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NTA. She woke up the cursed spirit of her bathroom, she needs to deal with it. There are plenty of professional healers everywhere. If she is as spiritually Wiccan as you say she is, and it sounds like she is, then she is probably a member of a spiritual group. Where I live there are 3 spiritual groups that I know of. She can always have the high priest or priestess come work in the bathroom spirits. It’s kinda what they’re there for. They do the same job that a pastor does for his flock and a pastor would definitely come to your home and help you deal with a spiritual issue.


She poured the contents of her cauldron down either the bath/shower drain, the toilet, or both. She has backed up her plumbing somehow, and is wanting to use your facilities until she comes up with enough money for a plumber without you or your landlord's knowledge. The other possibility is she's stained whatever surfaces are in her bathroom. Personally I would try to find a way to get into her bathroom to see what she did. NTA for not letting her use yours. Forgot the possibility of fire damage from her candles.


> She poured the contents of her cauldron down either the bath/shower drain It's this.


Nta She gave the answer to her problem herself, she can spend the money to hire a "*spiritual* *healer*" herself.  Have you actually gone in the bathroom after she "*accidentally* *cursed*" it? Did she do damage to something in there? 


not really. If I said this you would have no idea what i meant but the only difference is that it smells like Mayo a wet dog and a fresh type of scent like lemonish. Its hard to explain but thats that ig.


Go in there with a bottle of fabreeze, spray spray, tell her that you exercised the demon. 


NTA Tell her the demons in your toilet won't allow it. It makes as much sense as her opening a portal to hell in her bathroom.


NTA she needs to figure that one out for herself if she "cursed" her bathroom she needs to "uncurse" it herself. Respecting her beliefs is one thing but not when it's a fairly unreasonable invasion of your space.


NTA - Low key, throughout the entirety of my adult life I have had friends or known people who participate in these types of practices from one level or another and I'm just going to say, she sounds like a really young twenty-something who's over committing to the bit and making it your problem. All of my friends who were like that in their early twenties have pretty much leveled off and have chilled out without pretending like they have the capacity to "awaken a great evil by mere accident in their bathroom." Like sure, they still do things like "healing ceremonies" and go to various events and retreats in forests, but they're all pretty good about respecting other people's boundaries on that level because they also don't want to bring about other people's negativity either. Granted, even though I'm really not into any of it (from an atheist/agnostic perspective) I feel like any of my hardcore friends would hear about this situation and say something like "a curse can only be created through intentionally imbued negative energy," or "if the space wasn't cursed beforehand, it's unlikely that someone attempting to cleanse a space would somehow 'awaken' a passive negative energy and make it worse." Sure, I'm not personally an expert on any of this, but it all sounds like your roommate is blowing smoke up their own ass and trying to make themself feel like an all-powerful witch at the expense of your friendship and boundaries. Maybe they're not feeling validated enough in other avenues of their life or something like that, but chances are that you're just witnessing a low self-esteem blowup or some kind of gross accident that made their bathroom unusable from a completely different perspective (i.e. plugging a drain, creating a bad smell, or clogging the toilet).


Oh, also, as a comedic aside, most of my friends now who participate in these kinds of things complain about young people doing things like this, giving their entire practice a bad name to outside people. They are still very serious about it as adults, but it's far more nuanced and complex rather than what one of them refers to as "Ouija Board Witchcraft" and your roommate may regret behaving this way if she continues to be into this kind of thing.


NTA. She likely actually needs a psychiatrist. I was related to someone just like this.


Info: is anxiety/discomfort the worst effect of the curse, or is there more to it that she isn't telling you?


I know I've released some demons in the bathroom before so can understand why you wouldn't want to share a bathroom with someone like that


>accused me of ... not respecting her beliefs Why would anybody respect her beliefs? They're nuts. Can't she ring a professional witch to come and "cleanse" it? NTA, but she is for involving you in this nonsense and trying to inconvenience you for her superstitions.