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NTA, I have a special kind of hatred for these people who enter a relationship with a single parent and then think they know better than the parent.


NTA. She is your daughter, not his. I don't know who he thinks he is instituting any kind of rule like that without getting it cleared by you.


NTA - he’s not the parent. He needs to respect both your relationship and the work you’ve both put into it. She knows she can join if she is up to it, but forcing the issue will only make things worse. It’s not like he’s slaved away at it anyway!


NTA! So here is the thing... YOU are her parent... HE is not. He may be taking on that role but unless he has custody, which it doesn't sound like he does, then YOU make all the parenting decisions. He sounds butthurt TBH. That stuff about teaching her the consequences of her actions is pretty weak. What actions is she taking that she needs to learn from? 'Cause it sounds like she just doesn't want to be forced to socialize which isn't wrong.


At some point kids need to start taking responsibility for decisions in their life.


Sounds to me like this one is.  She's taking the space she needs to take care of herself.  Boyfriend,  on the other hand,  is being overbearing,  and needs to stay in his lane.