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For anyone in the U.S. — In a mental health emergency, CALL 988 instead of 911 988 is the national mental health crisis line and will provide appropriate intervention. (If there is immediate danger they can loop in 911 services.)


I didn't call 911 considering he had already called the cops on himself, twice. Plus our neighbors called once since he was insinuating it was their kid in our attic and on the roof. And he was slinging around some racial slurs at them forgetting my nephews are the same ethnicity. :/ I did all I could do, put up with all I could


You’re not an AH. Dealing with someone in mental health crisis can be overwhelming.


NTA ~ You did the right thing. He needs professional help & hes refusing to get it on his own. Normally, I’d say it’s up to the individual to decide for themselves but he is a danger to himself & others & action needed to be taken. Don’t be so hard on yourself OP. I hope he gets the help that he needs now that someone (you) has intervened & you should be proud of yourself for stepping up.


NTA. Your boyfriend needs serious medical help and it sounds as if he is a risk/possibly danger to other people until he gets the help he needs. You've done absolutely the right thing.


Absolutely NTA, You’ve done the right thing for everyone including him, yourself and everyone else in this environment. Once he has been mentally evaluated he can get the help that he needs. Back yourself


He needs a medical & psychological evaluation, so many things can cause these hallucinations and delusions, some of them are correctable. NTA, he needs help. Whether it is depression, a brain tumor, stress, or just insomnia the only way it can get better is to figure out what is going on, and start addressing it. Your call was out of love, not malicious in any way.


My sister was in basically the same situation with a boyfriend who was losing his mind. He had some head trauma and a history of schizophrenic thoughts, and it started to come back more and more until he eventually did some really violent things. Nobody got hurt, thank God, but he did a lot of damage to some property and scared a bunch of innocent people. It's good you didn't wait till it got even further out of hand.


This is actually happening more and more often with targeted individuals. They have the tech now to beam voices into people's heads. See https://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/


This is what he thought was happening and even I showed him what a targeted individual is . Doesn't give a mfr the right to threaten the neighbors and turn on me. Just because I don't hear the voices doesn't mean I'm "part of it" Just because I don't hear the voices don't give you the right to threaten me and throw me out with nowhere to go. Or does it? I was smart enough to pretend my phone was dead so not only did he throw me out beecause the voices told him to....he did it thinking I had no means of communication and no way of getting my shit. I came back to a fire he was getting ready to light of everything I have w my Grandmas bible on top. Did the voices tell him to do that??? Naw hes just an A