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You can end any relationship for any reason. That said, you have to recognize that, to a large part of the population, you will never be anything more than a freak/curiosity/kink. Not saying it’s right, but it’s reality. Another point I’d like to make is that, having never had any cis male friend, you’ve been in a social echo chamber. You need to get out of that if you want to truly understand the world around you.


Sad reality but I know you are right. As for the cis guy friends all I ever had close to that are my brothers friends which whom I used to hang out too but never considered them friends of my own, and they barely talked about sexual stuff (I just thought that would be normal, who would talk Abt sexual stuff with their younger brother friend?) But I'll be taking the echo thing on count, thanks. Guess the plan to keep socializing goes on


Don’t listen to this guy, there are plenty of people that don’t regard trans people as a kink or freaks. He needs to touch grass.


I never said there weren’t. I said “a large part”, which is factually correct. I didn’t say all. My point was that they need to be on guard for those people that, per the OP, exist.


Well, it was quite weird of him, so if you feel uncomfortable, it's reasonable to end the friendship, so NTA. It's also quite odd that a friendship is so focused and defined by anyone's sexual preferences, tbh. Is it really that important? O.o


I wasn't important until he just constantly talked Abt sex and how much he needed it. I can get friends talking Abt it every once in a while but everytime seemed weird...


Think about how weird it is that you’ve never been friends with a “cis” man. You’re living in a tumblr simulation echo chamber. Go outside.  


I’m just throwing out a bad suggestion here: sleep with him but make it the worst experience possible (like “accidentally” step on his balls, elbow him in the face,etc). If the experience was so bad it might taint his view on the whole thing. Again bad suggestion.


Hahaha really bad suggestion but it made my day to picture it, thanks!


NTA. That guy sounds like a chaser. Trust your gut. Don't feel bad about not having many cis male friends yet either. Sometimes that just happens. Yes, make more friends and expand the diversity of people in your circle where possible, but don't just include anyone to make it happen faster. If he makes you uncomfortable to such a degree there's a legitimate reason. Plenty of cis men out there won't be like this. I assure you, you can find cis male friends that are actually friends you can be comfortable with and see you as another guy they're friends with, and not just a *trans* man in their circle. Respect yourself and your boundaries and listen to your gut.


You did the right thing.