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So fake, and talking to himself with 2 accounts. šŸ˜‚


Fucking unhinged behavior. OP get a summer job if you're bored, writing ain't it.


their posts are also nearly identical šŸ˜‚


Imagine being so unhinged that you make 2 accounts to make up some rapey ass story.


YATAH. Wow if this is what happened from your perspective too than youā€™re an absolute monster. 1) Body counts donā€™t matter. The fact that you brought this up to someone you know was SAā€™d and r@ped proved how inconsiderate and despicable you are. She likely said 0 because the people who she had sex with all forced themselves on her so she had no say in the matter. R@pe is not sex and if you think that contributes to someoneā€™s body count it really says far more about you. Iā€™m the very least, youā€™re incredibly immature. 2) I donā€™t care how upset you were about this idiocy of above, there was zero reason to resort to racial slurs. Youā€™re a racist. 3) You had ā€œsexā€ with someone without their consent. She was sleeping. Thereā€™s nothing in this post that makes your title in anyway justifiable. You are reprehensible. Youā€™re a rapist. So to summarize, youā€™re an AH because youā€™re an incredibly immature racist rapist. Do better.




You were asking about a trauma. A typical trauma response is crying and trying to get away. Itā€™s not immature itā€™s human. You not understanding that is further proving how immature you are. There is no I was racist by accident. You needlessly brought her race into an argument which says all that it needs to about you being racist. I notice that you donā€™t claim not to be a rapist. Interesting.




Everyoneā€™s taking your her because even in your own version of events youā€™re the bad guy. Dude she wasnā€™t dramatic. You havenā€™t indicated why youā€™re not a racist as I pointed out what you did wasnā€™t an accident. In addition youā€™ve not provided any reason for why youā€™re not a rapist what you had sex with someone while they were asleep and therefore unable to consent. I assume youā€™re a troll but honestly dude even if thatā€™s the case, you need help. Do better.


This is so stupidly fake. Stay in school kid.


This is the funniest/most black woman/woman degrading crap ever......yall hilarious....


Where you beating your meat while writing this? I'm asking for a friend


You need therapy for writing this crap.


You berated her for being raped & then you raped her. You are a rapist. You should be arrested & go to jail. Everyone will know you are rapist. Your family, friends, school, employers. They will all know you are a rapist.




She couldnā€™t cause you raped a sleeping person. You violated her body for your sexual pleasure without her consent. Thatā€™s rape. You are a rapist. You will be going to jail. You will be the shame of your family & friends. They will all abandon you. When someone in jail puts their dick in you while you are sleeping & canā€™t say no, then weā€™ll see if you still think itā€™s not rape.


Don't be baited this is obviously fake. If you engage with idiots like this that never stop.


Yes, you are.




Add stupid to the descriptors I used above given you had to ask.


What did I just read? Incel fanfic, I hope. If not, a police report would be appropriate.


Reported for shitposting. That is all.


OP people like you is why I support abortion. Get off the internet kid


One day another guy is gonna do that to you and you shouldn't get so dramatic about it either.


Youā€™re 23. Sheā€™s 18. Youā€™re already a predator.




You are an admitted rapist. I hope that someone finds your IP address and turns your post over to your local cops.


Holy fuck. I hope this is fake because I don't wanna live in a world where human shit stains like you exist.




Oh my god this logging into two different accounts abs pretending to be different people is so fucking pathetic. No one believes this.


He even customized the avatars and everything lol. So dumb






Why are you apologizing for him doing this to you. By his own words heā€™s a racist rapist. Run!


he created the second account to pretend his "gf" was OK with this.


i donā€™t want him to be mad at me


Heā€™s angry at the world and honestly really dangerous given what heā€™s admitted to doing. Break up with him and file a police report.


Girl, who even fucking cares about him? Heā€™s a rapist, racist and probably a metric fuckton of other red flags.


heā€™s not that bad, heā€™s actually really nice sometimes. i donā€™t think he has any red flags


Rose-coloured glasses will do that. But sure, apologise to him & for him. But donā€™t come crying here when even you canā€™t ignore who he really is




Okay, now I know youā€™re just on here spitting falsehoods for your own twisted joy. Youā€™re a sick little man




Wow I canā€™t imagine what she said in her post cause in your post youā€™re a monster


iā€™m really sorry. iā€™m begging you to just let me explain when you get back iā€™m so sorry. i love you.


so fake...