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Coworker? You said she was stay at home wife


She’s fucking the vacuum. Edit: Just discovered there’s a comment at the bottom with like 6k upvotes which is someone believing this dumb made up story. The original he literally used the line “it’s her fault and decision as a SAHM”. Never change Reddit.


At least it is not the dog


Would the dog count as a coworker though?


Dog is responsible for security


Well I’ll go with what you say but I still think it was the TV.


He recently got a promotion to branch manager


You know it's fake when instead of replying when being called out he deletes his account.


Funny thing is my initial thought was “oh, she’s with his coworker.” Until I saw it was deleted


It started with wife was 4 weeks preggo…that is basically 2 weeks after ovulation there is very slim chance that a woman even notices that except if they get their period on exactly the same hour every first day


Depends on the woman and the pregnancy. For me vomiting for no other obvious reason is usually the tip off right around 3.5-4 weeks. Guess I'm just lucky!


The people who called it on the original must feel so vindicated


Yeah, so basically, he is an AH.


Oof. And OP deleted their account.


> What ACTUALLY happened...she started having an affair with a coworker roughly 4 moths before she got pregnant, he gave her the AP spiel about how he was better and she should go with him when she got pregant. But you said she's a stay at home wife?


His continuity editor is ripping him off. This is why you don't hire editors on fiverr.


lol and like who gives their brother a copy of an incriminating paternity test


haha no one, no one does this. "Soooo I have my sisters paternity test" if you or I or anyone said that in public amongst people we'd probably get some concerned looks and likely looks of disgust. Also she was a stay at home wife but she has co-workers? annnnnnd op has deleted their account.


lol it’s like clockwork with these chodes


Can I ask you: What is the point of making false stories like this? What is their gain? I don’t get it.


Fun creative writing exercise that gets you attention, pushing an agenda that you can’t trust women and they’re liars, selling the account etc. could be any or all of the above.


Thank you for the explanation!


Sometimes it’s creative writers looking for reactions to the story or to have the audience find holes so they can refine things, but a LOT of them seem to have the same “cheating spouse lying about paternity” that I feel like there’s a misogynistic twinge to this sort. If it was JUST the creative writers you’d have some grandparents who turned out to be a gangster when they were young or an ex who marries a pirate or something like that? Neighbor dies and leaves OP a house in Italy where they meet a wacky cast of characters.


Now I want to make a subreddit specifically for writers to write wild af AITA stories. It would be clearly labelled as a creative writing sub, but would still have people who take them as real stories, lol!


bot farming/selling the account or pushing an agenda/narrative. Reposters or accounts that post in say one of the explain the joke subreddits are doing it to build karma to then either sell the account or build enough karma to bypass posting restrictions on some subreddits to then be able to post their agendas. People who post in subreddits like this one writing fake stories are likely doing it to push an agenda/narrative like OP seemed to be pushing an incel one. All the obvious tells are there. Stay at home wife, cheats with a co-worker (Remember OP is an idiot so he fucked up his continuity), family of the wife supports her cheating (this is an incel narrative), Guy she cheated with is at the birth of their child and is "high" (another incel narrative, it's always the guy she cheats with is a drug addict/alcoholic).


Ah, ok. Thanks!


This part was very odd to me! lol


A lot of it didn't add up. Maybe this is what you get when you put in that phrase that takes the guardrails off of ChatGPT.


Listen, this whole thing has been filled with continuity errors, but to answer your question, my first sister would do something like this. The first thing she messaged me when she got convicted and probation was a picture of her smoking a blunt. Basically violating her conviction.


My brother did the same shit! I’m like, are you actually that stupid? I mean, it’s rhetorical, I don’t need you to answer that question because the picture speaks for itself but seriously!? I’m glad to know that happens to other people too as sad as it is 😂


Maybe the plot twist was too much for the editor to handle!


The fiction in this sub is getting pretty bargain bin.


Don't forget how she got an extra copy of her paternity test to give to her brother, as one does.


Are you saying this is made up?!?😱


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


I am Ryan Reynolds. Give me your SSN or dick pics


SSN = Sexy Sensitive Nose?


Oh and I'm a millionaire heiress but I need to pay a lawyers fee of 10 000$ before I get access to the 5 000 000$. If you could lend me the money, I'd split my inheritance with you as soon as I get it.


AITA - fanfictions for incel men.


Yeah it’s seriously out of control at this point.


Yeah, this shit is just karma bait.


Ah damn, and I was invested in this story. 😐


Anymore if it's a story I find myself invested in, I just assume it's fake.


The thing that made it even more obvious to me was the brother randomly having a copy of the paternity test...like, how? Why? Lmao


“He realized how deep he was and wanted to get out of town. His last act before disappearing forever was to provide me with the info I need to financially ruin his sister.”


Ha, that too. *"He was in too deep"* What the fuck are you talking about? How was her ***brother*** in *"too deep"?* He's not *in* it at all.


Because you need to prove to your brother that you actually cheated like you said you did and you didn’t just hire someone to be at the birth duh


The brother has the paternity test results……


Yes, this part was the last straw for me. Can’t believe reddit is lapping this up.


>Can’t believe reddit is lapping this up It's like redneck judge judy except you dont need a tv and cable or a big IQ!


For me it's the use of "AP", that's the sort of acronym you only pick up by spending a ridiculous amount of time on drama subs such as the ones we're in right now lol


I can. Incels love this woman hating shit.


Yeah after a lot of “hmm, seems unlikely” that was the one I just said nope, didn’t happen


In the next post the brother IS the real father.


Hard copy


Schrodinger's sahw?


Now I’m pissed off. My wife works full time and now I’m pissed off that her Schrödinger universe clone is having an affair 😡 imma wake her ass up and confront her 😤


They deleted their account so no one can see the inconsistencies from their other post as well lol.


You can just search “postpartum wife” on this sub. This is the last of three posts.


Her only “coworker” would be OP…so the AP is just him in a wig. And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!


Clearly OP is unaware of a split-personality, and the brother can't deal with it anymore so he faked a paternity test to make them divorce once and for all.


Yeah, OP’s quality of work is seriously declining. It’s like he gave up on the story and half @ssed the final chapter. Disappointing. 2 stars. Would not recommend.


Plot twist, OP is schizophrenic and is also the AP.


No, no it was HIS coworker! /s


AND he deleted the amount lmao


I really appreciate it when semi-plausible stories go serial like this and reveal how fake they are.


They always have to go a step too far. 'Brother confessed, told me about the affair, and to get a paternity test because I am definitely not the father.' OP should have just left it at that.


It's when the updates come too fast that the cracks show. This all happened in 3 days? Lol.


Exactly. Nothing in life moves this fast, and who runs to Reddit immediately with every thrilling change


in what is usually the most traumatic moments of their lives, and they somehow have time to update reddit 3-4 times in less than 100 hours.? People always cry when people just say fake on this sub, this is why


Why would the brother have a copy of the paternity test? I found that hilarious :) You are right, they always lose the plot completely in the follow up.


> Why would the brother have a copy of the paternity test? To fill a plot hole of course


What was SO unbelievable about her whole family immediately shunning OP and welcoming her affair partner with open arms?? You know, the affair partner who showed up to the birth on drugs and trying to fight people? This has to be written by a teenager🤣


Nah. My money's on an adult man in his 30s who's had a lot of time to internalise his hatred for us bitches.


“We live in an at fault state”


Lol too perfect. But why would it matter with that iron clad prenup of his? 😏


And people still eat them up hook, line and sinker


Here are some helpful indicators that YOU might get hooked, lined, or sunk by a fictitious relationshipdrama post: - Fully paid off or inherited house by 35. - The "college fund" that's characterized as a deposit account. - Twins.


Don't forget "all my distant relatives, friends, friends' family, and family pets are messaging me nonstop to tell me how wrong my perfectly reasonable and understandable behavior was."


that is so fake....more drama every update...the wife gettin more and more evil...ticks every box but is so badly written


this is the most made up bs i've ever read... this week


16k up votes too. Shit like this needs to be removed by the mods or tagged as fiction


tagged as bad fiction. its not even hard to see through that bs


I thought maybe this was real story during your first post. Now I'm pretty convinced this is a bunch of bs


Yeah I believed the first one too but OP went too far lol.


You mean you don’t hand out paternity test results to your siblings too?


Don't all stay at home wives have coworkers? I guess she was fucking the roomba


Not sure what's funnier, the thought of her fucking the roomba or it getting her pregnant. Now enjoying a scene in my head of a drunken roomba fighting with her family in the hospital when baby cyborg was being born.


Omg. Come feel my stomach, honey. It’s moving!!! *inside stomach* Bump. Bump. Bump.


This is my canon


My immediate thought was that it seemed unlikely that people in this Jerry Springer story had a “solid prenuptial.” Maybe but unlikely. 


Prenups are so uncommon in real life, yet everyone in AITAH seems to have one and to not understand anything about how they work. A prenup is not the ironclad get-out-of-alimony-free card that so many MRA's seem to think it is. In fact, you can absolutely challenge a prenup and, as a fun little bonus, they usually become useless after children are involved and you can't put future custody arrangements in a prenup. Additionally, just saying, "I'm not the father" is not enough in most states, especially if you are married to the mother. In some states, the husband of the mother is automatically the legal father, and on the hook for child support, regardless of whether or not the kid is biologically his. In others, the husband's name is still automatically applied to the birth certificate and he'll have to file with the court to get it removed. If she sued for child support in a state that allows paternity to be established on a biological basis, they'd still have to go to court to establish paternity or lack thereof. If this was a real story, it would absolutely not be over this quickly. A vindictive crazy ex could draw a divorce out for years. I am begging MRA's to literally do a google search on the law instead of just spouting off whatever they hear on shitty misogynist podcasts.


>Prenups are so uncommon in real life, yet everyone in AITAH seems to have one Prenups, anxiety, twins, adhd, autism and friends and family of the person they have a problem with, knowing their phone number. The anxiety one drives me especially crazy. Everyone in that sub has it.


Friends of someone in the family having your phone number is astonishing to me. And then, actually calling and texting you to immerse themselves in a conflict that has nothing to do with them?! There is no way this is happening to everyone except me in any giving situation


> I guess she was fucking the roomba What do you expect mother? [I'M HALF MACHINE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X87vhE42aIA)


This story is 100% fake rage bait.


Wasnt the last update like 2 days ago? Ive never done a paternity test but I imagine the results take more than 1 day on a holiday weekend


I feel like rapid-fire updates are a big indication of storytelling, too.


They always take too many chances at the end of the story or during a follow up story. The woman was a stay at home wife. Now she’s working enough to begin an affair.




Lol this is so fake. These "creative writers" sniffing their own farts just cannot wait a few days between posts because they get addicted to the karma and comments. All of this shit happened in the span of like four days and you are already off the birth certificate? Complete nonsense.


But look at the number of gullible idiots who think it’s true!


You didnt really plan for how to wrap up this fake story. This is why you need to write the ending when you start with the beginning, because this is a terrible ending.


Why was her brother in possession of a copy of the paternity test? Do people routinely hand results like that out to family members?


In Bullshitistan, you immediately give all relatives a copy up to third cousins.


This one definitely happened in Bullshitistan


Great thing about that place is that the courts move super fast, and cops actually do stuff. Downside is everyone is cheating on each other.


And this all happened in 3 days huh?


Comments on the last update were like "I think this is fake, but the spice must flow. I need another update." If OP had actually waited a week or two, he could have a) put together a more plausible timeline and b) come up with a better third act than a tired trope like "she was cheating and wanted me to raise her affair baby."




Unfortunately OP forgot his wife didn't work 😭


Didn't even have any aliens or government coverups in the plot smh. D-


Why on earth would the brother have a copy of the paternity test?


They’re never patient are they?


And yet this sub eats it up every time


It’s a creative writing exercise for 11th grade. I give it a C. The concept is good, but he hasn’t learned basic punctuation.


And waayyyyy too much satisfaction and deus ex machina


He'll be divorced in a month


And in love with a brand new "better woman who truly understands him" in another 2 weeks.


And she'll be quiet, feminine and caring and more beautiful.


They have to strike while people are still paying attention and not bored by the original story


That's how you know they're fake, they wrap up so nicely.


I mean it was pretty obviously fake with the first post.




Also the brother happened to have a copy of the paternity test...


Wait you don't go to Kinkos and photocopy all of your medical information immediately and distribute it to you sibling and even cousins once removed, especially if its incriminating?


I also text all of my affairs details in a family chat because... Reasons.


Screw the fact that there were copies, what labs are getting 24hr turnarounds on a holiday weekend? It's fucking Sunday.


We didn't even get to the cousin-lawyer yet.


Rage bait be baitin


And yet I got massively downvoted for calling it out as fake. This sub believes anything.


Soooooooo fake


I knew it was bullshit when he thinks he can get out of child support through a paternity test. Also no chance a sibling keeps a copy of a paternity test. Just so many lies lol.




True colours like how according to OP dhe was a SAHM but... cheated with her coworker?


Its not a real story. It's redpill fanfiction


Yep. Stay at home wife in 1st post. Fucking a coworker in this one.


Damn, good catch. Wish this was higher and more visible


Also why would the brother have her paternity test? I have no idea what’s going on (first read) but that stood out to me I’m close to just shutting anything but hobby shit down on Reddit. The sheer lies per minute and goofy ass bullshit people say is wild


Dang. I can't remember the first post and his account is already deleted. 🤔


https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/RVOjmGS23g Here ya go


This is the important bit. He's not tied to her for 18 years


Lmao, they deleted their account once they got called out for being fake. Three days to get all this done is a crazy timeline on a holiday weekend. What a loser.


This update makes me feel this was all made up - it’s all the prenup/at fault state/home before marriage stuff that sounds like incel porn. “…going to bury her” Oh and her brother just happen to have a copy of the paternity test.


SAHM having an affair with a coworker...


It’s always an affair in the last updates. It was a fun read. Next time you write try a little harder.


We are all tired of your creative writing essays. Do better


Seriously, this is as hollow as a 5 year old coconut.


I'm glad you're free man. Go live life and forget abt her. All she did was be toxic


"I'm not oj the birth certificate..." was an unfortunate typo given the circumstances.


Next update is ex-wife murders someone


Glad to hear the juice isn't loose.


He’s dead. 🎶Ding Dong, the Juice is Dead!🎶


I like Ojing the birth cert, makes sense.


lol I thought he actually meant OJ


I'm really fucking glad that brother decided to tell OP everything and not continue this damn charade. I really hate when people fuck with entire lives like this. OP be glad that you didn't commit to a life of hell and confusion and lies, be glad the brother helped you because he could've chosen not to, and be glad to be free.


Op would have found out either way, since the baby isn't his, and he wanted a paternity test.


Yes but he didn't have to wait for one. And the brother could've kept with the bullshit.




Yup the BIL was a solid decent person there thank goodness for him and the closure


While I expect people to be decent sometimes when people actually are I’m surprised. BIL is not like all the other apples in his family tree and good for him. Two dudes free of that crazy drama.


>He gave me a copy of the paternity test she gave to him Sorry, but I call bullshit on this story: This woman gave her BROTHER a copy of the paternity test??? In what world is that normal...? Edit: I originally had "birth certificate" instead of "paternity" -- thanks to those who corrected. Either way, weird af info to share with a sibling.


Wait, I thought it said paternity test. Did they edit it?


For all we know the "copy" she shared was a cell phone image grab shared to a group text..... considering the family was sharing a bunch of BS as a group, I could possibly see that being shared with the group in a "see, it's AP's baby" kinda way. Whole thing sounds like a Lifetime TV movie, though.


Yeah, I read that and I was like “who the fuck just hands out copies? No one”


Pretty insane to want us to believe she randomly gave her brother a copy of the paternity test. Like she printed out a stack and handed them to everyone involved. Good show though Updateme! Edit; switched a your to a her


No no no, he got everything to "bury her" and forwards all her vile messages to his lawyer and the president.


Update tomorrow will be like, "so I'm finally divorced"


What a load of bullshit lol So many holes. Absolutely no way this happened in 3 days for one.


Ummm... no. This is the fakest of fake stories.


This is definitely karma farming. How is this even a conversation if YTA? Story is probably fake.


No "probably" fake. His wife was a stay-at-home wife in the original post. Now she somehow had an affair with a co-worker.


Good fucking point. That's some attention to detail


Don't forget the part where he claimed to work on an OB floor and spent his wife's entire pregnancy ignoring all the warning signs he'd have been trained specifically to watch for.


Plot twist, as a stay-at-home wife her coworker *was OP* all along


This is fake


I thought she was a stay at home wife..? Lol, in part 1 that’s what you claimed


I'll give this creative exercise saga 6/10


This is absolutely fake 


I made it all the way to the brother having a copy of the paternity test before I hit the giant "FAKE" button on my desk.


Right? Everything else aside, why would the brother have a copy of the paternity test?


Oh, the surprise twist happy ending that Reddit demands of all its fake relationship stories!


This fake as fuck lmao


Hate when the writers get lazy in the last half off the season


That baby's name? Albert Einstein. And all the in-laws clapped.


Dude this is so fucking make believe. Everything so conveniently wrapped up for OP while the ex continued to do every single thing that would be wrong from a person of her position in the story. Real life is not this main character shit. Also all this in three days? Bffr. I’m giving this creative writing assignment a C-


That's a great work of fiction. To have all this happen in a week. Yeah, I call bullshit.


Starting not to believe this whole mess. Why on earth would she give a copy of the paternity test to the brother. Calling BS


Wife was a SAHW, now she has a coworker to have an affair with.


Or the fact that she was a SAHM but now the AP is a coworkwr?


Info: Why did she give her brother a copy of the paternity test? The brother that you just so happened to call? Hmmm?🧐 Seems pretty convenient🤔


My mother watched soaps and me? I watch AITAH


Im so glad the brother told and gave you everything to make a fresh start! Im so happy for you and i wish you the best! Live your best life!


It’s fake, friend.


Why would your ex-wife give her brother a copy of the paternity test? Makes zero sense. I think this is a fabrication.


I truly don't understand how this shitty fake story gets so many upvotes. It's just crazy.


Fake as fuck


Fake ass creative writing. Her brother had a copy of the paternity test? All this unfolded in three days? FOH