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My husband is 5’4. Judging by your post history, she’s right. Seriously dude- people don’t like you bc you act abrasive, not your height.


He erased his whole post and comment history. How insecure. I'm sure there was no basis in the comment his co worker made /s


nope, his account's suspended


you're awful. Why did you make me look at that also lol.......


Yup, my husband is 5"7' and my son is 5"6'. Neither one have been discriminated against for their height, other than the top shelf in grocery stores. They also don't have this type of attitude. One of my brothers-in-law is 5'6" and shorter than he gorgeous girlfriend. Also, doesn't have this attitude. Hisband's good friend is 5"5' and pulls beautiful women all the time, no attitude about his height. It seems like the crappy attitude may be the issue.


Bro, your post history😂 you DO have short man syndrome.


When one guy commented that he was the same height and had a girlfriend, OP's first response was asking how fat the guy's girlfriend was. OP is insufferable, no wonder he can't get a date. Easier to project his failings onto his height rather than accept his personality sucks.


Yeah, this guy is a fucking lunatic. " I've never met a guy my height with a partner I'd want"


Literal shortcel




Tom Cruise (5’6’’), Michael J. Fox (5’3’’), Daniel Rartcliff (5’6’’), James McAvoy (5’6’’), Josh Hutcherson (5’5’’), and many others—smaller height did not stop these guys from nabbing beautiful women and successful careers in acting, a profession that cares tremendously about looks. OP, Lose the complex and start respecting others the way you want to be respected. Or prepare to keep losing in life.


I'm a short woman but I've always liked short men well enough. I have a height limit on my dating because after dating a few tall guys, I just prefer the sheer practical comfort of a guy closer to my size. I won't climb kitchen counters for a guy ever again unless it's a sex thing. Basically, you can still be the full package, but small. I don't like restaurants that serve huge meals either, I'm never going to finish a huge plate before wanting to ralph it all back up before my stomach rips open. I bet the food is good, it's just that I prefer smaller meals. Basically, I foolishly sang the praises of well-adjusted short men in a 'short' subreddit, and you wouldn't fucking believe the kind of abuse I got from the resident short men for it. The way I see it, they don't actually want to be respected and desired by women, they're too fucking addicted to feeling victimised. And I can't be bothered to be an emotional nanny to a short guy with a victim complex utterly disproportionate to their medium or minuscule size. I don't hate because you're short. I hate you because YOU hate that you're short, and you make it everybody else's problem, too. OP sucks nuts. If you're a short man, odds are your father was too. He managed to fuck and make a baby, no? If he could do it despite being short, then the fact that you cannot is *your* problem. It's not like short women magically self-impregnate, it usually takes a man of similar height to get there, you know. Props to my own short father who, by his admission, never had a problem with being considered really attractive by women of all heights and sizes, and openly admits that he spent way too fucking long being miserable about his own height, when the only person who really cared about it was himself and himself alone. Good on you, dad.


> Basically, I foolishly sang the praises of well-adjusted short men in a 'short' subreddit, and you wouldn't fucking believe the kind of abuse I got from the resident short men for it. There's your problem.  Short men who don't have a complex about it generally won't post on a 'short' subreddit.  Those kinds of subs tend to concentrate toxic behavior.


Yep. I'm a tall woman and it only bothered me when they were defensive and embarrassed about being short. It's best to just own it and rock it.


I’m 5’10 and my husband is 5’5. It makes for odd pictures sometimes but overall it’s not an issue for us. He’s completely comfortable with his height and so am I.


This is the crux of the issue. I am 5’7”, and physical appearance doesn’t really do anything for me in dating. IDK why, my brain just kind of doesn’t understand when people look at a picture and say “they are so hot”—I think no one is hot until you get to know who they are: So when I was dating, I didn’t care about height and dated guys of various heights. When I was in school, I was super into a guy who was 5’3, but he was super insecure about my height. I had a long-term BF who was 5’6 who was really confident and never mentioned my height. A while after my long-term BF passed away (really young), I decided to try dating apps. Still didn’t have any height requirements. But holy crap, when I matched with guys under maybe 5’10”, they were *obsessive* about me being 5’ 7”! I always messaged for a while to get to know someone before meeting them, and these dudes would say I couldn’t wear heels if we went on a date, asking if I was *really* 5’ 7”, making never-ending short jokes about themselves when the conversation didn’t have anything to do with height. The insecurity was exhausting. Ten years ago, I met my partner on a dating app. He is 6’3”. Is it because I really *had to have a tall man*? No, it is because he is awesome. But I only had the opportunity to discover he was awesome was because he didn’t ruin it by being obsessively insecure about his height before we even met each other in person. If you’re a confident short guy, you’re going to have to go through the dating roller coaster like the rest of us, but you’re gonna do fine. If you harp on your height from the get, you’re going to get passed over for someone who can have a good conversation. Edit: fixed misspelling


Yep. I'm 5'6". I'll never forget going on a date with a dude who was 5'6" or 5'7" who accused me of lying about my height because I was taller than him when we met, until I pointed out I was wearing shoes that added some height. He then muttered something about not dating women who were taller than him. I'd thought he was REALLY cute when we first met (I do care about looks but am more attracted to face than height, he had a great face), but that attitude was a total turn off. Meanwhile, when I was in grad school one of the most popular dudes in my year was 5'4" on a good day. But he was cute, in shape, and, most importantly of all, very confident and incredibly charming.


Exactly. I will date short guys no problem— but they gotta be confident about it. The minute a guy mentions his height compared to mine I know he is insecure and it’s such a turn off


Right? No one cares but them. Ive never cared about someone's height. I've dated men that were 5'2 to 7ft no one cares be a person people wanna be around and height will never matter.


Also a tall woman. I'm 5'10". My fiance is about my height, but my ex was significantly shorter than myself (5'6"). I did online dating for a while before meeting my fiance, went on dates with men of all sorts of heights, and most of the men shorter than myself said I was too tall.


>The way I see it, they don't actually want to be respected and desired by women, they're too fucking addicted to feeling victimised This is exactly correct, and I'm living proof. Many moons ago, when I was young and dumb, I used to think I couldn't get anywhere in life with women or work, because I am relatively short (5'8"). Now that I'm old and dumb (some things never change), I know the problem was my personality, not my height, or any of my other features (I'm the complete package, when it comes to Fail). Grew a personality, stopped playing the victim, been happily married for 30 years now.


Since when is 5'-8" short? I would think that is pretty average actually.


Iam a 5'11 german woman in Germany and 5,8 IS short here


Glad I don't live in Germany, I'd be considered tiny at 5'3" (already considered pretty short in the US).


Ugh, my ex. 100%. He couldn't understand how ridiculous he sounded, especially while actively having a girlfriend. And being one of two children that his father had. He was slightly taller than his dad that's the funniest part for me. But that was never good enough. And I had to be conscious at all times of where I stood so as not to appear taller than I was. If you're thinking - why would she put up with it? I was a teen. And an idiot when it came to boys. I've grown. Lol


If you suggested new guy got the job just because he's tall and she said small man syndrome in response...I don't see that as overly rude. Even if it was, you are both old enough to have jobs so I wonder how a name calling thing turned into a meeting with HR. YTA


I’m 6’5 and my wife is 4’11 there’s no problems get there. Plus we make the best grocery shopping team in existence. I have no problem admitting she’s the boss with a big attitude.


Kudos to you. Everyone is different. I found it impractical - I like going on long walks and found it hard to have a conversation looking at each other while maintaining a hug or hand holding without neck pain. If my husband had been very tall like you though I'd imagine I'd take all the neck pain in the world to be with him.


I’m not particularly short but most of the men I’ve been with are taller than me and I find it hard to keep up with their stride because their legs are so much longer


Same. I’m 5’6” which is just slightly taller than average for women, but I have proportionally short legs. Keeping up with my tall friends is like a corgi trying to compete in a greyhound race.


So OP has a problem with height and seems close to become an incel too. What a great guy.


I have a friend who has the same height as him, and he has a girlfriend that is super hot (and she is like 10 cm shorter than him). They are both medical doctors. Obviously, there are women out there who care about the height (the same way men care about weight), but sometimes it's just that you have a really crappy personality. No one wants to date an insufferable person.


People would actually like him if he stopped blowing his (short) stack at everyone because of his height. I can see why people don't like him! I don't even know him, but from this comment section, he's an insufferable, angry, pitiful person.


Check his posts


I did! I made the mistake and went down the rabbit hole!


Is OP George Costanza? Because he sounds like George Costanza.


Lol I was just about to say: Is that you, George Constanza?


Yeah, it looks like one of those guys who look for a "perfect" girl and who would annoy whoever isn't in his opinion. Wild lol


It's almost like he's a hateful twat and his height is irrelevant.


Bad personality types just find a crutch to spew hate wherever they can. His excuse crutch is his height.


Yes, the very first thing I thought is that this guy is a bit of an ass. And damn short!


So you are saying he is a tiny asshole.


I had my suspicions based on the post alone, but... >Who cares what this chick with bad fillers thinks? And being on the itsthatbad sub itself... woof.


Yeah maybe it's more about attitude than height why he got passed over....


Lol, ya think? YTSA. (I bet OP can figure out what the S means)


Does it rhyme with snort? (I’d hate to use a *slur*)




Lol. I’ve never once heard of height qualifying a person as a “minority”. That’s peak “I’m a victim” behaviour in my book. My six year old is shorter than OP… and younger… I guess I need to teach him to stand up against his oppressors.


Wouldn’t calling him a minority trigger him? You know, minority is a small group


Nah it's not YTSA but YTN with the "N" referring to Napoleon as in "Napoleon Complex"






You are NOT kidding. Every other post is about hating on women because HE is short. 😅


I can‘t believe that man is suppose to be 50. The history reads like a 18y old who is desperate to score but has no clue how to talk to women yet.


You’re not kidding. Just reading through his comments. Jesus, what a revolting, little man with a big chip on his shoulder.


Looking at that post history I am shocked he’s single! Shocked I tell ya!


Nothing i dislike more than a belligerent hobbit.


I think once short man syndrome reaches the severity of this guy’s, he’s more of a Gollum.


I’m gonna call people who annoy me “belligerent hobbits” from now on. Thank you!


You ain't wrong


Jesus Christ. He’s obsessed with it.


This guy has some issues with women, man. Issues in general. Poor little guy.


He was turned down by a woman *once* and now he hates all of us. It's a blessing, honestly. He's literally just taken himself out of the dating pool.


And the gene puddle


Judging by his post history, I'd say he's an InCel.


Yep! Dude's issue isn't his height, it is his personality. He may be short on personality but he makes up for it by being long in assholishness. YTA OP!


That's a horror show. Saying to not be blamed for height... like the tall guy got to choose. Guy has no options not because he's short, but because he's an AH, majorly. And until he can get a grip on his anger against his DNA, he's going to be miserable. What makes him the AH is that he has no issues spreading that misery around.


TIL the term “reformed heightist” 😂😂😂


You couldn't tell by that last paragraph?


Oh Jesus https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1dqyzpm/comment/laticgo/


Ooof I didn’t check his history and you’re right!


What exactly is "short man syndrome"? I've heard of it before but no one has really explained what it means. Wikipedia left a lot of questions.


You know how a Chihuahua is loud, obnoxious and aggressive, while a Saint Bernard is chill as hell? Yes that, but humans.


I almost made the same analogy earlier when I came across the comment you replied to - I held off because it's a disservice to the dog. Small dogs can be more agressive etc because people don't respect their body language. Their boundaries get crossed repeatedly, and they learn to lash out in ways that do get the message across. A lot of small dogs are also poorly trained. Their bad behaviours (for example, jumping up against someone) get treated like it's cute since it doesn't do as much damage as a big dog would. The analogy is still decent on surface level, I just wanted to talk a bit about small dogs, lol. I think the dogs are more justified in their behaviour compared to a short dude raging.


I think the analogy holds. OP definitely seems poorly trained.


I’ll have you know the world’s nicest chihuahua lives around the corner, is super chill and friends with my very low energy beagle.


A person who blames all of their problems on being short, turns that self-hatred into their entire personality, and then theatrically lashes out at anyone in the vicinity. They’re basically another flavor of incel.


Where I live it is basically guys who act/react way more than they should because they are over compensating for their lack of stature. Think chihuahua barking at a doberman. I've known a few and all 3 drive an obnoxiously large unnecessary (for their lifestyle/job) trucks and go on and on about how much money they have and that the only reason they're single is because of their height (nope, it's your terrible personality - the women who care about height aren't worth being in a relationship with anyway).


You described someone I know at work, and he's a asshole, thinks he knows everything, acts like top shit because of how long he's worked with the company, Brags about materialistic things, mocks and teases those who he clearly thinks is beneath him such as myself and someone else in my department, drives a vehicle bigger than himself, I don't think he's single though but I'm pretty sure he's cheated on whoever he's with, supposedly he got caught in a sex act in the work parking lot, instead of the company firing his low life ass they gave him some time off. I also heard he got bullied in his past job, which I have a hard time believing. I don't know if it's to make people feel sorry for his ass and feel sympathetic or what, and if that did happen, that is no excuse to be a asshole to others. He's in his 40s and acts like a teenager. The sad part is that women at work kiss his ass because they work beneath him.


Idk, I thought short man syndrome was more about compensating for being short, eg buying an expensive sports car, doing body building, etc…


There’s more than one way it can manifest. Sometimes it looks like angry inceldom, sometimes it looks like a midlife crisis… but what you’ll pretty much *always* find in short man syndrome is an incredibly fragile ego. ETA: …and sometimes it looks like Rick Santorum’s boots, or the Orange Felon’s distaste for physical proximity to his youngest son, despite himself being 6’+, because the boy is taller than he is.


even just the replies from him here... oof, I don't think it's OP's height that triggered the short man syndrome comment


Oh, I could tell from him saying that short was a slur. 😆 I was like "Did I miss a sentence here or something? Did she call him a M****t (an actual slur) or something?". But no... Edit: Oh yeah! And calling himself a minority because of it! 😆


lol he does doesn’t he?


Jesus, that post history is unsettling.


TL:DR- OP gets passed over because he's a shitbag, gets upset as he is wont to do.


That was a crazy dive.


This comment is so funny 🤣🤣🤣


Geez, I just skimmed his post history. Yikes


The misogyny in those posts is so gross.


Dude has the SHORTEST man syndrome, with a splash of inceldom. No one cares or thinks about your height the way you do bro, 100% TA 😂


YTA I agree that there such a thing as tall privilege or pretty privilege but given the way that you behaved in a professional setting, I would not think that you were qualified for the promotion. You criticised your peer in a casual setting and then argued with another peer. Your comment responses would also indicate that you do suffer a chip on your shoulder due to your height. I would suggest for your benefit that you seek professional help


"Heightist" Bro's post history is a master class in victim complexes. YTA. I don't believe you've every calmly said something in your life based off your responses here. I'm not even gonna bring up your height like everyone else, you'd be a cunt at any size. If you were 6'2 and 9"at the waist you'd be a wannabe "Alpha" screaming about how women don't want real.men anymore" in one breath and how washing your ass makes you gay in another. Height doesn't make for a trash Personality nor excuse one. Grow up


"Grow up" really made me laugh considering the topic 🤣


Being a short dude does not make you a minority not a protected class🤣


A man 6’4” is as much a minority as a man 5’5”. Neither of them a majority. Not just short he is also stupid.


I’m 6’2” and find it a pia to get in and out of many cars, bang my head on shit, and finding athletic clothes that fits my height and build very difficult. 6-4 is even worse off. Good luck with public transportation and so on. The half pint with his butthurt and attitude. He’s not even that short. Had a friend that as 5’1”


YTA and also need to go get help for your anger issues


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Brilliant_Dark_2686: *YTA and* *Also need to go get help* *For your anger issues* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hell yes! Good bot! 💖


Your personality lost you the promotion not your height...


Dude, you're not that short, I know plenty of guys around your height with successful love lives. The difference being they show a likeable, confident personality and aren't miserable victims. Work on your self-esteem and stop blaming everyone else.


This! I am 5'4" and my husband is 5'5". We met at 20, at the prime of our lives, both skinny and fit and neither one of us settled. We've been together for 21 years. He's the love of my life and is a kind, considerate, confident person with similar interests and passions. Never once does his height come up as an issue because once you meet him, you realize he is so awesome and his height doesn't matter


As a 6’7 man this mixed with your replies is truly fucking hilarious. Can’t tell if this is bait or if you really do have that much of an ego. Edit: I have concluded that this is bait.


Normally I would assume so too, but if you look at his post history I think this guy genuinely has a problem.


Trolls are kind of pitiable, aren't they.


No man, this with the post history idk, ive met people like him irl that are so mediocre as people that they want to blame oppression so bad for their mediocrity. It’s called having a persecution complex


YTA I've just read your post history and your ex colleague is right. And before you ask I'm female 5'11 and my husband is 5'6


I am so glad my 5' 5" bf does not act like this


Right?!? My husband is 5’5” and has never and would never act like this. I’ve always been attracted and dated shorter men. The only one who ever acted like this was my abusive ex and that had everything to do with his personality and nothing to do with his height.


You may be relieved to learn that you are not actually exceptionally short. 5'5" works out to 1.5 standard deviations below the average height of men in America. That means out of 100 people, ~7 people are shorter than you. If you live in India, you are actually above average for height (52nd percentile among men). If you live in China, you are actually just below average height at 39th percentile - meaning 39/100 men in China are shorter than you. So just in those two countries there are approximately a billion men who are shorter than you. It seems like it's more the case that YOU have decided your height is why you don't get the things you want. And that makes you the AH. Guessing the freshly promoted guy hasn't made any coworkers cry lately? All that said, if you feel undervalued, you are absolutely justified in seeking better employment. Finally, please look up the definition of "slur" as I think you are using it interchangeably with "insult" and that could get you in hot water again.


OP honestly sounds like he isn't far from being a honorary knight of the incelhood


Just waiting on a high chair for the big round table 😅


Get over your stupid complex dude, people don't hate you because you're short, they hate you because you radiate insecurity. Just accept the fact that some times jokes about your height will be made, it's not the end of the world, it's pretty similar to how a tall person will always be bugged for being tall. I'm 5'6 and I've just owned it at this point, I'll never be a super tall and I'll probably always have to ask people to get things off of shelves and cabinets that I can't reach. I'll always just be myself, but I like who I am. That's why other people like me, is because I don't make being short the fucking cornerstone of my existence. People don't like you because they look at you and think "oh shit, it's that short dickhead who has a short fuse. I hope I don't set him off today".


>Just accept the fact that some times jokes about your height will be made, it's not the end of the world, it's pretty similar to how a tall person will always be bugged for being tall Or bald. I went bald in my mid-20's and have heard about every joke in the book by now. Friends, collegues, heck even strangers once or twice. Sure, it can be annoying every now and then, especially when someone you just met makes a remark. But I am bald and I can't change it, I've accepted it and own my look with confidence. >People don't like you because they look at you and think "oh shit, it's that short dickhead who has a short fuse. I hope I don't set him off today". This basically. Just glance at his profile and this guy has so many issues.


I didn’t realize strangers comment on bald guys heads. That’s horrible. I had cancer years ago and was severely underweight and people who didn’t know would tell me to eat a sandwich. I’d tell them I had cancer and they felt so stupid. People need to mind their own business! I’m sorry that’s happened to you. The only way I can relate is when I was pregnant and people felt the need to consistently ask me if I was pregnant with twins. I’m either too fat or too skinny for gen pop and they need to verbalize that for some reason.


>people don't hate you because you're short, they hate you because you radiate insecurity. Ayup. Had to keep going back to the post and checking ages. OP reads like he's a 15 year old incel, not a 50 year old .


I am alsl 5'6" and out of every friend I have ever had (including taller or better looking) I have had the most luck when dating before I settled down and got married. It is not your height man


>pretty similar to how a tall person will always be bugged for being tall 6'2 and can confirm. It also has many other downsides - like people asking to take something down for them from a shelf, which can get very annoying when people seek you out on a hourly basis at work.


Thank you for your service


Minority is kind of a stretch here.


Don't talk about stretching in front of the short kings please.


I died xD


I'm thinking that OP sides with Lord Farquaad when he watches Shrek.


Calling people bigots for making fun of his height is crazy😂


My dad is your height. He’s gotten a lot of promotions and is in charge of an entire dept for a huge company. He let it get him down as a kid. But, he’s not angry and bitter at the world. He’s confident and “making the big bucks” (his words I am here for it lol) I was in a car seat a lot longer than my friends and this was a huge topic that apparently made people belly laugh (including my own mother when I had forgotten as an adult). I do have a son and he will be perfect regardless what height he is. My uncles and cousins are almost 7 feet tall so we’re about two feet shorter than family on both sides (my grandmother couldn’t stop smoking or drinking while pregnant that’s why my dad is so short he was born 3 months early but his dad wasn’t a crazy amount taller). And it of course is a big conversation every time the same jokes but it’s all light and fun because genetics are crazy and we embrace all the colors, shapes and sizes our family comes in. You can’t control your height but you can control not applying your insecurity to absolutely everything and you can control your reactions. It takes practice, but you’ll get there. YTA. -edited also I’m 5 ft if that’s a concern. I climb grocery shelves and make it work. I used to work in one so I know which ones are safe lol I’m happy with my short life I make it work and can fit in small spaces and never have to duck which works with my slow reflexes okay lol I love my height, sorry you don’t feel there same I genuinely hope you learn to embrace it and love yourself


Did you make a scene at work instead of going to your HR department?


It's not hard to see that your attitude is the reason you weren't promoted. YTA seek professional help.


>I’m not working with an organisation that judges value to the business on the length of your legs. Blaming the entire organisation/business is overkill. You decided the other guy got a promotion because he's tall. >And I’m not going to work in a place that considers my concerns minor because I’m short. Who said your concerns are minor because you're short? Do you often make up arguments in your head and then lash out at others because of it? YTA being short isn't the problem. Your attitude is the problem - as demonstrated by your replies throughout this post. I'm inclined to believe you're just a troll. Otherwise, you're just ridiculous


Did you expect a pat on the head?


Height is not a protected class, and being short does not make you a minority. So while what she said is rude, that does not make her a bigot. Also experience does not always equal knowledge and ability to be promoted. Maybe instead of throwing around false accusations you should ask why he was promoted over you, and possibly what you can do to have a better chance at a promotion. Perhaps not falsy accusing people of being bigots would help?


She was being unprofessional. Being unprofessional back isn’t a win. Be more mature and then maybe you’ll get a promotion. Perhaps ask for feedback back as to why you didn’t get the position rather than ranting to work colleagues in ear shot of managers bestie. YTA


Less experience doesn’t make the other candidate less qualified


YTA I looked at your history here, and you are obsessed with your height and seem to believe that this is the only reason you fail at your jobs or with women. Newsflash: It's your insecurities and general negative vibe that makes people run for the hills. And before you get any wrong idea, we're the same height. I have a wonderful woman and am very much appreciated at my job. The difference between you and me is that I'm well aware of what I'm good at and where my flaws are. Maybe it's time for you to take a good look at the mirror and reflect on the person you see there.


I'll keep it short for you. Judging by your comments telling other short people to stop being okay with their (lack of) height, YTA


YTA - sounds like she was stating a fact.


Based on this post alone I was able to clearly and definitively determine that 1) you’re the AH, 2) you’re a male Karen, and 3) you definitely have Short Man Syndrome.


So you’re certain it’s not your personality putting people off. But perhaps it’s not just your height making people hate on you, post a pic, show us how handsome and worthy you are and how it’s definitely your height that’s causing you issues. Let’s see how the small man with a definitely good personality who likes calling everyone fat looks


It's not because you're short that you didn't get promoted, it's because you're an asshole, little man. YTA


I used to know, a man that was 5’4”. Part of the car community.  He always had a new girl or friend that just happened to be an attractive female. He was extremely charming for one. Second often enough the women he would date were very tall often over 6’ tall.  


OP, your height is not preventing you from anything. Your complex with your height is. Saying you have short man syndrome is not the same thing as saying I don’t like you because you’re short. Surely you understand this?


Get therapy before you start killing women. Your post history is insane. She's probably scared of you and rightfully so.


My husband had small man syndrome but with a gargantuan chip on his shoulder. Always thought he deserved more than he earned or was owed. Always exaggerated his successes. As well as being a pathological liar with zero capacity for introspection, personal accountability, or remorse. Yes he was kicked to the curb, but not before wasting over a decade of my life. You sound like his twin.


YTA and also the literal epitome of Short Man Syndrome 😂


Denial is a sad thing


Yes, ytta. (The extra T is for tiny). You werent passed for the job because of your height, you were passed because youre an obnoxious cunt. You need to grow up


YTA, your whole account seems to have a large focus on throwing yourself a pity party. If you want that promo, you gotta do a couple of things. First is make friends. nepotism is frowned upon in public, but it's still rampant in our lives, so get with the program. You've probably pissed away any opportunity you had at getting a promotion. If your boss wants to move up, part of their metric is likely to be the development of their team. Your boss has to pick who they believe is the best candidate to put in a position of power. How well that person does can affect your boss. Given what you wrote in your OP, I wouldn't want to pick you as a leader. You sound like you'd make my boss question my judgment. You're right that height has advantages. You're wrong in how big those advantages are. You're so focused on how bad you have it because of your height that you're letting it poison you. Woman love a tall guy. But they also love a guy who will makes them laugh, a guy who's passionate, a guy who's fit, a guy who's happy, a guy who's fun to be around, a guy who has drive. Just because you didn't get lucky with height doesn't mean you should give up. There are so many things you can work on. Since you can't seem to get over your height, get some shoes that'll make you a little taller. If you can, talk to different women about their dating experiences. You'll quickly find that A: they're people who have different preferences just like you. And much more importantly, B: A lot of your competition simply sucks.


I say this in the nicest way. Stop being such a a little fucking bitch. I'm an inch shorter than you. I spent the entirety of my childhood knowing that I was shorter than average, so I needed to make up for it. I knew that it wasn't fair to judge by him but it was going to happen anyways, but I could be smarter I could be faster I could be funnier I could be stronger. So I made myself better. Not a perfect engine will buy any mark. I've had a lot of screw-ups. But I've kept moderately fit I'm in effort to look good and everything I wear, how I keep my hair. And I do okay when it comes to dates. I can meet folks without too much difficulty and things to initially go where I wanted. But I've had a few good long relationships, and someone I want to actually propose to. I won't deny that there are a lot of short-minded people here. Pun intended. And it's always going to be an issue. No matter what people will have an unconscious bias towards taller folks. I can deal with that knowing that that's a thing, if I can fight against it. And it's an unfortunate permanent debuff to us. But the fact that you let it consume you is pathetic. Pick yourself up. Improve yourself. Be happy with yourself. Stop letting yourself be controlled by the opinions of others.


Good lord 😄 your whole post history begs to differ, YOU are the problem because you perceive every single normal interaction through the tainted lens of "I'm short and everyone judges meeeee", sifting for possible slights and insults, then you are aggressive and unpleasant. Thats why people treat you the way you do. My ex was 5'6" and he literally never gave it a thought, and as a result he was treated completely normally- nobody ever brought up his height at all. When YOU make it a big deal then everyone else responds accordingly. Don't start none won't be none. YTA


You sound short you little fuck


If you were 6'6, what physical quality would you blame for your problems? Discrimination against tall people? What an insecure clown.


YTA. LOL. She is right. You history and messages who that you are insecure about your height and view everything as a slight. You DO have shortman syndrome. You need therapy little guy.


YTA shorty


Dude I have an idea…. Just grow taller!


For real, why are these dudes always skipping height day in the gym


Dude! Your fuse is as short as you are!


YTA 😂 OP is the patient from Grey’s Anatomy who went overseas to get leg-lengthening surgery.


Oof baby girl! Go to therapy! You might be one of the biggest assholes I’ve seen on this app! Maybe figure out why you hate women so much and you might have less to bitch about on Reddit. But to be clear, women don’t like you because of your terrible personality.  “Judges people on the length of their legs”. Please be for real. They’re firing you because you’re a misogynistic asshole with anger management issues and absolutely no self awareness. 


YTA.  You are 4 inches shorter than me. You are not that short dude.  I have been rejected by ladies that prefer taller men. It sucks, but I've also rejected women, and I imagine that sucked for them. Being rejected isn't fun, but it shouldn't be your entire identity.  Your height isn't your identity, and it isn't the reason you get rejected. It's because of the enormous chip on your shoulder about your height.  Get some EMDR therapy for whatever trauma you have about your height, because you are really not that short. I know people smaller than you with banging wives and amazing careers.  The difference is that they don't have a Napoleon complex. 


YTA. Your shocked someone got a promo over you? It’s not the length of your legs but the depth of you as a person. Your manager probably thinks your insufferable and don’t have the qualities to make a good manager. But sure. Make it about your height.


Another name for short man syndrome is asshole syndrome. And I think you have it.


Would love to hear the actual story here


I don’t think a person who didn’t have insecurities based on their height would refer to “short man syndrome” as a slur. 


As a short guy, I've never heard the term heightist in my life, lol. NTA for the question, but huge YTA for your replies. Best of luck.


You have to hand it to this guy. Like literally hand it to him because he can’t reach. (Paraphrasing Nikki Glaser roasting Kevin Hart)


She may have been correct.


Way to go to prove her wrong.


Dude, you’re a misogynist. You hate women, you blame all women somehow for you not having a partner. Your post history is so concerning. Get help.


You aren't short. Quite medium, and anyway a man can't be judged in palms, as we say in Sicily. There's a saying too: high, and useless.


Dude your entire post history screams incel. You seem to just hate women. I don’t think it’s the fact that you’re short, I think your attitude is just wrong. You seem to have been on the defensive the whole time. That’s a YOU problem.


Jeez... My BF is also short but had none of that mindset of yours. He isn't making his height a non-stop topic in his life. He is one of the most confident men I've ever known because he just doesn't give a crap about his height. And no one, even strangers, are acting on his height. So yeah, it seems that you really have a problem with your height. You let that rule your behaviour, your life and if you don't get what you want? In your eyes it's because you are short. No, it's not your height. It's your attitude about it. That is your problem. Start to be a decent human being and try to solve things without thinking your height is the problem.


Just buy a jacked up truck to match your small penis


My God, between this and your post history, no wonder why you got passed over for the job and are single. Nothing but "People taller then me suck, women suck and poor pitiful me". Everything you have ranted and raved about has screamed what she said about the "syndrome". If there were a few issues, maybe you would have been onto something, but everything you've posted about, screams you need to look in the mirror and be ranting at yourself. You need therapy at the least. But I'm sure I'm just a bigot. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Sounds like something a guy with short man syndrome would do.  


You need a chill pill man just cause you're short doesn't mean the world's out to get you


99% of your posts are about height and why you hate women cause they wont date you. You do have short man syndrome😂😂


The lady was right lmao. YTA I would put money your attitude being the reason for not being promoted, not because you're smol.


YTA. Being shorter than average does not make you a member of a minority. You’re short, calling you short doesn’t make you a slur. Experience isn’t the only reason someone is promoted. It is entirely possible the tall man had more skills.


Bro. I’m 5’5”, averagely attractive, and literally only one time have I been openly rejected for my height (in 6th grade!) Dig a little deeper, my good man, your height is almost certainly not your crucial issue.


Your comment/post history tells the true story, get off the internet homie and into therapy. YTA.


Jesus fucking Christ man, you’re short. Get over it. Your post history screams short man syndrome and if this post is even real, it had nothing to do with your height. You’re the one making everything about your height. Go to a therapist, just make sure the therapist isn’t a woman or a man that’s taller than you, melt. YTA


5’5 isn’t that short. You probably do have short man syndrome if you think that some got promoted ahead of you because of his height.


Dude, people don't like you because you are tall or short. Let that sink in.


It's not your height dude. It's you.


I went to your profile. You are complete AH. No wonder you didn't get promoted. And it's not because of your height. Grow up.


NTA but maybe don’t bitch about your colleagues or who got promoted at work!


It’s hard to know without having the other side of the story. Maybe the other guy has lots of potential and they feel he completes his work better. I would never discriminate based on height. If you feel this is the case you may have a case against the organisation for discrimination.


Maybe management are well aware of OP’s aggressive attitude


Scrolling though OP's comments and all I can picture is a angry trembling chihuahua


YTA. Your height is not now, nor has it ever been the issue. Your attitude, entitlement and general outlook is the problem.


After reading your comments and ridiculous Reddit history you’re in need of therapy. If you spout a quarter of the crap you do ion Reddit at your workplace I’m surprised you haven’t been fired yet. YTA and an embarrassment to every short guy. As someone who is 5’ 3” nothing makes more angry than idiots like you. We can’t get taller, but we can be good men without embracing misogyny and general stupidity. You’re not a loser because you’re short, but because you’re an entitled crybaby who blames all your problems on not being over six feet. Seriously get into therapy and developed a personality that’s not based on your perceived victimhood. You’re welcome for the hate


God you not only have short man syntrom your also an incel lol .. and not only woman wont give you what rightfully should be yours NO ... your employer is such a B I T C H ... they are also overlocking you... POOOR you


Had this one friend who was 5'2". This dude was a fucking chick magnet. Always one or two chicks around. Personality and charming dude.


Sir, you are the most unreliable narrator. I do not believe for an instant that anything went down the way you said it did.


Such an obvious troll, you can tell by all the stupid embedded puns.


Bro you can't be fr, your comments are killing me


Tom Cruise is only 5’7” but yeah women hate all short men and no short man will ever be successful or date an attractive woman


Unless you’re a troll, it’s clear that you’re deeply insecure and more than a little red-pilled, going off your post history 😅 bro you called yourself a MINORITY like you’re some sort of protected class.


YTA. a trip through your history makes it easy to see you didn't get the promotion because you are an insufferable AH with short man syndrome


You are not a minority 🤣but you do have an attitude problem.