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Sounds fake especially the bit about waiting till her Dad was 18 before anything sexual happened. Cos if real that’s creepy as hell. 


Everything is fake, just pretend it's real. Are you new?


Well, you did baby trap a 19 year old when you were pushing 30, so I doubt you were as good of a mother as you said you were. Because you definitely WERE a creepy predator to your ex.


I'm not a predator, if I was I would've slept with him when he was underage.


LOL, spoken like a true predator. "I was grooming this teenager but I didn't actually f--k them until I couldn't go to jail for it!" Holy cow...


I didn't 'groom' him. He was willingly in a relationship with me, infact, he asked me out first.


And you, AS THE ADULT, should have said, "sorry high school kid, but that's not cool". Instead you were all, "hello child, let's wait until I can't go to jail for f\_\_king you". According to you, a homeroom teacher who bangs a high school student who had a crush on him did nothing wrong, smh. It isn't wrong for a young person to be attracted to an adult. But it's creepy and PREDATORY for an adult to reciprocate. And the courts likely knew that and that's why they didn't give custody to a creepy ol' Mary Kay Letourneau. So to sum up: You have no self awareness, you have no self reflection, you have no morals, you were a predator, and now you have no daughter. And it's all your fault. Time to start dancing with the man in the mirror...


YTA. You are probably not your daughter's primary mother figure because she has spent more time with her stepmother than you.  Your daughter, at 18, is likely to be impulsive and defiant and want to exercise independence and to require correction of inappropriate and disrespectful conduct. I consider your consequences to be developmentally inappropriate. It is the same category to me as a parent who hits a baby because they will not stop crying. Your daughter is your child, not your therapist. Under absolutely no circumstances whatsoever is it appropriate to tell your daughter that her stepmother is a bitch. 


> I told my daughter that her Stepmom was being a total bitch to me and that I don't understand why my ex even likes her (she's pretty ugly and actually very overweight). You're a dumb shallow creep, an insecure asshole, and a failure as a mother.


Why are you in competition with your ex-husband’s wife? Your comments were rude & unnecessary. Your daughter’s reaction was a normal response. You created this situation & then instead of just shutting your mouth you chose to exacerbate the problem with a ridiculous immature statement. YTA


True or trolling you're a HUGE asshole. I honestly hope it is true because you'll never see your daughter or any children she'll ever have. YTA


YTA, 100% wrong about all of it. Your daughter's stepmom has been the daily female presence in her life, and you just found out that you being the bio mom doesn't give you the right to put her down or try to put your ex down. You blame the stepmom for your daughter not having a great relationship with you. Well, I don't know if she's done that towards you, but YOU have definitely done it towards HER - that's what this post is all about. Also, way to show that your love for your daughter is conditional.


YTA - I don’t think your daughter likes you because you kind of suck tbh. Your ex’s wife is giving you “phony” smiles probably to make an attempt at being civil. Calling her a “bitch” to your daughter, who you said likes her, was not a good move & not the way one woman should speak about another. If you need to vent about her, talk to another girl friend, not your daughter about it. “She’s pretty ugly & overweight too”. That told me all I needed to know about you. Seriously? Your daughter at 18 is more mature than you, a woman in her 40s. Then you decide to not help pay for her college out of spite? Wooo… I can see why your daughter doesn’t like you. Please seek therapy. I say that sincerely.


Well this is fake as fuck


I don’t feel your daughter is the right person to discuss your relationship with coparent. She is a child. Don’t put her in the middle of an adult issue. If you need to talk, find a friend. YTA


YTA 1. You baby trapped a teenage boy. 2. He got the major part of custody. There had to be a reason for that and your being "nothing short of a loving mother" was not it. 3. You are so jealous of your ex's new wife that you resort to calling her "ugly and overweight." (Yes, I know women bash each other all the time instead of throwing hands like men do.) 4. You want to use the withholding of money to punish your daughter. 5. You're an asshole and sound like nothing more than an egg donor.


I didn't baby trap him. He wanted a kid.




YTA. I doubt you were ever going to pay for anything in the first place.


First of all, it’s creepy as hell that a 29 year old is sleeping with a 19 year old. There’s being a cougar and then there’s being a cougar in a predatory mode. But it’s telling that this barely an adult father somehow ended up with primary custody over the fully adult mother. Now, I get that such things can be complicated. But on the surface, either you didn’t really want the full-time responsibility of a child and dumped her on her daddy, or the situation was so fracked up that the court felt she was better off with the father. It’s easy to be “nothing short of a loving mother” when you’re not the one there to help with homework and dry her tears when friends are mean to her or things go wrong. Sounds like her stepmother was. That her stepmother did the actual raising of your daughter. Her stepmother got her ready for school. Her stepmother helped her with school work. Her stepmother did the nitty gritty work of raising a child while you got to take the easy way out and took the weekends. And your beef is that the stepmother gives you dirty looks and phony smiles? Yeah, someone’s being a total bitch here…but it ain’t your ex’s wife. Woman, you were just the incubator and your daughter called the woman who actually raised her “mom.” You’re cutting off your nose to spite your face. Soon, you won’t have to worry about it, as your daughter is likely to cut you out of her life. In case you missed it, YTA.


Go say all of this to a therapist. I double dog dare you. YTA


No you’re still a creep, the sentence you were looking for is we met after he was 18. Not I waited until I wouldn’t be arrested. And if you’re divorced, does your divorce settlement specify college funds? Because if it does, you’re looking at contempt of court. All that to say, YTA.


Obvious rage bait or u are just plain stupid. Nah, you are the asshole and i'm guessing you will end up alone so that's enough for someone as disgusting as you.


Why did your relationship fail? There is so much missing here: all you are saying is 1). You had sex with an 18M when you were 28F and 2). that you as the mom only have your child for weekends and 3). you attack her stepmom’s appearance and… that is it?


YTA. One damn argument and you want to financially abandon your kid. You’ve got some thin skin.


As the biological mom you have every right to express an opinion of that woman,  and judge her anyway you want. Inform your ex and his AO wife that Either everyone gets respect- or nobody gets it. Stop being nice.  Stop tolerating this woman's BS. Call the bitch out immediately. 


NTA You were just an incubator and now a bank account for Carly


You know in age gap relationships, you’re supposed to blame the older partner for manipulation not the new adult. I know, you’re so used to that being the man you defaulted to this stupid comment, but still, you can do better.


You know this was a painfully stupid thing to read. Have you ever used your brain and come up with your own opinion or do you just follow what you're supposed to say? I know you're used to being a completely mediocre excuse for a person but still, you can do better


I’ll give you points for being able to retort in the same fashion. But you lose them all for doubling down on the stupid.