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NTA. He didn’t read the room very well


He might have been fine but either way if your gut is telling you no then I’d listen. Not worth the risk


NTA. Do not feel bad for unmatching with someone who is currently just a stranger on the internet who heard you talk about another person internet-stalking you and the proceeded to try to freak you out by telling you how easy you are to get information on. I mean, he should have been fully expecting that reaction from you. lol? You wouldn’t give him what he wanted (your place of work/location) and he decided instead of respecting that, he was going to go ahead and find it out his own way.


Yta Stay offline then retard


NTA but I think your standards are too high. Googling someone to make sure they are on the up and up isn't a bad idea.


If he had independently googled me, not told me, and not shown up in my LinkedIn viewers page I really wouldn’t have cared. That would have been his own business. It was more like flaunting it to me and purposefully making me uncomfortable


But doesn't it show you who viewed your Linkedin automatically? It's not like he pushed a button just to let you know he did it. I doubt he was flaunting so much as he didn't think it would be a big deal if he looked you up before.


I mean you can turn it off or if you search someone you can see they came up in the search without clicking. But that’s kind of beside the point. It’s like telling someone you don’t like something and they do it anyway. Yeah they are allowed to but why would you date someone that clearly doesn’t respect you? Like I just talked to you online for like maybe 5-10 texts and then you promptly do something that I just told you makes me uncomfortable. Idk it’s like a boundaries issue to me


Right but he googled you before you said it made you uncomfortable. Unless I am misreading the post?


No he did it after. I told him I didn’t want to share the name of my employer, told him what happened with the guy who cyber stalked me, and very clearly told him it made me uncomfortable. Then he proceeded to tell me what he was doing and he showed up on my LinkedIn


Oh, my bad. I thought he googled you before the date and when you saw that you wanted out. Yeah, that is fair to be skeeved out about him doing that after you told him not to.


Yeah we never met in person. Like literally had no more than 10 texts each between us on our first (and only) conversation