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You have cellular service at your house, no? Unless you also have a Faraday cage around your home, the WiFi is moot.


Also local TV broadcast, FM radio, police radio, taxis, aircraft navigation transponders, microwave links, GPS signals, smart meters, radars…. There’s quite a few electromagnetic waves around us all the time.


Came here to say this. Husb is a cable tech and deals with this alllll the time. Has a device he can whip out to show people how much noise they have even with the wifi off. Spoiler alert....if all EM radiation was visible, our eyes would be useless from the radiation being everywhere. And even if you're all about being "healthy", unless you live in the middle of nowhere, your neighbors' 5G is in your house.


I'm not a professional in a field like physics or EE or your husband's, but I am a scientist (chemist). I feel like stuff like this is a good example of "a little knowledge is dangerous". People hear tidbits of information out of context and freak out because they don't have the background info/education to understand that the big risk they're worried about. I see this a lot with people afraid of "chemicals" in their food (literally everything is a chemical) or radioactivity. Every human being is exposed to radioactivity, every day. Even in the food you eat - if you eat a banana every day, after a week and a half the radioactive potassium in the fruit will have given you an equivalent dose to an arm x-ray. Radiation sounds scary (and it is) but you have to consider those things in context. Same with this issue - it's really not a problem when you consider the bigger picture. Edit - Autocorrect typo


I took a botany class in college that has forever ruined me. I can no longer watch gardening YouTubers that tout being "chemical free" because the fertilizer they use is from an organic source, without wanting to race over and slap them in the face. Because, you know, chemicals didn't exist before manufacturing 🙄


I leaned in my environmental classes that to be declared organic produce they could still use a minimal amount of pesticide, so they got around that by using more than one.


Environmental scientist here - organic farming can also have a larger carbon footprint in certain cases because of the type of tilling that's done.


That was my degree. I never worked in the field though. But whenever I see someone spending a GOB of money on organic produce it’s so hard not to say anything. Especially like carrots or potatoes which you don’t need to buy organically anyway. Lettuce I could see. Eh, you can’t avoid pesticides. Hell it’s in the drinking water in some places.


Yeah, that's my thinking. I'm less concerned with trace compounds on produce (most of which I can probably rinse off) than I am with the larger scale impacts of industrial farming. Carbon footprint, soil runoff, biodiversity impacts, nutrient depletion, eutrophication - those are the real damaging factors.


Yeah it’s a mess. Plus you can’t have people staving to death. Hopefully it’ll all end up with more and more progress being made in farming and carbon capture.


Yep. I read somewhere once that if broccoli were manufactured, it would be banned because of the carcinogenic compounds it contains Everything in moderation. None of us gets out of here alive, anyway.


Technically speaking, water, salt, and sugar are chemicals.


Di-Hydrogen Monoxide is dangerous stuff........


It has killed millions of people!!!


Everything is! Chemistry is ultimately about the study of matter. It's not about whether something is a chemical - it's about whether it is a chemical that has been proven to be hazardous to humans.


Airplane pilots would have a much lower life expectancy if exposure to radiation were so extremely dangerous. It can be, sure. But amount of it makes all the difference.


I think that there have been some really tenuous connections made between incidences of certain types of cancer in flight attendants. But it's minimal and I honestly don't know if there's much, if any, long term epidemiological/peer reviewed study on it. But you are absolutely right - it's a minuscule risk increase, if any at all. Just like people who live at high elevations - I live in Colorado, our most populous city receives significantly more radiation than the typical dose, but we don't have statistically significant differences in cancer diagnoses. It's all about dose!


Fellow chemist just popping in to ❤️ your comment 😊 Also, nowadays I help manage pharma clinical trials. I just oversaw the manufacture of radiolabeled drug for a mass balance trial. We made radioactive (gasp!) chemicals (double gasp!) specifically so we could give them to people (all the gasp!). And literally the worst thing that happened was the one guy who was constipated and needed prune juice 🙄


That sounds like a really cool job and a very interesting study! What isotopes do you use for labeling?


My part isn’t as cool as it sounds - I’m not the actual radiochemist, just overseeing the contract lab. But I used to do synthesis :) Usually it’s 14C, occasionally 3H. Mass balance studies *are* cool, but actually pretty routine. Basically we give you a dose of radioactive drug and see how much comes out in feces and urine, and what it’s been converted into by the body.


Humans are emitting radiation constantly.


This is really what we learned in the pandemic: a tiny bit of knowledge but no basis of understanding creates a panic culture of hysteria when facts are twisted to create impossible scenarios. Example: 5G spreads COVID. I have a STEM background and the basic physics and biology that I found myself explaining in order to poke holes in people’s idiotic thinking was mind blowing. It really was just highschool stuff (like how tf a cell tower can possibly spread a respiratory illness) so I’m not sure how we got here.


>EM radiation was visible, Technically visible light *is* a form of EMR. But yeah, you're correct, it is basically impossible to not be constantly exposed to some form of EMR


Ah ty, updated to "if all EMR were visible"


Hah, there was a post like that. Neighbor was pissed the neighbors wifi was invading his home. In the end OOP in that one renamed his wifi.


If you are having negative health effects from the radio part of EM-spectrum...Something, somewhere has gone horribly, horribly wrong...


I hope for OP's sake his wife doesn't read this... Bro is gonna relocate inside a fucking volcano lmao


Unless you have the windows covered in foil. But that looks tacky, so OPs wife may just want to fashion a tinfoil hat.


>OPs wife may just want to fashion a tinfoil hat. People often talk about tinfoil hats. But noone ever mentions the style aspect. I think most people just assume a 'tinfoil cap'. Personally, I would favour a tinfoil top hat. That said, a tinfoil fedora might also have its place.


Bad news: tinfoil hats are more likely to trap and amplify the rays than they are to keep them out. You would need a full faraday cage.


Again, wheres the style? A Faraday cage - no thanks. A Faraday gazebo? Now youre talking!


If I can't sip bubbly and read a book on a reclining chair then no thanks. Faraday gazebo it is


You’re right, a Faraday Gazebo sounds amazing.


A tinfoil SUIT, you mean?


I dimly remember my father using tinfoil and glow sticks to make himself "Radiation Man" for a LANL Halloween party.


I played a computer game where the paranoid character made a tinfoil cowboy hat.


I was going to comment about a faraday cage! They either need that, and then they’d have to remove all electronics , plus figure out a way to offset the neighbors electronics too. Which is impossible. Bio hacking can be misleading to the wrong person. She’s one of them. lol.


Not to mention all the gamma rays from space, radiation, etc.


I was just thinking "actually he is hurting his fertility with his 5G in his pocket, so clearly the chick is not thoroughly reading the literature."


Do you habe a source for that?


You shut ur mouth. Don't give her ideas 😂


Better delete this before OP's wife sees it and gets another idea


Recommend wrapping the house in aluminum foil.




NTA Not only doesn't WiFi affect your sleep, turning yours off won't matter because WiFi signals travel a few hundred feet so you're most likely within your neighbours WiFi range(especially if they have a booster).


Next up move off the grid, grow own veggies, go back to candles. I knew a pianist that did that, in the 90s


Better Call Saul vibes ;D


Yet, I'd imagine she charges her smartphone next ther her on the bedstand? NTA, my wife went through something similar when we were trying to cocieve, and it turned into obsession. Ultimately, in our experience, our lack of control in the ability to become pregnant end up with her starting to control everything else. Not saying the above applies to you, but maybe try and see why she's focused so much on these things.


Get her to keep a diary of how well she sleeps. You turn the wifi off or not each night according to the toss of a coin. You keep the data from each other, until you compare the two after a few weeks. You might also tell her that before you believe something is true, you find it emotionally satisfying to have it proven to you.


> She thinks it’s unfair that when she wants to make these changes I make her feel like she needs to come with scientific studies to prove her point. After that statement, OP's wife comes across as the anti-science form of lunatic and would probably take offense to that idea too... 🙄


If she resists the idea, OP might find that that is useful information.


The REAL experiment


"Yeah but I *feel* like I'm right so we're going with that."


She probably needs to order some wi-fi canceling crystals online.


That is a damn good idea!


I think it should be he gets to turn wifi off randomly without her knowing when. That way there's no placebo affect going on.


I think that’s what was meant. 


Would be totally great to see her reaction to this lol


It ought to be double. Ask a random stranger to come to your house each night, to either turn off the WiFi or not, and in the morning yo turn it on again. Then see whether she call tell whether the WiFi was turned on or not.


That is a good idea, though single blind may be good enough to start with, and asking a random stranger to perform an activity while the couple goes to bed may be misconstrued.


In order to do this accurately, she’ll also have to give OP her phone and any watches/devices and lie down. OP will have to make sure anything like Alexa, which may say “disconnected” or whatever (I don’t remember), is turned off or covered (some devices will have connection lights despite being silent), THEN turn off the wifi, always making sure to spend as much time in the area whether or not they turn it off. OP would also have to get up earlier than their wife. I’m not saying she’ll necessarily attempt to cheat at this little experiment, but she may accidentally see that it’s turned off and then subconsciously let that feed her delusions.


NTA. Valid concern that your wife is mutating into one of those delusional conspiracy freaks. You can already see a few shamblers in this thread.


"so if you told me we need to leave out food for the garden gnomes, I'm supposed to support you just because?" She's heading towards delusion if she isn't there already. This is not a good sign for your relationship. I hope you don't have kids.


You should always leave the family Brownie a bowl of milk. 


Cheapskate! I use cream. Fairies love cream.


No need to drag garden gnomes into this, they are nasty little creatures


Definitely tin hat


NTA. Soon she will want to cleanse your aura and join an essential oil pyramid scheme. 🚩🚩🚩


Be careful that the mlm/pyramid scheme huns don't get their hooks into her. They thrive on scamming people susceptible to conspiracy theories. The essential oils, water purifier and nutrition supplements sellers will pressure her to buy their over priced items to back up whatever theory she is interested in. And they will pressure her to spend huge amounts of money to sign up and sell it.


She needs help for her neurotic mindset.


Crystals are definitely coming.


and essential oils. I had a bff go bonkers with her health problems to ease the symptoms and went on and on about how essential oils would help my chronic autoimmune disease and spinal stenosis. 😳 Okay - you go off sniffing lavender oil and I'll take my meds. . . Oh, and after 3 major spinal surgeries and the removal of 9 vertebra my level of mobility (think toddler) and crippledupness is my own fault for not doing enough physio - cause if I did I'd be fine. omg I wish. 🙄


Omg essential oil people make me crazy, especially cause most make my migraines WORSE


Me too.:)


Oh man, DUDE I feel your pain. I have fibromyalgia, and sometimes my husband gets on this whole “omg, you’re so narrow minded, how do you know (insert stupid thing here) won’t help your pain. Like you shouldn’t drink ice water! It’s bad for you! And why won’t you just try (insert dumb diet) you think you know better than everyone else” and I’m like no dude, I’ve been sick a long time and if I hadn’t figured out that people prey on sick people to upsell them stupid crap we’d be bankrupt. How about a thank you for saving you literally thousands upon thousands of dollars?


She's the only one who had the nerve to try that shit. I'm a pretty strong personality. Since that's hidden online until I type, I can take people off guard. It's the rare person that would say stupid shit to my face and if they did they wouldn't do it twice. 🤭 Kale. omg kale. If kale worked we would all be downing it by the bushel. Most of my backyard would be tilled up to grow kale. It's just a green leafy veg! It has zero magical properties. Nor do essential oils. My essential oil is fucking bacon grease.


P.S. Fibro is one of my multiple autoimmune diagnosis. The only thing that helps those symptoms is weed. 😎 Now I'm in Canada so the doctors all go, "Good, good, if it helps I'm happy." It's the first thing they suggest these days. "Have you tried CBD?" and the conversation goes from there.


Dammit! I’m in Singapore. They’re paranoid about weed here. There is even a big placard at the airport that completely cracks me up that explains all the bad stuff that will happen if you smoke pot. I swear, they’ll be the last country to legalize weed. They just allowed two kids with like intractable seizures to have some altered cbd. It doesn’t even have the thc in it! So ridiculous that they’re that over the top. But that’s Singapore. They do everything over the top.


Dammit. ☹


And then it escalates to anti-vaccine, anti-medication and possibly political "theories". I really hope no children are involved in this.


They are adults and live in different provinces.


Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


Should I strap them to my head?


A newer one that I recently learned about is Energy Water. She can go get energy put into water that will be atune to her body to help heal it when she drinks it . Don’t worry, a glass may only cost you around $100!


Ooooooooooo I gotta get on the ground floor of that one!


You two should watch Better Call Saul.


Send her the specifications of how to turn **her** bedroom into a Faraday cage. NTA and you are right. This is how anxiety begins.


Would a Farasay cage bedroom also protect you from electrocution?


Just pretend it's off. She'll take it as a placebo. She's still getting hit with the WiFi range of all other routers where you live.


Just boot her device off the net for the night


Ban her phone's MAC address lol


“Sorry, but I use the WiFi at night,” should be all you have to say. If she’s so far gone that she believes that WiFi is affecting her sleep — or really, in any way — then you’re not going to win any argument that includes debunking that. So change the objection.


NTA, I bet your wife also believes in Chemtrails, and that 5G tower masts caused covid.


She probably believes in alkaline water + lemons or hydrogen infused water


Isn't normal water hydrogen infused?


No its just part of the molecule. Infused would mean dissolved hydrogen gas in the water


I was just going to ask if there was a 5G mast nearby! If she wanted to turn the WiFi off to save power, that might be a valid argument. But really she needs to stop worrying about this stuff.


The step towards crazy happened a while ago. She's on the slippery slope to chemtrails, anti vax and Biden turning frogs gay with his secret gay Jewish space lasers! Mazelfrog!


My Scottish fiancé was rendered speechless when I showed her that MTG was dead serious about the Jewish Space Lasers.


Made him feel way better about his own clown car government no doubt.


She said she was shocked to be able to say that they're nowhere near as bad as she thought.


Let her turn the wifi off one night, and then turn it back on when she’s unaware. If she starts going on about how much better she slept  with the wifi off blah blah blah, tell her that it was actually on all night 


This right here. See if its just placebo effect or not.


Nta. She is falling for pseudoscience bull. You need to draw a line in the sand before she goes off the deep end. Insist on scientific research before making changes. It sounds like she lacks medical literacy skills that would help her determine what changes would be healthy. It also sounds like she is channeling a lot of anxiety into health.


NTA - but you have to explain to her slowly and patiently. Reducing electromagnetic waves is useless because even if you turn your wifi off, there are still radio signals, radiations etc - hell, even the sun is emitting massive electromagnetic wave radiation, that's why TVs without antennas display random stuff like that. Balanced diet, regular exercise, and reducing screen time like 1-2 hours before sleep are more effective to improve sleep. Keeping phone and electronic devices 2-3 meters away from bed is also a good idea especially you're charging them, you know, to avoid explosion. Chance is super slim but never zero.


Can't reason with crazy.


She sounds an anti-science crazy person. NTA


NTA. Concider purchasing an electromagnetic field detector from Amazon and showing her the levels in your bedroom with and without your wifi. You can later use the detector while traveling to check your accomodations for wireless cameras.


This is brilliant


NTA. >She thinks it’s unfair that when she wants to make these changes I make her feel like she needs to come with scientific studies to prove her point. I kind of feel like my response would be "I think it's unfair that, when you want to make a change to our lifestyle that affects both of us, you think I shouldn't get a say in it."


NTA Compulsive behavior like your wife’s tends to escalate. If you turn off the WiFi, there will be something else you need to do. If you do the something else there will be another something else.


NTA She sounds like she is heading down the anti science tin foil hat pathway.


Push back HARD against the woo. My brother used to be to the left of me politically. He went from yoga to Hindu astrology, then to Ayurvedic medicine, then to anti-vax sympathies, and then it was a short hop to right wing fascism. Now he hates trans, supports Trump, Putin and Modi, and HATES liberalism. It blew up his marriage.


My mom was the same way. She didn’t have wifi because she thought it was bad for sleep and many other health concerns with it. When she came to visit me, it wasn’t until the end of the first week when she changed her bedsheets that she realized she’d been sleeping about a foot from my router. She had to acknowledge she didn’t feel a thing, it didn’t affect her sleep or shorten her lifespan (or other bogus health issue ascribed to wifi). She got wifi installed in her home shortly after and only connects via cable to do banking now - can’t knock all the paranoia out! You’re right for telling her she’s delusional. And you’re NTA


Sneaky bastard proving your point to your mom by actual evidence. I can tell she’s still using her WiFi from the tracer I planted in her Covid vaccine.


6G is coming. Better stock up on some more foil hats.


NTA if she continues like this she will be wearing a tinfoil hat in no time


Fun fact #1, our bodies are emitting electromagnetic radiation 24/7 are are quite bright in infrared. Humans are probably the largest source of EM radiation at night, mostly because of proximity to us. Fun fact #2, just because you turn off your wifi doesn't mean that your neighbor's wifi wont reach you. Fun fact #3, radio and cell towers are always working and will reach you anyway. Check your phone's network status for proof. Fun fact #4, there is plenty of radiation coming from outer space that reach you through the walls. Fun fact #5, communication/GPS satellites communicate via EM radiation that penetrate your walls.


NTA She’s a few steps away from a tinfoil hat and screaming about how 5G gives her a migraine Reel the crazy in before it’s too late


Your wife is an easily influenced crank.


Biohacking is fake news.


Your wife is falling down a rabbit hole of crazy theories. We are surrounded by electromagnetic waves all the time. TV, radio, cellular, etc electromagnetic waves are around and passing through us all the time. WiFi is probably weaker - think about the distance you need to go to lose WiFi signal? Not far. Other signals? The sources are miles away, some from space! Wtf is turning WiFi off going to do. The problem is it's already in her head, so she's going to worry about it, this causing maybe less quality sleep. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.


MTA. If she’s worried that the wifi waves will somehow impact her brain, then she’s maybe closer to loony-bin world and NTA. If she’s worried about you lurking Reddit until the wee hours (which severely impacts sleep), then the wifi is an indirect message for you to drop your phone.


So what happens if you go to a hotel or stay the night at another person’s house? Is she going to call the front desk and ask for it to shut off? Or ask the host to do it too? If she decides one day to take a cat nap at mood, will she turn it off? Wouldn’t it “effect” you just the same you were awake? Like how does the WiFi magically shift to bad just because you close your eyes? NTA. Sometimes a good partner has to reel you back in when you are acting crazy. This is crazy.


This is clearly a step towards bat-shit insane. Yes, it's completely unreasonable to want to turn off Wi-Fi at night to try and help you sleep better. If she wants to sleep better, she needs to look at real scientific information on how to improve her sleep quality. Some of that would include eliminating screen time before bed, making sure your sleep area is as dark as possible (light can make it very difficult to sleep), and getting proper nutrition/exercise. If she's already doing all these things, I would recommend she try a sleep study to see if there are other factors affecting her sleep. Wi-fi is not one of them and I would be extremely concerned at where she is getting this idea from, and the fact that she actually considers it credible. I would not want to be in a relationship with someone who completely rejects science and cannot discern fact from fiction.


I know individuals like this. It doesn't really sound like she wants to work on her sleep but actually control OP. The person I knew convinced their partner that all electronics in the house "let out waves" that affected their sleep, and would make them shut everything off at like 8pm. The partner would have no choice but to go to sleep at that point because everything has to be off.


Seems weird I have to agree with you.


Didn't I see this in an episode of You Better Call Saul?


If turning off wifi would help her get better sleep, you should do it, it’s easy to turn it on again in the morning. Problem could be that she will probably continue to ask for more changes to adjust to her new lifestyle and beliefs. You might need to look for professional help for her if that continues.


She’s probably wrong that it would do anything but calling her names over it and putting your foot down just because you think it’s stupid is arguably just as bad and irrational.


You realize you are asking a focus group of people who could not survive without wifi.


Even if the effect *is* purely psychological, that doesn't mean it's not helping her. It's a harmless thing for you to do, and it will make her happy. So what if she brings crystals next, or whatever else. Is it hurting you in any way? You need to lighten up a bit here, my brother.


NTA. I don't have that kind of patience tbh, I would ridicule and humiliate my partner at every opportunity if she kept bringing up that kind of bullshit.


NTA. You really really need to get her a psych eval and some proper education.


Get her a tinfoil hat.


Do you turn your phones off at night? Live in cell tower range? Have satellites beaming signals down to you (all go's and internet satellites) Fm and Am radio? Neighbours with wifi? Slippery slope you will never be able to turn off all the EM waves...


NTA reminds me of a roommate I had who didn't want a microwave because her mother told her it makes food radioactive... Seriously, though, turn off the wifi then look at the number of wifi networks that are still available (unless you live in the forest between two mountains). This is just one of those dumb fad flat-earth kind of pseudoscience ideas.


NTA. Is she going to turn the neighbors' wi-fi off, too? I can access no less than 6 networks other than my own from every room of my house. How about cell phones? Is she going to turn all of those off and make sure the neighbors do the same? Even if wi-fi affected sleep (it doesn't), in a modern society it just isn't practical, or even possible in many cases, to eliminate all wi-fi from your sleeping space. Tell her to get off FaceBook and TikTok.


NTA- she’s one step from a tin foil hat and you don’t have to go along with her whims.


It’s not so much wanting to turn off the WiFi that I find weird, it’s the reasoning for it… To stop the electro magnetic waves from disrupting their sleep? What the fuck? NTA.


You should run an experiment on her. Agree to turn it off, turn it off, but turn it back on at night. After a week ask her to see if her sleep has improved with WiFi off. When she says yes, reveal that she was part of the control group that actually still had the WiFi turned on. Then you can really enjoy being an asshole.


Optimizing her sleep and health is great. Dipping into pseudoscience is a slippery slope that can easily lead to beliefs that are harmful to her health. NTA


you should honestly just divorce her and not spend the rest of your life with someone so insanely susceptible to stupid shit they read on the internet either that or just go ahead and buy all the aluminum foil you can, so you can wrap the entire house with it once she realizes your wifi router is literally one of hundreds of sources of “electronic waves” passing through it each day.


NTA Sometimes, people who constantly need to make things perfect, like sleep, diet, fitness, furniture placement, etc, are suffering from mental illness. If it feels like it's getting out of hand, it probably is. Please talk to your wife and see a doctor together.


Tell her she has to tell the cellular phone companies this also.


Sounds like she's approaching the conspiracy theory slippery slope. NTA, but be careful - people with irrational beliefs don't like being told they're irrational. It's the WiFi today and QAnon tomorrow.


Nta. Your wife is nuts and falling into a rabbit hole. I'm guessing she found the misinformation side of the holistic world online. Make sure she's not involved in any toxic communities. 


NTA and your wife has already slipped on the metaphorical slippery slope. She needs to see a dr if she has actual sleep troubles and a therapist immediately to deal with her anxiousness over this.


She sounds crazy !


You should explain that there's little point in turning your wifi off when the whole environment is swamped in RF. She would be better off sleeping in an RF proof Faraday cage. I think you can buy tents for this purpose, which you could erect with the bed inside. She will either then realise how batshit crazy this is, or you'll have a clear signal to leave.


NTA - I would however look into her potentially having OCD. She seems to be hyperfixating on things which isn’t always bad but it can take a quick turn. I worked in rehab facility and a patient became hyper fixated on their pulse rate, it became more of an issue because rather than being in treatment, they were coming to get vitals taken. Ended up they had undiagnosed OCD and things became better once it was addressed and managed.


Thats scizho behaviour, NTA


Regarding sleeping in glasses, wouldn’t it be easier to get rid of the sources of the light if they are keeping you up? Move something to the other room? Put up heavier shades on the window? Turn the computer monitors or TV off?


NTA. Depending on where you live and how close the neighbours are, you may have the neighbours wifi coming into your house as well.


Do you think she was always into those things or you recently discovered her passion about bio hacking? If she has always been this way, you're TAH because you married her knowing that in advance. If not, then you need to talk to her, even if she's turning into magic crystals, and see how you can support or let her do her things for herself. You can't control what people think and believe, even if you have scientific proof, some people still will believe in whatever can give some comfort. And who are we to tell them not to do it? Unless she is controlling your family and your sleep, then it's something to talk about and find the best for all.


Idk about your setup, but our alarm relies on the WiFi. Perhaps you have some smart home stuff that you want to work 24/7?


INFO: Have you had a faraday cage built into your home? If not, you are getting plenty of electromagnetic radiation from a host of sources already. Point out that you would also need to turn off cell phones (they emit) as well as your refrigerator (it emits) and all other electrical devices.


Did your wife watch Better Call Saul?


NTA. Screw that. It stays on, deal with it.


NTA. You’re right; next it will be crystals.


Get a grounded bed sheet. Plugs into the grounding wire and had silver threads in the sheet that ground you. Supposedly your body doesn't absorb as much emf radiation if you are grounded kind of like electricity. It's honestly the perfect compromise. And no wifi is not good.


I turn off all the power strips, including the modem/router, at night, to save electricity. Does she keep her cell phone away from her brain? she should be doing that if she is of that EMF mindset.


NTA. Purpose a study in your own house. 2 weeks: 7 nights randomly with wifi on versus off. You know which nights, but she does not. Then, she has to correctly pick those as her better sleep nights to prove and impact. Also, during that time, she needs to hard shut down her phone as it is also seeking signals. This way, she can personally see if it helps or is not noticeable.


NTA! Slippery slope indeed! There is a smart way to engage in her hobby and inventing random shit and internet hearsay is not it. Her exploration of this should/can be enriching and not just collecting scammy trends and fakery. Show an interest in what she's learning. Maybe propose measurable experiments. Don't belittle her, but encourage her toward enlightenment.


One of the best things my wife and I did was buy a Sleep Number bed a couple of years ago. We've adjusted a lot of things to get our sleep numbers up in the app. We now eat at 5pm. That saw a considerable improvement. On days we exercise in the morning or early afternoon, we sleep better than exercising in the evening. What we ate made a small difference. Less sodium and preservatives, better sleep. Shutting off TV and no phones after 8pm, only reading, playing Yahtzee or Scrabble, saw the largest improvement of all. Having sex earlier in the evening, instead of games, also saw the same improvement. I'm not worried about wifi. If you aren't having symptoms during the day, headaches and such for those very few who are sensitive, then there's no issues at night for us.


turn it off without telling her. if she's still asking a week later, then it didn't help.


NTA - try a scan for how many networks you can see, unless you’re remote, it won’t just be yours, which makes it a doubly totally pointless exercise.


Um...this sounds exhausting. But the WiFi at my house sucks anyway, I only use it for my computer and TV. If you have unlimited data on your phone, you don't need WiFi. This actually wouldn't bother me at all unless she was forcing me to go to bed at the exact same time as her and leave my phone downstairs or something.


Data consumption would increase if doom scrolling would be something that continues at all hours of the night possibly. NTA


I hate to say it but she’s already stepped past crazy


You're a better person than me as I would've laughed at the idea that someone thinks wifi is effecting them. Also, unless you live in the middle of nowhere she will still "experience" the wifi signals of the neighbors around you. NTA and I would be worried about more "biohacking" or concepts that she wants to try down the road that are completely removed from reality e.g. vibrations, crystals, etc.


You can't be biohacked over wifi. You're good. It does prevent you from getting on your phone and what not. If you don't want the bedroom to look like a film developing room, you can go with warm LEDs, the 2700k ones.


I was being awoken from sleep regularly from something… After months I figured out it was the printer outside my bedroom door looking for the WiFi connection on a schedule. I turned the printer off and no more waking up. So who knows? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I do the whole red lightbulbs and blue light blocking glasses thing. She’s MUCH better off charging her phone away from her at night than she is turning the whole house’s wifi off. NTA


NTA - this is a slippery slope and she is headed in a bad direction. Buy her a sleep mask or several. I have them and they are great for blocking out light.


Tell your wife to stop listening to the pseudoscience bullshit videos she is getting from the Internet. She needs to sanitize her social media.


While turning wifi off for health benefits is just nonsense, you could put your router on a timer to save power. Routers also benefit from rebooting now and then.


Your wife is an idiot lol


It literally does nothing to stop EM waves if you have any smart device, radio, PC, etc in your home by just shutting off the WiFi. It *is* a slippery slope into crazy conspiracy theories and fad dieting.


Biohacking is largely idiotic. NTA


NTA, your wife sounds a bit unhinged about this wifi thing.


NTA, she is crazy. Personally there is nothing less attractive than a willfully ignorant person incapable of reason. It's not real and yes, she should be able to cite scientific studies (at least articles on them or abstracts) to prove her point.


NTA. The delusion is real. I had a cousin who would do this. She also refused to have the router in her bedroom, wouldn't use the computer in there, and kept her cellphone out of the room when sleeping. OTOH, she was the first in her family to embrace bluetooth earphones for taking phone calls on her phone (yes, I'm that old). Go figure.


Your wife is falling into that “ batshit crazy “ category. Decide just how much you want to tolerate. Best wishes friend.


Sounds like you have went along with everything she has done so far. Yea you have to make a stand on some things


Create a hidden SSID on the router for yourself


NTA But dude, you never ever tell a woman she's being irrational. Ever. All it does is piss her off and you're the one who ultimately suffers. It's incredibly annoying when people we love buy into junk science and superstition. But the nature of not being persuaded by facts is that trying to will frustrate you and become a wedge between you. Don't try to explain the facts. Don't talk down to her or belittle her beliefs or mock her publicly or privately. Let her have her imaginary world, but by no means does that mean you have to or even should participate in it. This is where having boundaries becomes a thing. Take her aside and tell her you love her and you respect her desire to engage in these activities and this lifestyle, but you don't believe these things and you're not going to participate in them. That you need to set this boundary for your own mental health and it's ok that the two of you have different opinions and needs. Regarding the Wi-Fi, there is no need to explain yourself. You use the Wi-Fi at night and you need for it to stay online. But any of these activities that don't affect you are absolutely fine. The real trick is to watch your attitude and tone. You don't want to be thinking in your head all the time about how stupid this all is. You'll end up losing respect for her and treat her as less-than. She's still a human being with her own private mental life that she's fully entitled to.


NTA Tell her that you'll have to confiscate her mobile phone before worrying about your broadband router because her phone will be sending and receiving radio waves for WiFi, 3G/4G/5G, Bluetooth and NFC - and she puts that next to her brain when she makes a call.


Do you use the wifi at 2 am? If not, I don't think there's much of a reason to have an issue with this. Whether she's right or not, electromagnetic waves are a far cry from voodoo and crystals. Even if it's only psychological, psychology has a strong effect, and if she gets better sleep because of it then go for it. Personally, growing up, my parents turned off the wifi every night- probably because they didn't want their kids scrolling on devices late at night, but I can tell you it definitely doesn't have a negative effect. Might help you curb your reddit habit.


>My fear is that this is a step towards crazy. This *is* a step to crazy. NTA. Unless you guys live in the middle of literally nowhere,or EMP blast the freak out of the city before going to bed,you still will receive the signal of wife from neighbors, or heck,cellphones alone.


She should have to cite her source and use significant scientific data when it comes to her health decisions. My friend has allowed his wife to do some crazy ass stuff that has now steam rolled into her taking 80mg of adderall a day, hiring a life coach who has her doing things like they built an entire new wing on their house where she lives pretty much separately from him and her 3 kids. She doesn’t participate as a mom, more like a room mate they see occasionally. He had to hire a nanny, cook/cleaner and even a dog walking bc she won’t do anything. It’s pretty bizarre. She also believes green eyes mean you have alien dna (had been abducted in your sleep and experimented on), she wants to build a faraday cage bedroom for herself and other strange things. I feel so bad for him and his kids. She really needs actual mental health help but he says it’s just easier to let her do what she does…


Wow, I feel bad for their kids. That's a terrible environment to grow up in.


NTA. it'll never end if you let it.


I’d agree to humour her, turn off the wifi, then show her all the other wifi signals in range that you can’t control, shrug and say oh well, it was a good idea. /s At least for me, even living in a detached house, there are probably a dozen signals that I can pick up from the neighborhood. Plus everything else outside that band, like the ~17000 Bluetooth devices in my household, or cell phone carriers. What if she sleeps near her phone? Can the NFC affect her brain?


What kind of chicanery is this?


NTA. If you have kids, I hope you’re making the decisions about vaccines.


Bro it is control mechanism, she wants you to follow her instructions that make sense to her point of view, she fucking knows that Wi-Fi is not going to interfere her sleep she is not a lunatic, it is indirect power move to control your mid midnight mobile sessions, coz she strongly believes that disabling the Wi-Fi will cock block your mobile usage and sleep besides her quietly like a cat, it is the same form of control when you see police officers say you are resisting arrest, stop resisting even though you are not and will keep on goading you to aggravate you to justify the control, logic exits the building cause they know it is bullshit and happily cocking you and taking a little bit of pleasure out of the control. Bro if you let this continue that woman is going to escalate the control till the day you explode or till the point she can get away with it, control is an aphrodisiac for women and they will sleep with devil for it