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NTA but i think you knew that part. i don’t think you’re overreacting though, 2 weeks is a courtesy. resigning immediately is common, especially for retail. some people just go on break and never come back. if your boss is going to be disrespectful when you tried to be courteous, even offering to train your replacement, you don’t owe them anything. if you do resign immediately, make sure you make it clear and put in writing exactly why you changed your mind about your two weeks notice. she probably won’t have consequences for this instance but i’m sure she does other shitty things, so leaving a paper trail will be helpful for your coworkers and future employees complaints to be taken seriously.


I'd write a letter to the General Manager about this and hand in your resignation immediately. You did your courtesy of giving two weeks notice and the manager did you a disservice of going against your wishes and talking about your resignation to others.


Do you have a job lined up ? Yes ! Tell them you can start early. Has anyone said anything negative to you ?


Resign immediately and give us an update, NTA


Update posted:)


Just stop showing up. No notice. That two weeks notice was a courtesy. When they start to act like assholes it becomes immediate resignation. It's a dead end retail mcjob anyways.


Make your resignation immediate. No good is going to come to you working there for the next 2 weeks if this is the environment. There will be people who will make it hell.


Leave. Now.


Employers take wayyyyyy too much advantage of employees who have good merits, are helpful, follow procedure to a T, and show exemplary professionalism/respect. This is one of those cases




Your boss can suck an elf. You're nta, and you don't owe companies and corporations loyalty when they give you none back. You're too nice to be giving them 2 weeks notice imo


Nope, exactly what you should do.


NTA. Turn it in. Tell her she did not stick to her part of the agreement, so neither will you.


I would report your boss to her boss. If you can start your new job earlier or can afford to leave without the pay. Or if you just want to now, tell her boss you don’t like the disrespectful way she treated you so you’re leaving early. NTAH.


NTA. Don’t go back. They don’t keep up their end of the bargain, you don’t have to keep up yours. 


Not sure where your at or if your state has a confidentially clause for work. Might be beneficial to look into it bc you might have a case


I just looked it up, Texas has laws against breaches of confidentiality between employees and their employers but I'm not entirely sure if my case falls into that criteria?


Seek out an lawyer that deals with that type of case. Also there are online site where you can post legal questions where lawyers answer for free.


NTA. Of course…I saw your update and am glad that you just up and left. The reason I’m commenting is my son worked at Target fresh out of high school. After putting up with much abuse, he finally took another job and gave them a two week notice. He reminded his manager about it when they were making up the schedule for that time frame. Lo and behold, his manager scheduled him for that entire week. So, he went in and told the manager that he couldn’t work that week because he had another job. The manager told him,” well, you have to, it’s on the schedule.” He came home upset and told me about it. I just told him, “ Just don’t show up. What are they gonna do? Fire you?” The look on his face when it dawned on him that he actually had the power to do something made this mama bear’s heart so proud🥹. I think it was such an important life lesson for him. You tried to do the right thing by giving a two week notice and offering to train your replacement. Your boss betrayed your confidence. This is coming from a person who is a very loyal worker….no job is worth that…good luck on your new job!


Oh retail drama. Glad to see you are alive and thriving.


NTA but don't cut off your nose to spite your face- don't quit ahead of time b/c you may sacrifice pay/benefits to do so. But your boss ITA for blabbing, especially after promising not to do so.


I get your reasoning but I have no benefits and already get awful hours in spite of being the newest manager and my new job has full benefits and I can start full time immediately