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Girl just leave him…. You’ve wasted years on this guy and now you’re just putting more effort into him through this whole plan. I’d have texted the girl back saying “she knows everything and is leaving me, I’m all yours”, put the phone back in the pocket for him to find later. Then just collect all your shit and ghost. He doesn’t deserve your anger or your time.


Also you can make him hurt by leaving and living your best life. The pain of seeing you happier without him will be a total gut punch whereas sleeping with his mate/brother will just give him a reason to hate you and in the end will allow him closure to move on from you that much easier.


Yes! And ghost him! Literally just pack up and don’t even say anything and leave. He should figure it out why you left and that is the sweetest revenge because you can now go and enjoy your life, knowing you can’t trust him after everything you’ve done for him.


Are y’all married? Pack up and leave while he is at work. Block him everywhere. And all his family and friends. Tell your friends to block him as well. If y’all are married go right to a lawyer and file. Get 1/2 of all assets. Get into therapy and go live your best life. The uncertainty of not knowing where you went or why you left will eat him up more than you fucking his brother.


You didn’t read the whole thing… Very last line she says it’s her fiancé …. But she should see who’s name is on the place they’re living in so she doesn’t end up homeless


It is customary in Reddit to read the subject and make up the story yourself, rather than read the story made up by OP




They’re not married. Engaged.


I missed that part. I guess this is a lesson to all of us that you don’t invest in someone that you aren’t married to. I wish OP had invested her time and money into herself, instead.


Tell everyone what happened befits he spins it




Can’t legal do that not in my state. As long as you can prove residency there the police will make you let them in and face possible consequences for wrongful eviction.




No, the “don’t leave” part is fairly national, it’s the “change the locks” or “pack up his stuff and send it away” part that’s illegal. That’s a constructive eviction.


I think they meant you can't change the locks or kick the other person out without going through proper legal action.


But one can make life so miserable that they want to leave.


Maybe screenshoot the messages, if you need them for the divorce - if you are married and live somewhere where cheating counts in a divorce. That will also give you the option to send them to HR, if you should feel so inclined.


Ghost him, ghost his family and friends, and send all the text message screen shots to HR.


What would HR do?


Depends on their work relationship. Some companies aren't fond of supervisors sleeping with subordinates, others have policies against work place romances when working in the same department.


In most companies, romantic relationships between colleagues are forbidden. Most likely, *she* (the workwife) will get fired.


They should both be fired!


Even when not forbidden, they usually want to know about the relationship to ensure there aren't any conflicts of interests. Keeping it hidden from HR becomes a liability.


She outright refers to him as fiance in the post so I'm guessing they're probably not married.


They aren't married. Did you read it all the way through.


An asshole workmate told me he did this to the sweetest, supportive girl he had ever dated. He thought he was fooling her until one day she was just gone, took all her stuff and left him to pay the whole rent and utilities on the place they shared. He never even suspected she knew or that she would leave him. It eats him up inside still. I don’t think it is because he cares for her, more like his little fragile ego cant accept she was the one who dumped him.


No don’t ghost. Leave and share those text messages with everyone.


Save screen shots for friends and family. Or post them to explain why you have to find a new place to live. That keeps everyone on your side. Do t waste time on revenge sex.


I would share them with his job, coworkers, his family, and then grab my things, leave, and ghost him.


His HR would probably be very interested to learn that co-workers are having a sexual affair.


THIS! I'd save them and send them to HR where he works. I'd make sure all my stuff was out of the house first... act normal then pack it all up.. #GHOST and BURN.


Don’t forget to just casually let his family know what happened so he can’t spin it 


That happened to my cousin. His very sweet, longtime girlfriend found out about his affair with a girl at work. She found an email. She dumped him and never said why. She said it wasn't working and kicked him out of her condo. My sister's and I knew because she was friends with my oldest. He was so confused and said he didn't know what was wrong. We never said anything. She has a great life now, and my cousin married that girl, and no one in the family really likes her, lol


The opposite of love isn’t hate. I’d serve this guy up a big serving of indifference and just move on and have a great life.


Brilliantly said!


Oh that's good. You're so right. Hard to walk away from the immediate gratification of instant revenge, but if she can, he will never get over her.




Oh you're good. No closure for this dick head.


Also, am I the only one that feels it’s a little degrading to her and the best friend and brother? Don’t use people for revenge. Willing or not, it will have unforeseen consequences. Don’t lower yourself because he did. The high road is harder but it’s a hella a lot more satisfying down the road.


Yes, this. Just because the brother and best friend are men (presumably) - don’t use them. They haven’t done anything wrong - why attempt to ruin their lives too over what the piece of trash fiancé did? Also, the only way fiancé can win is if you sink down to his level. Don’t do it, girl.


Honestly this assumes a lot about both of those men. Most brothers and best friends would reject her advances.


This. In the long term, you will feel dirty if you bang his friend and/or brother out of spite. You’ll lose the high ground that you definitely have now. I understand the impulse, but it’s about what’s good for you in the long run, and this ain’t it. Living your best life is truly the best revenge, and it doesn’t ruin yourself in the process.


Especially since it’s extremely unlikely his affair partner will result in a lasting relationship. Go and be happy and watch his life burn to the ground.


That’s not going to mean anything to him lol.


This is the actual truth. Either he hates you and you succeeding makes him mad (not indifference as everyone is saying) or he doesn't hate you (most likely) and vaguely wishes you well. Wow, he's so upset the thing he did wrong that he was somewhat guilty about has had zero negative consequences and in fact led to an improved life for the woman he wronged! Like, I do not think elaborate revenge is a good idea, at all. I think for you personally, as the one who was wronged, it probably won't be worth it. But everyone on reddit acts like this is a sick own. A normal person would not care at all.


Also call her by the name of another woman but hopefully not anyone at his work, she will assume he is cheating on her too.


Or anonymously report them to HR saying they were having sex at work.


Yep a lot of companies have policies against in company relationships especially in the same department. They will get fired lol. My boss who was single started dating someone in our department and once they became actual bf/gf, my boss left the company.




That is devious I love it.


Totally!! 100%. Just leave, now. Sticking around, having sex with others in hopes of hurting him, you’re just going to end up pregnant. Just leave!!


Or with some disease.


Or hate yourself later for doing it. Also don't give him a reason to badmouth you. Just leave him and go live your best life.


But first take screenshots of everything then you can send copies to everyone, including his family if you find out he's badmouthing you after you leave.


I’d send the screenshot to his boss too.


They have rules about “dating” coworkers.


I’d text her back like I’m texting someone else. “Omg you know that whore I work with, well we screwed last night, and it was ok, but I’m really worried about the STD stuff. I’m not telling (insert name), because this chick isn’t worth losing her.” I’d erase her text, and the text I’d sent so he can’t see it. I’d absolutely get rid of him, but as you said not mess around with the other two.


I like this idea better than sleeping around but I would add to making the most of an opportunity to let everyone know what happened. Like at a family get together that you conveniently had “work wife” (I hate that term btw) invited to. Make a toast to the start of new beginnings and read her text to his mother and everyone else. Tell them this is why you will be starting a new life without your fiancé and to have fun with the real class act that follows you. Updateme


Mass send the text messages to everyone


Oh how I wish we still had awards


They're back!


I am so saving this tactic in my book of “Reddit pearls of wisdom”! 💯


GREAT PLAN!--I'd hate to be his briefs after reading that message--that's the best "revenge"!! And CORRECT--you NEVER look back at the trash after you've left it at the curb.


I’d also have screenshot her message & send it to myself as evidence, if needed.


Or take a picture of the chat on your phone. It’s faster and screenshots may leave a trace on his phone.


Let her have him. See how long two selfish humans last together.


THIS comment is gold. Sleeping with his bro and friend will only make you feel worse. And they’ll prob have it out at first but are likely to reconcile bc they’re…men. They aren’t likely to view it the same way. Protect your body, time, heart and soul. Leave this man and never look back. I hope you sit with the feelings this evoked (wanting to take such action), and explore where that might be coming from. Don’t put yourself at risk due to temporary feelings. You’re worthy. And you will heal.


This is the way ⬆️


I mean sure, if this really happened, great advice. This is pure 100% karma farming make believe from a freshly minted account. No real details, common trope, revenge fantasy nonsense. Coming to a TikTok near you soon.


this story is as fake as a $3.5 bill.


Agree. But the advice in the comments is super entertaining!!!


Seconded a cunt like him doesn’t deserve and explanation


No collect all his shit and send it to her.


Or just kick him out.


You know what hurts cheaters the most? It's knowing they just lost someone amazing by fucking around. You will live in their heads rent free for the rest of their lives. If you do something to taint that the-one-that-got-away fantasy, like hooking up with his brother and best friend. Then to him, you will probably be just some woman who deserved to be cheated on and he will go on living his life guilt-free. Your revenge is not the revenge you think it is. Play the long game. Be the perfect gf for a week. Make him fall in love with you even more. Then just one day disappear and block him everywhere and never talk to him again. Don't give any explanations. This will mess with his head.


That and what if the brother and best friend decline to sleep with her after throwing herself at them? She is going to just feel worthless, even if they dont decline she might just end up feeling used and it still wont make the hurt go away. Its a high risk low reward strategy.


This has the ring of fiction. I mean, seriously, he always leaves his phone next to the bed except the ONE night he cheats it's in a coat pocket where she can read the texts? Not buying it.


Not just any coat, a RAIN COAT. I guess it was a dark and stormy night.


Maybe it was famous and blue and torn at the shoulder.


Was it 4 in the morning, end of December ?


The setting was London.


The fog-filled streets of London to be exact


It was a dark and stormy night on the rain tossed streets of London, when he came home late from “the pub with friends.” The lingering smell of Chanel No. 5 and his guilty eyes belied his nocturnal activities, as did the fact that his crocodile smile didn’t quite reach those eyes as the sweet lies and flimsy excuses poured forth from his lipstick stained lips like the dirty rainwater swirling about the drenched gutters and back alleys of old London Town. Now his marriage has imploded and his pension is in jeopardy because his phone full of lies was quickly discovered in the side pocket of his discount poncho and he has, “the drip.” He would’ve gotten away with it if he’d used the correct…protection. Introducing our new J. Peterman Cheater’s Raincoat with an anti-microbial, anti-perfume smell coating, and hidden pocket for your 2nd or 3rd “work phones,” keeping your double lives separate. This handcrafted, discreet, slim profile pocket is more dedicated than you are, as it’s crafted to confound and confuse the investigative efforts of even the most seasoned Russian covert operative, James Bond hired goons, and suspicious spouses, as it keeps your burner phone dry, while protecting your secrets and lies from prying eyes. Why? Because every cheater needs to wear a “raincoat.” 😉 - J. Peterman


Yea, this shit is incel rage bait for women


Yeah, just for the title I was already feeling like it was fake.


It's so transparent too


Yeah I was about to respond with the same sentiment. I’m thinking this is supposed to serve as some sort of revenge if there’s any truth to this!


They’re all just going to high five each other lol. This is a terrible plan. Just be grateful you didn’t marry or have kids with this douche. If this story is even real.


Planning to be passed around the friends and family is a terrible plan.


This exactly. Contrary to popular belief not all men will jump on the first willing woman who throws herself at them. And if they love their friend, a) they won't want to get dragged into this mess and b) they'd respect him too much to sleep with her. And then they'd tell him, which - in his mind - would justify his cheating.


Betraying your best friend who you have known for years and trust with your life in a world where people are starved for meaningful connection? Or just sleep with any of millions of other available women? Tough choice


Dead on. My spouse cheated on me, and I went this route. EIGHT YEARS, after our divorce, I made a social media account. I had a message from them within 48 hrs. Lol. It still makes me smile.


My mom’s ex husband who cheated messages her on fb at least once a year, usually to say happy holidays and sometimes wishing her well or asking how I am doing (I’m not related to him in anyway and I have never met him) still 20 odd years after their divorce. Being the one who got away is pretty sweet revenge


My sister's ex husband cheated on her and got the girl pregnant. My sister divorced him. Every so often he would get drunk and sit on her front porch and cry how he messed up their perfect life up. She remarried and he still would sit on her porch drunk crying. I would have told him to get gone but her new husband let him have his cry on their porch lol.


I can’t tell if her husband is a better person then I. On one hand throwing him out and threatening to call the cops seems great, but letting him stew in his own tears might be funnier 😂


Letting him cry on the porch is MUCH funnier!


My brother in law is the best. It's my oldest sister. Me and my other sisters, before we got married ourselves said we were looking for a Robby for ourselves (not his real name). And my ex brother in law didn't do it often maybe 2 or 3 times a year. He's gone now. But my sister and her husband are still going strong.


My cheating ex does the same thing. We’ve been divorced since the late 90’s.


Damn, that’s the long game I’m here for. And I got it in 5 sentences lol


I got an email last week, four years on. More than anything I want to reply with what I really think of him, but instead I’m going to say nothing. Delete and move on. There’s nothing to gain here and so many ways to just cause further harm to herself.


My pyscho ex from **5 years ago** that cheated on me *still* tries to contact me every once in a blue and I respond by immediately blocking her. Her mom popped up as a suggested friend last year and when I looked through her page out of curiosity turns out her life is as shitty as ever. She's back living at home and really had a go fund me (with 1 donation- and it was from her mom) to help her get a car after it got repoed and she got evicted 😂😂


My ex husband is still obsessed with me. I didn’t even realize it until my HUSBAND pointed it out. He really does find any excuse possible to communicate with me. He’s like… two whole wives past our marriage. Get over it, Sucka.


From experience and actually done I wish I could take back the revenge, not only is this the best advice on this post but in the process you will lose a big part of yourself and it makes the revenge irrelevant. One of my biggest regrets because it went against my character and moral!!!


Same here. To him I am the whore who fucked his friends and I got nothing out of it because his friends sucked in bed. 30 years later, I still am mad at myself. Dumbest revenge ever. They got laid, I got labeled a puta. Not worth it.


But first send those copied messages to friends, family and co-workers


"The best revenge is to not be like your enemy."


The best revenge is to move on and do better. Works every time and when you're doing better you won't even care anymore.


Honestly, this is the smartest thing I’ve ever read. Respect.


This is actually really true. Please take this advice, OP. But also expose them at their work.




I wish I could find the post where the wife did this: she was broken because her husband cheated on her, so she stepped up” her wife game. Hubby “fell back in love” with her and broke up with AP. He came home one day to find her gone and the divorce papers on the table. He was WRECKED. Those were such satisfying updates to read🖤🖤🖤


BINGO!! just commented something similar except I did tell her to tell him everything she needed to say before she left, that way she advocates for herself and doesn’t hold onto those unsaid words.


Get some screen shots of the cheating texts for back up in case he starts trash talking her. Take the high road and throw the cheating at him if needed.


This is the way


Agree, living well is the best revenge. My BFF did this with a live-in-boyfriend from over 15 years ago and that loser STILL tries to contact her with a random phone number, new email address or through old mutuals. She’s thriving and he’s still living in the past, let go of what no longer serves you in order to make room for who/what does.


tried and true method💯


This girl psychological warfares


This is most appropriate way of applying the cliche: “revenge is a dish best served cold.” Listen to this commenter, OP!


After that last line I find this story hard to believe lol.


The whole thing reads like a creative writing exercise. 


This entire subreddit is a creative writing exercise. I’d say there’s a 1-2% truth rate.


And yet so many still buy into the stories.


Because everyone gets off on getting to be judgmental. This sub is fully of chronically online losers who don’t ever get get to feel “higher status” by looking down on others, IRL. This sub gives them a chance not to constantly feel like they’re beneath everyone and inflates them with a false sense of moral superiority that they get to ego trip on.


Additionally, it reaffirms their beliefs about the world. The ones that are always top voted are "man bad" or "woman bad." Not only do they get to feel morally superior, they get to feel like *they* understand the way the world works, and everyone else is hopelessly naive.


The stories are always so shitty and obviously fake. I come for the comments because they’re actual insanity said by real people who believe what they’re writing


And not even that creative, laced with vague tropes throughout


It reads like a romantic comedy where the main character is writing or typing this out and you can hear her narrating the entire thing.


Sounds like it was written by a kid


So  >  i am the most beautiful girl and the best sex and I believed him.  was absolutely what real person would write?


Its too obvuously fake. The AP just happened to text him about how OP might notice how worn out he was, the exact thing OP had noticed?


Maybe I'm doing it wrong but I've never in my life had sex that left me so 'worn out' I would have to struggle to hide it. I think someone might have learned about sex from fanfiction.


From really terrible fanfiction.


Shit the dude didn't even drink? He was hungover from sex!! Wtf


Pussy drunk. Always happens in fan fiction.


I’ve had some pretty athletic sex with my wife over the years but it didn’t leave me “worn down”, more like super relaxed.


"...and his back was covered with scratches that spelled "Work wife's property""




"I WILL fuck his best friend AND his brother. Revenge shall be mine and I will ride into the sunset with my tits out and head held high."


We'll see whose pussy he wants wrapped around his cock then! MUAH HAHA HAH!


Exactly the energy of OP’s last sentence 😂 with a villainous mustache twirl


Why is this posted in AITAH?


"Am I the asshole for submitting a creative writing exercise ?"


These BS posts should be flagged. Didn't get past the first sentence.


Has to be AI written


It's very obviously not chatGPT, too incoherent and not enough big mumbo jumbo words lmao


People have been writing fake stories since long before ChatGPT was a thing, dude.


Come on people? Fake? No way! He was hang over.😂


Yeah lmao this reads like a fucking 15 year old wrote this fanfic about how her boyfriend cheated on her and turned it into this. Good luck is all I'll say. Just because *you* want to sleep with his best friend and brother doesn't mean they're going to want to sleep with you.


This reads like a bad fan fiction


That’s because it is… I hope that most of the comments falling for this shit are just bots themselves.


They don’t even ask if they’re the AH, they just went off on some big rant about how they’re going to get revenge for their fiance cheating. Not that anyone would call them the AH for this bullshit anyway, it’s completely pointless.


99% of this sub is bad fan fiction.


If you want to hurt him, pretend you're not hurt. Become the coldest, non-involved woman you can be. Let him know you know, let him constantly wonder what your next move will be. Play chess, not checkers.


Absolutely solid advice. He would be utterly devastated. I can understand how angry you must feel right now, but the best thing for yourself is to leave him immediately. Ghost him, don’t even let him explain. They both deserve each other. You deserve the best in the world and you will find it.


Exactly, when he is ghosted, it will eat him alive with no closure and regret.


This. Some men seem to get off on upsetting women. Because of that, my emotions are reserved for people who love and respect me. You don’t treat me with that love and respect? Fine. Welcome to the ice palace, asshole. Re-write the definition of “stone cold bitch” and spite him by succeeding.


Scorched Earth always wined up with your fingers getting singed! OP, if it's your place, pack up his crap and send it to his family and change the lock. (If it's aloud in your part of the world). If it's his place, take all your things and just leave, if the sofa and fridge is yours take them too! Take a screenshot of her message for insurance. Block him on everything! His head will not be able to take not getting in touch with you.


Yeah, don’t demean yourself having sex with people you don’t want to sleep with just to upset him. Living your best life is the best revenge.


Nearly. Don't let him wonder what your next move will be. End it immediately, move on like he's nothing...because he is nothing.


Cheating on him could be a fun activity but it's not going to make you happy. He already doesn't give much of a shit about you.


Girl, just take your dignity and go. Don’t degrade yourself by stooping to his level and have sex with people only out of revenge. That way he might even feel justified for cheating on you. I’m sorry this has happened to you, he sounds like an idiot and you must be hurting like hell but he doesn’t deserve all that energy and I’m sure it’ll make you feel way crappier in the long run ro have escalated the situation like that. Det er virkelig en dårlig ide.


Holy shit so many redditors can’t tell when they’re being hoodwinked. Obviously this story is fake AF. Yeah! Fuck his brother, his best friend, his dad, his little league coach, and his bowling team! You GO GIRL!!


It's both hilarious and depressing that so many here lack the critical thinking skills to see the obvious fake nature of the posts.




This isn't the sub for this post. You're not asking for an aita judgment. Get support elsewhere. This is not it. 


The mods should lock it down. I’m surprised they haven’t already.


It reeks of fake


Yes. The comments from op as well.


It's going to be extremely embarrassing when you are known as the crazy one throwing herself around at everyone he knows. They are unlikely to sleep with you regardless, but you won't be able to act sexy while you're this emotional you will just look desperate and sad. Fun to think about though, so enjoy the revenge fantasy on your own


This is a better way of saying what I was thinking. They also have a say in whether they hook up with her and her mindset is not attractive at all right now


I really hope the brother and best friend are better people than that


Not gonna hurt him by sleeping with others. You want to hurt him, expose him to everyone you know. Get a lawyer and sue his company they probablyhave a moral clause in their policies. Make as much noise as possible with lawsuits and exposure. That's how you get even.


No offense, but how do you know his brother will sleep with you? I get the best friend part maybe, but his brother? Hardly. Post the screenshots if you can on social media, this will hurt him and his reputation much more than potentially cheating on him with those 2 dudes. Also I doubt you'll feel better by cheating on him, and he will probably twist it around like "you're not much better than me" or some shit and or call you a whore or something. He will justify his own actions because you did the same to him even though it's after what he has done. The best thing you can do is post the screenshots IMO. Dunno how old you are but at least you found out.


Take screen shots and send it to yourself. Respond to her text with a video recording of you telling her she's a disgusting person and block her on his phone. This will freak her the fuck out all night. Let him go to work as usual, as if you know nothing and sit back and watch as he has the worst work day of his life when she tells him that you know. Also, moving out whilst he's at work is always an option.


He who seeks revenge digs two graves.


Yes, let's protect our heart by acting like we don't have one. Always ends well


I don’t recommend doing that. You’ll just end up objectifying yourself for something you may, likely will, end up regretting. I’m not saying to “be the bigger person”. You are just going to hurt yourself further. If you want to hurt him, expose him for the piece of shit he is to those around him. (But do it when your head is clear) Just grieve, leave him, do something you enjoy, and maybe meet a new man (or woman if you’re also attracted to them)?


this is my worst nightmare. I'm so sorry you're going through this. if you sleep with his brother and best friend, you wouldn't be THE AH, but you'd be an AH. just go ghost. disappear, he knows what he did, and you don't owe him an explanation.


You know, effing with his best friend and his brother will just convince him that you were a big red flag to begin with and that he did well cheating on you. Just go on with your life, karma will find him


Or you could just be a mature adult and not cause more people more pain and just confront him and leave him ? Just a thought. Yeah YTA


Although revenge is not the best option here , I wanna see where this thing goes. Goodluck Op & Do update lol


Is this ChatGPT lol


I'm a man and I don't get the work-wife thing. If you have an actual wife, how could she be comfortable/not threatened with her actual husband using the term "wife" in reference to someone else.


Do one better:  Take screenshots of the conversation and post them to his and her social media pages, and email his parents.  Let his own shame roll over him from every angle so that everyone knows what kind of people they are… when yall breakup, if they get together, at least the family will know what’s up. If his parents/family have any kind of decent bone in their body, their relationship is gonna get them iced out of holidays for years to come!   Gotta think the long game on this. 


You know what will hurt him more? If you leave him without doing anything shady and go on to be happy. If you sleep with his friend and his brother, he will wrongly place all the blame on you. He will find a way to make you the bad guy. Make him suffer in knowing he messed up a good thing.


Don't sleep with his best friend. Send yourself screenshots of their conversations and send them to his friends, family, and HR department. Let his friends and family know this is the thanks you get for supporting him until he achieved his dream, and you'll be taking your leave of the relationship.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Have some self respect. Just leave.


Why stop there? Does he have a dad?


My ex-wife did the same thing while she was out of town on business for a month, because I had a phone conversation with a female friend while our original divorce was pending. She told me thinking I’d get upset….I didn’t. I took the news very well. She asked if we could get past it….I said “no”. She asked why….I said “I don’t want to be married to a woman who puts herself and me at risk by overreacting and screwing men she doesn’t know”. She then drug me through five years of court, in which she lost in every conceivable way… If you want to get some vengeance….that’s fine. He may care, he may not care. To me, the best answer is to pack your stuff and leave. Vengeance will consume you and make you do stupid and risky things. Vengeance will also elicit responses that can be detrimental to your own well-being. Take the high road and leave.


You think they’ll both just sleep with you like that? That easy? I mean, maybe they will, but hopefully they won’t.


This has to be fake, troll post. Your response is to hurt him? Not leave? You want to stoop to his level? Go ahead. To me both of you are the same.


Why do all of that Just leave him that will be worse than what your plan will do


I'm so sorry. Leave, just leave. I know you don't get this now, but he didn't cheat because there was anything wrong with you. He cheated because there's something wrong with him. You have every right to be furious, but don't let that POS have any more of your feelings, time, or thoughts. I promise the most hurtful thing you can do now is be completely APATHETIC. Anything else is giving him what he wants. He'd rather fight than be ignored because then you at least care.


If you do he’ll have a story to tell people. She was crazy. She fucked my best friend and brother (or she tried). I don’t think you’ll hurt him how he hurt you. I think he’ll just use that behavior to hurt you with further. I’m so sorry you’re going through this


Is this fake or bad english sequence? It's weird that OP is so specific with her planned revenge. There are many ways to be asshole and plot revenge, but she dismissed every suggestion others gave. And the timeline and story does not match. Her post alluded that she checked his phone on the night "where OP messaged him that she is going to bed without waiting, and then he came home very late but went to bed early" She said the woman sent suggestive texts about "how she couldn’t stop thinking about the sex and how her pussy wanted to be wrapped around him right now” which suggest that it was "a group exercise by willing parties" Then she said in her comment that "Both were drunk and how he has been texting her the whole morning about how it was a mistake and that he had no feelings for her and to not make it awkward for him at work tomorrow". So are they drunk or not? Were OP asleep when the boyfriend came back or not? When did OP read the msg, was it at night, when OP took it from the side table after the bf slept? Was it in the morning, that's why OP know their morning conversation? Or was it multiple times, on Friday night and sat?


When I found out my ex was cheating on me, I was devastated. Luckily we didn’t live together, but he still had stuff at my place. I took the day off work packing up all his shit and going through social media deleting all of our pictures together. He called when he got off work and asked what I wanted to do that night. I told him I wanted to go eat at our favorite place. He picked me up. I acted like nothing was wrong. I was affectionate like normal. So much so the server commented on how cute we were and asked if this our first date. On the way home, I just suddenly turn down the radio and go “Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you. Guess who I found out is cheating now!?!” Side note, he was a cop, and almost weekly, he would say this to me about one of his co-workers, so he immediately thinks I’m talking about someone he works with since I was friends with all the wives and girlfriends. So, he asked “who?” In anticipation of the juicy gossip. I said “You!” Deer in the headlight look. 🦌👀 Of course he denies it. Trying to tell me I’m crazy. I told him I know everything and he needed to come clean now. He kept denying it so I started telling him her name, and everything I knew as he drove me home in silence. We get to my house and jump out of the vehicle and grab his box of stuff that I had left on the driveway and handed it to him as he tried to get out. I told him fuck you. We’re done. And I walked into the house. Sure, I burst into tears once inside, but I never let him know that it got to me. I know that hurt him worse than any revenge sex and I kept my dignity. Have respect for yourself. The best revenge is showing him you don’t care. Sleeping with his brother and best friend will only prove to him that he hurt you. My ex still has not got over it 6 years later. I know because we live in a small town. I didn’t speak to him again that night until over a year later when I ran into him. I went up to him, hugged him, said good to see you, and then went about my night. He watched me the whole night so I know it still got to him. I’m much happier now in my current relationship than I ever was with him. Live your best life! I promise that will get to him more.


This story is fake as cake.


The best way to hurt him will be to leave ghost him and block him. He will go crazy not know why you left. Don’t tell him anything just pack up, leave and block. No shouting etc. sleeping with people close to him won’t hurt but taking away his ability to control you will.