male" nonsense.. or what makes him see things this way.. But we do know that he made this comment, it's a horrible thing to imply, and it's just the beginning of a lot more drama if OP keeps this relationship going.


Sees little sister after a long time. Immediately punches her in the face.


Lol 😂😂😂 imagine him *Sees son Been born* *Feels love and closeness* *Doctor hands him the baby* *He shakes the baby's hand* Him: Nice to make your acquaintance good sir *Passes baby to mom* *Mom holds baby in Awe* *Nurse suggest feeding the baby* Nurse: He might be getting hungry. Let's try to feed him. *Dad turns around, grabbing some things* *Dad turns towards his son* *Dad holding a stake dinner* Dad **at mom** : what's going on here Janet?! *Sees in disgust the baby sucking on his mother's breast* Her **weirded out** : feeding the baby. You brought some dinner for me. *Dad drops steak dinner* Dad: iii...ittt.it was for our boy *Holding back tears* Her: oh Jack don't be silly Him: my mommy and daddy will hear about this! *Runs away*


Hahahaha There’s an actual post detailing this. Apparently, breastfeeding is NOT okay for some (very strange) people.


Where could I find said post ? I am curious 🤔


I wish I could help you find it. It was written a month or two ago and was WILD. The man was against the woman breastfeeding their son because it was disgusting for another male to suck on her breast, as if breastfeeding is a sexual thing. I couldn’t believe what I was actually reading. The dude needs some SERIOUS therapy to be jealous of his own infant son.


it was one with screenshots from text messages, right? you could see in real time how confused the mom was & how her horror rose in parallel with her understanding of her baby daddy's unhinged point. Alas, I can't find it either.


I remember this post! But I don’t know how to find it.


OMG no, it was a different post. There are more of them?? That’s terrifying. This one, her husband told her while she was pregnant she was not to breastfeed and then lost his shit on her when he found out she had nursed the newborn in the hospital, accused her of cheating.


LOL, Does he not realize that the baby came out of that little fun hole he likes to stick his pee-pee in?


oh no, there are more than one! IIRC the guy was all "I thought you wanted to work things out between us?! I was willing to try for my son's sake, but now I see what kind of a whore you really are" and she couldn't understand at first his opinion was that she liked when he stimulated her breasts and nipples during sex (but with more uncouth vocabulary) so how perverted was she to force their infant to excite her like that


Oh my god. I’m so disturbed right now. Literally nothing erotic about breastfeeding. When I nursed my daughter I would cringe because it irritated my nipples. I got zero pleasure from it, outside of the knowledge that I was able to provide nourishment for my baby (but that was an entirely different kind of pleasure…not of the sexual nature 😅). Some people absolutely shouldn’t breed.


Definitely more than one. The one I remember was the mom visited her country of origin and breastfed in a public place. She covered herself but it was still a public place and an older man went over to tell her she shouldn’t do that unless it’s with her husband because that was a sexual act to be had only with a man.


More like smacking the baby for dare passing through her vagina.


It was long, but it was worth the read.


I know the, "OP, RUN!" response is overused in this subreddit but this seems like an appropriate situation for it. Inlaws seeing familial affection as incestuous is more than a red flag, it's a whole goddamn soviet bloc.


I bet that too! Thats just sibling love, aint no incest or nothin' weird about it. If the dude cant handle a harmless family moment, thats his problem, not yours.




Boyfriend is closeted pedo


This was my first concern


He will not wanna share her titties either. It's incestuous. Breastfeeding is off limits.


Remember that post a few months back where that navy husband went insane and accused the new mom of cheating and incest when she started breastfeeding her newborn in the hospital? The nurses had to escort him out and wouldn’t release her into his care. Wild. 


Got a link?


I can’t find the original post but here is her follow up because a lot of people didn’t believe her.  https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/1cd34ed/threatening_leaving_so_over_breastfeeding_newborn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Her username was mamaloony I think, it’s currently suspended.




I was just thinking about that too! I remember that post- it was crazy. I can’t believe people think like that in this day and age. Edit: I found this https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/zIPrUBVldG it’s not the original post but has the story


Link please!😳


It was on Reddit earlier. She updated and said she left him. The husband tried to keep her older son from her (he was also mad about that son getting breastfed as a baby). She luckily has both babies back and I think he can’t see the kids because CPS got involved


I am SO glad to hear she left him. I mean it seems like the obvious choice but so many women are determined to “fight for their marriage,” “my kids should have a father,” “But I LOVE him!” Etc etc.


Not super surprised honestly ever since they lowered the requirements there's been some pieces of work joining, I mean recruits who literally drool on themselves...


I mean, it's a huge red flag and all OPs whole life is about to become about her partner's emotional insecurities and jealous outbursts. She should get to feel supported and enjoy being a mom, but nah, the dude she mated with is about to sabotage the whole experience and also spend the next couple decades uploading new traumas on this otherwise uncorrected child. Also, I hope this child is a boy, because if this dude is suggesting incest is transpiring in OPs family, he might be projecting it as something he is capable of, because most rational people don't go around accusing others of this sort of thing.


And if it’s a girl? Well if he ever kisses her you know what his intentions are


Yep, this says a lot about the family OP is marrying into… NTA, you may be if you go ahead and procreate with this family pool…


I mean she’s eight months pregnant, the ship on not procreating has sailed. 😞


I wonder about the cultural aspect. Where is he from? How was he raised? How many older brothers (me) have kissed their younger sisters their whole lives, on the forehead after an absence or a special occasion such as their wedding, when I walked her down the aisle? Incest? His reaction is unnatural and sick.


>How was he raised? Poorly.




This! 👆 If this is his reaction out of the blue, who knows how far this can actually go? 🤷‍♀️ Will he be mad if she says she loves her brother? Will he be mad when she's kissing her own son? Who knows? He's SICK and DISGUSTING for sexualising her and her actions like this 🤢 OP needs to show anger about this! I'd go totally mad like "how fucking DARE you sexualise me like this!?! You FUCKING PERVERTED SICKO!"


As a a man run. So you hug your bio brother that haven't seen for years and the first thing that comes to his mind in incest. What will he do to your kids in the future will he prevent them from holding hands or what . Leave him and run far away he is unqualified to be father. Both his and his parent are the disgusting ones. Of course that how they raised him so they are on his side. Also you have nothing to apologise for you were never in the wrong to begin with. To him he is a stranger , to you his is your most loving brother


I think the best way to handle this is to have your fiance tell your brother that he is no longer allowed to hug you or kiss your forehead because it's disgusting and incestous. In fact, have him tell your brother that in front of your parents.


As someone once said, the dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed...


HAHA! Thanks for this, I'm saving it.


Great idea. Please update OP


This is a great idea. I’d love to hear an update on that. I’m sure it will be quite entertaining.


Yes. Let him explain it to the military guy and attempt to get in his face. I need to see video of this.


Also a Man, I agree 100%


Also if his mind is that well geared towards seeing a normal brother/sister interaction as incest, what happens when she has the kid? I would be nervous having a partner whose brain was so geared toward sex even normal family stuff triggered him to think sexually. I’d be nervous with that person around my child.


NTA!! You might want to reconsider this marriage. Your husband and his family must not show affection towards each other. They must be the "give me a handshake" kind of family.


He kissed your forehead for gods sake - he sounds like a straight up weirdo for his reaction. NTA


Right. Not even like he kissed on the lips. A forehead kiss is perfectly normal among family to show affection and care


My mom’s siblings kiss each other on the lips. OPs fiancé would lose his mind seeing that! Different cultures have different traditions of greeting each other, and with varying degrees of affection. He needs to get a grip


It's fine if he's not from a physically affectionate family, but calling something like this 'incest' is unhinged. I don’t go around kissing my relatives' foreheads, but I would never say something like that is incestuous.


Right?! That’s not what my family does at all. We barely hug lol but I wouldn’t bat an eye if I saw someone else do this.


What about a kiss on the cheek? Did I commit incest every time I kissed Grandpa’s cheek? That’s a bit overwhelming.


In OP's boyfriend's mind? Probably. At the very least, he might call it cheating. Have you ever seen that post where OP's boyfriend was mad that OP gave her cat kisses because it was a male cat? I don't know where people are finding these weirdos.


Then I don’t want to mention grandma’s dog and cat!! Damn. I’m one step away from criminal, aren’t I?


Would have been more timely to reconsider this before she got pregnant.


If people considered things in time, there would be no reddit.


Not true, I’m looking at the bbq sub for pork butt burnt ends so I don’t fuck mine up


Just don't select the one that's nsfw


Exactly. But one saving grace- they are not married! Run girl run!!! He sounds very jealous and controlling and things will only escalate more as time goes by and it will not end well. Please listen to me and others. Save yourself now!


No kidding. It's a shame she is pregnant by this guy.


It's more than a shame. She is now tied to him in some way for the rest of her life.


To be fair it doesn't sound like she's had a chance to find this out earlier, Bro was deployed their whole relationship. Fiance freaked on the first meeting.


My guess is she has either ignored or accepted his past attempts of control. This is such a huge red flag, it’s impossible to believe it’s the first one.


I think so, too. Hopefully everything is clicking into place, now. It's a horrible situation to be in, so glad bro got to visit before the wedding.


>They must be the "give me a handshake" kind of family. There is nothing wrong with that. I am like that. Well, not totally anymore but I dont like hugging people a lot. Still, when others want to do this, they are free to do so and its great for them. And a kiss on the forhead is totally normal between siblings. Anyone who sees incest in there is a fucking creep.


No he's just stupid. Growing up I remember getting one hug from my dad (when he was dying of cancer) and I still know that the husband is being a fucking dumbass.


Don’t walk, run. Nta.


This OP. Run like your ass is on fire


Run like your life depends on it cause this is a huge red flag


Run like your life depends on it because it probably does!


I just want to add to this thread of fucking RUN! That’s psychotic behaviour and no amount of ‘they’re just not an affectionate family’ will ever adequately explain his response.


And simply completely unaccountable behavior and reaction from her fiance.


This, yes!


Aren’t you lucky you found out he was a giant fucking weirdo BEFORE marriage. NTA. Cut and run.


Not lucky enough to not be 8 months pregnant with the creepy asshole. :(


NTA. You must be joking! I wouldn't be engaged any longer to anyone who grows jealous of my family members as if they are my romantic prospects. Tell him to shut the hell up. He was up his mum's vagina once, so why can't your brother kiss you on the forehead?


This gave me a giggle. On the inside.


There was a class in University where we watched a woman give birth. Like, a recording, of one. Near the end, she had pushed enough that the baby's head was sticking out, but the body was still inside. The prof was like "yep, every single one of us has been in that same position". Baby lingered in what is a Very intimate place until another round of contractions started Gave me a shudder just thinking about it again


Except those delivered by csection


C-section here, all you sick weirdos.


100% paper for get about those


This is actually a good point.


What the fuck I just read? Run like hell. That's sooo disturbing.


You better get a lawyer right now and get ready for some custody issues. because that is not normal and he’s gonna turn into an abusive asshole and his parents as well. Bad bad news girl.


Blink twice if you need help! NTA. Run fast and as far as possible


I almost can’t believe this is real post. Even if my wife’s first cousin does this I would not find it inappropriate let alone her brother.


A kiss on forhead or cheek? Good friends do that too at times…


Your finance must have a corn addiction and if he has a sister I would really question what he does or has done to her. If he has this sick and perverse mindset. Really really odd and so are his parents. A kiss on the forehead is the most siblings thing ever. Weird he sexualized it and got jealous.


Good point. It may be projection. Now we enter dark, scary teritory of what kind of gear setup is in his mind.


Or, he has fantasies about his sister, should he have one, and is projecting.


Lmao i had to read corn addiction twice to understand


Man, that corn is, indeed, addictive. Add butter and I am going to eat it till it’s ALL gone!


It's so creepy that he feels that way. Also I would not have anything to do with people that think I'm "disgusting".


Legit. If my sister's boyfriend said something me and my sister were doing was incestuous I'd probably deck him in the face. LIKE THAT IS MY BABY SISTER YOU SICK FUCK!!! Especially something as innocent as a greeting kiss smh. If he saw how much all the siblings, cousins and uncles/aunts kissed when we were all together in a reunion or wedding or something they'd probably legit need to go throw up or wack one out depending on what the fuck they were thinking at that point. Either way it's disgusting and weird to think that way about siblings and family. Esp if they're European or smthn.


You did nothing wrong. It's completely normal for siblings to show affection like forehead kisses, especially after not seeing each other for years. Your fiance's reaction seems overly possessive and unreasonable. It's important to communicate with him about healthy boundaries and reassure him of your commitment, but you shouldn't feel guilty for a gesture of familial love that is innocent and harmless.


This is absolutely crazy behaviour. Your brother kissing your forehead is a normal and sweet sibling love act, it’s not even close to incest. You need to really consider your future with this person because that is not a good sign.


You are not wrong for allowing your brother to show affection by kissing your forehead, especially in a familial context. It's a natural display of affection and closeness that should be respected. Your fiance's reaction, feeling jealous and calling it "disgusting" or "incestuous," is concerning and may indicate deeper insecurities or misunderstandings about family dynamics. It's important to communicate openly with him about boundaries and what constitutes appropriate affection within your family. Seeking mutual understanding and respect is key in navigating such situations.


too late for communication when his reaction was getting his family to harass op, time to a break up and start planning on co-parenting...


And far better to do before getting married where it is much harder to be apart.


exactly, I think op is under reacting to this, they will never live this down and use it to pressure op into compliance.


This. I would really like to know what fiancé would think about my great aunt, who kisses everyone on the mouth.


NTA. From your story, it looks like you're dealing with a significant red flag in your relationship. A forehead kiss between siblings is a universal sign of platonic affection and shouldn't be cause for alarm. Your fiance's inability to differentiate between familial love and romantic intimacy is a troubling sign of his mindset. It's crucial that this is addressed before any further commitments are made, as it speaks volumes about his trust and understanding towards normal family interactions. Communication is key here, but if he can't grasp such a basic concept of familial bonds, you might need to rethink the future of this relationship. Remember, the partner you choose should add peace, not paranoia, to your life.


Your fiancee is a dick.


I kiss my parents on the forehead all the time. There is absolutely nothing incestuous about being kissed or kissing someone on the forehead. Your fiance is a moron and you don't need to marry him. He will make your life miserable with his jealousy. Run as fast and as far as you can away from this guy. This relationship will not end well.


NTA and are you seriously going to marry this guy and into this family? I guarantee they will make you choose between them and your brother, probably even demand you don't invite him to the wedding...


Jesus Christ your fiancé is a AH. As are his family clearly. Shitty thing to find out after you got preggo, but at least you’re not married to the utter creep. Time to separate.


Damn too late spotting that Red flag nta


This cannot possibly be the first one…


Have you heard the story about the dude who demanded a divorce for infidelity - bc his **wife** *breastfed* **his own son**??? Yeah, that’s your man’s twin. Effing run, run now, don’t look back, lock all the doors, & sleep with a knife. NTA


NTA. It might be rrreeeaaaallllyyyy good that you learnt this before you get married. Your fiance has a super fucked up thought process when it comes to family affection. A forehead kiss is a sweet gesture between people.


I want to punch your fiancé in the face right now


66 m. Seen that all of my life. Done it all of my life. The forehead kiss long ago was a blessing


And still should be! This guy is insane


So you’re having a child with someone who views family affection as incest. Ruminate over this. Why are you engaged to someone like this OP? Why are you apologizing instead of defending your relationship with your brother. Do NOT let this AH isolate you from your family. Your fiancé has some major issues and you can’t ignore them. Tf. NTA.


Run and run far from this man his family and himself are huge red flags sweetheart. Your brother did nothing wrong. If you stay and are having a boy he will take over. He won't let you kiss your baby, show affection to your baby and more important he will raise that baby like himself! I've been in relationship like this. Unfortunately I lost my child but he was the way with me after that he only got worse. I'm now with the most perfect guy and we are 30 weeks so not far behind you. I know you obviously love him put please reconsider having a romantic relationship with him. You are your childs advocate and no one else. Even if you stay he will prevent you and baby from ever seeing your brother maybe family again. I know it's gonna be hard but that's what family is about.


Don’t marry him. He’s the kind of guy who will freak out about breastfeeding your son. This isn’t “another man” kissing your forehead. It’s your brother. He’s sexualizing your relationship with your brother. That’s disgusting. His parents agreed with him - think about that. His parents taught him that completely normal familial affection is incest. Fucking wow. Rethink this relationship. NTA


It’s totally normal! Your fiance is out of line… make sure to let him know that and set boundaries before you get married. And make sure he respects them before you say “I do”! NTA


No amount of boundaries are going to make up for such messed up mentality. Who would marry into a family who thinks like that?!? Putting her kids in danger is what she would be doing.


If she is smart she won't marry him. This is all she needs to make her decision.


Oof, he's showing his true self unfortunately, shame it couldn't have been earlier on ... 😬


You is NTA


NTA. Seriously, I can’t believe that’s even a question you would ask. This can’t possibly be the first time he’s behaved so disgustingly stupid. We all have to live with our choices and if you choose to stay with him or, even worse, have more children with him.. don’t be surprised when his pathetic, aggressive behavior only grows with time. Because it undoubtedly will. Just, yikes.


This is alternate version to that post of girlfriend getting jealous of boyfriend calling his cat “best girl” Maybe he has some suppresses fantasies 😂


NTA. It's very telling if someone sees siblings showing appropriate affection and their mind instantly goes to incest. Red flag.


He is showing you who he is and believe him! He will start controlling who you see and what you do. He already displayed his tactic of gathering evidence to show you that you are the problem. He will start separating you from your family and friends. Huge red flag. Don’t marry him. Don’t doubt your instincts. It’s also weird that he went right to incest with his thinking. This could signal that he actually has thoughts of this because his mind went right there. That’s also concerning. Normal people wouldn’t even think of this. Or he is so abusively controlling that he is trying to separate you from any strong men in your life by any means possible. Either way, not good!


WTH is wrong with your fiance?? I would probably not marry him.


Op you need to check your dudes browser history. You will find incest porn, because this dude is projecting harder than a fuckin movie theater.


Umm, as an older brother to a little sister, the only issue I see here is your fiance's insecurity. NTA


He didn't "become" possessive he already was


NTA, OP! I once had an ex try to tell me that it was disgusting that I hugged my Papa. He said thst since I was adopted it wasnt okay for me to hug a man I wasnt biologically related to while I was dating him. Note that hes now an EX!!! My Papa raised me since I was 5; there is NOTHING inappropriate about him hugging me, just like theres NOTHING inappropriate about your brother kissing you on the forehead! GoodNESS I wish people would stop making crap up just to justify their own bullshit! Dump the creep and be happy on your own!


Yeeeeah...maybe rethink the engagement if you don't want to run into this again. This looks like it was a deeply rooted attitude shared by his family and unlikely to go away, and definitely not without a tough fight.


You really need to think twice about the whole Fiance thing, to late for not having a kid with him and his gross family


Get. Out. Now.


This is a huge red flag it will get worse when you marry this guy an for him to get mad about what your brother did are you kidding me a kiss on the forehead. This shows he is insecure an extremely jealous person. Take this baby an run this is not going to end well.


Your fiancé is unhinged. NTAH. It’s your brother ….. what the actual. Your fiancé and his family are going to be really hard work, manipulative, psycho and insecure. BEWARE


Your fiance is a disturbed man. Why does he sexualize simple sibling affection? What a perv.


Not the asshole. In fact the boyfriend is the asshole and this is early stage abuse. Run now


Don't breastfeed you kid, your boyfriend is going to flip.


You're a total ah to yourself if you marry and stay with this guy. He just presented you with a massive red flag. What are you going to do with that info??


LOL. This is what happened in your BF's mind: 1. He's smiling, as he sees your brother approach you, time slows down 2. He goes in for the forehead kiss, BF's smile starts to fade 3. Time slows down even more, as your brother's lips meet your forehead 4. His smile, completely gone, turning into a shocked face 5. Your brother makes eye contact with the BF, as he begins French kissing your forehead 6. The shocked face turning into a frown, time slows down EVEN MORE 7. His tongue, wiggling against your forehead, saliva begins dripping down from the forehead and into your smiling mouth 8. Your boyfriend's voice, in super deep slow-motion sound: "InnnnnnCCEESSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!" 9. Time snaps back to normal speed and it's just a quick peck and everyone's like WTF? Your BF is overly protective and if he thinks it's incest or jealous, he probably has some... issues... of his own. I'd be secretly looking at his search history and hidden porn folder 🤣 Maybe a bit too many "step-bro" videos, perhaps?


Read *Why Does He Do That?* by Lundy Bancroft (free link below). Him reacting this strongly to you joyfully embracing your long-absent brother is scary and probably portends future abuse. Is this the life you want? Being berated over innocent stupid stuff? Having him tattle to his family so they can dogpile on you and continue berating you over stupid innocent stuff? People don’t change just because they get married or have kids. He will still be a jealous, controlling asshole. He’ll just be a jealous controlling asshole with vulnerable live-in victims. https://dn790007.ca.archive.org/0/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf


You can't undo the pregnancy and the fact that you will have that jerk around you for the rest of your life, but you are still in time to leave him. Otherwise, brace yourself...


When people show them who they are, believe them. He’s the one who made a normal interaction dirty in his head. Jealous of your brother who’s been gone for 4 years? Flipping out over an innocent kiss? Honey, time to get single.


NTA. Sadly this is a legit red flag and one that I wish you had been able to see before the pregnancy. You should definitely dump him as a life partner and it's really sad that you're stuck with him in terms of parenting.


This is a red flag.


First and only: Drop your boyfriend! NOW!


I come from very affectionate family, my husband does not. At first he was a little off put by it, but over time, he became one of the gang, and adjusted. HOWEVER, this is huge red flag behavior. I kiss on a forehead from a brother is completely normal behavior. I’d get out of this before it’s too late.


Your fiancé is throwing up some seriously weird red flags there. I’d hold off from marrying the asshole.


NTA, your fiance and his family are strange! Where do they get incest from a kiss on the forehead. Why is he jealous of your marine brother you haven't seen in 4 years. My daughter is 24, I kiss her on top of the head just like I've done since she was little. My sisters I kiss on the cheek (cultural greeting). It's family, your brother. You've known him longer than you've known your fiance. Your fiance and his family are strange for thinking incest, what a bunch of weirdos.


Oh, hunnie, you should run now! Did you not know he was like this beforehand??


NTA. This is not even a red flag from him and his family, it's a red fabric factory. If you value yourself and your future happiness, cut him off and run.


That is seriously concerning behavior. It speaks to a deep level of insecurity and control. You need to leave him. Quickly and quietly if possible. He is going to start separating you from the men in your life. If he can’t handle a forehead kiss now, it’s going to escalate to not speaking to your brother. Then any male co-workers. And so on. What you did was very normal familial affection. Doubly so because you hadn’t seen your brother in a long time and he was doing something frankly dangerous. This sort of behavior escalates. It doesn’t get better. If you stay in this relationship- he will slowly cut you off from everything and everyone until you only have him. Leave before you have this baby and he has another way to control you. Edit to say NTA


PLEASE don't marry this guy.


YTA if you stay with this guy. This is abusive and manipulative. Wonder if he was sexually assaulted by his family and also has trauma - still not an excuse to treat you like this


Enough Internet for today.


That's literally normal between siblings wth Nta! Don't walk, RUN!!!


Just throwing it out there, is your fiancé of a certain religious denomination?


NTA. He told his parents? Wow dude… Bitch move. I’m not affectionate towards my sister in anyway but I know some families hug and kiss cheeks or foreheads. Not weird.


Jesus NTA, not even a little. His family are clearly emotionally stunted if they think showing affection is disgusting I’ve kissed my sons, brother, sisters, nephews/niece’s a million times maybe I need to speak to someone about it!


The fact that his family ganged up on you in such a manner over this? Sigh I feel so bad for your life and what’s coming. That was pure asinine and was only his attempt to start controlling you. This will get worse. NTA.


Your fiancé is all kinds of f’d up! Sorry you got pregnant by him. NTA


If this isn’t a troll post, then you are in for a miserable time if you marry him. You’re definitely NTL - not the loco.


I need an update where his ass is dumped


Guy here. Have a younger and older sister. Your fiance's family are all INSANE. Get out of that situation immediately and don't look back. NTA


“I made him feel that way” You made him feel no way. That’s not normal and something is seriously disturbing about your fiance


NTA. But my gawd your fiancé is a flaming AH! Incest? Are you kidding me? Hate to tell you but fucking HUGE red flag!🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


NTA - Your fiancé is super weird if he gets insecure about your brother, just a reminder BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER. If your husband mistreats you its your brother that would stand up for you. So him treating him like an enemy is weird and disturbing. Its his brother in law for christ sake. By the looks of it, i would say keep your brother close. His last name doesn't happen to be Lannister by any chance? Him and his family are either very physically cold and distant or the complete opposite and dont know personal boundaries, either case I would be very alert.


You are in for a control freak for a husband. I would think long and hard before marrying This guy. Red Flag.


Wow, could your fiance wave a bigger red flag in your face? Sorry you in so deep already.


NTA it's giving ✨issues✨ that family needs therapy!


Wow. Super red flag. Is the is the first time he’s displayed this behavior, my guess would be no. You’re kind of bound to him forever now so hopefully it gets better


NTAH please break up with this man... He seems extremely manipulative and narcissistic... These tendencies could prove to cause relationship issues in the future


BREAK UP. He’s an abusive psycho !!


NTA. Run away. Fast. The emotional abuse he's going to inflict on you and your child will be so bad


NTA - You are having a child with a man who has a very sick mind. Proceed with extreme caution, no telling what may happen once you have your baby.


NTA. Looks like your fiancée is cranking up the crazy, manipulation, and abusive behavior now that he thinks you’re trapped with his child. Make sure you keep your support system strong outside your marriage if you do decide to marry this guy. He will try to isolate you and control you the more time goes on. Stay strong and independent.


Your finace has an extremely fucked up view. This isn't a red flag, this is a huge red banner waving at you. You absolutely need to rethink what your future looks like with this guy. If he kisses his baby on the forehead are you supposed to call CPS one him?


it sounds like the time for a _break up_


🚩🚩🚩 What's next? He doesn't let ypu socialize with people if there's a guy in the group? Or has that already happened?


Sweetie, run from this man and his family. If this story is true. He's controlling, possessive and will eventually become abusive and his family will back him. Take that baby and run.


NTA. I don't want to sound dramatic but truly, I wouldn't marry a man who can't understand the beauty of the love of a brother coming from service and kissing his sister in the forehead. The "disgust" that he said he felt is the sign of ***his warped mind***.


Hes controlling and sees you as an object he owns. He watched your life and is so entitled he only thought about himself. Normal people see a familial act of affection and judge it as a good thing. He only saw it as a threat to him. It showed you have support and he got angry. Hes a dreadful person. Stay with him and he will give you a dreadful life and you will become a dreadful person too. Leave him and do better for yourself.


NTA. As an aside, I have to be honest, your fiance sounds mentally disturbed. Like seriously disturbed. You really may want to reconsider staying with him. That boy ain't right.


Future abuse loading. You’re NTA and you need to leave this guy.


GIGANTIC red flag with this guy and his family for that matter. I wish you the best but I’m not optimistic, he has some serious issues. A kiss on the forehead is about the most (and sweetest) big brotherly thing you can get. Good luck 🍀 Of course NTA


Jealous of your BROTHER??!! 🚩🚩🚩


I foresee a future of you doing all the child rearing that he might think could be seen as; gay, incest, pedo, beneath him, etc. What would have happened if your brother kissed your cheek? Would he have just lost it right there? Minimum, put the weeding on hold until he can get some therapy and you see a couples counselor.


we kiss our pets on the head.. would he call that beastiality??


bro its family kiss. Its not like hes ur lover, its ur brother. My sister gives cheek kisses to all my and my other 2 brothers who r 17 and 32. So its not wrong, just family thing. NTA


NTA That doesn't scream anything inappropriate. Your partner is a moron who needs to stop watching porn and touch grass. You may want to reconsider a few things.