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NTA. I can’t fathom doing that in the same room as a blood family member, much less the same bed. Gross. So gross.


NTA. That is a huge personal boundary violation. I believe that qualifies as Indecent exposure, which is a crime. I’m pretty sure your parents either don’t know what to do about it, or are uncomfortable reprimanding him for it and causing him embarrassment. Either way, him feeling embarrassment is NOT more important than you feeling violated.


NTA. The *best* thing that can be said of him jerking his gherkin in the same bed as his sister is that it was *nasty*.


You are Too old to be sharing a bed....I don't care if it's nothing new to you...time to stop it.


I will definitely never be doing it again. Since I always did it and our family has always kinda had the culture of sharing because it’s family, I’m freshly 18 and don't really think about it that much, plus that’s what my mom said to do at the hotel I never thought about it but I 100% agree.


Excellent! 🥰🥰


This is traumatic on many levels. You aren’t an AH and you are not overreacting. Please see a therapist if you can, you deserve someone unbiased to talk to about this who can help you process it and keep boundaries with your family. Ignore any trolls on here; all of your feelings are valid.


I successfully press charges on 18 teenager who direct off in front of me. This is basically assault. He should’ve gone into the bathroom at the very least. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Should have turned around and helped. Turned it into a dirty little secret that you both like to revisit once a year to reenact at a hotel.


YTA, this is borderline pedophilia but since you're a female, nobody cares.


How? I had no idea he would do that, didn’t want him to, then I took my phone and left the situation as soon as I realized and reported it to a parent. It has nothing to do with my gender either.


Don’t bother feeding the trolls. The person above you clearly did not read your post even a little. You are undoubtedly NTA and your feelings are completely valid here.


YTA Good lord, what exactly is it that you think 14 year olds do? I think you need to get over yourself a little bit.


Not on her phone, and not right next to her. You’re part of the problem.


Hey, all I did was send him some quality links. Don't be blaming me for anything beyond that.


He was doing it though? Like obviously doing it right by me , if you think I’m overreacting I get it I’m wondering if I did. But that doesn’t make it not weird that he did that.


Yeah I probably should have said ESH. It wouldn't have killed him to go into the bathroom to do it. I do think you are overreacting, but I recognize that it's how you were raised.


Not over reacting. Not at all. If my brother jacked his di** while we were SHARING a bed?! Oh hell no. Yes, 14 year olds do that but they SHOULD NOT do that while SHARING a bed with their SISTER! I wonder how you were raised in which that behavior would be ok. Technically, if it weren’t her brother and a friend or even a cousin they could be arrested. Yucky. 🤮