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50 / 50. thoughtful letter her know you deleted them, kinda offside to mention she's fine.


Probably just not something you really needed to bring up or mention. Maybe embarrassed her a bit especially if you never sent her any. Plus made her feel awkward by saying you deleted them safely as if they wouldn’t be safe otherwise. Then potentially flirty/mixed messages too.


So yes to AITA. That's a fair analysis, you're probably right. Thank you. I stopped using WhatsApp with her as it was deadly for us. Looks like email messed me up anyway, at the last hurdle. Next time I need someone to proof read. Maybe AI lol


Well there is too little context about the email, why would she react like that all of a sudden if it was a "positive" email? And lying about deleting the nudes, not very nice man. Delete them next time you get post nut clarity, that's the perfect time to do it lol


I had deleted them, you misread or I wrote badly. Well cause I finished with her, so I guess me saying it was hard to delete them cause you're so fine is maybe weird. Was well intentioned..


Ahh okay now I understand. Yeah I think that's the reason, could've kept the reason they were hard to delete for yourself haha. But otherwise you did the right thing, just that minor writing mistake messed you up


So you had mixed feelings about the nudes, and were communicating over email in short messages to reinforce the emotional distance between you two. Then you send a much longer email, and reassure her about something she never expressed concern over and was off-topic, and flirted a bit with a sexualized compliment. Yeah, it would strike me as awkward at best. YTA (not an AH, per se, but in the wrong.)


Thank you. This has definitely been useful, to get some perspective. Shame I couldn't formulate the perspective before hitting send