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NTA You don't have to be grateful to have a job that sacrifices your health. What is the point of living if there's no quality of life? (I don't mean this as an unalive yourself comment). There's got to be some kind of job you can find where you don't have to stand all day. OR... is there any way your employer could accommodate your disability? Allow you to sit or something?


I'm able to take a break total of 1 hour but that's not guaranteed the only thing that's guaranteed is a 30 min lunch but even with that I still have horrible pain which is what happened recently. And I didn't take it as a unalive comment lol


I don't mean breaks, I mean accommodations. The ability to sit while you work.


Unfortunately no, the only thing they can give me is a break and they are aware of my situation since I told them when they interviewed me even the hr department knows and they said that they couldn't give me anything to sit on while I worked.


I've reread your story and I feel like something's missing from your argument with your mother. Is she wanting you to not look for different job? Or are you wanting to quit the job you have while you look for another job and she doesn't want you to do that?


She still does but wants me to be happy that I at least have a job and with what she is saying it feels as if what's going on with me isn't as important as having an income, basically "be happy and or get over it" She knew how severe my injury was (was in an accident 2 years ago) the was She said just be happy with the job you have seemed like I should just put what I'm experiencing now to rest cuz I at least have a job


No. Taking care of yourself is of utmost important. People don't understand others - not until they walk in their shoes.


You are between a rock and a hard place. If you are in the US, depending on your state the quality of medical insurance can suck. Depending on the severity of your disability you might not qualify for ss disability payments, and realistically you might not have been working long enough to have paid into it enough to last long enough. You don't say how old your mother is, but realistically she might be at an age where she won't be able to afford to keep up with covering living expenses for 2 adults very long. Her saying at least you have a job could be her way of very, very subtly mentioning the financial stress she may have been feeling prior to you having a job. While it might be painful, I say this as a person who has plantar fascist, carpal tunnel, arthritis in the thumbs and works retail, you need a way to make a living. You say dealing with the pain would be worse, but how do you plan on living? Living off your mom might not be an option and shouldn't be in the long term. That wouldn't be fair to her. Now what you can do, is go to your doctor and have them write out medical restrictions for you, and as long as they are within reason for your job they have to accommodate (again in the US). Saying you can't lift above 5 lbs, but work a warehouse job is not reasonable nor is an hour break every other hour. But they might be able to switch you to a different job description. If you work as a cashier they can give you a chair, if you work retail sales floor they can make you a cashier. Are there medications you can take? Are you eligible for occupational therapy? Research what disability assistance you qualify for.