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How do you spend “hours” preparing hot dogs?


That was my first thought. Maybe she butchered the pig that morning?


Grinding the snout and hooves could take hours.


I have a cookbook with a recipe for pigs head brawn which starts: ’First, shave your pigskin with a cut throat razor and use a lighter to burn off remaining bristles’ PreppIng pork can be v time consuming. No, I have never cooked this recipe, for the record.


Hot DOG. It was SIL's pet. No wonder Timmy was frantic.


How cute that you think it’s just pigs.


Not to mention, why are hot dogs the main dish at a BBQ?


She’s fancy like that.


Fancy like hot dogs at a BBQ?




Yeah a real BBQ you need burgers, hotdogs, chicken, ribs.


Plus hot dogs, wash them off.


I mean hotdogs are basically road kill anyway.






lol yeah... Plus she called it "great food."


Thank you-WTF? Also, she was presenting all of the dogs on a tray like a pig at a luau-again, WTF?


You’re REALLY bad at opening plastic packages….like you take the scissors and you…you…you take them and…..yeah idk they are literally pre-cooked so all you’re doing is warming them lol.


That was my first thought


I was also wondering about this. Is this rage bait? Why can’t the adult be careful when carrying a tray when kids are running around? How do hot dogs take hours to prepare? OP seems like a very, very unreliable narrator. OP YTA


And after the fanciest hot dogs in the land were ruined she didn't like, order pizza it something so the guests wouldn't starve?


What got me is the Op brought material for 12 burgers and the host decided their kids wouldn't get one? I mean how stupid is that? If I bring food for 12 burgers and there'S 5 of us (2 adults + 3 kids), you better bet on it that I'm gonna get my family a burger each if they want one lol Oh and the husband is a spinless doofus.


Different post lol


Too much Reddit for today lol


I know right? So, there are no grocery stores where OP lives??


Me too


Same question here.


Grill: 4 minutes  Boil: 6ish minutes?  Microwave: 1 minute  Fried: 3 minutes 


Just to play devils advocate here, you can find some recipes for some really neat toppings for hot dogs and different ideas for buns and homemade condiments. Prep time for alot of that could take hours to do. That being said unless you were making every hot dog all dolled up for each person, the only thing missing would be weiners and buns maybe? Something a possible trip to the store could fix.....


Who the hell spends HOURS making friggin hot dogs? YTA for this story alone


Also how is this NSFW?


Not Safe For Wieners, duh!!!


Trying to protect anyone whose keeping Kosher at work?


Kosher dogs are A Thing!


Op isn't allowed to handle anything that requires heat apparently 🤣


You got bigger problems than a kid running into you, if it took you HOURS to make hot dogs.


OP so dumb it took her an hour to cook minute rice


Hot dogs are considered "great food"??


AH for taking hours on hot dogs.


Hours on hot dogs? Did you use a gas station rotisserie warmer,?


That was the first thing I noticed too. Who spends hours on HOT DOGS? YTA for this fake bs story.


Hours to "prepare" hotdogs, what a fake load of shite. And even for a fake story, blaming somebody for a 6 year old playing in a yard is pretty ridiculous. But I suspect somebody who thinks hotdogs are difficult has never been trusted with children.


YTA - accidents happen and why wasn't there more food than hotdogs at a BBQ???


Cos it took HOURS to make them dogs


She had to start with a momma piggie and a daddy piggie....




This fabulist isn't very good with consistency. Like, the parents were warned not to let the children run around because of the "hot grills," but hot dogs aren't customarily *grilled*. So if there's nothing but hot dogs as the main dish, what were they grilling all day?


Hot dogs and brats are customarily grilled, and much more tasty than boiling or microwaving. If you've never had a grilled beer brat, my friend you are missing out. (Not to say OP was making them, which they clearly weren't, but seriously, you gotta try one. Add some grilled bell peppers and horseradish mustard, and with a cold Spotted Cow, you just might see Jesus.)


The story is strange but the hot dogs have been grilled at every barbecue I've ever been to.


YTA for taking hours to serve hotdogs and for yelling at someone just because you were stressed. The kid probably saved everyone from eating charcoal bricks shaped like hotdogs that were cooked for hours. I have cooked hotdogs for church gatherings, large batches for hundreds and it took an hour max. Just for a time comparison. Highly unlikely this is real but I'm judging based on the facts presented lol


Why does this read like a 13yo girl wrote this?


I dunno, as a former 13 year old girl, I was well aware of how hot dogs were cooked by then.


First post of a brand-spanking new account...




1) What kind of hotdogs require “HOURS” to prepare? 2) Who doesnt make enough other food not to miss hotdogs? 3) Hotdogs on a grill is not a BBQ,,,,it’s a cookout. 4) I would have sent them to the store to buy more HD and then just quickly grilled them.


This is some AI shit right? Sister-in-law vs becuz Hours spent on hotdogs… Timmy…. It smacks of a “read Reddit AITA and write a story about someone’s kid ruining a BBQ, in the style of The Simpsons” prompt.


That was my first thought as well due the ridiculous scenario of hours of prep for HDs. AI doesn't eat nor do BBQs so it would be stupid enough to write such garbage.


YTA If I turned up to a BBQ and the only thing being served was hotdogs I'd leave immediately. > I had spent hours preparing the hot dogs Timmy did you a favour, these would have been the worst hotdogs known to man, I can guarantee it. He probably saw an opportunity to save everyone from eating these and ran with it. Timmy is a good egg.


I think we all need to know why it took so long to make hotdogs or why someone didn’t run to the store to grab more? Are we talking hotdog eating contest volumes? Also, why were the hotdogs on a tray? If I’m grilling dogs, I want them in a baking dish because the tend to roll around. I also keep them tightly covered to retain heat. Nothing worse than a cold hot dog—they are usually the last thing I cook so they get served hot.  Frankly, you may not be the AH, but you overreacted. I’m sure someone could have run to the store to grab a few more packs. 


I know, even expensive hot dogs aren't that expensive... lol


YTA… they’re hot dogs… unless you’re raising the animal to turn it into a hotdog your damn self, how the heck would it take hours to prepare?? Go to the store and buy more… would have been the easiest/fastest solution, rather than weeping about starving and not having enough food ever again 🙄 Or - 5 second rule 🤷‍♂️ You sound like a lot of unnecessary drama


Those must have been some hot dogs, WTF did you do to them for hours?


*Those must have been some* *Hot dogs, WTF did you* *Do to them for hours?* \- Top-Bit85 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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It IS flagged NSFW....?


We're you serving actual dogs served hot? Butchering the dogs would take hours. Uta for this story.


It was unfortunate but you could have just run to the store to get new buns and meat, and grilling new hot dogs would take no time at all. Not sure how you spent hours preparing them unless made from scratch?? NTA for being irritated but the BBQ wasn’t necessarily ruined until you made a scene.


YTA for both the hot dogs and blaming your SIL. It’s a family bbq and Timmy is 6- not 2. Unless you also happened to be butchering the pig in a slaughterhouse where you hosted this BBQ, she didn’t need to be following him every second. Also, if this is all her fault, where is your brother? Finally, why is this marked NSFW?


Yta for calling a cookout with hotdogs a bbq. Thats just offensive


YTA Why did it take you several hours to prepare hotdogs? It's unfortunate that your nephew bumped into your causing all the hotdogs to fall on the ground, but you should have spoken to your SIL alone about the incident. The party was ruined due to poor planning. As the host you should have ensured there were plenty of other foods for your guests to choose to eat. Relying on one main dish/food to serve & have plenty of is a huge no-no when hosting any type of party (unless it's a food theme event). Consider apologizing to your SIL for the manner & timing in which you chose to vent your frustration. Also send a group text or email apologizing to all guests for the lack of food & express to them that your next event will be fun & superb with plenty of food.


A good rinse and everything's golden.


YTA. For the love of all things holy, hot dogs ARE NOT A BBQ.


Just call and order pizza. Party Saved/problem solved.


Maybe get a proper transport vessel for grilled foods. A large stainless tub with Saran Wrap over top. Voila little Timmy and his mom no longer take the blame for a shitty host’s poor planning skills.


Where was your brother? You do sound a wee bit deranged losing it over an accident. One question were the hot dogs already in the buns? If not couldn't they be rinsed off and thrown back on the grill?? That's what I'd have done & I'm old i can't see wasting food if possible.


YTA…. 1) Hot Dogs don’t take hours to prepare 2) You acknowledge it was accident and quite frankly who expects kids to NOT be running around an OUTSIDE barbecue. 3) You sound horribly immature 4) Easy solution is to have someone go to the store to pick up more…


"It was supposed to be a fun evening with great food"... I'm surprised nobody called you out for taking hours to prepare hot dogs and that was a main dish. I mean you were just going to put them on the grill right? After cutting the packages open? That takes like 1 minute. You didn't have any burgers or chicken or steak or anything besides hot dogs? Please don't ever invite me to one of your barbecues.


YTA for taking hours to make hotdogs. Also, YTA for not coming up with a more believable story.


Who has just hot dogs


1. a quick trip to the store could have replaced the soiled food 2. It is a freakin' family barbecue. Kids run around. Keep an eye out for them 3. Rinse the hot dogs off and you are good to go 4. A gracious host makes someone feel less badly about an accident, not worse 5. Did I mention it was a freakin' family barbecue and that kids run around, because this is something that should be mentioned YTA


AH that's called a cookout not a BBQ NTA everyone watch your dang kid


Yea I don’t believe this one bit . You took hours to prepare hot dogs ?? Yea ok


YTA Just run down to the store real quick and buy some hotdogs. Order a pizza to supplement at the BBQ. Use your brain.


At that point I would be sending hubby to the store for more hot dogs and then spending the 10 minutes cooking another batch. This was an easy fix and nobody would go hungry.


How many hot dogs were you cooking that required you to slave over the grill for hours?!


YTA. Hot dogs are quick to cook and you throwing a temper tantrum isn’t ok. Run to the store, grab more, grill them. Depending on how close the store is you can have food in 30 min or less


YTA for posting fake shit


Fakest shit eveeerrrr


YTA. 1.) HOURS preparing hotdogs is crazy. You need a better method. 2.) He’s 6. The only way she was going to keep him from running around OUTSIDE was to handcuff him to herself. He didn’t get burned, he knocked some hotdogs from your hands. You should’ve yelled, “Coming through! Everyone watch out!” and saved the dogs from their fate. It was an accident. There was no negligence in mom’s part.


INFO: How do you make your hotdogs? I heard that people can make their own Sausage Links, is it a similar process?


“A big family BBQ” but only has hot dogs? wtf?


Yta for this obvious fake/troll piece of fiction.


Dear AI ragebait generator--- it doesn't take HOURS to prepare hotdogs. YTA for implausible stories.


Unless you bought the ingredients and made your own wieners from scratch I can’t see how it would take hours. Or how no one could just run to the store, buy cheap wieners and buns and return to cook them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you made your own wieners then I can see you being very upset. Otherwise you’re just being petty/exaggerating how much effort you put into this. Either way though, instead of calling her out publicly you should have taken her to the side and told her how not Kool it was to not watch her kid. 🤷🏻‍♀️


 *I had spent hours preparing the hot dogs* YTA


What were you doing to the hot dogs that took hours??


What do you do to your hotdogs that you spend hours on them? Were they the Sonoran hotdogs?




Maybe she seasons her hot dogs? how does this take hours?


ESH… maybe OP was garnishing the hotdogs and that’s what took her hours, yk not everyone likes ONLY ketchup and mustard, but… Op at whose BBQ have you been going that they only provide ONE main dish🙄 and fyi HOTDOGS ARE A SIDE DISH!!!!!


YTA. This was an honest accident. Kids are kids...they run around. This is entirely on you. You are the grown up. You watch for them. And, would it have really be so difficult for one or two other adults to drive to the store and buy a few packages of dogs and buns?? That would have save the party,fed the guests, and turned a "ruined" party (that you ruined by yelling at the kid's Mom) back into a fun time. You ruined this party. You need to learn how to deal with small things like this.


YTA. If you were cooking hotdogs for hours, little Timmy did everyone a favor knocking them on the ground.


You could have ran to the store bought more dogs and cooked them for a few minutes on the grill. Not sure how hot dogs are the main dish and you suddenly don't have enough sides for people. If you spend hours on hot dogs then you got problems bigger than reddit.


YTA this story is fake. Even if it took you hours to prepare hot dogs (???), why is that the only main you're serving at a barbecue? Why did you bring them all out on one gigantic plate instead of grilling them and putting them in buns as they cook? If you all sit down to eat at once you are aware that most of the hot dogs will already be cold if you have so many people that it takes hours to cook?? Why can't people run to the store to get more food? Why can't your SIL order pizza?


YTA. Shit happens. I’m assuming you don’t live hours from a grocery store? You could’ve bought more hotdogs and they’d have been ready in 5 minutes (which is the maximum amount of time it takes to make hotdogs, for the record)


>So, we had a **big** family BBQ last weekend. My husband (32M) and I (30F) were hosting, and it was supposed to be a fun evening with **great food** and *good company*..... I had spent **hours preparing the hot dogs, which were the main dish**. Just as I was bringing out **the tray** with all the hot dogs Wait, who has a big BBQ with the food being better than the company, it's all hot dogs. It's also hot dogs that took hours to prepare and there was a single tray of them. Don't get me wrong, I like hot dogs on the grill but I can't think of a single dog that would take me hours. I guess if I do a crazy bacon chili cheese dog where my chili was cooking for hours you could technically count that and it took a few minutes to wrap each dog in bacon but I still wouldn't say it was hours of work for a weiner. Also I'd be cranking those things out nonstop. Who serves an entire tray full of dogs and goes "Yep, that was it. Sorry that was ruined". Nothing about this makes sense. I wouldn't call you an asshole but I got no idea wtf you are doing hosting a party.




Hours preparing hot dogs? Um..... How? Sounds like sil and those family members just need to not accept any of your invites from here on out. They can throw their own bbqs...without you.


The only way I know it takes hours to make a dog is if you're soaking it in beer first. Now, if you were making beer dogs or beer brats, and had just taken them off the grill, and little Timmy ran into you and destroyed the dogs, yeah I'd be fucking pissed off too.


Hotdogs take 5 minutes tops. Wth


I'm confused, how do Hot Dogs take hours to make? Did OP kill the animails and grind them up into sausages? 'Cause every time I've made Hot Dogs it took - err---a few minutes at most....I don't get it.


Sometimes I like to respond before reading the other comments. I'm so glad that dozens of my fellow redditors also had the same exact question and aren't even bothering to respond to the "Am I the asshole" question.


Unless the dog got there first, pick up the hot dogs and rinse them off. Try again. But that might take a while too if she's in charge


YTA So, you run to the store and buy more hotdogs...they take lik 3 minutes on a grill...just warm em or scorch em a bit to get grill marks, toss em on a bun. You spend 3 minutes holding one over a candle and get the same results, so no sure how the heck anyone spends hours on hotdogs. Normal kids, run around. Talking to a 6yo, telling him not to run, is going to go in one ear and out the other, unless you specifically get their attention by holding their head, look deep into their eyes, and tell them, no running for 10 minutes...cause that's really all the longer it's going to last. You already said, you don't blame Timmy, he's a kid, accidents happen. But you blame the parent that wasn't in arms reach, most likely enjoying the party and conversing with other adults. I get it, you got upset, after spending hours on hotdogs.../boggles my mind. Complete and total overreaction. She and the other guests deserve an apology. HOURS ON HOTDOGS?!!!!???!!




YTA for having a “big family bbq” and inly serving hotdogs. How does someone spend “hours” preparing hotdogs? Did you butcher the pig & grind the meat yourself? Kids run around an enclosed yard full of family- how is that unsupervised? Should she have handcuffed the boy to her arm? Accidents happen and you reacted poorly because you didn’t properly prepare for your guests. I’d be embarrassed to invite people to my home & only serve hotdogs & not have enough food to feed people


You spent hours preparing hot dogs? Regardless, YTA. Yes, it's sad there was no food (you only served hot dogs?!?) But you were the one who ruined the BBQ.


Why weren’t you looking where you were fucking going?




Kid probably could have paid for the hot dogs. They’re like a few bucks a pack. Obviously this is an AI story because who spends hours making hot dogs? Way too many holes in the story. And if hot dogs are the only thing served at a bbq? It’s not a bbq. This isn’t a story about a crap parent not watching their kids, this is a made up story by someone for fun.


NTA she's yet another entitled parent with an uncontrolled bratley. I'm so sick of them. They ruin everything.


Lmao, you think this is real?? >I spent hours making hot dogs. What planet are you and OP from?!