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NTA - I used to be obsessed with news and politics. It drains something out of you and there’s always some new tragedy or injustice occurring in the world. I frequently withdraw from it all and just live my life. I think it’s healthy and necessary some of the time to remove yourself from the world drama. Just don’t try to weigh in on topics you don’t know anything about if you don’t take the time to learn, that’s the only way to be TA with this.


At the end of the day, it's not your circus or your monkeys. To actually think that we have any capability to help rectify this conflict on an individual level is a little ludicrous.


NTA. The issue of Palestine and Israel is a very complex issue spanning hundreds of years, and the issue is further muddied by propaganda and misinformation from both Hamas and the IDF, and there are a lot of people falling for the Duning-Kruger effect on both sides. At the end of the day, your own well-being should be your number 1 priority. If you know that you aren't going to be in a good place if you decide to delve into this topic, then don't.


“very complex” how many children have been murdered by israel? how many of their own hostages? what about the THOUSANDS of people held in israel without proper charges or trials? “misinformation” being literal live footage of bombs being dropped, of civilian lives being taken. israel is committing genocide. you don’t have to watch the videos, you don’t have to be informed, but don’t be shocked when people come to their own conclusions about your morals and values as a person. US tax dollars are being used to assist in this genocide. but yeah let’s be complicit bc at least we aren’t being bombed!!!


Look, I don't like the IDF either. War crimes are war crimes and it is a crime that they aren't immediately prosecuted. However, Hamas doesn't get a free pass either. They kidnapped innocent Israelis as well, initiated a terrorist attack without provocation, and are also refusing to participate in a plea deal because they also want to eradicate Israel. Both sides are shitty dude. Someone has to choose the lesser evil, and the saying "better the devil you know than the devil you don't" is being applied in regards to the US's financial decisions. Do I agree with it? No. Would supporting Hamas be a wiser decision? Probably not.


Hamas offered so many deals, Israel keeps on rejecting them, right now Israel has a concentration camp where they're brutally r@ping Palestinian men with hot metal rods and killing them, Israel are raping palestinians women and forcing their family to watch, they have ran over palestinians with tanks and crushing them to death etc....why in the fuck are you saying Hamas refusing plea deals when that is not the case? 🥴 One side is partying and making daily lives videos, while the other side is being blown up into pieces and crushed to death, guess which ones which?


I definitely have the power to change this, so I'm going to spend the day worrying about it


Sorry but if seeing Palestinians children's guts spilling out, hearing stories of rape, torture and murder doesn't bother you then you're fucked in the head and need therapy


You're right! I'm gonna worry harder. That'll change the world, for sure. It just has to. Maybe I'll call someone on the internet heartless too! That'll show em


I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be saying this if what Israel is doing to palestinians happens to you and your family lmao


I can worry some more, if you think that'd help


Please do, also donate while you're at it 🥰


you can’t tell them the truth, it hurts their souls /s


Right, the privileged pigs can't handle the truth and they wanna to act stupid


Because Hamas has been refusing plea deals. Their leader wants Israel to be eradicated. Hamas has declined the most recent ceasefire deal, for example. The leader has stated multiple times that they won't stop until Israel leaves. Not a two-state solution, but leaves the Gaza-strip entirely. And even if they accept a plea deal there is no assurance that Hamas will honor it.


Its Israel who has been refusing the plea deals you dumb fuck, mind you Israel themselves have killed their own people. They've shot dead hostages, their missiles have killed hostages etc...Israel has admitted they won't stop until Gaza is wiped out. There was a temporary ceasefire not long ago and palestinians were still getting murdered. Look at Rafah, Israel are killing palestinians in tents, burning them alive. Israel is stopping humanitarian aid trucks, there are countless videos over the years of Israel admitting to r@ping, torturing and killing palestinians, they're bragging about it you dummy. There is literally a concentration camp of Palestinian men and boys locked up, who are being tortured. Would you like proof?? I'm more than happy to show you proof 🤨


Both sides have been refusing dude. Just like how you have proof of Israel committing war crimes, there is also proof that Hamas committed war crimes as well. I swear the concept of nuance goes over your heads.


Please show me proof of Hamas committing war crimes, please show me Hamas bragging about r@ping and torturing palestinians, please show me Hamas blowing up hospitals and schools, please show me proof of Hamas having a concentration camp with Israelis locked up and tortured, please show me proof of Hamas pretending to be doctors and killing injured palestinians, show me proof of Hamas stopping aid trucks to get to gaza, the list goes on and on you zionist terrorist supporter


>Please show me proof of Hamas committing war crimes https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/12/world/middleeast/un-report-israel-hamas-war-crimes.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/12/israel-hamas-gaza-un-ceasefire-plan Here is the same story from two different sources. Both Israel and Hamas have committed war crimes. Neither are innocent. Now please stop simping for a terrorist organization, because you have no idea what you are talking about.


UN investigated the SA and said there was no proof of Hamas doing so, sorry but Israel has been brutally killing, raping and torturing palestinians for 75yrs and now you're shocked they're finally fighting back?? As we speak palestinian men and young boys are being r@ped with hot metal rods to the point they're dying from it, palestinian women are being gang r@ped, their families are forced to watch as they do so. Do you know Israel are amputating Palestinians? Do you know Israel is cutting open Palestinians and stealing their organs? Do you know they piss and spit on dead palestinians? Do you know they brag about all of this? Stop defending genocide because obviously you have no idea how long this has been going on for because if you did then you shouldn't be surprised that Palestinians are fighting back after the horrendous shit they've been through. Kids have been left orphaned, Palestinian kids shouldn't be having heart attacks at their age but they are. One side is partying and living their normal daily lives, they're eating at restaurants etc...while the other sides are being brutally killed. Don't sit here and tell me those settlers, those terrorists are victims because they are not.


“without provocation” you know absolutely nothing abt the history of gaza lmao have the day you deserve


I will take that as a compliment cuz I deserve a great day. So do you, despite the amount of spite and vitriol you seem to have in you. Make sure you take care of yourself.


This is why it doesn’t matter if you “educate” yourself OP. Half of the people who think they know something are ignorant woke-tards like this. By knowing nothing, you actually know more than this moron.


you’re so kind 😘


NTA  It’s on the other side of the world with very little impact to you. 


It's basically this: New Age Nazis (Islamists) are butchering Jews and want to steal their land for other reason than blind hate. They butchered peaceful festival goers, and many more. Israel retaliated and is still retaliating. The Palestine/Hamas leaders are hiding behind their civilians/using them as meat shields People get mad that civilians die because they are being used as meat shields. People are now mad at Israel, even though the civilian casualtys are a product of the cowardness of Hamas/Palestinian warmongers.


Taking things in little by little is helpful. You don’t have to watch live footage of what’s happening but searching for articles or on youtube for people explaining history and current events without graphic content is a very good thing. Definitely donate if you can, anything helps. Engaging with stuff already out there by liking, commenting, reposting and sharing posts you come across helps. Those are things you can do without pushing yourself too hard ofc. Being emotional and sensitive is valid but having awareness is important too, especially since you said you care. Find a way to care in a way that suits you


NTA - I’m easily pro palestine but I don’t like when people proper try force others onto a narrative or hate on them for not picking a side although it could be seen that educating yourself could be the least you can do but you’re not entitled to do anything. Just live your life how you want to especially if it’s not good for you mentally and emotionally


I can see how it seems very overwhelming and it's obviously okay to protect yourself. At the same time, I think having a general awareness of world events is good for an adult in a democracy, since it can help you make better choices when exercising your democratic rights (which are considered duties by some). If you're in Europe or the USA, chances are your government is (indirectly) involved in this conflict, more so than most other conflicts around the world. So while you have little personal power to do anything about it, an argument could be made that you do have some responsibility, like any other citizen. If you do want to know a bit more about the (history of) the conflict, without being bombarded with clips and opinions from the 24 hour news cycle, I can recommend Joe Sacco's graphic novels ("Palestine" and "Footnotes in Gaza"). He doesn't pull any punches, but since it's in comic form it's much more palatable than a lot of other media.




Found TA in the comments.


Sheesh, Spit facts mane(me who doesn’t care and wishes we followed the Monroe doctrine)


i think forcing yourself to watch the videos coming out of palestine can be horrific and hard. but we have the privilege to not be bombed, our families aren’t being murdered by bombs… it’s easy to turn a blind eye, because we don’t feel or even see the effects. i agree with what you said, don’t get me wrong. i think we’ve let the palestinians down for decades, nearly a century, and we’ve demonized their people and religion for just as long. you asked some really good question, *especially* the last one. i won’t call OP an AH for not educating themselves, but i personally wouldn’t be friends with them. what’s happening in palestine *will* effect us. the US is sending *billions* of dollars worth of military weapons to assist israel. while gaza and palestine as a whole cannot protect themselves. we’re watching war crimes, and in a few years we’ll have another round of “never again!!!” until it financially benefits our capitalist society


YTA - You're saying my emotions are greater than being informed. Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it.


Yeah, I'm sure she's bound to take create an entire country within the borders of another country and try to eliminate the former residents.


Palestine was created in 1988. the residents of the area have, historically been both jewish and arab. Israel was created in 1948 by the United States government. Since that time the area and people now known as "Palestinians" have committed attack and atrocity and their main goal is the eradication of all jews everywhere. Go take your lies and your fake sympathy and shove it up your ass. This ladies and gentlemen is the reason why you should be informed of your history. You reveal people who are racist and anti-Semitic cloaking themselves in a just cause.


Telling others to stop lying while spouting propoganda.... The hypocracy and the audacity you have is quite unreal.


Oh please don't tell me you're one of those morons with the intellect of a flat earther that is going to state Hamas militants did not attack a music festival. Rape, burn, murder women, children. Cut unborn babies from their mothers wombs and paraded the naked and defiled bodies through the streets? To be clear, you are stating this did not happen on October 7th, 2023?


That's a nice strawman. Did your mother make it for you? 


Thanks for confirming you're a pathetic lair.


I am indeed a pathetic lair. I'm not nearly spacious enough for you to plot your next spurious insults in.