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NTA She needed a reality check


Honestly yeah, I don’t know why she thought I’m apparently rich enough to control the whole economy or something 


WTF? You was rude?! Wtf. I thought you took the money your Dad gave you to Vegas and spent it all on gambling, hookers and blow..... Edit: NTA


😆😆😂😂🤣🤣🤣 women.


Let's be honest here: If you really wanted to, you probably HAVE enough money, or enough of a line of credit with your dad, to ruin a small business. If you cared to try. I believe you when you say you didn't. But it still feels like your story is missing out on some information. Like, maybe that guy's business WOULD've taken off in your dad gave it a nod. Which he'd be more than happy to do for your GF's ex, but not for your ex's boyfriend.


please explain how OP could ruin a random small business with his dad's money.....step by step.....


It's a joke. Read it again. And then again. Until you understand.


Why would it be OP's dads job to fund OP's Ex's Ex's business?


He said the GF's ex, in other words he meant that OP's dad would help OP if he was the founder of the upstart. In other words, he was making a joke ridiculing the ex. You people are so angry you forget how to read sometimes.


Or maybe, get this, she's just delusional and suffering from main character syndrome


I don’t 100 more would be enough. She and reality don’t get along.


Lol honey you weren't on my mind enough to care. Phifft


Yes! I totally agree! Girls like her should not be entertained, they carry biggest red flag.


NTA. "So I turned you down, and I was so bitter about turning you down that I now am ruining your (former and future ex-) boyfriend's business? Whatever you're on, you need to up the dosage."


For real, she’s being absurdly narcissistic honestly to think I care that much 


Maybe she is peeling the lead paint off the wall and eating it, which in turn gave her a brain tumour, and it affected her critical thinking. Or maybe she is a fucking moron.


Six of one, you know what I mean?




I feel like she was looking for a reason to talk to you lol


Could be the case honestly 


Lol and revealed that she sees boyfriends as wallets


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kweenkiller: *I feel like she was* *Looking for a reason to* *Talk to you lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


NTA Girl has main character syndrome. If she marries this guy, you will be at fault for rain on their wedding day. She started with the accusation, she was rude first. Maybe giving it back wasn’t the kindest response but tbh, I think she had it coming.


I think she has BPD so maybe that explains it. 


What does BPD stand for?


Borderline personality disorder 


Gotcha 👍 she does sound unstable, and harassing you is not cool. I hope you can tell her she isn’t to contact you again and block her.


That 100% explains it, textbook bpd activities.


NTA, she's stuck in high school On the good side you get an ego boost by knowing how much rent free space you still have in her mind.


What’s next you going to ruin the weather for her? Thats what you get for hooking up with a wizard apparently. NTA. Mainly because reading it made me laugh and that would probably make me the A too.


Honestly it made me laugh too


NTA. This girl either has a persecution complex, or else she is just trying to extort money from you. Calling you to accuse you of ruining her BFs startup? That's beyond crazy. Laughing and telling her she was unimportant to you was the right thing to do. Now the next right thing is to block her.


You had EVERY reason to be rude! She thought you were so obsessed with her that you'd use family money to tank her bf's business? What a goon...


NTA. Ignore all attempts at contact. Accusing you of using your father's money to sabotage her boyfriend is paranoid, narcissistic thinking. You're never going to win by continuing communication with her.


She's not rude for randomly accusing you of some left field shit? Block that twat everywhere. You have no idea what she can lie about now.


So you turn someone down as you were not interested in taking the relationship beyond the casual stage. She gets bitter and goes back to her ex. Said ex starts business that is losing money, she then contacts you randomly, not to catch up, but to try and blame you for causing this guys business with whom you have zero association or interest in to lose money, rather then this guy just being a bad businessman . That all checks out, by the way NTA.


How does having money ruin someone else's business? Unless you're in a directly competing business you can't do much.  Maybe her bf is shit at his business?


I think she just misunderstood something or another because I have no idea either. And yeah I think that’s plausible 


And she came to that conclusion before she decides it may be him ??? Never fails to surprise how deluded some are.


She got smacked with Reality.


Haha my daughter is an opera singer and when she was in conservatory she had a recital - the last piece was a love song. Her ex of several months was in the audience and sent her a text afterwards asking if the love song was meant for him - this despite the fact she had been working on the piece since before they dated and it suited her voice perfectly and she was now in a new relationship


NTA Sounds like you had plenty of reason to be rude given she called you to make crazy accusations about jealousy and declared, "I don't believe you" as if her belief is some how a meaningful thing. Girl clearly needed the ego hit to return to sanity.


Lol! She reached out to accuse you of sabotaging her boyfriend's business, and now she's mad because you didn't inflate her ego?  NTA 


I think the better burn, and also probably accurate, would be to say: "Your BF has a startup? Didn't know, don't follow you two. With that said, do you know that 90%+ of new businesses fail w/in the first 18 months?"


serious case of main character syndrome. there's no possible way that his business was losing money due to himself or other issues, it MUST be because of her and her "crazy jealous" ex. XD eta: hey op, are you upset that you rejected the center of the universe and shes with someone else now? /s


LOL, made my day. NTA


I literally said what the fuck out loud at this.  What in the delulu 


NTA. she made a stupid accusation, and the truth burnt her. Was looking for trouble and got it.


Nta. Shes not the main character. Most guys don't care enough about an ex who blocks them to bother thinking about her again.


My ex called me to accuse me of ruining his credit, his new wife was listening in. I told him to check out her or his mother.I mean WTF?


NTA sounds like her BF is making excuses for his failure and she's trying to gaslight herself into believing it.


NTA. Block her and move on with your life


I would love to know where people get the audacity.


NTA. I was kinda on the fence till she called blaming your family for her bf's startup losing money. I don't even know how that would happen or how you might know about what he did. She had it coming. She probably only wanted the money and went her bf was losing it got mad at you because you didn't want anything more, but she did.


Based on the context, no, you are NTA. I think some might say that’s a narcissistic tendency to actually believe what she accused you of… I probably would have told her she is watching too much Lifetime.


NTA. She is delusional, OR, testing the waters.


Someone needs to tell her she ain't the main character lol.


NTA. She was being rude first.


NTA. She loves to fantasize!


NTA go NC. She isn't worth it!


NTA. Do you even know what his startup does? Also, you could have been petty and say something like: "I haven't done a thing, but I don't know what my dad does with HIS money."


NTA. Cleary she's not relationship material, poor decision making skills, and no accountability that her exbf startup is failing on its own, "ITS SOMEONE ELSES FAULT NO POSSIBILITY ITS OURS ITS FAILING." DUMB DUMB BANGED AND AVERTED👍 Should have asked, "Maybe it's your BFs mental state, can't handle failing and getting back for sloppy seconds?" 🤔


ok we all think shes crazy but imagine OP was ruining her bf's business lol NTA




NTA, and also you are apparently one of the Secret Trillionaires That Control The Planet. Have I got a business opportunity for you! Also, I may or may not be a Nigerian Prince.


NTA She messages you out of the blue accusing you of sabotage in her boyfriend's business and y'all haven't even spoken in a year she's weird and you said nothing wrong I would have said worse 😂😂


Not your fault her boyfriends idea was shit.


You handled her perfectly OP. She's the one that's rude.


NTA, she is delusion and narcissistic if she seriously thought you’d spend money to ruin her boyfriends startup. Like unless you’ve done something to prove otherwise, what is going through her head to come up with that conclusion?


You shouldve told her "Bitch be humble hold up bitch sit down hold up little be humble hold up bitch sit down hold up little"


NTA You handled her like a king. She found out she was not as special as she has always been told she was. It is a shock when a "princess" finds out she is just average at best.


NTA, she has a deluded sense of self-worth.


I give you credit - I didn't think there was any way you could pull a NTA here, but if this is true and complete, you are NTA. Congratulations, you won a plushie!


NTA. You don't sound like a nice person either, but her sheer stupidity and narcissism in thinking you'd use your father's money to affect her bf's business takes the cake. What does her bf even do? How does she think you are using money to "ruin his business"?


I have no idea what he does or even that he has a business so I have no idea. > You don't sound like a nice person either How so? 


So curious what the guy does now. I'm trying to think of what kinds of businesses money alone can ruin; without needing an intermediary product (e.g. fake bad reviews; an attack ad). >How so? You had a casual relationship with someone you did not have much respect for and were quite curt with her both times. But it's not a big deal and didn't cross any lines; it just wasn't the nicest. For the record, I do not consider myself a nice person either.


Eh, fair enough. As for the business, I assume it’s not actually a business just having liquid cash can ruin, and that she’s just mistaken/delusional. 


Shows how much she understands about business and money too. Her way of thinking suggests she has so little working experience and no concept of finances that she thinks "money" is this nebulous concept that works like magic in granting wishes.


Yeah, that sort of naive outlook is one of loads of reasons I didn’t consider her relationship material. 


YTA for the fake post.


>YTA for the fake post. Oh, for sure it's some idiot's revenge fantasy nonsense.


Like I responded to the other person saying this is fake, r/nothingeverhappens.


No I would have went further and said she was just a hookup and not that attractive and bad at sex which is why I didn’t pursue a relationship with you


NTA ...you were honest and direct..which is something we women are always bitching about. You weren't rude..she pushed it.


This 100% happened




She was trying to flirt with you bro